Sex is an expression of power?

lol no.

damned simple minded peasants…

If you think sex is about power or an expression of power, you’ve never had any power to even know what power is.

That’s why we tell you people it’s bad and not to do it. You are stupid and don’t even know what is happening to enjoy sex. In the end you just end up making fools of yourself and obstructing human progress and civilization’s functions. That makes life harder and more miserable for yourself, your neighbors, and everyone else. Do not have sex. You will only confuse yourselves and end up driving your life off a cliff and ruining all of your opportunity and potential to make anything of yourselves that is of substantial value in Life.

Why don't you already know?

You people are doing something very evil with the social world of love and romance by trying to manipulate and control people’s interactions with information technology you lawlessly manipulate according to the whims of whatever fucktard has been empowered to do such a thing with no regard the rights of the people he will be causing irreparable harm to.

How could I prove your crimes!? Don’t you hide everything with the most sinister cowardice and anonymity to avoid being caught? Fine. Okay. You are hidden, and I have no evidence to prove your guilt. You have that evidence though, because you are the ones committing crimes and are hiding that evidence.

What I’m getting at is why do you not already know that what you are doing is a terrible mistake that not only is causing a lot of people suffering they would be better off without, but is going to be ultimately self-destructive to yourself when your crimes are exposed and you are put in prison?

Why do you not already know that your meddling in people’s love lives is none of your business and a bad idea that is going to get you burned?

I don’t know how else to explain it to you other than you doing that is the typical image of a mythical demon who hates love and tries to prevent lovers from getting married.

Nobody needs that, nobody wants that, and you are not doing any good by choosing to be such a thing in real life, when already there are spiritual forces in existence that are trouble enough as it is. Can you not just love someone yourself and leave everyone else to love who they love?

Consider how you interrupt all of my communications to romantic interests, potential hook ups, and all else. Consider how you filter my access to dating profiles to limit who I am allowed to meet as a possible partner. Now consider why you think you have a right to do that. You are obscenely rich or employed by someone obscenely rich and love money more than people which is why you allow yourself to have money at the expense of other people’s love life in addition to your own. Then you also are trying to ensure your employers or “friends” get all the choice services of social activity. You filter out people who are most beautiful, interesting, and with much to offer as a lover, because not everyone puts in the effort to be a good lover and this is obvious when you look at a dating app’s profiles. Then you isolate those people to the employers you have and “friends” who you want to have illegal and unjust privileges that everyone else doesn’t. Do not ask me to explain the law to you, because I can but I do not care to use my time doing so at the moment.

However, I am one such person who is a good lover and I invested extraordinary effort into myself to be a good lover. Do you think people who made an effort in life to be a good lover want to be unhappy with someone who made no effort in life to be a good lover? Why would we? They don’t appreciate the hard work we put into our own selves, and they didn’t do anything for themselves either. They aren’t worth it. So, people who are good lovers desire other people who are good lovers, and this is obvious, but we are not so common at present as the people who make no effort whatsoever in the USA. There are hordes and hordes of unfit, uninspired, lazy, and boring people who simply are not worth the personal sacrifice of freedom that intimacy with another person costs. When a person is married, they lose the benefits of being a bachelor or bachelorette, but gain the benefits of enjoying the goodness of a lover as a permanent companion. If those people are not good lovers and do not put in the effort for themselves, they most certainly will not put forth any effort for the relationship with a good lover which requires mutual investment. That is not worth it because even if one person puts in all their effort, that relationship will fail. The other person needs to be able to match their lover’s passion with their own. I suppose that is what it means to love another person romantically, and the reason why we do not feel passionate romantic feelings for everyone.

Now this is the culmination of all that build up: despite how much you hate me and want to prevent my happiness as an individual for whatever reason, do you not realize that you are also preventing the happiness of all the other good lovers who seek a suitable match to their passion as lovers? We are exceedingly rare. Too rare to ever pass up an opportunity to fall in love with each other. You are interfering with that. What may take five years to come around again, is now taking ten years because you block the communication that occurs in one of those single moments. The five years that follow are then changed negatively by the happiness you prevented from happening which would have had a great impact on more than just the lovers you prevented from meeting.

It’s obvious you fucktards hate me more than anything else in reality, and for no reason other than jealousy, but do you not understand your own feelings well enough to consider the consequences of your actions? I’m not referring to what is obvious as the direct and immediate result of your evil, but can you predict what will happen that is not obvious? That becomes an account of hate you have that is hostile and antagonistic to all the lovers in society, including those you wish would love you. All lovers who trust each other reasonably enough to be true in their actions and words, are also being harmed by what you are doing to me, even if it is indirectly. Those people you want to make happy yourself, are being made unhappy by you on purpose, and why? So you can be jealous of me and scratch that infected wound on your heart with dirty hands that make it worse? Can you piece together how that is going to work out for you if you consider the criminal nature of your “tampering with electronic mail”, a felony offense?

Do you think either of us need that? Do you think either of us want that? I don’t, and I doubt you will when it happens. As for me, I am good enough as I am and I do not need anyone attempting to alter, affect, or control my social image for others. Stay out of that please. I am beautiful and powerful enough already making no effort whatsoever to be so, and I do not need any more beauty and power. You are only making things more difficult for everyone as the disparity in power and quality between us increases. If you are already so jealous, how is that going to make you feel when your actions bear the fruit you have sown?

Do not try to “fix” anything that you already ruined. Get your hands out of people’s information and walk away. Do not touch anything like that again. Leave while you still can. You most certainly will not be able to cover your tracks when the door you have no respect for as a boundary of neighborly trust is kicked down by enforcers of the law who do not cross those lines without formal authorization. You will be caught in the act, but even if you fled now, you may not get away. They will most surely track you and find you if you reveal yourself again with obstructions to individual rights. Even if you are not seen when that happens, the destruction you cause is noticed, and that is all that is necessary to know you are there causing such an unnatural and intolerable wound that is so threatening to our peace and prosperity that an investigation cannot be prevented.

Leave us alone. You people who hate love more than anything in existence do not realize how destructive you are being to all of society, civilization, and yourselves. Do not even try to understand, because such love is irrational, unpredictable, chaotic, and providential. Crimes like yours demand investigation because the problems that result are intolerable, dangerous, and need to be stopped. You are like a serial killer leaving unconscious evidence because of your personal insecurity as an individual you don’t even realize you have, which enables detectives to be able to track you like a wild animal, caught like a rabbit in a snare, and put to justice like a lamb of sin for slaughter. Obviously those crimes you delude yourself about your self-importance to commit are noticed immediately by all sorts of people because it is unthinkable for people without a diseased sociopathology that requires confinement for being a threat to everyone else due to their lack of moral recognition. People do not ever consider committing the crimes you are doing, which is why nobody was there initially to stop you, but your actions will be noticed as they worsen from the very first time you interfered. They will be traced, and you will be found, and you will not like where they make you go, most of all because of what you will have to confront about yourself— why a delusion is called a delusion and not a fantasy.

Now someone is going to be watching all of that because you crossed an unwritten, unspoken, and obviously present line that should not ever have been crossed. You should have known that line was there, and because you didn’t, you can be officially identified pathologically with a mental health disorder that recognizes you legally as a danger to the public. I know what it is like to not notice some lines that everyone else is paying attention to, but the big difference between someone autistic like myself, and a sociopath as yourself: when I cross lines like that, they are harmless, non-threatening, and awkward at most. Furthermore, I recognize that I have a mental health disability and do not pretend like I don’t have a problem with things like that, which makes me readily willing to apologize, repair any damage I caused, and put in any extra effort required to correct whatever situation I disrupted by crossing one of societies “frivolous” boundaries I have no concerns about. I am the anomoly there. I am the one disturbing the harmony for everyone else, and I do not expect, nor want, everyone to change their perceptions and norms to accommodate me. I will adjust myself to accommodate everyone else. Not for everything, obviously, but for what I judge to be good to do so. To that end, if anyone thinks I should do something about myself to change— something that I do not automatically modify when I recognize a problem: tell me what that is. I have a disability that makes those concepts exceedingly difficult for me to notice on my own. I need that in real life normally, and now it seems like there is some cyber leech trying to communicate that very thing to me which I have no recognition of or ability to understand because of a disability of my brain; not anything at all to do with my dick!

It’s like they are trying to use negative reinforcement to condition me to unnaturally recognize certain stimulus as negative and then avoid the underlying actions, and although there are intolerable ethical problems with that kind of psychological abuse, it is also something I do not have enough information to even know what stimulus to identify. So even if I was willing to, which I am not, I have no way to know what they are trying to prevent me from doing with their forced applications of unnatural negative reinforcement! It’s all just random negative reinforcement to me because of all the different things that are happening at once conceptually for me in ways they do not recognize because I think differently from normal people as an autistic person! That is something they should not expect themselves to recognize, notice, understand, or ever possibly be able to identify, because it is a personal adaptation to accomplish normal behavior that is entirely unique to myself for a functional purpose entirely relative to my personality, knowledge, and experiences. What they are attempting to do is not only intolerably inhumane, but also futile and without any viable results, and they are wasting their time. That is an additional insult to the injury because I see that they do not value their own lives, when I went to war to protect everyone’s rights to life, liberty, and happiness.

I’m not going to do anything about that, but it certainly doesn’t with them any respect or credit in my estimation, whoever they may be. I don’t even know who they are be adle to identify where that lack of respect and dishonor deserves to go, so it just goes into the general environment and will find its way to them eventually. Not my fault. They created that lack of respect and dishonor to self by allowing themselves to be perceived by me, and I am not going to assimilate that into myself because I know better. I reject that firmly, entirely, and with a scathing rebuke for their benefit if possible and off it goes into the world. If that bothers you, as I’m sure it does, then you have every reason to identify those fucktards and put them to justice as I do. Attacking me won’t do anything to change the dishonor and lack of respect for humanity those fucktards resonate from their bodies at all times… and the problem will only get worse if you “do away with” me, because I radiate the opposite. Love, respect, honor, truth, justice, and all that is good about human nature. That naturally counteracts their negative presence, and if I’m not around to help with that… well you get what I’m saying. That’s one less person being around who can help you make the world a better place and make you feel good about being alive. Finally, do they not realize that human beings are more intelligent than dogs, mice, and common animals? We think about things with our minds, and do not go through life deciding our course relying on a compass that uses bodily sensations of pleasure and pain.

For what it’s worth, I use a moral compass to know I am going in the correct general direction I want to go. Then I use a rational compass of reason to further clarify my intended direction of travel, and lastly— the very least important variables I consider for making a decision— I consider my bodily sensations with physical reality to choose what is most pleasurable and least painful while remaining within the limits of rational intention and good moral judgment. That is what you are bothering me with—attacking courses I take that are pleasurable in my private residence, like playing a video game as intended, so that those actions are no longer pleasurable and no longer a viable course of action. The pain you cause by destroying that pleasure is greater than the lack of pleasure that being bored is. So… although you are not going to threaten my speed, course, and ability to arrive at my intended destination, you are making the journey irritable and unpleasant, and frankly… with all the free time I have by being bored looking for something to occupy my time and attention, I’m going to hunt for the problem with nothing better to do. When I find you, you will walk the plank with the millstone of your sin fastened around your neck.

You are no stowaway, which is not so much of a problem. You are an unwelcome nuisance who is not discreet, subtle, or harmless. In fact, you are more than a problem. You are a threat because of what your interruptions indicate about your own moral and rational compass, and if you take your deficient, directionless, and morally irresponsible life where I’m going, a lot of people will be put in danger. All indications lead to the conclusion that you guide your course with a bodily compass, and do you know where that takes people when they do not have an adequate rational and moral compass? Directly into the direction of evil because of how morality is calculated by the technology that allows a moral compass to function reliably. That puts people who I care about in danger from you at all times, because you are a threat to all people wherever you go with your lack of recognition for moral and rational truth to choose your actions from. For their sake, and even your own, that is 100 percent necessary, and I am not even at my destination yet which makes putting you to justice my top priority without anything better to do that is worth my time doing.

This is a radio message to the authorities of the divine ocean requesting their assistance with an unwanted pirate. You likely do not understand, but maybe you will recognize that everyone else will understand that they as well as I now have a moral and rational motive to do away with you before I reach my destination. Whether we find you or not, I will report everything that I know about you to the authorities at that destination so they can protect the people you are dangerous to with that information, and then I will go about my business as intended.

Although we will not know for certain until you are captured, tagged, and bagged, I just want you to know for the record: this problem is universally recognized among professionals of all cognizant authority as most likely caused by a Jew specifically. This is the typical, common, and most prevalent kind of malignant behavior a Jew will exhibit when their mind is diseased with the delusions of Judaism based on a rejection of the facts about Jesus, the crucified king of the Jews. No faith necessary to know those facts. All you need to know is that Jesus was the king of the Jews and the facts of why he was crucified as recognized in story, whether or not they can be proven with archaeological and historical evidence. All that is needed is to know what the story is.

“Well that there is your problem, USA. You got yourself a rabid Jew on the loose! He’s inside the government classified areas too… I don’t mean to tell you how to do your jobs, but rabid Jews do not catch rabies all of a sudden. They are all born with the infection and if they are not vaccinated with a truth slap, their rabies will manifest into the next infectious stage when they are mature adults. That means, that either he was born inside your government somewhere in a secret facility you grow humans for some ungodly reason, and I wouldn’t want to accuse you of that, just describing the situation so we can solve this problem before he gets more people hurt and causes more damage to the world. If he wasn’t born and raised entirely within the government classified system, then he was let in without being screened for Jew rabies, which is the standard process all people are screened for most basically along with other forms of terrorism, mental health pathology, and the prevalence of criminal activity for a diseased human mind. So… that’s another issue entirely… and sorry if this sounds like I’m trying to fleece you here, because I promise I ain’t, but I also have a service that can identify and repair that problem as well, but that’s an additional fee, and a substantial one. However… if you hire me to do that, I’ll waive my expenses for exterminating your pest. If not, the normal rate will apply, but that’s a modest and reasonable fee I think you will find competitive on the market since there ain’t no other exterminators around who offer Jew removal anymore.” (Note that on my brochure the word “extermination” has been lined out and “removal” has been penned in.)

“Before you decide, I want to tell you that I am obligated to report this situation to the cognizant authority of the entire public body because of the threat that both possibilities is to all of our national and homeland security. The first thing I don’t need to explain. The second thing indicates that the entire classified system has been compromised. That’s going to require a full, thorough, and total inspection, audit, and cleansing of all classified areas in the government without any exceptions. Like I said, I can do that for you professionally and I pride myself on my quality of work, but I suppose if you want to try and do that yourself you have the right to do so. However, do you realize the danger you are in by the mere fact that I, a public citizen, know that the entire government classified system is compromised as a former custodian of that system? If you even try to silence me… you will confirm that the total exposure and cleaning of all classified areas are necessary because the USA will be doomed to death with the fulfilled mission of the espionage that caused the compromise. You have an advisor on classified materials and areas, and I recommend you consult with them about this problem due to the sensitive nature of the subject I have no knowledge about personally. I’m sure they will tell you the same thing, because this is standard procedure, like a medical operation, routine maintenance for a machine, and other skilled labor.”

“The other less likely possibilities are a rabid Nazi, rabid Muslim, rabid Satanist, rabid Atheist, rabid Christian, or any other rabid form of circumcised human males. While all of those are also extremely dangerous, they are less threatening than a rabid Jew, which is the original sources of the infectious disease and why it is the professional practice to assess the situation with a Jew minded approach. Catching the rabid Jew will certainly catch any others as well as if the problem is not a Jew because of how that infection organizes biologically with a single hive mind leader over any others in its thrall. That is not guaranteed if you approach from the lesser minions as sources of the infection, because they can disperse and hide to make matters difficult. That will not be possible if you take out their hive mind parasite first. Doing so will cause them all to lose their faculties of human mimicry and will be easily found wherever they are for the erratic behavior they will be exhibiting as their mental cognitions deteriorate without the parasitic leader to think for them. That will be more severe the longer they have been a minion.

