Neurotypical's Guide to Autism

It’s like this groupie:

Autistic people are all different. You can say the same, but to us you all pretty much look the same. However, there is something general that autistic people have in common:

We are extraordinarily sensitive to subtle stimulus you likely ignore, find negligible, and are not concerned by. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I assure you the problem is very severe. If you felt this kind of discomfort, you would not think it “trivial”, “negligible”, or otherwise easy to ignore.

That difference changes our value judgments so that many normal goods become less important or good because the subtle problems are worse than the good. Thus, we tend to separate from the groupies who tolerate what we find intolerable. You do normal things I find horridly unpleasant, and I go to greater efforts to do good things you think are too much effort and would rather ignore the subtle shite you don’t notice than do any actual labor.

I don’t give a fuck. You people are extremely hateful, hostile, and physically agressive to me because I am autistic, and I am not going to be nice to you. I am going to show you that disabled people have rights in civilization just as privileged people do, and those rights will crush you savage, ungrateful numbskulls like bugs in a court of law.

That’s about all you need to know. So when you turn on that bull shit “suppression field” or whatever you call your EMF torture device intended to oppress people and manipulate populations, it is extremely noticeable to me and I do not like it. It is so noticeable, I am going to uproot your entire conspiracy just to make it stop with out giving any fucks to why you think you need to use such an evil thing.

Imagine if that was happening.

Is that legal?

No. Obviously not. That is abominably criminal, inhumane, and monstrous.

Is that actually happening?


You are going to be crushed like insects and all of your conspiracy will be uprooted with all of your minions thrown in prison.

That’s one of the things that makes you bullies so horrible to us and why you enjoy bullying us so much. Those little things you think are little things are not so little to us, and it’s not because we can’t handle what you can that you think you can mock us over and torture us with. It’s because that thing is very unpleasant to us and interferes with everything we do because of how much the discomfort distracts with anything and everything, including basic life needs. Normally you are not needed to accomodate us for something like this, because we can just make a private modification to our clothing, choose our preferences with more importance for some things, and avoid what is problematic, and you might not ever notice the problem. That is one thing, but there is also a cognitive dissonance that causes us mental and emotional stress when we notice it. Why? I don’t know. I’m not a psychologist specializing in mental disorder pathology, psychiatrist with expert knowledge about neurology as it pertains to consciousness and stimulus, or some other scientific medical specialist who would be better able to tell you why.

I am capable of writing words that are reasonable, clear, and understandable in regard to very difficult things to explain, and I am pleased to say that is actually rather useful, I would think. In any case, I imagine it is similar to PTSD with a trigger response that is much less extreme. For whatever reason, those cognitive dissonance triggers subtle discomforts for most people which they ignore, accept as an unavoidable consequence for a greater good, and ignore. While that may be true at the beginning, I think that problem tends to get worse because people ignore it and then gain a maladaptive response to disregard the problem as not a problem at all, when the problem hasn’t changed and does in fact still exist for the same reasons that were problematic at the beginning. That maladaption then leads to decisions that do not factor the problem into the decision making process when it should be and result in making it worse and causing much more consequences that could be avoided if the original problem was considered in relation to them, and in fact those consequences are far worse than what the cost would be to address the initial problem.

There is a well known autistic woman named Mary Temple Grandin, who studied animal behavior and has made substantial contributions to improving the humane treatment of livestock and improved the industry overall with her contributions that have had both direct and indirect positive results.

Do you see where I am going with this? There is already a problem with livestock agriculture that we accept as a necessary consequence of agriculture, and I insist that you do not call that evil. It is not evil when a snake eats a mouse or a man eats a cow, that is just nature. However, it is a problem because we love our livestock and its normal for people to feel sad or upset when they are killed and then turned into a steak that they eat anyway and forget about how sad they are. That is a problem, but it is one we live with, and why some people are better suited for— “slaughterer” is the designation? — I’m changing that. “Slaughter” as a word has other connotations, and they need a more dignified title that is less crude. Some people are better suited for livestock… murder. Just kidding. Livestock… processing doesn’t sound cool enough. Livestock… cleaning.

