Dead Island 2 post game shotgun rant

First the good: great last scene. I enjoyed that, thankfully since the entire last act was not worth watching in my opinion. Just another self-pitying bull shit circumcised pity party not worth my nor anybody’s time.

Circumcision is not a problem except that people make it a problem. They try to assert pseudoscience about it, they make spiritual claims, they invent all sorts of nonsensical bull shit for no god damn reason other than what I think a mob mentality best describes as why it happens. Seriously. Isolate any wretched mutliator, spend some time talking to them, try to understand and eventually they will work their way around to the truth themselves, and you don’t even have to suggest or say anything!

“Now that I think about it, I don’t know why it was so important to me. I guess it isn’t really all the big a deal now, and I probably shouldn’t be trying to convince people to do it because it is more wishful thinking than reality, and that itself is a problem.”

The zombies are not just circumcisers. Most of them are circumcisers who think that circumcision is of any importance to their identity or self-worth because that is the root problem, but also uncircumcised people who think being uncircumcised is of any importance to their identity or self-worth. Those concepts of bodily identification for human qualities and value are incorrect.

For the same reason that a person missing a leg is not any less of a person, a person missing foreskin is not any less of a person. Those bodily changes have no impact on the human part of ourselves, which is totally not animal, non-bodily. Additionally, reason, the use of intellect, science, and understanding is an animal characteristic of our bodies. The fact that it is a trait of ever ascending possibility is how we know there is a spiritual truth beyond and infinitely greater than our reason that our reason derives from. That is why circumcisers should not reject reason for their body. They are deliberately choosing a lower form of being than human by doing that.

I don’t give a shit what you people do, but as far as my government is concerned in the USA, there is a standard that has to be met, and circumcision need to adapt to the times by no longer being forced upon people as infants. That is a government concern, and that is the only reason I am concerned about it. I don’t give a shit about any other reason, such as private groups trying to do their own stupid shit and getting busted for it, but the government needs to be operating as intended for all diversity to prosper.

The same reason circumcision is of no spiritual value is the same reason abstaining from pork is of no spiritual value. By specifically omitting eating the flesh of pork, the Jews and Muslims totally identify with the flesh of pork, and are the most swinelike human swine to ever be pigs! All because they think that eating pork is “unclean” spiritually. You can eat dog, cat, snake, and all things and it has no moral concern to the human condition apart from social resposnibilities to respect property, which domesticated pets are.

If you are hungry, can’t afford to buy groceries, and barbecue up the stray cat that lives in the alley for free, have at it. No sin incurred.

Pork as an internationally domesticated livestock animal specifically for eating is one of the most clean things people can eat.

They same way they don’t eat pork, they do eat the spiritual bodies of people, and that is the same evil. They are eating the bodies of those people for whatever reason they think it okay to turn their nose up at, snicker, gossip, and sneer at in their private ways. That crude animal behavior is in fact a swine eating pearls because they do not see the good, only the selfish satisfaction of destruction for their own perverse appetite.

So two problems with Dead Island 2:

  1. the black dude barista who has some passive agressive racist vibes about him.

  2. the fact that there was a statement at all about circumcision.

Those two things are what people in the biz call: personal problems.

Professionals are not supposed to bring their own personal luggage to the audience through the story and air it like dirty laundry to stink up the scene. That is a “cross to bear” in media. All that racism, hate, and insidious intolerance for all kinds of reasons is not supposed to make it through in the story, which is why you are able to edit, rearrange, think things through, and use the appropriate weaves to tell a story.

If something like racism is topic, then it needs to be a topic, not just a stinking air of dirty laundry. It needs to be engrossed in plot, images, and with a direct and specific message known as a call to action. That is how you present social injustice. You don’t just show the problem, you provide a solution as a well, a possible resolution that the audience can accept it they wish.