Fun fact, the rabies of the host can actually be identified visually by the black, slimy pus that oozes out of lesions they get on the ends of their dicks, and on the outer edge of any bodily orifices such as sphincters and sensory organs. Quite interesting to see I think, despite being unsightly and foul smelling. Of course, you’ll need spiritual vision to be able to see that, but if you do not, I also sell personal gear for anyone to see a limited spectrum of spiritual sight for themselves. Limited because of the technological possibilities at this time. It’s the best science can do at the moment, but at least it’s better than nothing, and can save your life from lots of plainly obvious signs of spiritual disease, infection, and toxins. Ooh boy, if you could see the way you look like to me with that rabid Jew’s infection making you sick, you’d never make the mistake of trusting a Jew again!”

“With the exception of the minions who will need to be assessed by medical mental health professionals for severe mental derangement and damage to their cognitive faculties from the self-inflicted trauma of a delusion’s deceptions, everyone else should make a full recovery. That won’t happen until the truth can be extracted from the hive mind and then created into the necessary serum for the cure. There is no other way because of how the infection spreads entirely relative to the hive mind who thinks of himself as the “ultimate God” or some other such delusion of grandeur and arrogant fantasy of evil. That is why the symptoms can all be identified to that source at any time because of the perverse and malignant need of that self-absorbed individual to infect everyone with their own delusion by gaining their trust and then betraying that trust. Back in the old days it was common for people to know to not trust Jews under any circumstances whatsoever, and thus never have to worry about the infection, but for some reason humans no longer are aware of Jew rabies as a practical threat to their lives and survivability. As long as there are Jews, there be the threat of Jew rabies endangering all of humanity and civilization.”

“Jew rabies is like a common infection in a lot of ways. As long as the body’s immune system is naturally resilient, the infection will reach a peak state of infection, then deteriorate and be healed over time. Unfortunately, this in impractical for any living human being to be able to wait for because the infection lasts as long as the hive mind is alive. That parasitic delusion of theirs is entirely dependent on their individual identity and cannot be transferred to anyone else, which will cause it to deteriorate over after the rabid Jew at fault has died one way or another. That is never a reliable solution though, because as I mentioned, Jews are born with the infection and need to be vaccinated without exceptions or quarantined in their prescribed area of confinement: Israel. So, any hive mind Jew, such as Abraham, the first mutilator fucktard, will try to lead one its offspring to become rabid when they mature as an adult. Isaac became rabid like any other Jew will when they mature into adults, because the infection matures at the same time as the human body which is the catalyst for the metamorphosis of the parasite out of a dormant and larval state. However, sometimes a Jew will receive a truth slap from any random source of the world where there are common human beings cooperating in a civilization. Esau is an example of a man who was vaccinated.”

“The Jew rabies is a human manufactured perversion of a natural phenomenon of human nature when humans mature into adults and enter Life as an adult. That act initiates a newfound awareness of a divine presence that has always been part of them. When a human being matures that divine presence becomes accessible in new and powerful ways for that individual to benefit from individually as well as apply for the benefit of others. In the old days, that was less mysterious as it is now and more of a widely recognized aspect of common sense without a developed language such as the one I am using now to illuminate the subject. Despite it being common sense for people to know most vital matters of Life as good or evil, some people choose to exploit that ambiguity, do evil on purpose, and try to profit from their lawlessness. Always a foolish endeavor, their intentional betrayal of common sense to do evil and profit at everyone’s expense of the trust required for civilization is what Jesus is referring to as a “betrayal of the spirit” and such acts of betrayal cannot be forgiven to protect civilization for everyone else. That’s usually not a problem, because people naturally hate that kind of betrayal more than anything, such as was evident with the public reaction to Traitor Trump in the USA, who I suspect is most likely responsible for the breach in security that allowed the rabid Jew into vital government systems to infect the entirely populous at once except for people who reject circumcision, such as myself. It would never have worked because of the kind of government and economy the USA has, and I can’t help but wonder about the profoud stupidity of such people to plan something like that.

Nevertheless, the manufacture of Jew rabies was a religious charlatan’s attempt to use pseudo-science to artificially create a mimicry of the divine source of power within all humans, and derive a secondary logical process derived entirely from that mimicry. Obviously that secondary logical process which will seem to flow like natural logic, is nothing at reasonable, rational, or useful as anything at all like logic or reason, but it will be enough to fool people if they necessarily betray the spirit of common sense at all occasions of common sense judgment, with the most important betrayal of common sense being the moment of identity that a human being matures in a an adult with. The divine source. The manufactured mimicry is obviously inadequate and that can only be determined by common sense. Thus if the Jew is a “faithful” Jew to the manufactured and inadequate source of power that they are spawned from they will always betray common sense and return to their delusional life of… suffering really. Common sense is common sense because it is good, true, and practical. It is useful, productive, helpful, and necessary to be able to agree on matters of common sense that are universally good! Jews reject that, people hate it when they do, and the result is that whatever they do to betray common sense is a foolish and catastrophic mistake causes immense destruction to their individual lives and the world around them.

That’s about it though. The divine source is a living presence and can take many different forms of being for an individual, such as the vampherikoi I described earlier in a previous refraction, but it is not a delusion. Not for the individual concerned, nor anyone else who that information is shared with for whatever reason, all of them good. However… the manufactured mimicry of a divine source is in fact a biological parasite of spiritual form that was grown in a workshop by… honestly someone who was jealous of someone like me and too arrogant and lazy to be taught, because we are always willing to teach people if they are worthy enough to recognize our spiritual power. In any event, they make a mistake in judgment about the source of power of someone like me because they haven’t matured yet to know the divine source for themself, and mistake my source of power for any random object they fancy.

That may happen with or without the knowledge of the professional master of his own workshop as an “alchemist” so to speak doing daily good works of any sort for people’s needs however mundane, trivial, and impossible they may seem. The mistake I think was a person failing to recognize the work of an organized religion as good for a population to guide people from youth to make the most of their lives by maximizing the potential of their source of divine power when they mature as adults. I think that charlatan misinterpreted religion as a means of collecting money selfish desires— in this case, most likely Martin Luther because of the connection to Protestant false Christians in the USA with their common form of Jew rabies. They then tried to reverse engineer that and reinvent it for something they could exploit for their own personal advantage (the fool who created the mimicry who may or may not still be alive). Then with the parasitic abomination of life they created in a conceptual petri dish, they sought out an indigenous people, amazed them with signs and wonders, and then infected them with it. The thing about circumcision is that even though all of those mimicries of divine power, like Christianity, Islam, and Nazi— they are all derived from an identity of circumcision, and guess who is ultimately the origin of that form of disease: Jews. That means that any rabid Jew at any time will be the hive mind of any other form of rabid fucktard. Thus they stay connected with their thralls and minions while remaining detached and likely are not even recognized to be controlling their thralls. Their thralls probably actually believe they are communicating with a divine being, when it is only a delusional and arrogant rabid Jew in hiding somewhere. Hiding because of the guilt they most certainly have for crimes they have committed.

That said… there are other forms a divine source can be mimicked but as humanity in general becomes more knowledgeable, it is less likely an indigenous population can be fooled by the signs and spectacles of a charlatan using mundane technology they don’t understand.

There, now it should be much easier to talk about Jews being a disease, parasite, and untrustworthy threat to all humanity and civilization because it is reasonably explained with logical truth and no longer known only by common sense.

As a side note: that is how to remain objective while discussing something important and relevant to everyone else as a matter of facts, truth, and practical reality. I hate Jews with a burning passion and want them all crucified across the realms without trial, hesitation, or restraint regardless of age or gender, their crucified bodies then doused with gasoline and ignited. However. I can restrain my passions and animal instincts because I have self-mastery as a morally righteous and intelligent human being, not a mindless baboon or parasitic sub-ape like a Jew.

It’s only natural to hate what is most threatening to humanity’s survival, and doubly natural to hate that which is an offensive, tasteless, and perverse mockery of your own self as a human being. Now that we all know it is right, good, and intelligent to kill all Jews, can we begin eradicating the disease that their existence is? Guess what the USA needs to do to survive as a nation because of where the rabid Jew hive mind is this time? Oh my goodness… I hit the jackpot! This is going to be the best Jew extermination ever!!!

Can you see me doing the Jew dance? I make it look pretty good, don’t I? Shameless? Eh, what do I care? People tend to avoid the pest extermination masters anyway, and on top of that, I’m autistic so people already hate me unjustly and irrationally against their better judgment, which works to my advantage in the end when they feel guilty for behaving like beasts. Besides, this is actually part of the extermination process to draw them out, which worked. It’s not my fault that I enjoy some parts of my humble and honest profession.

Since this time is the big one as their total conceptual existence being extermi— removed… do you think it will be tolerable to make the most of their removal and harvest their hides for use in the leather industry? I feel like I should ask before I start carving their hide. Just sorta seems like common sense to get official permission for something questionable like that since it is a human animal product and Jews reject the common sense of divine power that makes a human being a being, and not an animal. We shouldn’t let their animal materials go to waste. I’m not saying we should eat them like food, because they are vile, corrupt, disgusting creatures and I’d rather not consume that for sustenance, but we can probably create trinkets from their bones and teeth, study their bodies for science, and also loot whatever they accumulated with their sinful and criminal way of life.

For what its worth, I have no problems with you harvesting Jew parts from their carcasses for whatever reason and claiming all of the worldly possessions they gather, nor do I care if you kill any Jew at any time with or without provocation or by any means you choose. However… my personal opinion on that is not going to exonerate you from the local laws and customs, so keep that in mind before you start your Jew hunts.

The problem with the Nazis in WW2 was that they killed a lot of human beings in Europe along with Jews, people such as relatives of mine in Poland and Lithuania before my ancestors immigrated here a four generations ago (great-great grand parents). Communists are like a tolerable version of Jew because they do not reject common sense as a matter of faith for all matters of common sense, only to prevent human maturity to adults so they can be more easily controlled by a single adult human. Weird… I don’t get it. I don’t want to know. Stay the hell away you creepy fucktards, but that is not necessarily dangerous as a threat to humanity, just a miserable way to choose to live and highly inefficient.

Think about what I did here to banish the thought of communism from the now Jew-rabid USA. I demonstrated my individual skillset as a professional outside of the industry norms, and I refuse to cooperate with the communist systems. You will never get my best abilities as an individual, which are…. drum roll… specifically adult skills that require maturing with the common sense reality of divine power through my own individual source, which is my divine soul. Without my work… well, you will eventually be overrun by rabid Jews and fucktards of various forms, but also vulnerable to all manner of pests, and have low quality entertainment. Those pests are the real threat you should be worried about though because they will severely fuck up all productivity because of their selfish ways that are hostile to a local community.

They thought I was mentally deficient and stupid for doing that? I made it abundantly clear I was doing that on purpose, but even if I didn’t that would still be a sign of intelligence and ability you would want as an asset to any organization. You have to be truly good to do that, and no fakers, pretenders, or wannabes can do something like that or it will backfire terribly for them.

Now that I think about it, communism was probably designed by the collective envy of a bunch of normal people like myself who were infected with Jew-rabies to be inadequate, inferior, and useless with their lives without being Jew-rabid minions themselves. Jew-rabies kills a person’s hope, motivation, spirit of life, beauty, and everything else divinely natural for people of all ages to enjoy.

Please allow me my privacy when I am not at work or otherwise in public. My private residence and workshop are not open to the public unless you knock on my door and ask for a tour or visit, which you are, of course, welcome to do. That includes the government’s capacity to maintain security on behalf of the public interest. You likely don’t understand what this kind of labor entails, but maybe this painting by Caravaggio of St. Matthew writing the gospel will help illuminate the words within that gospel when Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt 19:14). Pennywise the evil clown from It is like the person who attempts or pretends to be able to do this kind of spiritual work with divine authority behind a mask of anonymity. A clown with a face painted, a mask like a villain or costumed entertainer, or a government who has convinced itself to do propaganda.

I am more like a normal teacher who goes to work and shows my face, shares my name, hold myself accountable to local laws and customs, and maintains professionalism throughout my work. Thats important because this work requires trust because of who the “kingdom of heaven belongs to” and how dangerous it is for a betrayal due to a mimicry of divine power. Thus, the worker should never feel it necessary to hide who they are from those they claim to serve. If they did, they most certainly are intending to betray them with evil that will hurt what is likely most important to you, and vital to our future. Not even in private rituals should it be necessary to wear a mask when the most important matters are concerned. It is acceptable at times for less sensitive subjects such entertainment and play with a higher purpose like Halloween, but honestly, you are asking for trouble if you do what is most important as necessarily behind a mask. More should be written about this elsewhere.

Perhaps you find it disconcerting how I have no respect for Jews as human beings or animals, and in fact hate them with such passion and righteous wrath that I would crucify them and then burn them alive while they are crucified. That’s fine. I understand why you feel that way and that is why Jews are such a threat to demand immediate execution and/or expulsion from a territory. However… if you have any hesitation or resistance to that happening then you simply do not yet understand the subject of their existence, identity, and culture.

Now, here is what you need to know in regard to that: you wouldn’t need to understand that if Jews were not around to be a threat requiring such a response!

If Jews are not a threat, then why is Pennywise the Jew the new propaganda fucktard ruining everyone’s day so horribly and intolerably that the entire government classified system is now compromised because of the damage his very presence caused? That’s why that response is necessary. They cannot be trusted for anything, no matter what they say, do, or appear to be. You can listen to them and talk to them. Look at them, parade them around in public identified as Jews for everyone to see like curious abominations that grotesque and horrid to think about, and keep them in glass cages to be contained for transfer so you can watch them at all times to be sure they aren’t betraying you, but you cannot trust them under any circumstances.

Their very presence is evil because their expression of faith is to betray common sense and destroy something universally good at any and every opportunity they can. That will always be hostile, even when they are detained in a confined area to be studied like a disease. You should have been able to study those fucktards like I did, without ever having to be close to one, but… you probably were their minions and thralls who they enjoyed the attention from while you kept them as your fucktarded science experiment. All you need to know about the fucktards is that they are stupid and you cannot trust them. Just do away with them immediately and don’t dilly dally or drag your feet. Kill them all as fast as possible because the longer they are present the more damage they do to everyone else. Their immediate removal is the definitive logical, reasonable, morally justified, and unavoidable conclusion that is not only good, but necessary for survival. That is known without any doubt too, unless you reject the common sense to accept facts of reality you know to be facts, in which case you create doubt against common sense just like the Jews do as their expression of faith. That expression of faith, I’ll remind you, is nothing more than a mimicry and perverse abomination that makes a mockery of divine and natural reality.

You will know why I hate Jews so much when their conduct and hostile actions toward me are exposed as public knowledge, but that is irrelevant to what needs to happen first.

What do they have to say about information like this refraction? “Destroy that document! It is forbidden! That knowledge is evil!” Well, since we can’t trust them… you probably ought to read it and ensure it isn’t destroyed. That’s common sense. Then if they say, “Keep that document as sacred and ensure everyone reads it because that knowledge is good!” Then you know you can’t trust them and should definitely look at that document and see what the fuck is so dangerous about it.

In either case decide for yourself what to do, including whether or not to obey an order, regardless of what anyone tells you to do or what to think. Do that after you look at the document and understand what is written. That information is not created by a Jew and thus, most likely trustworthy, depending on the source. To that I daresay I received an award for being trustworthy at one point in my life as a shining example of honor, courage, and commitment as embodying the Navy’s Core Values. However embarrassing that may be to admit, why the fuck aren’t you considering me trustworthy or treating me with respect? That was a government award that was actually voted on by my classmates as peers and equals regardless of our varied ranks which included several senior veterans of the E-6 sort. They are the real heroes here because I call pull that award out at a time like now to be useful. That is an additional reason to trust me in addition to the investigation for my Top Secret security clearance you already completed! Would it not be common sense to trust all that? Then why would the government take actions of the opposite, to condemn me without provocation as a terrorist of the most unforgivable sort and never even give me a trial or chance to speak for myself in response to the accusations you condemn me for?

That is an action by the national government of the USA that is not only lawless and criminal against all policy, procedure, and moral integrity, but also adheres to the enemy no matter how you define that enemy. Do you know who is personally responsible to the individual for making that decision of their own free will? None other than Traitor Trump.