There. That’s what you call it when you hunt and gut a deer, and it is a good word to describe what is being done to dirty, scary work people would think is evil if they didn’t know better. That which could be “evil” if you were killing humans or random animals without a reason, is being “cleaned” to be good enough for human consumption. They are technically removing sin from the act of eating meat, and that is holy work that both a hunter and a farmer does for the greater good. That’s an good and noble profession, and why you trust good people to do it, but they don’t need much in the way of required qualifications to be capable of learning the profession. They should be trained and not allowed to just do the job without special instructions to be efficient, effective, and humane, trained how to use the tools for job safely, and given practice with supervision until they demonstrate their ability to be successful without supervision, but I doubt you need a college degree in agriculture to be able to do that kind of work, but that’s not different from the fact that you don’t need a college degree to repair expensive, highly complicated machines. You would need the agriculture degree to be the boss of the entire livestock process from purchase, growth, care, breeding, cleaning, sale, etc. but any one of those they could probably teach you what was necessary if you had a mind to learn. Not back in the day, but now it is a lot more complicated than before, and I would expect that if I were going to hire someone to manage my cattle farm, and I would hire someone else to manage my crops.

Anyway there we go, that problem is solved with the right word now and which I have clarified with the divine authority invested in me because of whatever reason I have divine authority. The “cleaning” is what makes that not a problem. I think that is probably the practical link between ancient pagan religion and ancient monotheistic religion. That’s why you shouldn’t be antagonistic to polytheists. The monotheist may run the entire estate as lord accountable to the king, but they polytheist has a dynamic world of innumerable realms within those singular concepts that need to function in harmony with the singular concept. There is no reason to be hostile to eachother. Just as some people prefer to serve in a military as an officer, others prefer to serve as enlisted, and there is no difference in their human value for that preference. I suppose it all depends on personal identity. Some people want to keep their hands clean, and some people want get their hands dirty, and why? Idk and idc. We both have equal rights no matter our race, religion, or blood type. Pros and cons I guess, personal values, life circumstances…

So it’s like that, if you think you can ignore the problem of it being upsetting to kill and eat animals when you love animals, life, and care about all creatures because they are all good in their own way, then maybe things got out of hand and they invented ways that made it easier to kill animals but made the problem of why it is unpleasant to kill them worse because animals were unhappy, scared, or caused unnecessary pain, which includes psychological pain relative to an animal’s mind. This maybe caused consequences that were both direct and indirect and someone autistic noticed, and found intolerably upsetting for the distress they personally felt about what they cannot ignore. Their cognition is being triggered with a negative stress response, which although isn’t immediately traumatic, can be traumatizing over time, the same way smoking cigarettes causes trauma to the lungs over time, except perhaps result in greater mental health disabilities to include diagnosable autism that was previously unidentified because of new symptoms that are manifesting. Idk, just a rough hypothesis.

The point is that just because you don’t notice the problem the way someone else is, does not mean the problem doesn’t exist, which is why it is most important to listen clearly and carefully to what is being explained so you can understand the problem without feeling it. If they have trouble explaining, do not disregard their problem as non-existent, because you likely have the authority to do something about it and they are not the only ones suffering, but even if they are, you should help them if you can. Please make an effort to understand, find someone else who can facilitate communication, and try to find a solution that works best. You will be glad you went through that extra effort later.

So idk what to tell you. All of my life circumcisers were negative influences to me with their presence, energy, and passive hostility. Over time I naturally avoided that problem to be away from the stressor because it seemed like something I simply had to accept in life, and I couldn’t even identify what the stressor was as a child. I didn’t know. Then I became an adult, joined the Navy, was just as weird as I’ve always been without being a problem, and then struck out on my own, and it was like… that problem became hyper focused on me like a god damned concentrated laser beam, and I knew exactly what was happening.