Circumcision is a little bit different, because the was plot and stuff around it, but the problem with that is that it is a non-sensical issue. It is a non-issue of self-pitying bull shit that is not worth telling people about through art. It is a waste of a message, and the message is supposed to be the best part. Even if you don’t really notice it directly. The message adds meaning to the story, and that meaning is what allows the player or audience member to vicariously experience the story through the characters. If there is no meaning because it is written by cirucmcisers being selfish pussies afraid to accept that they have been lying to themselves instead of being able to instantly accept basic truth like an adult, the story just drains the audience of happiness with no return. They invest their interest, follow the story, and then… what? That’s what the fuck you were building up to? God damn… I just wasted my time thinking there may be something interesting about this plot having to do with Western cultural corruption. But no… it is Jewish presence at the heart of the story that is unwanted, irrelevant, and still be nailed to the cross in the past with Jesus.

You mutilated fucktards want to feel special as if circumcision means something, so you are trying to make something of it? That is Jesus the Christ you fucktards! Anything else you do will fail because Jesus already made something of it and nothing more is wanted, needed, nor helpful. Nobody even wanted Jesus to do what he was going to do except him, exactly like those morons today are thinking they need to do my making selfish claims as if they have more meaning to say about circumcision than Jesus.

No, you do not have something more to add to that message about circumcision. That is the epitome of it’s meaning— failure, rejection, mistake and totally abandoning it for a new life with Gentiles not the other way around. There is nothing more you can claim about it, and any further claims are an insult to Jesus, because they are not even remotely as important as what his claim is. So, get with the god damn picture you uneducated, ignorant fools! You are supposed to be adults!

In the adult world, your feelings don’t matter. You will be crushed, gunned down, ran over, and thrown out of the air lock regardless of your feelings. Children’s feelings are important, and they are important to adults in private life, but your personal problems are unwelcome in social situations unless they are community problems as well. You need to have that shit tied down, restrained within your present company, and secure in yourself, unless you are at a poetry slam, or know how to express it like a graceful ribbon dance of majestic beauty on stage as your bardic profession. There is a reason why it requires great talent to express pain and personal issues: and that is because of how unpleasant it is to see or hear when it is not stylistically expressed with skill and ability. Circumcision is not a relevant problem. It was resolved 2,000 years ago, and that resolution is just as valid now as it was then! It is not a public concern, and if it is, that means the problem is not about circumcision, but about education and failure of public schools. So, do not even bring it up unless you are doing the total Christ dance body, heart, and soul, and are ready and willing to die in agony, because that is what is going to happen. If that doesn’t happen, you won’t be resurrected and the story made beautiful and good. Without going all the way, mean as the story made flesh in real life, then any sort of spiritual claim about a body, is a hideous wail of ugliness, an annoying nuissance, and unwanted selfishness. Be rid of such things before they make it to the development team.

Last thing, my spiritual claim about the Story which I do live 100 percent in real life in harmony with the Story I profess, is also in part a bodily claim but not anything special. It is the human body which all people have in life, circumcised or not. It’s not even directly about the body, but it does explain the origin of the chain of events that lead to the body, which the Torah then goes on to tell a Story of its own people who took up circumcision to do away with the body, an even which culminated in Jesus, who did so by revealing that you do not need to do anything with your body to do away with it. Then I made it clear that the story of Jesus and the Torah is a detail in a greater story, and that is an aspect of my message if you look at it through their lenses (including Christians).

Do you see why the Jewish “God” or Christian “God” are of no authority over me? They are inferior concepts of spiritual power that are derived from what I express. That was expressed at the beginning which they derived themselves from then, and after all this time (2,000+ years) trying to pretend like it was their own idea, I have reminded them that they are simply derived from a greater truth and always will be subject to those of us how conceptualize that idea. That should not be a problem as long as they are being lawful, but if they become lawless, pretending like they are the law unto themselves instead of those who give the law, then they need to get annihilated as is right and just.