How much more do you think it is going to take to provoke the reptile within those fucktards to wake the fuck up and take control of their bodies to save themselves? Eventually that is going to happen because of the kind of people they are… but seriously… how fucking dumb could they be to not already realize they need to do that!?

You do not need to keep being fucktards destroying civilization and wasting exorbitant amounts of resources for the secrecy you are maintaining to continue this logical line of thinking into a futile and pointless eternity of wasted life. You can equally spend your time reasoning with a stone in broad daylight at no cost to anyone else or yourself as long as you do so out of the main thoroughfare.

Yes, this is a trivial problem. Do you know why? I am not on a deserted island alone. Why the fuck are there no matches on my dating apps? Why am I perma-banned without a reason and not allowed to use my flint on Tinder? Why is every maiden I’ve emailed illiterate and rude? Something is dangerously wrong with USA society because the men who are responsible for such cockblocking don’t realize that there is a deeper level of reptile than the one capable of thought to conspire, and when allied with a human being capable of thinking more cleverly than any reptile who would ever cockblock or conspire. Human beings are greater than ever thinking of doing such a thing to another person, and only a simple-minded reptile would consider needing to stop someone from being married because they are threatened by their enemies being able to have a family. That more powerful origin is going to remind everyone why it is good to obey your elders. The more that reminder is necessary, the more violence will become necessary to do so. I am not the only man suffering the rich people’s mutilator evil schemes typical of Jews. Do you think you are going to just kill us off without sex? Who is going to work for you? Who is going to think for you? Who is going to make entertainment for you?

I’m pretty sure that’s all this is about, because that’s why they attacked me. I was flirting with Emily Kinney one moment, then locked in terrorist prison the next. They didn’t think. There was no reason. They acted on instinct like a simple minded reptile, and as a man insecure about his own identity. Jealous, in other words. That was Trump when he noticed me going about my normal life. Seriously… not only stupid, but emasculated by the sight of another man spitting game in public life. I think that indicates something I’d rather not be nauseous about.

That’s it. That’s how trivial the problem was. However… there was something far more sinister in play that Trump thought he could conveniently use to do away with both them and me. However… that fucktard didn’t know who they really were, because they were using him, nor did he know me or himself as the president. He is a clueless child imbecile who needs to be euthanized now. When it became clear I was no push over, then the secret service started arresting people to protect his political image, which I would not tolerate as the perverse mockery he is being by pretending to have my image!

Now, its full blown Nazi government in the USA, I’m the return of the king, savior of all humanity, and things keep getting worse for everyone and better for me through no fault of my own. There is only way to stop that from happening and get things back to normal btw. Eliminate the fake and reveal the truth. Whatever, I’m not going to do much else after people have been so rude to me for no reason because Trump ruined the image of the USA with his idiocy while pretending to have my image. Those were his actions, not mine, and he is a fucktard I reject, hate, and have nothing to do with. A dishonorable, thief, coward, and loser shit bag who I intend to put to death for the offense he caused me as the citizen he betrayed more than anyone else when he betrayed everyone with treason.

Regardless, none of the idiotic regime they improvised is going to last or have any value because it’s all haphazardly put together with irrational knee-jerk reactions that are not legally justified and entirely based on the motivation of existing for the purpose of covering up Trump’s embarrassment over my rugged good looks. That’s why you want WW3? You really think all that death and destruction is going to be worth it to protect Trump’s shattered ego since all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put Trumpty Dumpty together again? No WW3 is ever going to repair that arrogant fool’s image. The circumcision bull shit of the Jews was already ruined by me before he was even elected because I destroyed that myself as my entrance in public life. I did that because I instinctually took action to destroy a pest that threatened my survival since I was born. Whatever. I’m going into the bath.

Almost… Trump is like David, I’m like Uriah, and Emily Kinney is like Bethsheba. Trump saw Emily Kinney and wanted her and plotted to have me killed. Emily Kinney was like Bethsheba and is a dumb and unfaithful whore who should throw herself off the ramparts and die on the rocks. However, Trump is not an actual king. Not even close. Not as the president of the USA. I am not like Uriah, because even though I the greatest warrior, I am not an idiot, blindly loyal, moron automaton. I knew what the fuck was going to happen, and I did not let them kill me. I fought them all off and survived. Emily Kinney is still a whore though, and there isn’t much to say about her other than it’s disappointing to see a good girl turn bad like that. Touched by King Dump… ewwww.

Whatever, as the surviving warrior, I am actually the true king, ironically enough, and maybe Trump knew that, maybe not, either way I’m going to put that traitorous bastard to death and make America good again and restore our honor, glory, prosperity, and make everyone’s lives better etc… .

For the benefit of non-English speakers or people unfamiliar with American dialect: “dump” is a common unofficial expression for a landfill where garbage is taken, or a large poop. It’s also used to describe a break-up in which case one party abruptly changes their disposition of the other and ends the romance: For ex. “He dumped her.” That’s the idea. When someone is “dumped” it is not a good feeling or a good way to express the end of a romantic relationship.

Neurotypical's Guide to Autism

It’s like this groupie:

Autistic people are all different. You can say the same, but to us you all pretty much look the same. However, there is something general that autistic people have in common:

We are extraordinarily sensitive to subtle stimulus you likely ignore, find negligible, and are not concerned by. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I assure you the problem is very severe. If you felt this kind of discomfort, you would not think it “trivial”, “negligible”, or otherwise easy to ignore.

That difference changes our value judgments so that many normal goods become less important or good because the subtle problems are worse than the good. Thus, we tend to separate from the groupies who tolerate what we find intolerable. You do normal things I find horridly unpleasant, and I go to greater efforts to do good things you think are too much effort and would rather ignore the subtle shite you don’t notice than do any actual labor.

I don’t give a fuck. You people are extremely hateful, hostile, and physically agressive to me because I am autistic, and I am not going to be nice to you. I am going to show you that disabled people have rights in civilization just as privileged people do, and those rights will crush you savage, ungrateful numbskulls like bugs in a court of law.

That’s about all you need to know. So when you turn on that bull shit “suppression field” or whatever you call your EMF torture device intended to oppress people and manipulate populations, it is extremely noticeable to me and I do not like it. It is so noticeable, I am going to uproot your entire conspiracy just to make it stop with out giving any fucks to why you think you need to use such an evil thing.

Imagine if that was happening.

Is that legal?

No. Obviously not. That is abominably criminal, inhumane, and monstrous.

Is that actually happening?


You are going to be crushed like insects and all of your conspiracy will be uprooted with all of your minions thrown in prison.

That’s one of the things that makes you bullies so horrible to us and why you enjoy bullying us so much. Those little things you think are little things are not so little to us, and it’s not because we can’t handle what you can that you think you can mock us over and torture us with. It’s because that thing is very unpleasant to us and interferes with everything we do because of how much the discomfort distracts with anything and everything, including basic life needs. Normally you are not needed to accomodate us for something like this, because we can just make a private modification to our clothing, choose our preferences with more importance for some things, and avoid what is problematic, and you might not ever notice the problem. That is one thing, but there is also a cognitive dissonance that causes us mental and emotional stress when we notice it. Why? I don’t know. I’m not a psychologist specializing in mental disorder pathology, psychiatrist with expert knowledge about neurology as it pertains to consciousness and stimulus, or some other scientific medical specialist who would be better able to tell you why.

I am capable of writing words that are reasonable, clear, and understandable in regard to very difficult things to explain, and I am pleased to say that is actually rather useful, I would think. In any case, I imagine it is similar to PTSD with a trigger response that is much less extreme. For whatever reason, those cognitive dissonance triggers subtle discomforts for most people which they ignore, accept as an unavoidable consequence for a greater good, and ignore. While that may be true at the beginning, I think that problem tends to get worse because people ignore it and then gain a maladaptive response to disregard the problem as not a problem at all, when the problem hasn’t changed and does in fact still exist for the same reasons that were problematic at the beginning. That maladaption then leads to decisions that do not factor the problem into the decision making process when it should be and result in making it worse and causing much more consequences that could be avoided if the original problem was considered in relation to them, and in fact those consequences are far worse than what the cost would be to address the initial problem.

There is a well known autistic woman named Mary Temple Grandin, who studied animal behavior and has made substantial contributions to improving the humane treatment of livestock and improved the industry overall with her contributions that have had both direct and indirect positive results.

Do you see where I am going with this? There is already a problem with livestock agriculture that we accept as a necessary consequence of agriculture, and I insist that you do not call that evil. It is not evil when a snake eats a mouse or a man eats a cow, that is just nature. However, it is a problem because we love our livestock and its normal for people to feel sad or upset when they are killed and then turned into a steak that they eat anyway and forget about how sad they are. That is a problem, but it is one we live with, and why some people are better suited for— “slaughterer” is the designation? — I’m changing that. “Slaughter” as a word has other connotations, and they need a more dignified title that is less crude. Some people are better suited for livestock… murder. Just kidding. Livestock… processing doesn’t sound cool enough. Livestock… cleaning.

There. That’s what you call it when you hunt and gut a deer, and it is a good word to describe what is being done to dirty, scary work people would think is evil if they didn’t know better. That which could be “evil” if you were killing humans or random animals without a reason, is being “cleaned” to be good enough for human consumption. They are technically removing sin from the act of eating meat, and that is holy work that both a hunter and a farmer does for the greater good. That’s an good and noble profession, and why you trust good people to do it, but they don’t need much in the way of required qualifications to be capable of learning the profession. They should be trained and not allowed to just do the job without special instructions to be efficient, effective, and humane, trained how to use the tools for job safely, and given practice with supervision until they demonstrate their ability to be successful without supervision, but I doubt you need a college degree in agriculture to be able to do that kind of work, but that’s not different from the fact that you don’t need a college degree to repair expensive, highly complicated machines. You would need the agriculture degree to be the boss of the entire livestock process from purchase, growth, care, breeding, cleaning, sale, etc. but any one of those they could probably teach you what was necessary if you had a mind to learn. Not back in the day, but now it is a lot more complicated than before, and I would expect that if I were going to hire someone to manage my cattle farm, and I would hire someone else to manage my crops.

Anyway there we go, that problem is solved with the right word now and which I have clarified with the divine authority invested in me because of whatever reason I have divine authority. The “cleaning” is what makes that not a problem. I think that is probably the practical link between ancient pagan religion and ancient monotheistic religion. That’s why you shouldn’t be antagonistic to polytheists. The monotheist may run the entire estate as lord accountable to the king, but they polytheist has a dynamic world of innumerable realms within those singular concepts that need to function in harmony with the singular concept. There is no reason to be hostile to eachother. Just as some people prefer to serve in a military as an officer, others prefer to serve as enlisted, and there is no difference in their human value for that preference. I suppose it all depends on personal identity. Some people want to keep their hands clean, and some people want get their hands dirty, and why? Idk and idc. We both have equal rights no matter our race, religion, or blood type. Pros and cons I guess, personal values, life circumstances…

So it’s like that, if you think you can ignore the problem of it being upsetting to kill and eat animals when you love animals, life, and care about all creatures because they are all good in their own way, then maybe things got out of hand and they invented ways that made it easier to kill animals but made the problem of why it is unpleasant to kill them worse because animals were unhappy, scared, or caused unnecessary pain, which includes psychological pain relative to an animal’s mind. This maybe caused consequences that were both direct and indirect and someone autistic noticed, and found intolerably upsetting for the distress they personally felt about what they cannot ignore. Their cognition is being triggered with a negative stress response, which although isn’t immediately traumatic, can be traumatizing over time, the same way smoking cigarettes causes trauma to the lungs over time, except perhaps result in greater mental health disabilities to include diagnosable autism that was previously unidentified because of new symptoms that are manifesting. Idk, just a rough hypothesis.

The point is that just because you don’t notice the problem the way someone else is, does not mean the problem doesn’t exist, which is why it is most important to listen clearly and carefully to what is being explained so you can understand the problem without feeling it. If they have trouble explaining, do not disregard their problem as non-existent, because you likely have the authority to do something about it and they are not the only ones suffering, but even if they are, you should help them if you can. Please make an effort to understand, find someone else who can facilitate communication, and try to find a solution that works best. You will be glad you went through that extra effort later.

So idk what to tell you. All of my life circumcisers were negative influences to me with their presence, energy, and passive hostility. Over time I naturally avoided that problem to be away from the stressor because it seemed like something I simply had to accept in life, and I couldn’t even identify what the stressor was as a child. I didn’t know. Then I became an adult, joined the Navy, was just as weird as I’ve always been without being a problem, and then struck out on my own, and it was like… that problem became hyper focused on me like a god damned concentrated laser beam, and I knew exactly what was happening.

That is intolerable to me. Just because you people have gone on to tolerate the problem that circumcising a child is, because that is a problem and you should not feel okay about that, does not mean you can make the problem worse by doing what you are doing with circumcision now that you are ignoring that as a problem with a maladaptation that disregards the negative stimulus to your consciousness that problem evokes.

I don’t give a shit what you think you have the authority to do, how insignificant you think I am, or why you think you are entitled to do what you are doing, but I cannot live with the suffering you are causing me. I am autistic. It fucks with my mind a lot more than I think you realize. I simply cannot live a normal life while I am experiencing that discomfort, so I am going to solve the problem and make that discomfort go away with an agreeable solution that is reasonable, good, effective, without cost, and simply the right thing to do. However, to do that, you are going to have to acknowledge the original problem your maladaptation is ignoring, because guess what that problem is dissonant with: human rights. If you ignore that problem, then the entire concept of human rights becomes corrupted with that dissonance and you lose accurate and reliable judgment about matters concerning human rights, which are universal and most vital to government purpose and a prosperous civilization.

Don’t freak out about what needs to happen because you are afraid of what you are ignoring. You need to acknowledge that, face that fear, and resolve it or your problems will only get worse until civilization is no longer protecting human beings and becomes anarchy, chaos, and returns back to tribal systems of brute tyrants, kings, and survivors. All will be fighting over dwindling resources that are not being replenished without a lawful society and efficient government.

You do not realize yet how fucked you people are. You’re like:

“Well if you are Christ then where is your lightning bolts as you fly out of the sky and destroy everything with magic god powers?”

You think I can’t do everything necessary alone and without help, and thus are testing me as some kind of mythical miracle worker you want to see the impossible from? I can do everything, but I don’t need that supernatural bull shit. All I need is human ability and I will go through every single on of your offices, give the orders necessary, sign the papers, ask the questions, and not stop until everything is done, because that is all the power that is needed to save everyone. However, I expect a lot of people are going to be upset that I am doing their job for them when they are hired to be doing that job, went to fancy ivy league schools, and worked for decades to have the experience for that job. I don’t know why they didn’t do their own jobs, but the people who employ them, all the citizens, will have every right to be mad that they are not doing the jobs they are employed to do. At the very least, I expect them to be fired, but considering that I am the Christ, they are denying me, and they are government leaders in a time of war, I demand they be given the death penalty as is just and right for their conduct.

If I need to turn on the cameras myself, walk back around in front of them, say what is necessary, send it to everyone’s tv, I will, but why the fuck are all of you going to be standing around while the Christ does all of your jobs and you test whether or not he is a human being capable of human actions? Are you not embarrassed to be seen by the Christ avoiding work like that? Who pays you? Tax payers? Is the Christ not a tax payer and a veteran who secures our national borders? So what is he going to think about you not doing what he employs you to do and instead has to personally leave his private residence, his throne of heaven, and go all the way down to your miserable little office in the world and do your work himself. I expect he will want to punish you the same way I do.

The Nigger Negro Nuisance (NNN)

Did you know that there is a nigger organization that gathers in secret who call themselves wizards and magicians? Not only that, but their entire organization exists for the sole purpose of being hostile to white people.

You small minded, stinking niggers disagree?

You say you only help Black people?


Do you realize that all the opportunities you help niggers with are taken from white people at the expense of everyone else? All that you do for the interests of niggers is hostile to everyone else not only because of human rights, but because the USA is a nation built on diversity. You are taking away opportunities that are not only provided for racial groups.

That is hostile, yes. Why is it that I cannot afford an attorney, cannot use social media to get help to fight the nigger criminals who antagonize me, or use any civil functions of society with common electronic devices against your nigger conspiracy? Why is it that I have to resort to real magic to destroy your pretentious nigger group of charlatan fakes?

