Nothing better to do...
That’s why I play video games. Literally nothing better to do than jack off, play video games, and do whatever the hell this is as a form of mental health maintenance. Vital to your safety to keep me calm enough to abide by the law, but… maybe I ought to stop doing this and just give up my restraint from violence in real life…
In any case, if you have a better idea of what to do, suggest it. Tell me. I will probably be willing to do anything good.
Don’t suggest “work a job” because that would suck ass. Working “jobs” in the USA is the most miserable waste of time people can suffer. The USA is garbage, working there is garbage, and they don’t pay you enough either. It’s a grand, boring, waste of time, and it would be a lot better with anarchy, than joining the hundreds of millions of people doing the useless, menial tasks of bull shit to support a few idiot tyrants who seem to have bribed the entire government and justice system.
Don’t you people realize that our predecessors fought a Revolutionary War to have the government we have, and what do the government people do? They try to get rid of it to go back to a crap filled monarchy of inequality, suffering, and non-productive labor. I can’t believe they do not realize how self-destructive they are being to themselves by not doing the jobs they are supposed to be.
What else is there? School. Waste of time. That corrupt system that doesn’t even teach about the importance of religion in social life, government affairs since our government is dabbling in it, nor do they teach about circumcision. The entire education system is useless because it cannot get past that topic with science, logic, reason, and theology, all of which have time and time again proved it beyond a reasonable doubt. So why is that still an issue? Education: useless, waste of time, and miserable. Don’t bother. They can’t teach you anything because they don’t yet understand that. Better to learn on your own like I did.
Charity isn’t much of an option, but that’s what this is too. I don’t have any resources to do charity with so, sorry poor people, I’m poor too and, I guess that means I don’t have the same rights as rich people. So, that sucks.
What else is there? Religion? Well I’m starting my own because all the ones available now are inadequate. They do not help, they do not have any useful value, they do not teach anything, they do not provide guidance, and they are all leeches as far as I’m concerned because they are all trapped under the same lie about circumcision as the education system is. Waste of time.
Is there anything else? Going outside is out of the question because of how hostile the citizens in the USA are. They are unpleasant, rude, mean spirited, and make all social outings a bad time. They are also ugly to look at. The most ugly people in the world live in the USA. Fat, lazy, ill-mannered, ignorant, evil, and pretentious. Arrogant too. Let’s not forget arrogant. I hate going outside and having to look at the garbage human beings that live in this nation, so I avoid it at all costs.
Dating? Impossible. Don’t want to explain, but whoever owns the dating apps does not want to allow me to date so they prevent me from meeting people.
Video games are also quite shitty. They are exceedingly poor quality these days. Video games in the 90’s were far superior than the garbage they are putting out now, with the exception of the new generation games having “novelty” as something different, and better graphics, but whatever advanced gameplay is possible is ruined by people in the game industry who keep their hands in the system cheating for their favorites! That means giving them advantages and forcing disadvantages on everyone else. Miserable god damn environment barely tolerable. Just barely. It depends on whichever useless human being they have on duty as the game rapist of the watch. Sometimes they keep their hands off, the other times they are handsy with no respect for personal boundaries or the art of storytelling. It is a disgrace.
I’m not sure how to get rid of the people they have assigned to bother me. I think they call themselves “gods” or some other arrogant, dumb shit like that, but obviously they have no power, are complete cowards, and do no good for anyone, so I wonder why they call themselves that. They make every game worse and add no value at all, not even for the ones they cheat for! It’s the worst for them because of the way they feel knowing their accomplishments were false, fake, and used cheats to obtain.
I’ve been making as much of a disturbance as possible to try and get the alarm sounded on such an inhuman conspiracy, because I thought the government would respond immediately to protect the human rights and citizen rights of its people, but… it turns out it is their secret conspiracy and they are going to destroy the entire nation just know their plan failed as expected. Why are they even doing such a thing!? Aren’t they supposed to inform the public about stuff like that!?
… So… if you have any ideas about how to stop them, please share them, do them, tell me how I can help, and let’s eliminate those nuisances so we can have video games back. All I can think of is appeal to their sense of reason, conscience, and legal requirements, but so far they have proven entirely dimwitted and incapable of understanding reason, and without a conscience to continue to practice slavery, human trafficking, and sadism through government power.
This is their call to action: either turn yourselves in to the public with a statement about what you are doing and make it known to everyone so we can take care of it because you are unable to say “no” or “hell no” to whoever told you to do what you are doing. Or, kill yourself, your fellow employees, and anyone who is involved in that conspiracy because of how intolerably inhumane and evil it is. Those two actions are available. I don’t have any other ideas on how I can help with that. I can’t afford an attorney, nor can I communicate with anyone because there is a lock down on my communication. Why does my website work? Idk… I think there is some arbitrary rule they think they need to obey while disobeying every other one. Whatever. It makes no difference anyway.
There is no time to lose. Our lives are far too important, too significant, and incredibly worthwhile to waste a single moment doing the nonsensical, non-productive, useless labors of a mindless, evil regime. Do whatever you have to do. Quit your job. Make a scene. Cause a disturbance. Just make sure you destabilize society as much as possible until they have to address the problem because it personally reaches them behind their giant wall, in their ivory tower, in those protected bunkers, or wherever it is they think they are unaffected by our demands.
This is not a negotiation. I am telling them to turn themselves in, stop their conspiracy, and let the public make the corrections that are needed. They will get no compromise, no mercy, nothing. The will do as they are told, or they will be forced out of their jobs with physical violence and other people will do what they were unable to.