That is intolerable to me. Just because you people have gone on to tolerate the problem that circumcising a child is, because that is a problem and you should not feel okay about that, does not mean you can make the problem worse by doing what you are doing with circumcision now that you are ignoring that as a problem with a maladaptation that disregards the negative stimulus to your consciousness that problem evokes.

I don’t give a shit what you think you have the authority to do, how insignificant you think I am, or why you think you are entitled to do what you are doing, but I cannot live with the suffering you are causing me. I am autistic. It fucks with my mind a lot more than I think you realize. I simply cannot live a normal life while I am experiencing that discomfort, so I am going to solve the problem and make that discomfort go away with an agreeable solution that is reasonable, good, effective, without cost, and simply the right thing to do. However, to do that, you are going to have to acknowledge the original problem your maladaptation is ignoring, because guess what that problem is dissonant with: human rights. If you ignore that problem, then the entire concept of human rights becomes corrupted with that dissonance and you lose accurate and reliable judgment about matters concerning human rights, which are universal and most vital to government purpose and a prosperous civilization.

Don’t freak out about what needs to happen because you are afraid of what you are ignoring. You need to acknowledge that, face that fear, and resolve it or your problems will only get worse until civilization is no longer protecting human beings and becomes anarchy, chaos, and returns back to tribal systems of brute tyrants, kings, and survivors. All will be fighting over dwindling resources that are not being replenished without a lawful society and efficient government.

You do not realize yet how fucked you people are. You’re like:

“Well if you are Christ then where is your lightning bolts as you fly out of the sky and destroy everything with magic god powers?”

You think I can’t do everything necessary alone and without help, and thus are testing me as some kind of mythical miracle worker you want to see the impossible from? I can do everything, but I don’t need that supernatural bull shit. All I need is human ability and I will go through every single on of your offices, give the orders necessary, sign the papers, ask the questions, and not stop until everything is done, because that is all the power that is needed to save everyone. However, I expect a lot of people are going to be upset that I am doing their job for them when they are hired to be doing that job, went to fancy ivy league schools, and worked for decades to have the experience for that job. I don’t know why they didn’t do their own jobs, but the people who employ them, all the citizens, will have every right to be mad that they are not doing the jobs they are employed to do. At the very least, I expect them to be fired, but considering that I am the Christ, they are denying me, and they are government leaders in a time of war, I demand they be given the death penalty as is just and right for their conduct.

If I need to turn on the cameras myself, walk back around in front of them, say what is necessary, send it to everyone’s tv, I will, but why the fuck are all of you going to be standing around while the Christ does all of your jobs and you test whether or not he is a human being capable of human actions? Are you not embarrassed to be seen by the Christ avoiding work like that? Who pays you? Tax payers? Is the Christ not a tax payer and a veteran who secures our national borders? So what is he going to think about you not doing what he employs you to do and instead has to personally leave his private residence, his throne of heaven, and go all the way down to your miserable little office in the world and do your work himself. I expect he will want to punish you the same way I do.

My autism is tingling: A new approach

Ye oppressed minorities under the assault of my hate…

Consider this:

If a person identifies as nothing, except human: they receive the base fare of honor and respect from me. This goes to all people. It is a considerable sum because I have a lot of love for humanity.

However… if a person identifies with a social group that has lost my favor… then they start with a deficit until there has been reconciliation. That doesn’t mean that you owe me anything or are in my debt, but that your social group is more of a burden to your personal identity than you may like. There is nothing that can be done to change that except facts of reality about that social group.

So… Jews: they start with a deficit, but that doesn’t mean that I am going to treat Jewish people poorly in real life. It just means that if they are wearing their Jewishness on their sleeve, or as their cloak— you see this spiritual technology here— and they divided Jesus cloak and tunic among them casting lots for it. Who did Jesus’ identity really belong to? He was the product of a hodgepodge very much like America is, because Jerusalem back then was a cultural epicenter for a lot of different people, not just Jews.

