Nicholas D. Bylotas


“Do not be misled, I am definitely bad and I make no attempt to hide why or the shame that causes, but I am not so bad that you need to do away with me.”

Allow me to formally introduce myself to you: I hail from a long line of Polish/Lithuanian kings tracing back to Vytautas the Great. I have ascended by divine anointment as the sovereign authority in the USA by merit and faith, and taken actions to alter my realm in order to rid it of evil and make it suitable for my basic standards of living.

In doing so I was surprised to discover that I am also the prophesied savior who speaks the Word of the Christ, and have been expanding the neogospel slowly and steadily over the last seven years all over the world. For unknown reasons the tyrants in secular power have been attempting to thwart me and I have no choice other than to resist and eventually destroy them because they appear entirely evil by doing so. That perception is all the more reinforced by the fact that the national government of the USA is collapsing, and its leaders are becoming more and more desperate with their lawless maneuvers.

There was some public information about my life available on the internet, but that has mysteriously vanished, including my appearance on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal in Nov/Dec of 2006. I’m not sure how something like that disappears… Why even keep archives if they will delete content from them at a word from the government? A government sworn to protect rights to freedom of speech and press no less!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to be of service to you, particularly if you are a lovely maiden and desire pleasures of an intimate and romantic nature as well.

I am also single and looking for a serious relationship. I have never had one before in all of my 34 years and desire to feel truly loved for once in my life. A… love of promise. That kind of serious relationship. I’ve never made a promise about the romantic love I share with another person.

There is a promise, and there is a sacred bond of marriage. The first can be broken for all manner of reasons, even by outside influence, but the second cannot be broken without a sacred intervention to do so while in agreement with those sharing the sacred bond. As a sacred form of contract, lawfulness is required. So, if there is proved to be some form of evil involved, such as a coercion of the other person, then there was never any sacred bond in the first place, but if that’s a concern, it’s wise to consult with a spiritual professional about what to do first.

Sincerely yours,

Nick B.


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