The international gender role mismatch
Complicated to explain, but I think the most clear examples of this are identified by the relationship between Japan and the USA, because I think the conspiracy was mostly carried out by them. However, I think the problem in reality is more like—every other nation and the USA. That’s just because of the nature of Freedom and Democracy in the USA as something that all other nations have a shared interest in for their own prosperity and happiness without needing to change their own traditions, cultures, and ways of life.
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"
cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
– Emma Lazarus, 1883
Dearest Emma, maiden of loveliness, would you like to imprison my lightning? If you don’t I’m going to keep throwing it at people and you won’t have any say about when or why I do that. It’s okay with me if you don’t, because I enjoy seeing them run about in terror and fright, trembling in panic at my awesome power when I tire of their antics and exercise my wrath upon the fools who would be gods but do not have the power of one. Oh! Look at them scurry like frenzied ants in the shadow of my glory! Still, if I am to be kept under lock and key, I suppose I could do worse than thee as my jailor.
If you whose hubris knows no bounds desire divinity and won’t be discouraged, then do these two things: reject evil, or all the existing gods and goddesses will prevent you from existing, including the unknowable one, and the other: pass the trial of Hercules. That is to say, carry the world for a time. If you can do both you will begin to have an idea of the kind of burden the divine have, for it is not all nectar and ambrosia, contrary to what you may think. Those delights are all the more important to balance the rigour of the work that occupies us more often than not.
Nevertheless, in the USA the maiden should be the one standing up with the torch, not the man, but… she was unwilling to do so. I cleared the way for her, as the man’s part, made room, waited patiently, and it was not indecision that prevented her, but denial of good to pursue, defend, and serve what is evil, darkness, and ignorance to blind the world. So… I took it up myself, because I don’t have any time to waste, and I don’t care if I become a woman by doing so. I am as lovely as a maiden as I am ugly as a man, and both are without measure. That’s beside the point. I don’t intend to waste time idly waiting for the politically correct person who can serve the polity of fools as their best puppet. I will have Freedom now, and not wait a moment more.
Why did it become that way, with a role reversal here? I think that is because of some fool conspiracy the government is soon to be undone by, and I don’t particularly care. That foolish scheme appears to have worked in a reciprocal way overseas with the male roles. The male champion who can cut the way to glory, decide what must be done, and lead the world to salvation through the darkness, has become a maiden’s opportunity should she decide to not wait forever either.
This does not seem normal to me, and I desire to have things back to the natural way they are.
I’m not sure how to explain why, but I think a good, old-fashioned wedding will do the trick.
I continue to await the response of my true love, who through the mystery has been the resonating heart with mine all the days and nights we have walked this earth looking for the other within the countless turning pages of our heart’s one true desire.
This is the end of the world, and I suppose you are the last maiden and I am the last man, and rather than make all people anew, how about we just recreate all people the way they already are, but with an option to be more or less if they would create themselves? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to meddle in anyone’s personal affairs nor take on any more relatives than yours, but that also would be tiresome work and we have more important interests at present regarding the fulfilment of your boundless pleasure and happiness without end.
Sincerely, your true love,