Not the same

You vile god damn circumcising savages.

You cannot identify uncircumcised people i.e. Gentiles as a single group of identity or culture, unlike how we can identify you.

Circumcisers, all of them are thus: Abrahamic cult. That is all they are as one. Anyone who circumcises and is not doing so because of a religious faith associated with the Abarahamic covenant, is a monstrous and inhuman savage. You have no right. Think about what you are doing to your children.

The Abrahamic cult savages are monstrously inhuman as well, but the only reason they are tolerated at all and not exterminated via genocide is because of Jesus which requires an acknowledgement of their faith. They are still monstrously inhuman for circumcising though, so make no mistake about that, but the Abrahamic covenant as the reason they do it, which Christians are not bound under and thus should not be circumcising, is the only reason they are allowed to do so by civilized people while they remain confined to the territory of that covenant.

All that is outside of the Abrahamic cult, is cut off. No questions asked. No exceptions. No excuses. You should never have allowed yourselves to do something so evil, inhumane, and monstrous to your children, and if you did, you will be cut off and cast into the fire. The destruction of those in the Abrahamic cult will happen as well, but that is the only reason they are spared now. If they do not address their inhumanity and evil ways, they will be destroyed likewise.

So, all circumcised people are identifiable to a singular culture that can be identified apart from others as uniquely bound to Hebrew scriptures pertaining the Abraham as the only relevant excuse for their existence.

That means Gentiles can address, condemn, and exile that entire group as necessary for their infidelity, lawlessness, and cruelty. We can talk about them as a type of person, with characteristics that are defined by their own doctrine, and hold them to the expectations of that doctrine, and that limits them in all ways they exist.

However, they cannot turn that around on Gentiles and talk about us like a single culture or identity. We are not a single group of uncircumcised people. Do you know what you call all uncircumcised people as a single group? Humanity. Human civilization. There are no distinctions between culture on that level. We are all that is human, and that includes the circumcisers. Even if those vile, uncivilized creatures attack the uncircumcised peoples, they are attacking themselves, but not so if we attack the circumcisers, because they are attempting to cut themselves off, attack the entire human civilization, and are more like a cancer or infected tissue than anything else.

That is why it is not the same between us and why circumcisers cannot make the same claims against the uncircumcised as we make against them. They are unjustified for hating uncircumcised people, but we are justified to hate them. Uncircumcised people are good, whereas circumcised people are evil. That is the cold, hard truth. They cannot be trusted and should not be allowed outside of Israel. When uncircumcised people rebuke the circumcisers we are rightfully justified in a fight for human survival, but they are not at all ever justified to make a claim for survival since their very existence threatens everyone’s survival, including their own.

We are not the same. Circumcisers are the universal enemy to all humanity, all nations, all cultures, and all Life, and they always will be the enemy.