As long as they insist on having and authority among humans, they need to be under all other authority humans have as subject to everyone else. That is because it would be an abomination to pretend like they knew what was of a higher nature than them, when they do not because they are pigs who may as well never have been circumcised considering what their doctrine is now by continuing to do it even after so much time and opportunity to understand Jesus.

So, you do not want to make a circumcision claim, because then you will be less than the Jews, (see the Muslims). Both of which are inferior to Gentiles who concpetualize both them and the greater reality that is beyond them which they cannot comprehend. That comprehensable conceivable reality Jews understand as incomprehensible, ends for Gentiles where our understanding of what becomes incomprehensible begins. Jews are totally unaware of anything at all that high in conceptual reality because they remain slaves to the flesh of their own bodies, and those of swine.

In essence: the people who most want to control people’s lives, the world, and everything, are the one’s that most want to be under the control of someone like me telling them the lines, what possibilities are available, and what is forbidden. That is what they want. I do not want that for myself, nor do I need anyone telling me such things. I will not be grateful for any attempts people do that unless they first express their intentions and ask if it is okay with my that they assert their opinions for me to accept. If you do not do that, I will reject you at all times, even if I find it agreeable to do similar to what you want for a time.

Please, for your own sake due to the consequences you will suffer by disturbing me with such rude behavior that I find particularly loathsome, just tell me straight up what you want to manipulate me to do. I am not difficult to work with if you do that. Even if you have something sketchy to try and get me to do that is less than legal. If you are honest with me like that, 99 percent of the time, I will maintain my professionalism and not report any such foolishness. The only 1 percent is if you are doing something intolerable that I need to report, which is similar to clinical professionals, but not as strict because there are always possible exceptions on individual cases with me.

Systematic designs do not have flexibility for those kind of exceptions without also reporting them first, but individuals apart from systems absolutely must have that flexibility because we report to none other than ourselves, and the divine authority which judges us at the end for all we did.

Example: hey, Nick, I know this sounds sketchy, but we made this crazy plan that incorporates Iran, China, and Israel to bring about world peace, but it requires you to get circumcised because that is what was promised. Would you be willing to do that?

…I will. However, I am not happy about it. In fact I am enraged that you though you could use my body as a bargaining chip in some foolish game of your politicking! I do understand why you feel it is important, but I want to make clear why it is not important as well, because it would have no meaning if that was not known simultaneously. So, these are my two conditions, both of which you must meet: 1. pay for the procedure and give me reasonably abundant pain medication because I do not want the slightest inconvenience for the surgery. I will be responsible with it and not abuse those meds, but I do not want to feel pain there while it heals. 2. Make a public notice about what was bought with that price and who paid it. That is not about my own glory, but it is about my life. You gave away my life, and I need a knew one. Simply make known what you did, and I will do the rest as far as making a new life goes. I cannot do that if nobody knows what happened to change me though! Not easily at least because I will have to overcome ridiculous expectations that nobody should ever have to overcome privately.

Can you agree on that?

However… I’m not inclined to accept such an easy deal now… If you wanted to do that, you would need to apologize profusely for all that you did and make up for it with recompense for the damages that were done to my life by trying to hide that foolishness. Still though, I could probably compromise if I was at the table with equal respect as the interested parties. My life is my own, and nobody gets to trade a piece of it for anything without my say so.

So they try to manipulate me into doing it on my own!? I would never in all my life do it! You certainly are not going to trick me into thinking it is a good idea for “spiritual reasons”! The very notion is the most hateful, abhorrent blasphemy! You have no idea how many people you insulted by doing that and how severely! That is why many people are saying “there will be blood”. That kind of insult against entire populations is too offensive to not be punished, and if you are not willing to ask forgiveness, that punishment will be taken from your flesh willing or not.

What is the flesh of a nation if not its citizens? How many citizens are required to satisfy the sin of an entire nation’s brazen and hateful blasphemy and arrogance of the worst kind!?