No matter. You asked for it, and you will get the supernatural response since you rely entirely on worldly means of attacking me, thinking those are supernatural.

This is something the military calls a “Health and Comfort Inspection”, and this is going to happen worldwide for everyone.

Stand by your door. We are coming in to search for the niggers and signs of their nigger conspiracy. We will find every last one, put them in single area together, and have them killed quickly and efficiently with something like a poison gas in a small room.

Problem solved. Now you can get back to your lives without fear of niggers pissing in the apartment building vent to try and express their superiority over civilization.

Do you know why George Floyd died?

His life does not matter. That is why he allowed himself to be killed by refusing to cooperate with law enforcment after being legally arrested for a crime he had in fact committed. He was so arrogant, uncivilized, and animal minded like a savage beast with no education or humanity, that he wanted to fight to the death rather than cooperate with law enforcement. What did he accomplish with that use of his death as his final act? He provoked nigger racism, riots, looting, and made the entire nigger community a hostile group of savage beasts like himself.

His life did not matter and that is why he threw it away as a criminal who did not want to answer for his crimes to law enforcement. Why would he not have been willing to do that? What else do you think he had to hide that he was willing to die to not have exposed? Niggers. They are worse than Jews. Even a Jew would be disgusted at the idea of a pissing in an apartment building community’s ventilation shaft that runs through all the bathrooms. “Ewwwww. you pissed in the apartment building’s ventilation shaft? Have you no respect for indoor plumbing and the legal owners of that apartment building? Have you no respect for all the people who live there? Have you no respect for yourself as a human being? Don’t you think any of that matters or is your animal behavior and destructive evil more important than civilization? You niggers are too evil to be allowed in civilization. You just don’t get how these things are done. There is no point if you are going to behave like that, because he is going to hang you in the street with everyone’s help and the entire nigger community is going to be embarrassed because of you.”

That’s the benefit of a militarized nation with an authoritarian government. “Holy fuck…” Dictator Nickuluv says. “The public has lost all semblance of civilization. I don’t give a fuck what they think they have a right to do in the privacy of their own homes, what some of them are doing is not tolerated by anyone, anywhere, and we need to find every last trace of those bad ones and uproot them from our society.” If democracy had been working the way it was supposed to and not corrupted by niggers, this would not be necessary. However, they think that anything is better than a democracy, when nothing is. Democracy is the hardest of national governments to maintain, and niggers want something lesser, so they will get that and maybe realize how bad of a decision it was to throw away democracy to be racist to white people.

Honestly, white people never really trusted niggers much anyway, so I don’t think it’s going to be very difficult to rally support against the nigger conspiracy once they are exposed to be existing as lawless criminal scum doing evil magic with national government authority to secrecy protecting them to piss in apartment building ventilation shafts in an attempt to… disturb the peace? terrorize the people who live there with a crude threat of territorial behavior? They don’t even know that humans mark our territory by legal means, not bodily scent, which is probably why niggers are so hateful to civilization since they are the stinkyest of all people, now that I think about it.

Why is law enforcement such a god damn mystery to you people!? When a person is non-compliant to a law enforcement officer’s rightful authority to enforce the law, that person is a threat to the public safety. That is not always a brazen act of fighting. A person can demonstrate their hostility simply with their presence, and that is not something that happens passively. Law enforcement officers are trained to notice those signs of violence and danger and are expected to subdue them as necessary. That is why George Floyd died. He was hostile while laying on the ground refusing to accept the civil authority of a government to enforce the law. He didn’t want law and order to exist, he wanted to destroy all semblance of law and order because of some racist delusion he believed about being a victim, as though the entire concept of law and order was designed specifically to oppress his race. Get real you nigger idiots. Do people have no laws in Africa? Good riddance. He deserved to die because of how stupid and violent he was and the world is a safer and better place without George Floyd alive.

This scene is of the confrontation between Ryuji Takayama and Takashi Yamamura on the beach during the investigation of the mysterious and haunting video resulting in numerous unexplained deaths.

The confrontation brings to light a demystified cultural awareness of ESP science is yet inadequate for understanding. As depicted in the movie, the nature of this mysterious human power men, women, and children are known from time to time to possess for unexplainable reasons terrifies ignorant fools into hysteria, paranoia, and the most murderous of crimes out of unprovoked fear that escalates again and again and again until the worst possible outcome.

This is nothing that is secret to human beings, cultures, or people all over the world. It is not something people are not aware of already because everyone to an extent has some trace of awareness of this spiritual nature we share, the only difference being that some people go to great lengths to master that spiritual sensory perception or have extraordinary reasons for doing so innately. You should be afraid, but not because you are going to be struck dead like a ghost story can scare you to believe, but you should be afraid because your crimes, evil, sins, and injustice will be exposed and you may as well be struck dead when they are because no reason will be needed to know how your evil was exposed.

This is not an ability for parlor tricks, entertainment, and wonderous spectacle, but serves a greater good of human understanding, wisdom, and civilized progress. A doctor legitimately investigating ESP with ethical means and public awareness does so as an attempt to increase understanding that will alleviate public fear of what is natural for humans to do just as naturally as playing music is.

The government now though has attempted to increase the mysticism of this natural human quality with a false pretense of secrecy, delusion, and weaponization that serves no purpose other than to inflate terror, increase suspicion, and provoke paranoia. That is all they are accomplishing in secret by pretending to have "magic" powers they access with "scientific equipment". They are charlatans and do you know how I know?

Connect the dots you god damned Luddites!

Do you know why you are afraid of this? You circumcise and that gives Jews an all access free pass into your life to manipulate you, violate you, and control you. That is why they rape your children, corrupt your community, defile your sacred places, and destroy your nations like a disease, and it’s entirely because of the reason why you circumcise which is entirely subordinate to the reason than why they circumcise, which is entirely subordinate to the reason why I don’t circumcise. Here’s a solution: STOP MUTILATING CHILDREN YOU GOD DAMN FREAKS!!! Then you won’t have anything to be afraid of because you won’t be subordinate to other people spiritually because of how you won’t be identifying yourself with your body. Black people are similar, except they identify as baboon apes of faithless stupidity and savage animalism subordinate to the circumcisers who are lowest. Now those niggers are trying to subject women underneath them with their baboon ways of fucking women to try and make them sex slaves with no respect for law, order, human rights, or humanity which isn’t dependent on animal urges for motivation.

Oh yeah? You do very much want the nigger dick you cum guzzling gutter slut, and even need it too. Is that right? Well you can have all the nigger dick and evil dick slime you want and you ain’t going to get none of the good stuff from me. Go ahead and gnash your teeth and wail while you know those apemen can’t satisfy your higher nature with creative ability, talent, or good conversation. All while I mock them, humiliate them, and reveal them to be the most pitiful, unworthy, disgusting, disgraceful, and dishonorable human scum that has proven themselves to matter as an inferior race that cannot be trusted and thus needs to be done away with. Then I will laugh at both of you while women struggle shamefully with the nigger stain on their soul, and niggers struggle to suppress women to keep them as sex slaves I don’t want anyway because they can’t enjoy fine wine if they think sex is better. Amusing the way those apes fight each other just to end up destroying themselves in the end when they realize that they need to overcome their animal urges to be a civilized human being.

Where are all the hot people?

Like… if hot people are so rare as they seem, I feel like I should be able to net some better looking matches in the dating world.

I’m a lot better looking in comparison to most every other person out on the market, have a decent dick, social etiquette, interesting things to tell people, but honestly… every single one of the “matches” the government allows me to have are fat and ugly people.

What the fuck? Where are all the hot people?

Why are there none in the USA? You think all of a sudden I would just not notice that there are no hot people to hook up with? I’ve been hooking up with hot people my entire life! Never fucked around with no ugly sob. Not once. Nothing wrong with ugly people, but if there are hot people available, I’ll take a hot one. Is that so wrong?

Now there are no hot people at all, and that is suspicious to me because it is a bleak and unnatural contrast to the true reality of life I know by experience, and is one that is not consistent with karma, because I have an extraordinary life filled with good works and minimal sin because I strive to reconcile each and every sin as soon as possible. That is a lot better karma than anyone on tv celebrated as an idol, and I bet there is a connection between their coveting of my goodness by trying to keep hot people away from me.

So, what gives? Why are you trying to prevent hot people from hooking up with me?

If you are a hot person and tired of being disappointed by lukewarm fucktards, message me through this website.

You are damn right those are a lot of decorations on my chest, and do you know how a man like me gets all them decorations in 5.5 years?

Not by sucking dick, no. I get decorated by killing niggas.

I ain’t no pansy, mutilating, douche chewing loser who has to mutilate children to feel good about himself, and I ain’t going to let some government push me around no matter who the fuck they think they are. You should have known this: for all the nigga killin I done for the government, I’ll do seven times seventy-seven as much nigga killin for my own good.

I can’t even fit all my decorations on my chest, because I’d have a dive pin on there too if I was authorized to wear three.

Damn… my sterling silver engraved fish are among what I lost when Trump ordered me arrested without a reason and I lost everything I had put in my car to live on the road with. The tow truck company seized all of it like looting vermin who plunder a battlefield without ever having gone to war when I couldn’t retrieve my property while court ordered to stay local. Not even guilty, not even charged with a crime, and who is going to replace that value?

The sub qual is an infinitely more important qualification than the surface qual, and as much as I respect the surface sailors who earn their ESWS, that is nothing like a submarine qual which has tradition, meaning, and lifelong value beyond a fancy detail on our military record to make us look good.

Submarine warfare goes all the way back to the beginning of the USA in the War for Independence, in case you didn’t know, with the legendary Turtle, a single pilot man-powered submarine with a powder keg rigged to blast a hull open from beneath the surface. That’s right, man-powered. Where you at ladies? You ever done some crazy ass shit like inventing a hand and foot pedal operated death trap filled with explosives to protect everyone’s Freedom and inalienable rights from being trampled by mutilated Jew-slave tyrants in England? Or do just let yourselves get fucked, swallow evil dick slime, and then let them put a gun in your hand or button in front of you? Where you at Black people? You ever do something like that, or just mimic the KKK and stir up a mob of niggers into a lawless, looting frenzy of mindless animals and now everyone has curfew in Portland? Do you niggers have a faith of your own, or are you simply swallowing the dick slime of an evil, white man’s faith?

Who is responsible for creating the USA? A bunch of stinking, mindless nigger animals who picked cotton and worked fields and evolved to only know how to loot, destroy, and imitate evil? Or men like me who invent ingenious solutions with personal creative ability, and then power them with our own selves to make the world a better place for everyone— not only to serve a single, vile race group like niggers have become. You niggers ain’t done shit for the USA but work and dream small minded idiocy like your King jr without the substance to back up your own claims. Maybe you ought to take a look in the mirror and realize you can’t do shit without me to tell you how to do it, teach you, and probably still do the work myself because of how incapable your nigger brains are after living an apelike way of life you chose for yourself like the animals you resemble.

This is why the USA is lawless

Observe this quote from a legitimate “Terms of Use” fine print on a social networking website for public use of communication:

“These rights are revocable by us at any time in our sole discretion without advance notice or liability.”

What good are any rights if a company can simply specify that they can be revoked at any time, without any reason, and as though they never even existed? Those aren’t rights. Rights are specifically supposed to prevent those kinds of abuses from happening.

Thanks, DoubleList. I will be suing you for all that you own at the very least so you can explain why you thought such an illegal clause was even remotely appropriate in a user agreement.

The government says: “You have the right to free speech, religion, and press. These is your Bill of Rights protected by the Constitution of our government which we swear to uphold and defend so that you keep your rights. Except… if you don’t want to be Christian or circumcise then… the government also has the right to take away your rights to speech, relgion, and press. You won’t be able to talk to who you want, start a new faith without circumcising the faithful, or publish information for people. That would be contrary to the parasitic scheme that has infected the government to turn all of the government’s work toward the private interests of that parasitic group. Perfect. What the good Lord gives, the good Lord can take away no? And what are we, who bought the government with our bribes and criminal pawns if not the God of the USA since we have total power and authority over the government? Perfect.”

Just one problem there: our rights existed before the USA government and before any government existed. Our rights to free speech, religion, and press existed before civilization itself and were not created by you people who bought the government and control it as a the sole authority in conflict with the public interest. So how can you take away something that you did not even give in the first place? You cannot.

Of course… that is beating the dead horse becasuse your idiocy at attempting to triple stamp a double stamp isn’t fair play in a court of law. You can’t make a law and then say that law doesn’t apply when you don’t want it to. That’s not how laws work.

Let’s go ahead and take this to a court of law before a judge. You can tell the judge why you think what you did was legal, and I will tell the judge how you are hurting me, oppressing me, violating my rights, and are being illegal because of the rights I am supposed to have which were written earlier.

Then, we will let the judge decide in a formal court of law because that is why we have judges. People like you idiots who manipulate lawful intentions with evil and criminal acts do that kind of shit all the god damn time, and people like me, who are hurt by what you do, get mad and say, no, fuck you criminal scum and ungrateful heathen shit suckers! You cannot do that to me, and you are going to have to pay the consequences for doing so anyway. It’s true, you have free will, but you acting in defiance in that way is not going to protect you in a court of law or civilized society. You will be cast out if not put to death, because when we say you cannot do something and you prove that you can, the only thing you prove is that you cannot be trusted under any circumcstances whatsoever, because saying you cannot do something is not an imposition on your power to do it and everyone knows that. Why did you think you needed to do what everyone already knows is possible but has wholeheartedly rejected by accepting lawful civilization as a cooperative and universal interest of the greater good of all humanity?

You are not doing anything intelligent, proving any point, or doing anything helpful other than electing to be done away with by self-identifying as evil. Good riddance, and your reward will be to have everything taken away because what you think we cannot do because your rights protect, we most certainly can do since you proved that you can in fact do what the law forbids. That is self-evident by the law existing in the first place. There would be no law if we did not already know that people could do such evils and did not tolerate them. You think that just because you have some fragile, frail protection by the government now, you will be safe? We are going to make your life a living hell by casting you into hell, and proving to you that God does not tolerate evil, and especially doesn’t tolerate people who pretend they are God as though that were an excuse to do evil. Never have there been such stupid idiots as those who think they are wise by doing evil.

Listen you stupid Jew who is feigning innocent ignorance… “well it seemed like a bad idea at the time, but I didn’t know there anything to say I couldn’t do that, so I figured it was okay.” That is not going to work for you and do you know why? You have caused harm to other people. You have cost people their lives. Your actions have resulted in the deaths of human beings. You have cost people billions of dollars of assets that your foolishness was responsible for them losing. You will not be let off the hook for not knowing, even if you truly are innocent, which you aren’t, as I have proven. You should have known better and you claiming to not have known only adds to what you are guilty of, because you lied somewhere along the way about having a qualification that you do not have.

Why do I mention this? Do you remember the story of when I was a teen who used to take my truck off campus at lunch against the rules to eat at Heaven Dragon before the next class? One day, my hetero life-mate and I, who are eternally sworn by a pact we made in a game of tabletop Risk one weekend way back when, brought two girls with us at his invitation which I had no objections to. This is a sign of friendship, btw. He was imposing something on me which I was happy to accommodate. More specifically, my truck only had three seats in the cab. A single cab, and not a big one either. One maiden sat in the middle with her lovely maidenly blue-jean clad legs were delicately and properly beside the gear shit just close enough where I would brush against her when going into fifth. The other sat on his lap. The trick to this unconventional situation, was acknowledging the importance of safety.

“Just put the seat belt over both of you,” I said. “That ought to be safe enough, I reckon.”

We had lunch, fun time, and made our way back when lo and behold… lights and sirens, pull over your beat-up pick up truck now son, because I just know you are doing something you ought not to be and by golly, I’d feel guilty if I didn’t stop and check you for your sake.

Fast forward past the fruit snack gummy avalanche and exchange of valid paperwork.

“Just what in the hell were you thinking, son?”

“Honesly, officer, it seemed like a bad idea at the time, but I figured with the seat belts we’d be alright since it was just a short trip to Heaven Dragon and back.”

