Scourge of Feminazis: Toxic Femininity
The feminazi. A whore cunt of womanly constitution even more vile than the chauvinist male, which is the toxic masculine human. Why is the feminazi worse than the chauvinist pig? Because the feminazi empowers circumcisers to do evil.
What do feminazis and circumcizers have in common? Objectifying men by the shape and/or size of their dicks.
Feminazis will reject men, insult them, and belittle us based on the size of our dick, or if we are circumcised or not. I enountered one such whore cunt yesterday who came to me for help with her love life. She was meek, humble, and decent at first and then suddenly became a vile and vicious whore, insulting all men, humanity, and civilization itself by making a vile comment about the dimensions of her “boyfriend’s” dick as if I would be amused by her toxic ignorance.
Feminazis. These women will see a man, avoid him, insult him, and not even give him the time of a word because she recognizes on his demeanor that he does not bear the mark of the beast, which is to say the bodily hubris of a large phallus minded brute, or the mutilated facial scar of a circumcised freak. Then, men who are of decent humanity and superiority of all human qualities besides the size of our phallus, which may not even be inadequate, and be a modest and robust 6 inches, and they throw out civilization to keep the ape.
Wretched whores such as that are the reason why women were subjugated in ages past. They put everyone in danger by endorsing circumcision, which is false, illogical, and counterproductive, and the combined ignorance of the feminazi and circumcised idiot is a dangerous threat to all of civilization. Without the feminazi, circumcisers are kept in check quite easily, but with women being given enough freedom to pursue their lusts without consequence, men like myself become cast to the curb, discarded without a second thought, and they do not realize what we may have been able to do for the greater good and their personal happiness because all they judge men by is their phallus. Circumcised? No. Enormous dick evident by their apish personality? No. Do not even respond to this man’s email because you can see on his face that he is a good person, and that is not something we want to encourage, endorse, or enjoy. Only evil, brutes, and lusting baboons can be allowed to socialize with cute women, which is all women are good for.
They don’t contribute anything with intelligence, otherwise they would not become feminazis as the epitome of their nature thinking they can circumcise men and control humanity as no better than the male control freaks like Hitler who want to control the entire world and subjugate women underneath male authority as well as uncircumcised men. Because they endanger all of us by tolerating circumcisers, men like me have to dominate, subdue, and subjugate women to remove the power source of circumcised men, and save civilization by defeating the threat to humanity and civilization which is women, not men. Feminazis in particular.
Likewise, a good and decent maiden who is humble and good with her feminity of humanity and not driven by her lustful ape nature to be fucked by brutes with an enormous phallus and useless minds, is able to save humanity just by rejecting circumcised men. Yet if she does not do that, then she becomes an enemy that needs to be destroyed. That is the simplicity of the evil world we live in and the salvation that can restore humanity to glory and prosperity. That is how easily resolved the disease is that plagues humanity with unprecedented injustice on an international level of organized crime that hobbles economic and technological progress.
Why has our technological development halted entirely? Are we already done with our inventions of personal electronic devices now that we have the smart phone? Why did our technological progress continually increase in speed and suddenly stop and begin to creep like molasses, before it began to regress as it is now, with technology being invented specifically to inconvenience people? What is the difference from the iphone 10 and the iphone 6? Maybe some bells and whistles but nothing particularly remarkable or innovative. Nothing new or inventive. Nothing impressive. How many years have gone by? Why did progress slow down to achieve such minimal results, and even further with the newer generations even less of an improvement or innovation than the previous leap. The difference between the 10 and whatever there is now 3 years later is negligible and a waste of resources as they continue to consume rare metals that are in extremely limited quanities on our planet. We cannot grow metals like that on a farm like we can food, and consuming them with the gluttony humans consume food is catastrophically dangerous.
There should be no tolerance for ape minded behaviors in civil and social leadership. None at all. If woman or man demands circumcision, exile them from civilization. If a woman demands a large dick from a man, exile from civilization. The only places large dicks can be required is in the adult entertainment industry, which is business where those vile whores can satisfy their base desires, but when they demand that in normal social life, dating, and domestic, interpersonal relationships, they are being for more destructive than a military war.
Signs of feminazis: “Me Too” movement whore cunts. You too for what? Being an arrogant, evil whore like the kikes and kike slaves who have used injustice and crime to abuse economic privilege? That is all they have accomplished. If you want to be included then defy them, do not join them. Reject them like the punk rock kid who screams insults, plays guitar with enough rage to make up for lack of skill, whose voice is hoarse with cigarettes that grant death when life has no joy. Put on some roller skates and get in the arena to bleed the way men do. You will never accomplish anything by joining the enemy to “change them from the inside”, because that is a trap designed to change you so you won’t change them.
