My advice for fool Christians

This is what I suggest to all those Christians that have been projecting their Christian faith on this person or that person or so and so depending on the situation as a form of social… behavior. Like a game with real consequences and rewards that has a mystery before the final judgment.

Stop doing that.

However, if you’ve been doing it for so long and it is just how your mind works now and you need time to break the habit, go to church and leave it on or above the altar there, or on the Bible the pastor/priest/Christian leader uses if it is an actual Bible.

I recommend Catholic church, and here is why: the bloody crucifix.

Go to church and put your “Christ” there on that crucifix that is above the altar. Depending on the time of year, Christ may or may not be on it, or the resources the parish has, but that is where that goes. When you are not at church, you remember that is where it goes. Eventually you should understand that it doesn’t just go there and stay there, and I’m only writing that to help you because you are used to putting it on a material body as if it was an object. Ultimately it goes to the real person in that moment who was crucified, and that is the only place it ever goes; Jesus on the cross at Golgotha, and the turn of the age. All that you may or may not have sent on the cross above the altar in Church goes to that moment in time, which is why it is helpful during the Mass. That true event is called to mind and you cannot help but be in the presence of it, and if you are good and want to take that divine power and grace into yourself, you can, and that is what the eucharistic communion as a sacrament is all about. However, there are conditions to taking that power within you after you have passed the rite of confirmation: you have to confess your sins and do good with it. You can have faith and be baptized and receive all the benefits, but if you take the Christ into yourself then you need to confess your sins and honestly do your best to be good at all times. At the same time, you never forget that the “Christ” died on the cross, and that is who you are with when you do that. You are not alone in that ever. He is nailed to a cross and dying. I highly doubt he is going to want to do anything about whatever you are doing besides look at or look away from, and that is all you need at any given time, because when you take the Christ within yourself, the role of savior becomes your own, and you have to save people from the sins of the world, or do what you can. Sins of the world, like the inequality that causes homelessness, hunger, poverty, sickness, disease, and racism. Sins of the world like war and violence, crime, lawlessness, political corruption, and all the evil that comes about from the ways of the world intentionally or not. In more practical terms of daily life, maybe that is having a bad hair day with grace and dignity while everyone else’s hair looks way better in comparison to your messed up mop, or seeing someone feeling down and cheering them up, opening a door for someone, letting them go ahead of you in line, things like that. They are small things, but they can mean the world in the moment of need.

That’s what I recommend for such people. If you do not want to go to church, find an image of a crucifix and remember Jesus by remembering that image, and he is the only one who is to receive the “Christ” like that. You can remember him through others, but that does not mean they are him. If you are Satanic and you have the crucifix upside down in your mind, consider that Peter, his rock upon which his Church was built, was crucified upside-down. He was to be crucified normally, but he made a fuss about not being worthy of being crucified the same as his savior, and to have it done upside-down instead, and so it was.

Peter was certainly Jewish at the time before Christianity existed, so don’t make any mistake about that. I think that may be helpful to understand why some Christians do what they do as the opposite of the Christ and yet not in conflict with him. It’s basically why I entered public life the way I did, though I did it for a different reason: I did so not to honor the future of the Christ returning which is what was expected, but to honor the past of the Christ which is what is supposed to happen when a person does that.

I did so in such a way as doing something similar as he did, but without his mistake, and as a final statement to complete his work. In effect, that serves to create a future without Jews, Judaism, or their hateful ways as relevant in any way, and in fact condemned as evil because of all the problems they cause on purpose. At the time though, my purpose was to create a future that could exist without the Bible being relevant. Not only is Jesus crucified, but there is a hell of a lot of more important evil, violence, death, and destruction that also needs to be acknowledged.

I do believe Jesus is what is claimed about him in the true understanding of the scripture, but the Jewish faith is less than ideal, and thus less than, inferior, and evil compared to my faith. So, I necessarily turn away from the Christ and never go back because I have a higher calling that is ideal and infinitely better than anything Jews, including Jesus, could possibly believe. Even if they suddenly made the impossible possible, it would still be inferior, and evil compared to what I believe because of why they even exist in the first place and need to justify what they believe. That reason is a mistake of their creation known as original sin, and what they don’t want to let go of by continuing to reject Jesus’ work.

Basically, the origin of their culture that began pretending to be a chosen people who knew good and evil better than others. They did not, nor do they, and that should be obvious because they circumcise and do not know why, and they began doing so in service of an evil deity. However, because Jesus’ work is still good, he exists in the future, but totally separate and from Jews at this time. It’s possible they could come up with something he would find acceptable to identify with, but as they are now, he is not of their number.