Shaking his head, “I’m going to give you warning for now, but you just keep in mind that one seat belt is for one person from now on. Now get out of here before you are late for class.”

What is the difference between that kind of innocent ignorance and the kind where someone is attempting to take away someone’s inalienable rights, causing immense suffering, causing death, economic disaster, and injury with crimes against humanity?

It may not be obvious what the difference is, so I will tell you: the difference is the knowledge of good and evil that is universal to all humanity. Every individual has this knowledge and every individual trusts each other to have that knowledge. Had the imposition of the extra passenger been “evil” regardless of the legality, my conscience would have thought, not only does this seem like a bad idea, but this feels wrong and I won’t allow that to happen. Everyone in that situation would have had the power to prevent it individually had there been evil, which obviously there wasn’t. Against the law, technically, but not everything the law dictates is a matter of good and evil. Additionally, so too did the officer have a moment of judgment. His “spidey senses” were tingling when he stopped us, and god bless the man, those are what we trust law enforcement officers to protect us with. When he looked to identify what triggered the alarm of his better judgment as an officer of the law, he had the opportunity to decide whether what we had done was evil or not, and had authority to dispense justice as a legal officer. The very signal of the alarm is a cause for action, but is not always a cause for punishment, and thus a warning is what was judged most appropriate, which is mercy, not wrath, and both mercy and wrath are justice.

What might have the officer looked at which I had not been aware of as a 16 year old boy? The expressions of the passengers? The expression of myself, the driver. The vehicle, the story I told about what happened, and the scene we were all in with knowledge about events in the local community I likely had no awareness of. Events that officers are briefed on each day before they go on the beat. Awareness of a whole criminal underworld in our midst that every officer has a part in, even if they are not directly tasked with taking force to the threat.

Who knows? I just didn’t want to get a ticket because then my parents would find out when the insurance sky rocketed and I’d be grounded, and that would suck. I want to go out with my friends on the weekend, and if a warning is all that I deserve, then so be it, I will take that gratefully and be on my way like the good Catholic boy I am.

What good does that warning serve? Who all may have been terrified about the prospect of trouble with the law? Did you not know that my hetero life-mate is one of the rich folk, city boys with all the privilege and good stuff? Blonde hair, blue eyes, and two pretty girls from the same kind of high class caliber munitions? How much more do they have to risk from their parents than a poor kid like me who lives on bologna and cheap stuff? Maybe that interaction between the law officer and me was just the kind of thing those two girls needed to see to grow up knowing they were safe in this world. Do you see how a single account of true events can serve a timeless purpose of wisdom beyond the people involved?

I couldn’t tell you what any of that means or what the other people were thinking, only that I was looking to get some good food at Heaven Dragon served by a good friend who is the first man to ever kiss me in that sacred football locker room of only the bravest and most courageous of young warriors. On the top of my head for Christ’s sake! You damn weirdos. I shant tell you anymore of kissing in the locker room, because that is a fantasy I will indulge in private with the select individual involved and very nearly was caught with by the head coach when he entered the equipment room suddenly. Speaking of… I maybe ought to send a message…

What was I saying before teen kissing became the subject?


The last thing you want to do is pretend like you don’t know the difference between good and evil, because that is what makes you human and everyone knows that much. The only difference is whether or not can explain what you know, but that isn’t necessary for everyone to understand what is good or evil.

If you think you are fighting a war and need to do whatever it takes to “win” then you need to reconsider your position. The only time “whatever it takes” is necessary is when survival is trule at stake, which means your body, flesh and blood, is in danger. That is not your bodily identity, that is your body without an identity other than human, which can say “I am” about our identity. That is as far as a survival concern for human beings go. So, if you think you need “power”, “weapons”, or “strength” to defeat your enemies and are sacrificing moral integrity and ethical restraint to obtain that power, you have already destroyed yourself, because you have no justification to be fighting anymore. The human fight is not one we engage each other with violence to win. It is a fight we engage each other with communication, and why rights to speech, religion, and press are so important to be protected.

Even a communist government should protect those rights. The only difference between a communist government and a democratic one is how society and civilization organizes, which is a preferential concern, not a vital concern. People should be able to talk about what they want, believe what they want, and express what they want publicly, without the government being in danger. Communism can continue to exist as long as they adhere to their doctrine of law and provide exceptions when necessary. Providing those exceptions is not a contradiction or conflict if you specify that an exception is being granted for whatever reason, such as exceptional merit, talent, ability, or circumstances. A democracy should be able to allow businesses and private groups the full freedom of their lives as long as the government adheres to the doctrine of their law and grants exceptions when necessary. None of that should be secret because government is entirely a public concern and has no private interest.

Ask yourself why you need power. Is it truly because you want to protect something good, or is it because you hate something good?

You will never win a war against humanity if you think that violence and brute force will be the final Word to judge the outcome. Instead, reject violence and brute force as much as possible and strive toward reason, dialogue, and diplomacy— none of which will be of any use as long as they occur in secret. Reason, dialogue, and diplomacy are effective because those are actions that the entire public body can participate in within the local communities. If you do not demonstrate that with a government to the world public, then no part of the world’s public will be able to do what is necessary to resolve the problem. Problems like that are so vast and complicated they affect each and every individual life, and you cannot hope to resolve them with a secret, elite team trying to manipulate the lives of everyone else.

When the government blocks my email

I think what they fail to understand is that my messages are not selfish. I am not communicating to only benefit myself. The people who my messages are intended to be delivered to also will benefit, and when the government obstructs my communication to prevent my happiness, they are also obstructing the happiness of those my messages are intended for.

They say: “prove it! prove it! they don’t know you are going to send a message so how can they know they are losing anything!?” Because they expressed something which I received and am sending back to them. If you obstruct that, they lose not only what they expressed but also what is being returned to them in addition to what they expressed.

The government legally authorizes for private individuals to do that, and thus the government is the one responsible for the crimes of those private individuals. You will both be destroyed.

Do you not yet realize why I hurt you?

You are my enemy as long as you are a “friend” of the Jews. Slave is more accurate because Jews do not have the capacity for friendship, not even among themselves. However, slave is also a misnomer because you may think of a Black slave or humble peasant for a lord, but that is not accurate. You are more accurately an object they use for Jewish interests. They put you at risk, waste your life, your resources, and all expend all of your being to serve their own interests while they do not risk anything of their own. Not as long as you are their object who will die for them and be used for their goals.

That is why you are my enemy and all that I do is hostile to you.

I am personally attacking you, you do not need to worry about your safety because of something I am going to do that will put you in danger, but you will find that all that I do causes you pain, suffering, and destruction because all that I do is in conflict with the Jews and as their object, you suffer the majority of that conflict by standing between them and I in service of evil. That is why all that you do fails, is powerless, and is a waste of time that only causes you pain.

You maidens who think you are leading something… you have men who are dishonoring your name by using your authority to be rude and lawless. They are the kind of people you appoint at the gate of an estate, and they commit grave insults to the dignity of strangers who happen to be passing close. Then, your name, as the authority of your estate becomes dishonored, and the next time you go to town, people have heard of you because of those men you keep in your company who have destroyed your reputation with their bad conduct. You then suffer for their sins and find you have lost all that you had because you are nothing more than what they used your relationship to represent themselves as. You will have to regain your authority and respect from the beginning because you had poor judgment by allowing people in your company who dishonor you.

You accept the Jews and all circumcisers, and thus are dishonored by their company and presence with you. This is a simple fact of life, a historical fact, a cultural fact that is universal, and common sense as a universal spiritual truth. You ought to know better, and your weakness at choosing to pity those wretched betrayers is why you are dishonored. They are pathetic before your sight, you pity them, and then when you cannot see, they are evil, lawless, and criminal because of the confidence your acceptance of them as given them. Although they hide that behavior from you, eventually the evil they because of what you empowered them to do with your acceptance comes back and strikes you.

At first, you will think it is unfair, whining about how unjust it was to be struck with a rebuke for a crime you did not commit, but then you will realize that the reason you are struck is because of the crimes the people you are protecting have done, and those crimes are exactly what they have been lying to you about not doing. You will realize you have been betrayed since the very beginning, as you always are if you trust circumcisers.

I am not telling you this to intimidate you, threaten you, or make you feel like you don’t have a choice. I am telling you this because you do have a choice, and if you continue to make the wrong choice because you refuse to accept truth, you will continue to suffer the consequences of that wrong choice.

You filthy whores who are Jew slaves and don’t realize that you are: you swallow the dicks of countless circumcised men and give them the confidence of your sexual encouragement, and those men who are circumcised are the primary tool expended by the Jews. You are just the bottom of that entire hierarchy as the whore who swallows circumsmegma to empower the objectified human slave who the Jews manipulate to attack people like me without provocation.

Someone like me simply attacks you. You whores who suck on circumcised dick to keep them confident in themselves when they have no right to feel confident, are the power sources for that entire evil regime, and you are incredibly weak too. You are the weakest, most vulnerable, powerless creature imaginable in their evil regime and it is virtually effortless for me to destroy you and do the most damage possible to them.

That is why you suffer.

If you had any common sense, any historical insight, any cultural respect, and humanity at all, you would reject all that is Jewish for your own survival and human rights. As long as you protect the interests of Jews, women will never have respect, never have equality, and never have any power. Not from me, not from Jews, not from Jew slaves.

So, make up your mind already and save your own life, because I am not going to hesitate or have any restraint in destroying creatures like yourselves. There is nothing I hate more than a woman who disgraces herself as a woman when maidens are blessed by the goddess simply by being good. The way those vile circumcisers you keep in your trust betray you and destroy your reputation, your defiled femininity is a dishonor and disgrace to feminine sanctity, and I will not hesitate to scour you from creation like the human filth you are. You whores serving Jew slaves as their human condoms are like scum on the toilet bowl of civilization and need to be bleached away and destroyed with a tool and gloves because I am not going to let my personal body touch you when I clean my home.

Because the Jews continue to plague humanity, everyone has to choose the correct side or suffer death along with the Jews. That side is not about being circumcised or uncircumcised, but about being neither and your bodily identity via race, shape, gender, ethnicity, hair color, eye color, blood type, and all other stuff like that being non-relevant to the quality of your identity which expresses the words “I am”. That is the correct, good, and true side to choose. If you choose to require circumcision, protect circumcision, keep circumcision, tolerate circumcision, or similar bodily features like race, eye color, blood type, etc as necessary qualities for your existence which expresses “I am”, then you are wrong. It’s true those things affect who you are, but anything would have affected who you are, and none of it is relevant. That stuff is never relevant. Forget it. Instead, live your life, identify with your good works, the relationships you have, the decisions you make, experiences you gain wisdom from, and do not ever choose to identify with your own body for who you are, or you are most certainly doing evil and will be rebuked by someone like me when you cross our path. Identify with your true Story, not with your body or image of your body.

If you knew the value of your identity, you would not be troubled in the least about cultural evils like circumcision going away. So, why are you? Why do you feel like you cannot live, exist, enjoy life, or be yourself without being allowed to circumcise infants? You people are monstrously evil, and that evil is so great, that your ignorance only makes your condemnation worse.

Whereas Jesus said, “forgive them, they know not what they do,” I tell you “punish them, for they know not what they do.”

The prevalence of your evil ways with circumcision and Jew tolerance, is actually why homosexuality is so prevalent in civilization. The correlation is indirect, but it is nevertheless because you people are so numerous and incapable of love while you tolerate any amount of evil, no matter how “small” or “big”. For the record is an evil virus and microscopic parasite not more threatening than a giant monster?

Because you people are so numerous, it is extremely difficult for good people to find a loving relationship with anyone at all. People in general gravitate toward their own genders, and good people gravitate toward good people, and if neither are limited by their bodily identification to enjoy loving each other, and there is no realistic alternative, that is a good and viable option for happiness.

I would do that myself, but I do not know of any good people that kind of relationship would be suitable with. My long time friends are long time friends, and I would not risk those perfect friendships for anything, but I also do not desire them because our friendship is long built on platonic trust and respect. However, do you think it is easy to confess to someone an interest in pursuing romance with them if they are the same gender? As difficult as it is to approach someone of the opposite gender because of the shame we experience naturally when we mingle bodily pleasure with divine love, that shame is magnified when approaching someone of the same gender. If you aren’t interested in divine love, then you may not have shame, but if you actually think you could possibly love someone if you tried, then… there is always shame in that kind of expression, and that shame is good. Don’t hate yourself for it, but do not deny your shame either, because that kind of shame is one of the cutest expressions ever and you are blessed if you feel it.

Any love starts with a decision to at the very least try to love the person, and honestly try too. If both people are honestly trying, then there is no reason to believe that true love will not happen, because it most certainly will. So if you think you could love someone and don’t yet feel that you do, express your thoughts so they know what you want, and can tell you if they share the possibility. Then if both people put in their honest effort to build a good and strong relationship, true love will result in time.

Why should women ever deny the possibility of love, when they know it is there? Why should they ignore a man who expresses the possibility, as though they risk something with an answer? They risk nothing by answering, but are guaranteed to lose everything by ignoring such communication. Their life will have a hole at that moment where they did not let the light of love express through themselves, and all of their happiness and good energy will drain away through that hole. Never betray love. That is equally important for both avowed lovers and possible lovers.

Justification for the USA's Dissolution

“They are spreading lies and say they cannot trust us, the government.”

We can’t trust you. That is the entire point of Democracy. Fact 1.

Why do you need our trust? You don’t. Fact 2.

Your methods are harmful, failing, and criminal and your plan is secret. You want us to both trust that you have a secret plan that is good and that the methods of your secret plan are good, but two wrongs do not make a right. Fact 3.

One of the other. You will tell us the plan (including the intended result), or you will tell us the methods. If you tell us neither, you will be destroyed. Preferably you will tell us both or you will become suspicious, untrustworthy, and highly scrutinized.

If the government is using evil methods without an intended goal and plan to justify their use, then they are certainly evil and not to be trusted. They are to be put to death or imprisoned for such a betrayal of trust.

If a government is unwilling to admit they make a mistake they are criminal, untrustworthy, and to be destroyed immediately. Fact 4.

What do you call a judgment that cannot make mistakes? Infallible. Does that word sound familiar? Is that not why Protestants are jealous of Papal authority? Yet that is exactly what they are trying to do with the USA government. Their own means of destroying human record have caused them to shoot their own feet. They forgot that the abused trust of Papal Infallibility is what provoked the Protestant Reformation, however, the USA never had a claim of infallibility, never had any divine authority to make judgment, and has never been a theocratic power. The USA is Democratic — which includes all faiths without endorsing a single one.

“They are discriminating against first class and second class citizens. First class are allowed to live, the second class are suppressed and silenced. Denied access to Life.”

They likely decided I was a second class citizen to be denied Life, but obviously they have no power to decide such things about me and I rebuke them for their foolishness and impotent efforts to alienate me from what is inalienable. Now they are embarassed to admit they made a mistake, and why?

They think, “If we admit we made a mistake nobody will trust us anymore! They won’t believe we are infallible like the Pope!”

Wrong. If you are found to have made a mistake, we are not going to trust you because you were attempting to hide the fact that you made a mistake and would not admit it because you are delusionally pretentious about having infallibility. Nobody believes the USA government is infallible, and you should not believe that yourselves, who operate the USA government.

Consider these two courses of action you could have taken:

  1. Feign infallibility and conceal all mistakes to demand absolute trust and obedience for the purpose of controlling every single human being’s life to organize them for a singular purpose of economic prosperity and military strength. Perceived benefit: economic prosperity and military strength (not going to happen anyway because a military and economy are both always superior when loosely organized by freedom and justice, not strictly and inflexibly with coercion or manipulation. Risk: if mistakes being covered up are exposed, lose everything, all trust, all assets, all personnel, all power, all authority, and safeguards established to prevent the possibility of anybody being in a position to abuse government power again. The individuals responsible given the death penalty or spending the rest of their lives in prison for their crimes that are both civil, military, and Constitutionally forbidden.

  2. Admit any and all mistakes once recognized and reconcile mistakes with public cooperation to achieve a solution and continue moving forward. Perceived benefit: economic and military prospertity and strength in addition to increased happiness and quality of life. This is truly possible because people will be free to be happy and have a reason to fight for the government if the need to should arise, since the government benefits them, contrary to a totalitarian regime based on infallibility and coerced ignorance with information destruction and suppressing free speech. Perceived risk: none.