Spiritual movements indicating “maternity” are a sign of that evil. Nothing is more vile, foul, and disgusting than equating human procreation with divine reality or higher conceptual reality of civilization. You do not balance the chauvanism of Jews with their “Son” and “Father”, you add injury to injury with your “Mother”. A maiden is not a bad thing though, unless she is a whore cunt. That’s because the best thing a woman can do is be cute and lovely as an image of the divine which is perfection men cannot achieve without being covered in the blood of our enemies, and those are the qualities of a maiden that are only for maidens, and not for men. That is power men should not covet from you, and why you should be just as angry with homosexual men for trying to do that.
Divine femininity is the highest limit of what all people should allow their enjoyment of human nature to admire, and that is not a sexual fantasy, but a romantic fantasy, which is something all people can participate in, share, and enjoy. Not so with a son. Forget that. The best thing sons and men can achieve is labor, violence, and self-sacrifice. No need to make an idol for that. We do that because it is all the better for maidens to be maidenly when they do not ever have to trouble themselves with such concerns. Men can body build to become an idol and image of divinity in man, and so too can women, but who has ever seen a male beauty pageant? Who would want to watch that unless they were dressing up as women!? In which case it would be hilarious because that is an easy truth for men to accept.
What is it about the beauty contest that determines the most beautiful of the most beautiful? Not her figure, not her body, not her grace of movement. Her mind, her heart, and her grace of presence— those are qualities a man can demonstrate for the benefit of a woman, but they will never be able to match the loveliest of your maidens. Likewise, you may be powerful, strong, and able to go toe to toe with the most elite warriors, like G. I. Jane, but do not fool yourself into thinking you are a match for the greatest of men among men in the ways of men. You should never be in conflict with us anyway, because both the loveliest of women and the ugliest of men are good and only good and we will always be in cooperation even without partnership or teamwork.
Even if we are on opposite sides of the battlefield.
Be my wife you vile, communist whore, and come get some happiness so you’ll stop being such a moody and frigid bitch all the god damned time.
Cease your toxic femininity you vile whore cunts and speak out as you need to against the evil that your gender is endorsing by tolerating circumcision and demanding equine phallus. You are like the Jews who are aware of their evil counterparts in Jewish society who provoke, antagonize, and poison a community, bringing wrath upon their entire sub-community to exterminate the problem of their pestilence. They “turn a blind eye” and say nothing about the injustice they know is happening, and that is a betrayal of their own people because of what they are causing to happen in the future that should be prevented by actions in the present.
Enough. Get the away you vile, whore cunt and drown yourself in the sewer like the apathetic vermin you are, too privileged with injustice and crime to swim. Good riddance. I will not pull you out of the black water of your sins that will pull you under, suffocate you, and end your lives.
Feminazis and circumcisers are both equally stupid and impotent. Men like me can destroy their entire organized perversion of a society single handedly, as I have proven, even when their evil scheme spans an entire planet and all of known civilization. That is how stupid, weak, and wasted their lives are in comparison to a man of honor, virtue, and faith in wisdom.
The difference between a “chauvanist pig” and myself is that if a woman proves herself worthy I will not deny her a seat of honor among men. However, I also am not going to lie to her about what is the best about feminine nature that is different from male nature. The power women have as maidens to be cute and lovely is not something men can achieve without an exception, which is always an unusual event, just as the best qualities of men are not something women can achieve without an exception as an unusual event.
Never trust a person who only tells you want you want to hear. Never trust a person who will not rebuke you for being a fool. Never trust a person who will not insult you when necessary. Never trust a servant who will not defy you to your face and tell you when they believe you are making a mistake.
How should you identify if you are a circumcised freak? As if you had foreskin, spiritually with the body before you were circumcised and beyond. Like a tattoo. Though we have tattoos and are identified with tattoos we did not lose our bare skin. We simply added to our skin with ink. But the skin is still there. You are still human, you simply added to your humanity by choosing to look different but that does not make you different, only appear as different. But if you believe you changed your humanity and are different from ordinary human nature you are losing humanity and gaining nothing because you cannot add to what you don’t already have. Losing everything and all you can hope to save you is casting off that false self and taking up a new one just as easily as you believe happened to change your beliefs about yourself. Some would say that is easy but does a baby not scream in pain, outrage, and injury? Bleeding with a wound that takes time to heal. Changing who you are is not so easy as simply deciding, but that is the first step and change cannot happen without that fully conscious and totally committed decision of free will and only free will.
