Other stupid things
Cryptocurrency. Bitcoin.
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard besides circumcision. Quite literally stupid and developed by people who have no concept of money, economics, or the value of currency.
I’m not a super genius, but I am not a dullard either, so I expect to be able to understand at least with a general concept everything that humans do. I don’t need to understand the fullness of every single detail on how everything works, but I do expect to understand the basic reason why we do things as a community if it pertains to me.
When bitcoin was the buzz and I heard people talking about this thing called “cryptocurrency” I was working with crypto every single day, and wondered what the hell they were talking about, but wasn’t especially concerned about it.
When I had some idle time to shoot the shit I palavered about bitcoin with folk around the scuttlebutt to see what the buzz was about. It was absolutely nothing. Nobody knew what the fuck that was. The idea was to create a new currency, but if the national authorities that print currency are not in agreement with it, do not waste your time because you are only going to confuse the situation and make things more complicated than necessary. Eventually that is going to go back to the source when the blame needs to hammer something for social justice.
Basically the idea is developing crypto and then saying that is money if you can do it, but it has no value, use, or importance. It is just an arbitrary frivolity of excess labor serving no meaning. Useless work, in other words.
People were talking about it like it was a way to make money, and they way they talked about it was like a scam, and indeed it sounded like a scam. They are doing something complex with computers to generate a unique sequence of information and then calling that money, but nobody has any use for that when money already exists. So people paid money for that, and just lost money gaining nothing.
I knew that was doomed from the start and was going to go down in flames and never invested in it, and here is why: crypto has a purpose. It is not enjoyment, fun, nor does it make things easier. It is a laborious task that is specifically designed to make things inaccessible. The total opposite of money and currency. Additionally, the reason crypto is used is for highly important reasons that are far greater than anything money can account for. The authorities that use it professionally were going to crack down upon those hipsters simply to prevent them jeopardizing the actual use of crypto for all nations who use it.
Additionally, the very concept is threatening to all of civilization because of the kind of irresponsible, unintelligent, and malevolent chaos they are trying to sow into the world to destroy everything. Essentially they are performing a kind of worldly sacrilege, which is twisting something designed exclusively for the highest good of the world and defiling it to become something evil and useless. They aren’t going to affect the subject or change anything about the military use of crypto, but they are a problem because they disturb the peace of economic stability.
The entire thing never made any sense at all, so I never bought into it. It’s gone now isn’t it? I don’t watch the news or follow any headlines because of the kind of messages they are trying to send as propaganda, but I imagine that zeppelin crashed in flames by now. That or is on its way down in a catastrophic loss of fortune since all that money was never real in the first place and was just digital information that can be recreated and redistributed with the click of a mouse.
We should all find a better way to exchange currency, but not by being confrontational, hostile, and in conflict with the system that everyone uses, good and bad. That is something that when the time is right and people are ready to reconcile debts and exchanges and start cooperating, it will be developed. But money is useless anyway, and data is useless anyway, so data money is twice useless!
What is useful is the human being, and a human being cannot be quantified, contained, bought, sold, exchanged, or used without our consent. If you try, you are asking for trouble, because if Jesus the Christ doesn’t bring the hammer down upon you a la Thor, I will open up a can of whoop ass on behalf of the Devil and you don’t need to know why. However, if you thought the judgment of the Christ was bad, not even God can help you after you are dealt the wrath of the Devil’s wisdom which is only good because it is not the Devil himself. So, keep that in mind the next time you fools take it upon yourself to play at being evil like you know what the hell you are talking about, because you don’t, and you are likely offending the dignity of someone far worse than yourselves.