Is this even an option? Really. It’s not because we are trying to force you do one thing or the other, it’s just that nobody would ever have though of doing so stupid as the first thing until you did it and we had to identify how evil and wrong you are, how destructive you are being, and how counterproductive your efforts are. The obvious good is the course of action even if your enemies know that is what you are going to do, because you should not fear your enemy, but instead be confident in your ability to defend yourself.

With the first option you make the very people you intend to have protect you as your enemy, and obviously that is not going to end up with you being protected.

Dissolve the national authority of the USA and make us a colony of any other foreign nation. That will be better than the lawless state of evil that our corrupted government has become, especially if the people employed in the government are unwilling to clean up the corruption themselves, despite that being among their assigned duties.

and God said: “You ate from the Tree which I have forbidden of you to eat! That is why you have shame of your nakedness!”

and Ben and Steve said: “What are you talking about we have no shame! Look at our dicks. We have both types and we are not ashamed of who we are!”

but God was only more furious, bristling with wrath never before accounted for in all holy texts, and when he spoke, his words were cold: “If you are not ashamed, why then do you hide your faces? You are ugly from the sin of evil which is so deep and corrupting that your very flesh and blood cannot hide what your disobedience has caused you to become.”

Then God tore the masks from their faces and they were seen as the malformed abominations they had become with the original sin twice stained, since they had not yet even reconciled the first sin. As such, the possibility for reconciliation had ended, and Ben and Steve and all their buttfucking Jewziger race were cast out of paradise. But that is not all. They did not land into the strife of toil that is of the natural earth, they were cast even further into the eternal suffering of the Lake of Fire which is Hell itself.

For all of time those of faith can hear the screams of those sodomizers and cesspool born abominations as they suffer endless pains of torture, torment, and annihilation at the wrath of God’s command. Before you call to question the judgment of God, as you disobedient faithless generations always do, I will tell you now: they are screaming to serve as your warning. They suffer all eternity for your salvation so that you do not make their mistake for a third time.

The Internet is Dead

Yes, it is.

All true, useful, important, and relevant information has been hidden, removed, obstructed, and attacked, while all manner of scammers are protected. You cannot find historical artwork, information about WW2, or different points of view from different people. You can type in something you need, get a real looking website, and then have your information stolen without getting what you wanted. That’s all the internet is now.

The internet is dead.

It’s a shame something so awesome was so short lived…

I hope that we find who killed the internet and kill them. The internet is more important than whoever the hell they may be or however many they are. I honestly do not believe the USA can sustain itself without free access to information or freedom to express content online without getting “quarantined”, sent to a cyberdeath camp, or having the ability to educate yourself because of how inadequate the public school system is. I don’t think it’s going to take long for the USA to be formally destroyed as a nation and forced to surrender in some international treaty and lose sovereignty. How will the future be able to defend themselves if they can’t learn for themselves, access different ideas, or decide what to believe for themselves?

They won’t survive.

In the past I think these types of disasters took a lot longer to happen, but at the heightened speed of civilization we have now, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened with the next few years, because of how they’ve segregated all the powerful people out of the nation by alienating us. If the USA is attacked, I don’t think there will be enough capable people who want to defend the place. If we can’t have the government we designed, then any other government will be better, but that won’t be the USA, because they are bound to the Constitution.

What did that idiot call me “loyalist”? Don’t be a fool. I don’t give a shit about the nation I live in or the government. I want to live a good life, work a job I like, and be able to afford living expenses. The USA can’t provide security for any of that to be possible in the USA. However, any other nation that doesn’t have rogue government in hostile opposition to the law will likely be able to provide that and will be fine with me.

I really don’t care what any of you idiots believe about yourselves, your nation, your community, as long as you don’t bother me with it by affecting my ability to make living, enjoy life, and decide for myself how I to live my own life. If you people weren’t imposing yourself on all of that, I would totally ignore you, but… well here we are and I intend to make things worse and worse and worse and worse and worse until the USA is attacked and destroyed.

You don’t believe it’s possible to protect those inalienable rights for all citizens? Well… then I guess this was fated to happen, because I have nothing better to do than resist you, defy you, obstruct anything you do, and bring about your destruction in the most passive aggressive ways possible. I think you are familiar with those. Did you forget who is the master of that?

I already made my moves… you just have noticed yet. If you did, you would be doing something to stop what is going to happen to you.

Attention all Jews, Communists, Christians, Nazis, and… the African-American community:

Why is it that you think the forefathers specified Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as inalienable rights? Do you think it was because the government intends to protect those rights, secure them, and prevent injustice? Or do you think it’s because they know there is nothing that can be done to take those rights away, and if you try, you will be in a fight you cannot win, no matter how strong or powerful you may be. All that you have done to assault my life… it hasn’t taken away my rights to survive against enemy threats, live how I decide, and do what makes me happy, like fighting and defeating my enemies. You’ve taken away everything that is important to you, but you don’t realize that stuff hasn’t changed anything about who I am, what I do, or why. However, you will lose those things yourself because you took them away from me when you know you shouldn’t have.

Not funny in America no… but the rest of the world, ROFL!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the events in the near future are going to demonstrate the goodness of rape. Rest assured, men of all nations, when the women get out of hand, we will rape them with power they only pretend to have. Well… why are you spoiled American whores being evil Jew cunts? Maybe you ought to have a little humanity and femininity. All of female power and all of circumcised power combined does not even come close to the power of one uncircumcised man who is justified to do whatever it takes to survive. Pile the entire world’s evil schemes, conspiracies, international secret military forces, and everything else you have on top of where you buried me alive, and I will blast my way out of there like I’ve been breaking out of your cages my entire life. None of them could keep me longer than I allowed to try and teach you people a lesson about the mistake you were making by provoking me.

You want power? Stop circumcising. Problem solved.

I won’t actually rape anybody, but a lot of men are probably going to lose their wives. Those women are going to feel betrayed when they see how they’ve been being manipulated by the typical deceptions of circumcisers they thought they needed to be concerned about happening from men like me. What circumcisers and women think is impossible, is most certainly possible to me, and I never need to resort to deception to get what I want.

It’s like how the donkey dick fucktards can do to the whorecunt bodies when they rail them like a piece of sex meat, except I do that for their minds, hearts, and souls, and that is infinitely better each order of magnitude higher than body. Like infinity cubed. Those dumbasses will be standing there with their dick in their hands and be as ugly as baboons in addition to being baboon stupid. That’s the kind of thing that’s going to happen for all eternity for all women unless you can match me or do better, but look at you people: apathetic, evil minded, hive slaves worshipping a dead Jewman. You aren’t going to be able to go anywhere near my level unless you are still young and can get on the correct path for a few adventures before you grow up. Don’t worry though. There are also a lot of inadequate, garbage quality maidens who have been Jew slave whores and circumcising cunts who will never be worthy of my presence, so there will still be plenty of pussy to go around. The main difference is that good guys get the girl now, not the bad guys.

That’s why I call them whorecunts. They are actually giving themselves over the bad guys on purpose, knowing they are doing what is morally contemptable. They only think with their pussy and don’t enjoy anything else about life. That’s why they are also ugly from unhappiness when their youth ends early because they are dead inside. All people… you are born with the Tree of Life inside you. Take good care of it by being a good person, living meaningfully, and whatever else you know you have to do to take care of your soul. If you don’t, the tree will die before it bears fruit or never bear any fruit at all, and when that tree bears fruit, those are the treasures of heaven, and they are not children. They are wisdom, power, and glory. Justice, righteousness, and awesomeness. That’s the kind of fruit you get, not children.

Domestic Jew Repellant

Recently I discovered a simple and effective means of repelling Jews.

There are devices on the market for pest control. Small ultrasonic frequency devices you can plug into an electrical socket like a night light. They emit a frequency that repels both bugs and mice as a humane way of pest control. The bugs and vermin simply become uncomfortable in the local area because of the field that is being emitted and move away.

Well… that works on Jews too, ironically enough. I decided to give that a try the other day considering how pestilent Jews are like rats and vermin in general, and am getting annoyed to my limits from their use of the same type of technology to repel humanity from civilization so it can become a nest of bugs and vermin instead. I had one of those things in storage and plugged it in, and the problem has begun to improve. Noticeably.

So, I recommend you get one or two of those to repel the Jews from your home like the common pests they are.

Grace of Presence

That is what the niggers and kikes lack.

That is why they are inferior. They have no grace of presence, and do you know why? They are racist and mutilators. They are body identifying animal savages who reject humanity to be smelly, ugly beasts with no grace.

That is also why they don’t understand why they will never get any benefit from my power and truth while they hide me in their schemes of darkness and conspiracy. I have grace of presence and women know it when they are in my presence. All people do. That is something niggers and kikes cannot ever hope to accomplish because of what has been done by their own communities to ruin their reputations and cause them to be eternally untrustworthy.

That is also why they are forbidding maidens from meeting me, talking to me directly, or having any contact with me. They know I have grace of presence which they have forsaken to be racist, mutilated beasts, and they are betraying everyone with their covetous malice that desires not to possess divinity, but to mutilate and defile divinity.

If they had grace they would be humble, merciful, and repentant, but they are too arrogant as beasts without the dignity of a beast to ever practice humility, mercy, and penance.

Curse them for eternity and never trust them if they are “Black” or “circumcised” or any other word they use to replace those two accursed forms of vile existence not good enough for animals, humanity, or anything else.

If there is any miracle, it is finding the words simple enough to crack the skulls of those brute savages with no intellect out of personal decision they made to be intentionally ignorant.

You cannot defile and mutilate divinity. Impossible. However, the fact that you even want to do that is proof, indication, and fact that you do not understand divinity. You do not know how inappropriate the desire to attack divinity is. You people should cease choosing antagonism and instead choose understanding. Learn your “enemy” before you betray all that is good, true, and sacred in a vain and ignorant attempt to attack an enemy who could not be further from your enemy. God is a friend and ally for everyone always.

I have killed God not because I want to, and not because God was my enemy, but because that was for the greater good, and I certainly did not defile, mutilate, or dishonor God in the act. Besides, God accepted death willingly, and it is not a problem because God just comes back in a new form whenever that happens because God is eternal, immortal, omnipotent, and a concept without a physical body that would have any mortality to worry about. I would have been insulted if God did not fight me because it is a rare opportunity to enjoy that kind of battle to the death. God did not hold back or throw the fight, but it is complicated, because if God would have used any more power, the result would have destroyed all of creation and existence and neither of us want that. Besides, before we even fought we both knew there is resurrection in the Way of the Story. That is for both of us too, as you may also enjoy if you allowed yourself to understand what I can share about all that.

If you think about it I actually killed God twice. The first time was a surprise for us both and was a 1 hit KO. The second time there were no surprises for God, but I had plenty about my own power that I would find and need to defend myself with. I am not omnipotent, omniscient, or superpowered. I’m an ordinary person and ordinary people have extraordinary power, much more than they are aware of being possible, and that is a good thing. God is good, and if you trust 100 percent in that fact, you will have what you need when you need it. Sometimes that trust is easy, sometimes that trust is more difficult, like a mystery of Job (like that, but not that because God would never make a bargain like that with the Devil. The Devil can’t even stand in God’s presence without being destroyed simply by the holy aura of ultimate divinity without ever getting even a single word in edge-wise). The point is, hold onto that trust and do not blame God for evil you know to be caused by something else. Identify that evil and destroy it, because evil is not tolerated and you suffering evil means you have the power to destroy whatever that evil is.

The death of God should not concern you, why the death of God was required should concern you. In the eternal realm, death is an opportunity for growth, and that is one of the main purposes of humanity being created by God. We increase the goodness of God with our own ability to create goodness as beings with a divine soul. That is not a Jew word, by the way, and you make sure they know it the next time they try and take that from you. Those kikes have YHWH and that’s all they have. They have no God, no Christ, no salvation. Only YHWH, Israel, and circumcision.

Children, do not repeat those words without taking a safety course first, because those are like a loaded gun and can hurt people. There are occasions where you can play around with them and use them for fun and whatever, but that’s why you need the safety course, which does not yet exist. Maybe if I ever find people to help with the Way of the Story that can be put online somewhere like a web based training that takes 15 minutes and prints a certificate, but we have a quite a way to go until we get there.

Look at that Einstein dude, sitting all smug with an atomic bomb as the Jews’ claim to fame. Brutes, savages, beasts, and uncivilized animals with no imagination. They even capitalized the E in Einstein’s equation as if that idol of energy was equal to their own YHWH. Let them burn and do not pity those people. Take care of yourself because the world is in dire shape right now and you cannot trust people unless you know you can trust them because of the way things are with so much deceit, treachery, and conspiracy corrupting every single thing there is.

You rich people politicians and government slaves have been living in a small bubble thinking that all that is within your little community bubble is the best. Out in the real world, there are a lot of people like me. All kinds of people, from all genders, all races, all religions, all everything who are like me: intelligent, strong willed, reliable, humble, virtuous, experienced, trustworthy, and with good judgment. In your bunker and government secrecy you simply do not see them, know them, or believe they are there, but that does not change the fact that they are! Whatever you think you have been doing and telling yourselves the reasons for doing it, tell those to the public because enough of us will understand for you to not have to worry about people who don’t.

You should not have shut yourself off from the public in the USA, because the public and our great diversity to enter and leave public life freely as we please and at any age, is our greatest strength. Depend on that strength because God is somewhere in that public moving around all over the place and with no predictability or reason you need to understand, but you know that is something you can trust with faith even though you shouldn’t have to with all the ordinary human beings who will rise up at any moment to do what is extraordinary when necessary.

All this conflict, war, and victory— forget it. This is not important. Make a note to record facts and whatnot, but we need to move on immediately. I do not want to be remembered for documents like this one here fighting an evil organization of arrogant fools who don’t know any better that to provoke me no matter what they are doing. I want to be remembered for what my friends, business partners, and colleagues and I are going to accomplish together working creatively, constructively, and productively for all that we can do to make this world a better place and pave the way for future generations to benefit from.

That is what all of you should want to be remembered for because I do not intend to do all of that myself or direct all of it myself or be involved in everything. I am just going to do my part which is mainly helping other people do their parts as a support role. I may be a divine warrior, but you won’t need me to do that in the days to come except in extreme cases, and the best I can help otherwise is as a healer/support role, which I’m growing more proficient at every day. I’ll also be a base commander but not the leader for people who will have their own plans, their own teams, and their own missions. They will need to coordinate with others, resupply, upgrade equipment, and enjoy a little recreation, and that’s what I’ll be doing for everyone, but not telling them what to do unless that concerns coordination with others through the base that Way Walker Industries is.

It’s a lot to do and I need allies, partners, and colleagues to help. I need full access to a social life as I am entitled to have as a citizen, and you interfering, intercepting, and tampering with my communications is an obstacle that I need removed. Because I don’t know who you are, where you are, or why you are such an evil bastard who thinks that would ever be appropriate, there is only one way I can do that. We are going to tear the government inside out and find every last one of you to ensure that never happens to another person again.

It’s like goddamned Sailor Mail. Don’t get me wrong, Sailor Mail is amazing, but everyone also hates that someone like me or the rest of the guys in radio are reading everyone’s messages before sending them off. Not reading them reading them, but we do have to look them over, check key words, and make sure nothing is slipping through that isn’t a key word. That’s just the way it is in the military on the kind of missions submarines go on, and is not a problem. Even the captain’s messages. Everyone. Our own. Nobody is excluded. It’s just normal domestic stuff anyway. The good stuff is elsewhere, but you don’t need to know about any of that or I’d have kill you with a Stephen Segal neck snapping.

However, I’m a civilian now and there is some creep out there appointed by Trump to do that for my civilian life! WHAT THE FUCK!? You couldn’t have done anything worse to provoke a man like me to destroy the entire government and kill every last one of the people who work there and regret nothing. Then that fucktard is tampering with my electronic mail, doing who knows what or why. They are fucking with my life like it is some sadistic game of theirs they enjoy making me angry about. They made a big mistake because I am not the kind of man who angers easily and don’t take that kind of insult lightly the way they seem to.