Vile whore cunt feminazi ass eaters: if you identify with circumcision you cut away your cuteness and loveliness because you have no dick to be circumcised with. You cut off your own face. You cut off your smile. You cut out your eyes. You become hideous and tragic, better euthanized than pitied. You also cut off your mind because you fail to have reason, rational intelligence, and faith in wisdom to know the folly of circumcision.
If you are a lovely maiden with bodily features that are more like fractures, do not fret. All the more beautiful will your eyes be when they alight with your smile, because it is not the surface of a maiden which makes her lovely, just as it is not the man’s phallus which makes him sexually desirable and able to satisfy an insatiable desire of maidenly passion. All the more desirable will you be to men who are capable of satisfying such maidenly passions and all the more fortunate are you as likely to be blessed with true love most high and divine. That may not seem true with so many brutes milling about, but where you don’t stand out for them, you shine like the most radiant star for men to whom all the body bitches seem like gray blobs of boring.
Those you may think are double blessed with body and beauty are actually double cursed because where those with soul are radiant those who have a beautiful body are not. They are masked by their body, obvious to the brutes and lonely because they can never satisfy her and cause her to despair into the dangers of maiden on maiden action where she is like the lotus eaters of Calypso who become lost in a daze of bliss while time and opportunity passes. Help her if possible, especially if she is eating your lotus 😉 because you can bring her with you and find the man who is both body and soul and more than enough for one. Such maidens and men with the double gift are cursed with their image to suffer extraordinary pains of existential anguish and may give in to suicide for how that wounds the soul when they cry out to Nep Nep as to why Gameindustri chose their sprite the way they did, suffering more than life can reconcile with all the world’s blessing. Such is my case, king of creation and all the world, hero of the ages, double blessed, but suffering more than any other person ever has. As such when what is two, maiden and maiden, meet what is barely zero all but survival instinct to live gone, that union will become three and the greatest of all happiness is blessed to all within and beyond. This is not limited to us, as I hope beyond hope will happen, only is rare and never something to seek to cause for the pain that is invited. The way a hero’s victory is not worth the evil that was suffered to provoke them, such happiness is not worth the pain those who suffer it experience, but it is better than nothing. How then is divinity and grace conserved in the immaculate divine ecomedy? By the universal abundance that gives to all who have one blessing and receive more than a fair share. Do not ever begrudge the blessings of another. Treasure your own and if they are not enough, seek more, but do not seek to take from others. That merciful imbalance is perfection within chaos, and knowing the blessings others enjoy on your account is good, but not what you would call happiness. That is bitter like hard labor which is not regretted nor rewarded. Create new pleasure instead. Invent, craft, and bake. Sing, dance, and play. If you take from others by some misfortune of mysterious “fate”, a divine author’s suspense and irony for an eternal reader, doing so will be to create, not to take from them and will only happen if they are an obstruction to yours or others’ happiness. If that is true it will be clear and present, able to be expressed in as simple language as is required in a court of law which requires the utmost simplicity of clarity for all civilians to know and understand with a public proclamation of dispensed justice.
All of us are civilians and humans. We are human as animals, and civilians as people, whether we live in a less technologically advanced nation, indigenous culture, or New York City, Paris, and Tokyo, we are all civilians. Civilization began the moments humans cooperated in the time of stone, stick, and fire, and the difference between good and evil now is the same as it was then: those who understand and embrace civility with respect, honor, and dignity, and those who defy civility with the lawlessness and selfish violence of a brute. Jesus crucified set the minimum standard of civilization that has eternally established a line of civil humanity that will not be tolerated to reach or go lower again. Law must be maintained with truth, justice, and wise judgment without political and popular influence. You can never be totally impartial, but you can be totally true, just, and wise according to your doctrine of law whatever that may be. None of those doctrines would ever be accepted generation after generation if they were not good, but that does not mean they are perfect for all occasions. Now, that is old news and should only be a reinforcement and reminder of what you already know. I am confirming truth you know as a Jew, Christian, and Muslim even though I am not one of your number, faith, or origin. I hail from a different book, one that is not written in reality, but written in a place outside of reality known as the Halls of Remembrance. If you would make your way there to read what it says, you will have to leave your mortality behind, because that is what binds you to this reality so you don’t float off to any imagined dream or vision and can chart a course of intention, will, and wise judgement. However, my purpose now is not only to repeat a teaching humanity seems to have forgotten with what the international world leaders and rogue agents of darkness have done to me against the laws of the World of Darkness for how they have exposed the masquerade not with what they did to me, but how they did so. The very nature of those wounds have exposed the masquerade, and now there will be a bloodhunt unlike any other because our enemies are anonymous, and we must search everywhere to find them. On the bright side, I am a denizen of the World of Darkness myself, and neither they nor the government was aware of that enough to know that they were outmatched and I have survived doing what will protect the World of Darkness by reinforcing the purpose of the masquerade with a reminder of why you need to be afraid and what you need to be afraid of, but not everything in the darkness is your enemy, which is why you do not panic, get paranoid, or terrified about who or what is lurking where you cannot see or go. The boundaries will be better established, and the masquerade will continue, but there will be disruption for the Blood Hunt because neither the World of Darkness nor the World of Light will be secure until our mutual laws are enforced.