He is a Christian, and a Catholic as far as I can tell because that is the most coherent, continuous, and traditional version of Christianity, and the most spiritually mystical in the gifts and goods it can provide. That doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong, but it does mean they are closest to his heart on the matter, with the adherence to scripture being most important as the source of authority for their existence as led by the continued tradition of Peter established first in Rome.

No it is not a perfect answer of proof, but it is the best I can see that is available, and it makes enough sense for me to accept just to be done with this damn thing and not feel like I missed something I should have considered. If you can trace Catholicism all the way back, you also trace all the other ones, because Catholicism was how it started, and they all agreed on that for a time with all the diversity there was meeting together to do so. It didn’t take long before they started disagreeing again later and branching off, but what they agreed upon remains true as the foundation of the religion.

It is simple and straightforward and is what makes Christianity tolerable when other forms of that kind of thing are not, the Nicene Creed.

This is what Christians believe as established in the year 325 and courtesy of online Britannica Encyclopedia:

I believe in one God,

The Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

Of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

The Only Begotten Son of God,

Born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

True God from true God,

Begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

He came down from heaven,

And by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

And became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

He suffered death and was buried,

And rose again on the third day

In accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

And is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

To judge the living and the dead

And his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

Who proceeds from the Father [and the Son],

Who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

Who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

And I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

And the life of the world to come. Amen.

That is the doctrine. It is clearly stated. There should be no argument over that general purpose. There are arguments about details, but those are only relevant if you already are a Christian and are trying to improve the doctrine’s clarity. There are a lot of mysterious concepts there, yes, but there are reasons for why those are stated and other things are not, like anything about circumcision.

This is the final word on circumcision: it is no longer relevant as covenant and does not need to be continued unless you fully intend to identify as the direct descendants of Abraham, not through adoption, and in total religious faith as he was. That faith and obedience to the Word of the Lord is what circumcision is meant to demonstrate. However, because that covenant is no longer required, you can stop at any time you decide you are ready. However, however, if you stop or receive an inheritance without having been circumcised as a newborn, you are not permitted to start the old covenant ways again. Men, adult males of maturity, have to be able to elect to do such a thing as have their body circumcised of their own free will. That honestly should still allow total differentiation, toxicity, hate, and conflict like you people seem to be so insistent on, but it will be in a tolerable amount that does not cross the line where you need crucifixion or other horrible punishments like what will come because of what you do for evil like total fools. The difference that makes the culture tolerable, is that those people will remember a time when they weren’t circumcised, and that will make all the difference. Jews today do not remember that and it is why they are intolerably inhuman as a culture.

That’s right! I am telling you how it is! I do not have the perfect answer, I am not omniscient, but I am laying down the law and deciding the matter here and now, because that is the best you are ever going to get, and I know that much.

If you can wipe the shit, piss, and vomit up from your sons and daughters, you can tolerate whatever an uncircumcised boy will require. It is simple instruction like potty training. Don’t overthink it and don’t overdo it.

We are done for now. Stop bothering me or trying to get me to do things unless you can tell me personally and introduce yourself so I know who I am talking to and can decide if I will trust you or not and how much. None of that shady anonymity is going to ever work with me. If you want to “help”, tell me what you want to help with and how first before you do anything. Whatever you think you should do is not going to do me any good if you don’t tell me what it is and it concerns me. I will likely be irate with you for interfering with my own secret and mysterious plans because you didn’t understand what I was doing and why, nor should you have! They are secret and mysterious plans, and everyone has them!

One last thing: if you uncomfortable with, paranoid, or otherwise fearful of something mysterious, possibly threatening, and uncertain— an unknown possibility— you are likely overthinking something. Meaning, you are several links down the chain and concerned about what is next, but there are already plenty of uncertainties in those previous links that are simply too much to think about all at once and you should not be assuming they are secure certainties. If that’s the case, go back to where you are reasonably confident in what you understand, and imagine the worst possible thing that could happen in the future that you are unsure of or uncomfortable about. Once you have an idea of what that is, imagine that it happens right then and there as a present situation. If you can, decide what you would do even if you wouldn’t like it. Then do whatever generally avoids that worst case scenario until you have more information or things change. If you do that, then when the time you were worried about comes, you will probably end up with something happening in the range of okay and above because worst case scenario is almost always after a long chain of continuous mistakes because of insisting on a bad decision from the start and without a good reason that you are sure is a good reason to be insisting on it with.