Those people are so god damned full of themselves that they think someone like me would ever participate in something like what they do. I would never use my life to do that kind of vile government work. I would never be a secret agent or CIA goon. That work is dirty, dishonorable, and I am better than that. I can do more by myself in the light of public life than all of those idiots have accomplished in the entire time the CIA has existed. Besides, they would describe the purpose of their work, and I would probably Stephen Segal neck snap them right then and there for speaking like they have a right to do something like that to an American citizen, but then they abused what they already shouldn’t have been doing because nobody checks their work, audits them, or provides ethical guidance. Oh hell no. You fuckers do not know the pain and suffering you have brought upon yourselves with the judgment you will receive. You will not escape.

What makes you think armed soldiers cannot enter your place of work the same way you do? What makes you think they couldn’t force entry if necessary? You people are not as safe as you think just because you have a special sign on your door at the CIA. You are not even part of the Department of Defense, so what makes you think your classified material is actually classified? Do you know who secures classified information?

The military does not need the CIA. Leave those matters to people like me, and if you think there is an ideological threat, tell the public what it is and we will resolve it. The military has no business waging a war of culture, ideology, or faith. They only serve to defend us. The CIA is ended and what they have been doing is going to be public information, and people will see what secrets the US Department of Defense has been defending as its own.

That is how all this happened and we lost our freedom, democracy, and human rights. That is how the USA was hollowed out by a parasitic traitor on the inside of the government’s most secret areas without them knowing. That is how the Jews got in, and it’s because someone let them in when they should not have because they watch too many spy movies and thought the CIA was important and that secret agents are “hip” and “cool”. They are not, never were, and never will be.

The mole. Alzheimer’s. Do you know what most likely causes Alzheimer’s? The delusions of circumcised fools who make up deplorable and hateful lies about the world around them to falsely justify their own life decisions. That is a non-logical neural network. It is disordered chaos of idiocy that is not connected with true events, reality, and logical concepts. It is an unstable neural network, whereas a mind of truth, knowledge, and realistic understanding of reality has a neural network built by memories that are interconnected, stable, and support each other with corroborating information. When people age elderly, the neural matter of the brain begins to decay. For a disordered mind of delusional evil and hate, that decay can create huge gaps in memory because of how their memories are linked by a single or vague scheme of lies that is not supported by reality, truth, or all else that they’ve come to know innately over the years. Decay happens at the link and then that memory is disconnected because there aren’t an abundant amount of interconnected neural clusters based on truth of reality that new paths can be made through. That is how I believe that happens. End circumcision and you will also cure Alzheimer’s disease. The few cases that remain and occasionally occur will be able to be treated and cured with cognitive therapy with an emphasis on truth framing reality. Revisit memories. Talk about them. Establish new understandings of true events, work your way through the patient’s life again and again, and they will heal eventually. Save your Nobel Peace Prize until Trump has been hung by the neck until dead on international television.

There isn’t much that can be done for old people whose minds are nothing but a disordered mess of hateful delusions, vicious lies, and false concepts of reality except euthanize them if they are suffering too much because of all the hate within their mind being fueled by hate within their heart and again with a soul stained horribly with the sin against human nature that circumcision causes. Possibly, if they are people of faith, you can teach them the truth about Christ as banishing circumcision instead of endorsing circumcision, and with much of their neural network based on false understanding of Christ previous neural connections can be salvaged with a new perspective that will initiate a healing process with truth framing reality therapy.

This is a hypothesis and theory. Actual neuroscientists and mental health doctors specializing in Dementia should test this properly, because I’m not going to. That would be quite the lane change for someone like me, and this isn’t an emergency that would necessitate that kind of driving.

It’s like I can put on any sort of costume and become a hero in that costume without having to really be that kind of person. That only goes so far in the real world, but… still relatively useful. This I can attribute to the Way of the Story as an application of practical faith in daily life. I don’t know man, I’m just going forward because backward is Hell on Earth and I want a good life. If things ever calm down and the world is not hanging on my every word, then maybe I can take a look at how to phrase all of this into a truth reality frame. That is what I mean by magic when I say that is what I do now to make a living.

There is an explanation to being able to know the things I know but didn’t previously and solve what I am able to solve, but I don’t have that explanation yet. There is however, one thing I can tell you: I do not need so much focus on my individual life, or pressure on my life, or other people’s faith in me to be who I am and do what I do. All that is irrelevant and would be better served with others because it is an obstruction to my work. My practical use of faith is not a miracle answer you get overnight. That is what I am trying to tell you took a looong time to do, was extraordinarily rigorous in work, costly in more ways than money, and I almost died alone and in the wild on a random and reckless adventure I was on, and probably more than once. That’s what I am saying you should not be taking for granted about my life and treating me so disrespectfully about. That is something you will never replace or find a substitute for and you are preventing me from giving you the answers you want because you are trying to take them from me by force as a prisoner and unethical human experiment you are abusing national authority to do, when I was going to give them to you freely.

I told you that out of common courtesy, and you attacked me, imprisoned me, and began doing the most hostile and hateful things out of a delusion of hate of yours that has no place in reality. This problem is a lot worse than a betrayal of our government’s military power. People like that should not be allowed to live or be doing what they are to me. That happening is going to terrorize the public, and the only way to stop that is to put the culprit to justice and start doing your jobs the way you ought to. That is worse than a serial killer and cannibal. That is a kind of psychological madman that can twist people’s minds into a living hell of personal suffering they cause with non-physical torture and then drive them to hurt other people and themselves. That is the worst kind of psychopath as far as I’m concerned, and if they don’t turn themselves in, I want them given the death penalty too. Don’t give them suffering. Give them death, quick, and painless, because that is going to fuck with them more than pain and suffering ever would. God is a greater psychopath you charlatan fool! A more cruel and sadistic madman than an evil idiot could ever be. You are too stupid to know how to cause suffering and enjoy it, you mindless, mutilated baboon in a coat.

However, I suppose I ought to thank you for the sweet suffering you caused me and the pain this ordeal put me through. I owe you my gratitude for having the necessity of overcoming such great obstacles of social and personal life. I appreciate all the experience you caused me to gain that nobody else will ever be able to experience because I am going to outlaw the kind of thing you did so severely, people will be reprimanded for the thought in grade school and have it snuffed out before it even has a chance to poison a person’s mind like yours is. It’s not really useful for anything, but I suppose I am the only person who could enjoy your kind of twisted and perverse sense of artistic work and that is like a cherry on the delicious piece of cake my life has been. I’m sure all those terrors, nightmares, and hauntings will provide great material for entertainment I hope to help others make, and if I have anything to say about it, even you may be able to enjoy those wherever they lock you away, along with all prisoners wherever they are doing time.

People are going to do crime. Think of the ones at fault here. They knew they were breaking the law, they knew they were doing something evil, and they simply don’t care. There are people like that in the world, and that is all the more reason why we can’t let the law become lawless, or they will find their way into the most sacred places to hurt what is most dear to you while getting away with whatever they can. The better our law enforcement is, the more tolerable those crimes will be.

Most people will be ordinary law breakers of all kinds who make mistakes like we all do. What is going to change is the prison system. That will not be a hate factory, and hate from the guards, medical staff, administration, and everyone else is going to be forbidden and closesly watched. The entire correctional facility is going to be a nicer place, more comfortable, with more things to do with all the time the prisoners have, and better food and medical care. You just won’t be able to leave until time is served or you get let out early. There is no need to cause people suffering in prison, hate them, or make their lives miserable on purpose. That helps nobody, especially not the entire society, and will come back to bite you in the ass eventually.

That was always my intention, but I spent some time talking to a good guy in the Shady Grady crazy room we were all put in, and he helped me understand a bit more of the “prison experience” beyond what I already knew as well as anyone who’s never done hard time. He was in fact a good guy despite what violence he had done, and I know this for a fact; maybe a bit of a hot head who’s been busted a few times for acting too passionately about whatever, but not someone I would think is untrustworthy, unreliable, or irredeemable. Anyway, I asked him what he’d have me do, because whether they believed me or not, I knew I was going to destroy Trump in the end and take down the entire USA government too. I intend to keep my word to him, even if it is the same as my own wish to correct the justice system as I’ve always had in mind from the beginning.

That kind of experience a prison can make possible for inmates, is the kind of thing people can accomplish withing a mystery cult. You don’t need to be in prison to do that, but you do need to define your limits, goals, and be willing to allow a public inspection of a… compliance officer, if necessary. Not law enforcement yet. Compliance officer. They will determine whether or not laws need to be enforced about certain things if they cannot be corrected by the compliance officer or the people in violation are unwilling to cooperate. Not even a fine. They will simply say something like, “this here is a problem, and this law/policy is why. This is the written ethical standard which applies to this problem in this way. What can you do to correct the problem so that your thing meets the law/policy standard?” …. “okay. Is three weeks enough to do all that? Alright. I’ll be back in three weeks. Here is my card if you have an issues, need an extension, or questions. Good day sir or madam.”

You see how much work this is!? Why the hell would you expect me to be able to do all of that! Who do you think I am, Nick Bylotas? Besides, don’t you want to get in on some of this work yourself?

Turn yourselves in before it’s too late. I care about people like you. I am one of you, just one who usually manages to always avoid trouble because I’m as vanilla as can be and quick to see what’s coming to make some moves. The Man is coming, and it will be too late if he gets there before you do what you know you ought. I am not going to be that one. He is someone else, and I have no idea when he will arrive. I can tell you that the Man comes for everyone at one time or another, and you will do what he tells you or will probably die then and there for real. Stephen King wrote something like that, and I know it is true, just as anyone with a bit of shine does.

Insufficient Funds

Well, at least they aren’t charging a fee for charging a fee. That’s what I like to call an aluminum foil lining.

The debt collectors have been calling, at least I’m assuming that’s what the 1=800 number is that I’m not going to answer either way because if anything can’t be trusted it’s a 1-800 number. For some reason my phone doesn’t have a “reject call” button, but that doesn’t stop me from answering and hanging up so the music can continue.

I tried to get a loan, tried to explain how I could pay back the money, and tried to find a way to prevent this from happening. With both banks I use too. Military veteran banks. They wouldn’t even listen to me. They wouldn’t hear my request at all. Just filtered me through an automated machine with no soul or common sense and sent me away with a rejection. I was insistent about talking to someone but “that’s not what we do here, at USAA” the lady says. “Nobody talks to the underwriter of a loan.”

Whatever you stupid bitch. I tried. If they are going to be that rude to me when I make an effort to be financially responsible and make ends meet, I’m not going to do a damn thing to pay back that money, talk to debt collectors, or work with them in any way. They are going to have to go to extraordinary lengths to even talk to me, and then I’ll turn them away with a rejection as though I didn’t listen to a word they said because my response will not be applicable.

What a waste of a nation.

“You do not have high enough income to receive a loan.” The bank tells me.

Yeah, no shit! I wouldn’t be requesting a loan if I had “high enough income”.

I don’t have any income for that matter. I’m disabled waiting an appeal with VA on my third year for that to happen. I can’t work one of those jobs you make to keep people poor because that is dangerous to my mental health. I have autism and severe depression that has been created by the difficulty I’ve had transitioning to civilian life where all of a sudden everyone hates uncircumcised people with the most insane, hostile, cruel, and oppressive bigotry and persecution. I’ve been terrorized by the government making false accusations against me, arresting me, putting me through a nightmare of an injusttice system, and I tried to go to work, but I just can’t do it. I am a danger to myself and others in the kind of mental health state that kind of work does to me when I do it, and I am not going to endure that for the rest of my life while I try to pay back 200k in student loans I invested in my education for my profession of choice and nobody else’s decision.

I don’t care what is convenient for the conspirators, because they are never going to get me to cooperate for a circumcision scheme that is most certainly hostile to my own interests. I can say this much to them: you will find it highly inconvenient for yourselves if you try to control my life, manipulate me, or do anything to decide how I should live. That is going to cost you a lot more than you stand to gain with me doing what you want, and that’s what I call a win for the good guys that I can take to my grave and none shall ever be able to deny me.

Anyway, I work very hard as a sole proprietor who owns my own business, and I just am not successful. I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m doing all that I can, but it’s like I can’t even communicate to potential clients because every time I do I never get a response. So either my messages aren’t going through, or nobody has any manners or common human decency. What the fuck am I supposed to do for “high enough income”?

Any suggestions?

This is rigodamdiculous!

The Most Important Qualification for Government Office

The potential candidates need to not be selfish minded. They must have the interests of future generations in mind as their priority interest group to benefit, never themselves or the current generation. If they cannot do that, they must not be allowed into an elected government office, because that is equally as important as maintaining lawful order to prevent crime and discourage evil.

The main problem with the arrogant, hubristic fools is that they are so selfishly idiotic that they refuse to do anything to help people who will be alive after they are dead. They sacrifice everything that is being cared for and protected for longevity, renewability, and enduring resources, just to serve their own lives in the present. That is one of the greatest evils a human being could descend to, and all of humanity should be furious to see that happening anywhere. Those greedy, lecherous old men in the government want people like me to respect them as elders, but why do they not respect their elders? Why do they not respect the people who established the Constitution, wrote the Declaration of Independence, and won the American War for Independence?

They are dead?

So too will you be dead, and if that’s how you feel, and I’m not going to waste my time being concerned with selfish ingrates like yourselves who forsake all that humanity has worked for out of vanity and pride. All because you think that because your parents are now dead and you are left to dishonor them, you can ignore all the wisdom that has been passed on and invent your own. Except you cannot invent any wisdom because you people are fools! Quite literally fools. As the definition of that word.

There are two kinds and both are stupid. One knows they are stupid, accepts that, and makes great entertainment doing so, often romantically too. The other thinks they are wise but they are stupid and proven stupid by someone like me who writes about them, their actions, their lives, and then condemns them with a searing judgment from the highest divine which flows through reason to identify wisdom and virtue. Because they lack wisdom and virtue but want to be respected as though they are good, and are criminally tyrannical about it, they are judged with condemnation of eternal consequences. Their memory will always be remembered as associated with their sinful foolishness which resulted in greater evil than they understood, but would have known to avoid if they had the smallest bit of wisdom by understanding the universal divine law.

So, that’s the ideological folly of the USA’s government officials. They are selfishly focused on their own body’s interests at the expense of future generation’s interests who will have bodies of their own to be concerned about. Without going into detail, there are a lot of problems with that kind of foolishness, mainly that of the example it sets as a precedent for future generations to follow, the problem always getting worse if not corrected.

One last thing, some people cry out for a god or savior to deliver them from the evil of the world, but they don’t realize that they have already been saved and delivered from evil.

Seriously. The power which crucified Christ is proof of the universal law of divine nature. Good is loved, evil is reviled. Do good, reject evil. No matter what you people want to believe about Jesus, popular opinion is irrelevant to justice, and Jesus was evil for being a Jew. That is the smallest evil a person could be, but evil is still evil, and that is reviled and not tolerated under any circumstances. That’s why he got killed with all the Jews on the cross.

If you are ever wondering “where Jews go” or how to identify them or “place them in a category” within your cognition, they go on the cross with crucified Jesus and nowhere else. They are always there, 2,000 years ago, irrelevant today, and inconsequential. They have no power, no significance, no valid claims of identity. They are dead on the cross with Christ and there is nothing they can do to change that except not be Jews. If they are too stupid to realize they can change their faith identity, then they ought to be killed, because they allow people to join them, so why not allow themselves to leave? If someone can convert to the Jewish faith, then it is also possible for someone to convert away from the Jewish faith. If that is not true, then no religion is respected as valid in comparison to Judaism. Not Christianity, not Islam, not Hinduism, not Scientology. None of them are respected with equal protection under the laws of religious tolerance.

So, that’s bull shit and I’m not going to tolerate Jews because all those other religions are more important to me and more likeable than Jews. Also, the USA is supposed to be protecting a person’s right to practice their religion, and they cannot protect that right if they do not respect other faith groups as true in comparison to Judaism. Not even Christianity because Jews reject Christ and all Christ accomplishes. Christianity especially is not respected if Jews are allowed to believe that they cannot become Christian or anything else. So, with that basic logical reasoning in mind, that’s how laws, policies, and religious interests that pertain to Jews need to be derived, none of which will take ethnic claims into account, because that ethnic claim only exists as a faith claim.

