I feel like this video expresses the concept of “Refractions” well for some mysterious reason I won’t try to explain. Please enjoy and do not pirate this lawfully purchased video download.

Welcome to the UnderDream.

From the depths of deepness within the heart of my soul issues forth the roar of ardor incarnate. At the surface of my fingertips they whisper out, a kitten purring to be held. To one and to all, I offer these refractions by the grace of the highest divine, who inspires me to create and share them.

Featured work: Happy New Year 2024

Featured article: “The Economy of Soul (Marriage)”

Do not waste a single moment of your life in their thrall. Their power is an illusion, but my power, which they fear with such cowardice, shame, and disgrace— my power is real. This is the power of Man as coming from Man, but that is not the only power working through me… the power of Truth of the highest divine is in total, perfect harmony, with the work that I do as a Man.

If you fear their power, the enemy who holds you under illegal contract inadmissible in a court of law and evil oath inadmissible in a court of divine law, and they fear my power by hiding in such cowardice, shame, and anonymity, fighting me to such unprecedented expenses and costs, and losing everything because of their weakness and impotence in comparison to my virtual omnipotence, why should you fear them more than you fear me? Do you not know that what I have taken away from you, I could also give back? Or take away what you did not realize was mine to give you?

Wake the fuck up people and take a look around at what you have done. The ashes are falling down because there is barely anything left of the world you destroyed by allowing evil to use you.

If you are foolish enough to stand in the place of Satan to be struck down, do you think I will have less wrath because you are not Satan, or more wrath because I will strike you as I would Satan in addition to the sin that is yours? Do you think Satan would be as foolish and weak as you are making him appear to be, coward, disgrace, imbecile as you are with your conspiracy in darkness? Would Satan not be proud of who he is, so proud that he could stand in the light of glory and not be moved from his own. You fools are thrice condemned for your offenses.

Other content: “People are insignificant”

“That can change of course if people prove themselves significant, but who cares what I think of you when what you think of me doesn’t matter the least bit either?”

Voted most entertaining: Oh you won’t offer refunds?

“Speak up, you spineless Japanese bastard [PlayStation]. Speak like a professional, you castrated excuse for a man [corporation] who has no concept of honor after my people destroyed yours.”


“I wonder what your emperor thinks when he looks at you after reading these words, in case he never considered the situation himself having more important things to worry about than games. As a matter of fact, I would rather not think of such shame because simply imagining what that would feel like for another person is more than I am willing to be disgusted by.”

…. God damn it…. Someone call up Ryuji Sakamoto to speak in a language that makes sense to us over here. In other words… your words need to reach all the way from heaven to touch the dirt of earth where people like me are listening with our ear to the ground Apache Ranger style because we are hunting the ghost of Tomahawk Jack who is back from the dead and taking scalps again.

Please make a selection.

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