Anyway, if you are wearing Jew on your sleeve, then I am going to respect that as your identity and that works against you in my eyes because unless you know something about Jews that I don’t know, you are an enemy. That is the plain and simple fact of the matter about Judaism, else they would agree with the Christian message. Their entire identity these days is based as in opposition to the Christian message and has very little to do with their original culture. So, that means that they have to be exceptionally capable and good as an individual to have my respect and be honored by me despite being Jewish. The “person” quality in this matter is very much a qualitative value of lots of different meanings that are separate from bodily factors even if they are attached to bodily qualities.

With Black people, that is now the case too because of BLM. That movement and the way things have been since has made things worse, and if you will continue to identify as different from White people, then… well I will consider you an enemy. The reason being that at the heart of “White” culture of Western civilization is the truth from which Christianity and the Enlightenment springs. It is the truth of a divine nature that transcends bodily and worldly qualities. Being White has nothing to do with it, but that came from White culture, and underneath everything else there is that, and that is where I am. So… if you are identifying as opposed to what is White culture, you are opposing that as well, and that would make you evil, because that by definition is good, however you describe what is good.

The conclusion that is most important from that is that creation is good, all of it, and existence too. That is more significant of a truth than it appears as, because upon that truth is all understanding of reality—knowledge, wisdom, and experience, and if you believe creation, existence, or the highest divine to be evil—then you corrupt all knowledge, wisdom, and experience. Even though you may not see the immediate effects, that erodes everything in civilization and society over time like termites eating away the wooden supports of a home. The truth of the goodness of creation can be proven too, but don’t get me started now.

So, don’t feel threatened by the stance I have taken. In fact… there are not really many social identifiers I respect based on their social identifier, but… they are out there, and I decide this based on my personal experience only, never by what people tell me to believe. That works both ways. I do not accept any value judgments about people other than my own, and I advise you do the same.

If I don’t know anything about a group, then there is nothing good or bad about them to judge, but the more I know about them, the more I understand how that social identifier relates to my own freely chosen personal identity, and because what I believe about myself matters to me, the flaws and goods of their identifier they identify with matters to me too. So, even if I am being rude, insulting, and disrespectful, that is my way of showing you respect.

Some groups that currently are in my favor: the Amish. I’m not sure why, because I’ve never met them, but they choose a pretty hardcore life of humility by choice and I respect that. Any spiritual ascetic— that is to say, a person who chooses a hardcore life of humility by choice, like a monk. Even if they are kind of more integrated into worldly life than they used to be at their beginning, they still even at the least of their number, accept a harder way of life for a good purpose, and that requires discipline, courage, honor, integrity, and commitment to higher purpose in one way or another. I realize that three of those are also the Core Values of the Navy, but that doesn’t change the fact that I respect that objectively despite (even though) being a Navy veteran.

Don’t start. I just had a sense that there was some translation issue over that word, or misunderstanding in English too, but I’m not going to use a different one, because that word is not negative and is not related to “spite”. “My name is not Virgin, it’s Tokonome! The Kanji just looks like that!”

Some other groups— recovering addicts. I’ve been there. I am one myself, and I became good friends with a few at a recovery house I lived at for some time. If you identify as that, don’t screw it up and lose my favor. Don’t abuse it. However, it does mean something about your strong will, your determination to do what is right and good, and your commitment to being a contributing member of society in your own way, even if that is just keeping up with your weekly chore assignment. Sometimes, when life is hard, that is all we can manage while still keeping ourselves together.

Russians are in my favor, as a matter of fact. This is because when I was a teen, I got into a little trouble with a cute maiden and her friends at a Brad Paisley concert when we got drunk. One of them got pretty sick and the ambulence came and her boyfriend went with her, and gave me the keys to his car. I wasn’t really drunk at the end of the show, but I certainly did not pass the DWI checkpoint they had at the exit and I blew a 2.1 I think, which was the limit. I guess that meant I was not over the limit, luckily enough, but I still got slammed with an M.I.P. and had to go do some stuff about that.