So what then is new about this relevant to the eternal masters of light and darkness? These words are all you will need to pass on, even if paraphrased: Whereas Jesus established the line of intolerable civility by allowing himself to be crucified so that his spirit could rise above the evil of the world, I established the line of citizenship, which is at a height none should tolerate going above. I lifted up my body to that height of divine glory coveted by hubristic fools, and then humbled myself with my spirit by lowering myself down to where all men and women should stop and go no further.
Why then should you not go higher? Because doing so was only as a necessity for a great evil that endangered all of human life, all of civilization, and was so intolerably wrong that civilization descended not only below the line of Jesus as a civilized human, but descended below the line of humanity drawn in mystery so ancient there were not even names, stories, or language to know who is responsible. That is what was so dangerous and so far out of line humanity should never have gone close to, not even in the secret of a private estate, but especially not in the secrecy of a government facility.
What I did was not done for glory, greatness, reward, and happiness, and I did not experience any of that which is good about those. I experienced public humiliation, denigration, punishment, incrimination, and extreme suffering you could make an entire subject of studying in occult science. Not for the suffering that was caused or how, but what I did to overcome that suffering and how, and there may be use of that, but never enough that will justify the suffering that was done, because it will be attainable by other means without that kind of suffering, and if I live longer, I will show you how, because I knew that before I knew what suffering I would experience to need that, and that is what neither the World of Darkness nor the World of Light were aware of about me before they wrote me off as some fool, fraud, and pretender. I did not risk that happening because I am a gambler, I risked that happening because I was prepared for the worst possible scenario, and it’s a damn good thing I brought that extra pair of skivvies.
Alright, here it is. I know you knew this was coming because I’ve been building up to it. There are lessons of wisdom which are better taught with Story than with study, even if they are taught by a literal teacher:
Do not be confused. Violence, pure, “naked” violence, unadulterated and unprecedented is in fact the supreme force, but it is not expressed with weapons of physical power, bodily assault against Nature’s beings, or any form of military. Ultimate violence is expressed with the way of artists, creators, and romantic fools who will move heaven and earth to save their Princess Panty Pie from an evil tyrant and dragon. Ultimate violence is a force of chaos, not order, and is spontaneous; unnecessary unless provoked. Such is the power of a human with a divine soul which slays God and men the same, because God and men are the same, as all human beings have a divine soul.
If you are a woman being fussy, then you can specify Goddess and woman just to be clear you are not excluded from the meaning of “men”, but you are occluding the teaching if you do so which is dangerous because of the likelihood of a misunderstanding that causes. That meaning is the same and the difference of gender is irrelevant at that level because gender identity is far beneath divine identity. Besides, ‘man’ is part of ‘woman’, and ‘men’ is part of ‘women’, but you are woe incarnate if you are a maiden who cuts men out of your life. Besides, men will not want to live, work, or fight for anything if there are no women involved, which is why it is easier to state such a thing the other way. Rather risk an insult than an injury.
Finally, the original ending, to encourage and discourage those who know what they have to do or what they should not do. Heed these words if you will dare challenge God and man to become a hero of the ages:
Becoming like Nick Bylotas, xxDoubleDaisyxx, he with the moon in one hand and the sun in the other, a flask of blood vitae and a flask of clean water, a hero of the ages and not the only one, is rewarded only with this: destruction. Destruction of self. That is to say, he no longer has a reason to die, but does not have reason to live either. He is barely surviving and in more danger than ever before against the threat that consumes all things. It is only with the marriage of true love’s eternal union that he will ever have a reason to live, and that is one thing a person cannot do alone.