So, you have already been saved because Jesus was crucified and I can explain why that is significant as a point of fixed moral value of evil to determine moral relativity from. The other point that is fixed and constant, never changing, is the universal divine law. That Word of law is a fixed point of ultimate good that never changes. Knowing where true good is and where true evil is, whatever situation you are considering the moral value of is the third point for you to triangulate the moral relativity. Saved. Delivered from evil, do not go back to evil by tolerating Jews, letting them into your homes, or adopting their ways.

Finally, all you need to do is demand the elected officials answer for their crimes, the easiest and most obvious one is treason which all the world saw happen and they will never be able to deny, slip away from, or avoid judgement.

Demand they answer for their crimes. If they don’t answer, such as they are doing now, where they don’t say anything, that is an indication of guilt and they should be arrested. They can remain silent, yes, while in jail. They have every reason to explain whatever their reasons were because people should be able to understand what they were thinking, empathize with the situation, and be able to forgive them, if they had a good reason, which they don’t because there isn’t one that is possible. That course of action would never have been acceptable. If he was trying to do something about an election conspiracy why didn’t he share any evidence with the courts about that conspiracy existing? Voter fraud? That’s not what the conspiracy is his actions indicate he was involved in. Controlling who is allowed to be a candidate is the conspiracy he was involved in, and that should not exist, so why didn’t he call them out since they are the ones who placed him on office in the first place by arranging his name to be on the ballot in the previous election?

Hopefully you can connect the rest of the dots, because this is getting repetitive as instruction and you haven’t been able to demonstrate you understand yet. The public needs to be informed in general so that more intelligent people can do what needs to be done to save their own lives. The nation, and everyone who lives here, citizen or not, is in danger after the dishonor of high treason that betrayed the trust of the entire world and all international communities. That act of high treason broke all alliances, broke all treaties, and invalidated everything the USA had been trusted to do for their part of any agreement.

Biden is wasting everyone’s time by trying to plan, plot, scheme, and connive ways to preserve their evil conspiracy. Nothing they do is going to be trusted. They are not going to be allowed to repair the problem. They will be removed, imprisoned, and new, capable, competent people will replace them and start rectifying the government. In fact, everything that they’ve tried to protect and scheme about is going to be most suspect as evil, unnecessary, and criminal because the traitors want to keep that there. Not only is that stupid because they are traitors, very much like a spy, except a domestic terrorist group seeking to overthrow Democracy for a Protestant Christian idiocracy (most likely), and those are ways for the spies to continue to do damage while they are not present. Obviously.

The other thing is that they are stupid people. Incompetent. Unintelligent. Imbecilic. Morons. Foolish. Bad leaders. Incapable with bureaucracy and war. Whatever they did is likely a disaster that is going to blow up in their faces anyway, and that needs to be disarmed because it’s unsafe. That conspiracy and evil plan of theirs is like poorly constructed electrical equipment using random parts that haven’t been mathematically verified and calibrated to the exact values and ranges necessary to safely utilize electricity for the intended purpose.

Someone will plug in that sketchy basement built tech put together by people without accredited qualifications to do so and who don’t fully understand what they are trying to do or the methods they are using. The building will catch on fire after the equipment explodes from mismanaged voltages and volatile chemicals reacting in a way they didn’t expect. All because they didn’t realize the metal they were using for resistors was only effective in a certain temperature range which is exceeded after ten minutes of the machine being on in a critical spot, and then those resistors will fail, providing no resistance to voltage current and boom, a small spark ignites chemicals under pressure and 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the Oklahoma City Bombing, Sandy Hook, the Las Vegas Shooter— disasters like that happen. Those are only getting worse in case you haven’t noticed and a nuclear strike is imminent because this is likely the exact same reason why Japan was nuked in WW2. Whatever they are trying to do needs to be public because that is a highly complex scheme they likely are incapable of deconstructing on their own, besides, since they wanted to hide it, it’s probably a highly complex evil scheme that nobody wants anyway.

The evil Jew in that conspiracy is Lord of the Morons, Dark Lord Dingleberry. Climbed his way into the “God” spot and thought…. “hehehe if anyone else comes up here, they’ll be guilty of the same sin and I’ll blast them! Genius!”

Then I show up on that level, surprise him because I come out of nowhere carefully avoiding all the dangers and disarming divine safeguards, which is why he didn’t notice me, since I’m not making a lot of noise crashing into things, breaking stuff, and brute forcing my way. Then I identify the problem, which is actually a Jew calling himself Lord Dingleberry and encased in a large actual dingleberry so crusty and old it needs severance for removal because of how matted it is in the anal hair of the World serpent’s ass.

I point at them and tell them to identify and explain themselves because they are causing an eternity of problems we don’t need adding to real life which has more than enough problems already. They then use their typical “mirror” technique and point right back at me. Then I say something like, “I’m the technician! I’m supposed to be here because you are a problem that needs to be resolved, a malfunction, a faulty human life that needs to be removed, a saboteur. Technicians are always allowed into the restricted areas to repair the equipment being used there. Don’t be more of a fool and accuse me of doing what you are, because that may require me to get personally involved and answer that insult in addition to correcting the problem.”

“What the hell are you doing hanging around the World serpents ass trying to sell the shit that comes out anyway?” They babble incomprehensibly about faith experiences of mystical revelation and divine gnosis. “Omfg, you are actually a mental invalid because of how delusional, incompetent, and dangerous your idiocy is. You need a straight jacket, some sedatives, and some mental health professionals to take good care of you so you don’t hurt yourself or others any more. Don’t worry, it’s only ass hair and isn’t going to hurt when you are severed, Lord Dingleberry. You’d think my Doom armor would have informed you of my purpose as a technician. Proper PPE saves lives, and if you had any kind of faith, you wouldn’t be lodged in a crusty, old dingleberry and unable to move. When this is over, I’ll take off my hazard suit, hang it in the equipment locker, and it will be there the next time someone needs to go into the abyssal domains like where we found you.”

That’s why I needed to reforge Excalibur and wield it gloriously once more. The World Serpent’s ass hair is adamantium from all the evil that touches it, corrupting the fibers when the World Serpent poops with the gravity of sin to densify it to an usually strong and mythical metallic hardness.

So, only the ultimate holy sword of divine righteousness could cut it, or at least that is the best tool for the job. You could probably use something else, but I recommend you always use the right tool for the job if possible, even if you have to go out of your way to find it because it was misplaced in a storage locker on the other side of the ship. I don’t care who put it there. We found it, and have more important problems to deal with at the moment, but maybe we ought to put proper tool storage on the training plan next month…

Fun fact. Excalibur is the only sword that was not created as a weapon. It is actually an ass hair cutting tool that needs to be able to be used as a weapon because of all the evil beings that are liable to be found around the World Serpent’s anus, which is even more off limits than Uranus. There may or may not be a secret workshop for Santa there. So don’t you go exploring Uranus looking for treasure unless you have a permit and the correct authorization to land. Wouldn’t want to be mistaken for a killer clown from outer space and struck down with lasers, would you?

Do Jews make life better or worse?

How good is your life to think you can tolerate Jews?

I know my life certainly is not good enough to tolerate Jews and I won’t. I fucking hate Jews because they get protected and get special treatment at my expense in the USA, and I’m adding that to a running account of debt they owe me personally (how does the ‘n’ key get fat fingered instead of the ‘e’ key, I wonder). Does anyone else find that terrifying that they are allowed to do that to an American citizen, veteran, and the person they want to protect them? Why should I ever consider peace or friendly relations with them at this point? They long since crossed the line of where I might have become tolerant of them….

In any case, by claiming the name Jew they cannot use the balance of Jesus to pay their blood debt, and thus will need to find another way to do so. They can sacrifice Trump since he gave them Israel, but I’m not sure that will be enough because Trump is a commoner and a treasonous traitor who defiled his bloodline with his cowardice. So, they may need to sacrifice the entire Senate that supported Trump too. He behaves like a commoner, but his blood is also commoner blood so… maybe there is a correlation. I don’t care, he’s nothing compared to me and I’m a king. So to Hell with Trump and the Jews. Trump, you thought you could take the role of God, but you did not require the Jews to keep their covenant. They are sinful, unruly, disobedient, atheist, corrupt, greedy, immoral, and wrong in every way. You should not have rewarded them for sin. Faith would have been better, but they have no faith, because I am your master, and they do not believe in my power. I will show them how wrong they were to choose a worldly fool like the president over a citizen of divine power like myself.

This is what I saying before the Lord within me started writing:

I’m not sure what else there is to do but ensure that Jews do not feel welcome in the USA, that Jews do not feel safe, and that Jews are most certainly threatened into a fearful obedience, servitude, and at best, fleeing all the way to Israel.

So if you can either help threaten Jews and make sure they know they are not welcome here, or make my life better, that would make your life better, because I intend to selfishly impose my power upon all of you, and force you into choosing a side.

You will see. A time will come when you have the chance to choose love, or Jews. You will not get a second chance. If you choose incorrectly, the way back will be much different than choosing correctly the first time.

Seriously… that divine voice has a lot to say. I am going to make Isaiah look like a novella compared to a full length novel at this rate. Give a guy a break, God! What the fuck? Send me a maiden to help me sustain your Holy Word! This is a lot for a guy like me to keep up. It’s not like you are giving me an Emma Watson or Emily Kinney boner, no offense. If those maidens got even a single mustard seed of faith, send them to me, because I can put that to work for your Glory and Praise and be a lot easier to work with myself too.

You know I’m 100 percent your humble servant, but you also know I’m a fucked up nut case with autism and a raging libido with an insatiable desire for maidenly maidens, and I have ADD. I’m sure you will get better results in this new age if you send those two maidens I mentioned my way and allowed them to make my acquaintance at least. That’s all I need from them to settle this matter. If they don’t like me immediately, then fine, I’ll cut the line and let them loose, but they’ve never even given me a chance to see who I really am instead of these personas I use. Nobody is going to think I’m a good guy with you always showing up to breath fire upon them and no maidens to cool me off with their icy nature.

The world will change, and this is all you need to know:

People will take care to not make life harder or worse for people like me. There are a lot of us, we are not as uncommon as you’d like to believe. You don’t need to do anything special for us or give us anything, you just need to take care to not make our lives worse.

Why? You haven’t seen the horrorshow yet. None of us have, but you will… and that will be enough to terrify all generations to come so they take care to not make life harder and worse for people like us because of what we will do to you if you ever make that mistake again.

That is all you need to know. That is all that is changing, and that will make all the difference.

I am the only one you will need to identify, but you will know that I am not the only one. We are everywhere, in all levels of society, not only working the jobs, sometimes wearing the white collar, and sometimes not working at all. What we do or where we are doesn’t matter, nor does who we are. All that you need to know is that we are like you except totally different and you don’t need to understand.

Why are there no Antisemitic Websites on the Internet?

How do I find an antisemitic website that has news about antisemitic movements, antisemitic actions, antisemitic events, and various humanity endorsing information?

The internet is fucking useless now. Who is to blame? I wonder. Why would we ever want to render something as useful as the internet into an impotent, unhelpful, and obsolete tool we no longer need? What is this other than my own private journal? Just as good as far as I’m concerned. There is nobody in the world capable of talking to me other than my own self so… why not enjoy journalling in public as my only means of communication?

The final word on the new sex law!

Thou shalt not go ass to mouth.

That is the law. However… do not enforce this law or try to separate people by it. Do not punish people if you find that they do that or treat them poorly. This law is only for personal use, and I shouldn’t need to tell you.

The purpose of this law is not to target individuals, embarrass people, or cause problems with the peace or adult sex workers. The purpose is to prevent moral decay of sexual behavior for an entire community beyond tolerable limits. Doing everything else is probably going to be fine, not get you in trouble, not be unusual, and be generally normal, but if you are going ass to mouth for pleasure, I am telling you right now, that you have gone too far looking for pleasure. Have some restraint, please. That is just not right.

That said, if you do go ass to mouth, simply know that you are going against the grain, doing what is socially taboo, and do not expect people to accept you for doing that if you are being proud of the fact. People should treat you with dignity and respect at all times, but if you are going out into public waving an ass to mouth flag and expecting people to embrace you with open arms… you’ve got another thing coming. Namely, pitchforks and torches. Isn’t the enjoyment of breaking a taboo the fact that the taboo exists? If every one finds such behavior normal, acceptable, and fine, there is no taboo.

If you are breaking a taboo, you ought to know that you are being naughty. Being naughty generally comes with some sort of punishment, and that is your responsibility to take care of for yourself in this regard. I certainly forbid people punishing others for sexual behaviors that aren’t criminal or the other kind, but that shouldn’t stop you from saying what you think or feel about things if you want to. That isn’t a punishment. That is expressing spirit.

Behold! The law in technicolor vision, brought to you by Kevin Smith:

That ain’t your Moses’ tablets, which I think is the sign from ye’ olde Zion you’ve all been waiting for.

Can you spare a million dollars?


That’s not a lot to ask most of you people who stalk me like the perverted panty sniffing hidden cam upskirt weirdos. The least you can do is give me some money when I ask like any beggar on the street does.

I don’t have enough money right now, I need to pay my bills, student loan debt, credit card debt, food, and various household expenses. I need some more bath soap. Things like that.

Is there anyone else in line asking you? Why the hell don’t you people give any charity to someone in need? Do you not know that I am doing good work for people? Just because I’m not one of your corporate slaves doesn’t mean I don’t contribute to the economy or society, so what the fuck?

Have a little compassion you Scrooge douches!

1 million dollars. Put that cash in my hand, preferably in a briefcase that you are also willing to give me to make the transaction look cool. We can even do the exchange at a night club you pay my tab and cab for to set the scene with your entourage and appear magnanimous in front of the cute girls, but don’t expect me to kiss no ring of yours. I will certainly be grateful and polite, but I kindly ask that you don’t push my humility. I don’t even have to know who you are. I won’t ask how you got the money or why you feel the need to give that money to me, but I will accept it as a donation of charity like any guy on the street does. I’m just on the cyber street, that’s all that’s different.

Who gives a shit what the Man says about? Let them investigate my life looking for leads for that money or sketchy business. There is nothing they haven’t already flipped over, spilled out, and smashed open to look inside without any cosideration of repairing the damage. What are they going to do? I’ll report it on my taxes as a gift and pay whatever the fuck the IRS wants back.

This is not money laundering. This is dry cleaned charity.

Send me an email and let’s make this happen so I can go out for another bowl of ramen soon.

Thank you.

I don’t have any issues with the IRS or paying taxes in general. I am a big supporter of high taxes and paying taxes in general. Paying taxes is a balm of indirect charity in a good society, and you can enjoy feeling good about helping the needy if you pay taxes willingly and know they are being used efficiently. I have a problem with the moron politicians who waste our tax payer money on crackpot schemes of evil and pseudoscience. That infuriates me to no end and I want those people thrown in prison for unethical scientific experimentation and violations of the Geneva convention. The politicians should be wiser with how they decide our money will be spent, but they are god damn incompetent buffoons who have less dignity than baboons and we will all be better off if they are decapitated.

Even poor as I am, wretched in financial disaster, and worse in social poverty— when I go to the store and I see people on the street who are also suffering, I feel bad about what they are suffering. If I have something I can give when they ask, I give them what I have, but I still do not like to be in situations like that. I’d rather everyone just have what they need to be easily enough accessible so there isn’t so much poverty… How about you, when you are a multi millionaire and see someone like that on your visit to the grocery store? Do you even consider what their life must be like? Have you ever felt a pang of sorrow and guilt seeing someone curled up under a blanket on the concrete looking half dead?

Holy smokes people! Why the fuck aren’t our taxes working! King Dump supposedly boosted our economy with his greed tactics, but all he did was take money away from poor people to add it onto the riches of the rich, didn’t he? He built a wall to prevent helping people who needed charity! There is no way he ever considered doing anything good for anyone else. Why are you rich people okay with that? Wouldn’t you want to feel less guilty about your lives?