That isn’t a laughing matter, and that kind of risk is highly stupid, and should not happen. I don’t do anything like that anymore, not even a little bit, but… sometimes it seems that you don’t really have a choice, and that is not okay. There should be more stuff to help with that. They do it in the military to keep warriors safe, but they should extend that same thing out to all citizens and create some jobs with the politicians salaries instead of our taxes just to do that. Point the finger at them please, I’m not perfect, but at least I know I did wrong and I do not do anything like that now.

The point is, they towed the dude’s car, and I was with the girl who invited me, and she called the Russian dudes we were hanging out with at their house the day before. They had immigrated over from Russia and had some cool stories to say about it, including a hearty amount of complaints. Anyway, they were good folks, and I liked them so Russia has had my favor since then because they gave me a lift back to my truck, but that was several hours later.... anyway let’s move on.

However… there was a cute Russian maiden I met at a MWR trip to Universal Studios while in the Navy, and… well now that I remember it, the only reason anything happened between her and I was because of a solid my liberty buddy did for me. He was like "Dude, do you not see the way she is looking at you?” “Huh? What are you talking about?” “Here, take this, and have a good time.” Then he gave 9mm handgun and she and I saved the Eifel Tower from being stolen by Carmen San Diego. Now that I am remembering the details, that guy was a Black man, so I’ll add a few more favor points to the Black community right now because I don’t want to have conflict over race and want that situation back to at least neutral again ASAP, because I don’t have anything against Black people unless you are talking about the Black movement, because that doesn’t include me, and I gotta look out for myself. Nothing personal.

Other groups— Japan— favor. New Zealand— slight favor. Could be more but I had my wallet stolen at a hostel and didn’t have any money for a while. However, I had a great time at Hobbiton, Rotorua, the Sulfur Springs, Mount Doom, the Light House at the end of the world, some other places on the North Island and still gotta explore the South Island another time, so New Zealanders are in good favor. Belgium— neutral. I had a bad experience at the train stopover but the customs agent who thwarted my advances into Great Brittain was a good sport about it when I kept upping the ante with more ridiculous antics so… I can’t really be mad.

The USA— the customs agents seized the Polish sausage I bought at the duty free store in Poland when changing flights there and I never had a chance to eat it. The USA may as well just start a new game at this point, rather than try to climb back out of the hole they are in.

That’s about it for now, but that’s not everyone. Just know… I have a book, with a list, and I keep track of all this stuff. Not a physical book, but this all happens in my mind, so… you’d better be good because you don’t know when I’ll be watching with some crows on power lines or a stray dog at the park. I’ll know if you’ve been naughty or nice.


—as for Japan, they got the most of their favor from me while I was visiting the World Peace Center at Nagasaki. A humbling site, for sure, but after… I went and had some food, a few drinks, and went to a casino with a hearty buzz going on and started playing some anime themed slot machine video game thing and had no idea what the heck I was doing. It was all lights, music, flashing images, spinning reels, and I couldn’t make sense of it because it was not like an American slot machine where you try to line up the symbols. There was timing, reflexes, signs, precision, accuracy, and a some kind of plot with cute maidens, and I couldn’t read any of it. One of the casino employees came over and helped me though and I won a few hundred yen even if I didn’t really understand how to play the game, so that was pretty cool.

Seriously… sometimes I feel like I got sent back in time to Camelot with King Arthur and his Round Table. Ever since I told them about toothpaste they’ve been making me work as their court wizard. I mean… I don’t really have any other choices, so I’m cooperating fine, but that Merlin dude is throwing a fit over the situation because I guess this was his job before I came along, and I keep having to fight him with New World discoveries, which isn’t too hard, but still… what a chore. If only I would have just stayed on my boat without a care in the world and never tried to do anything with my life… no going back now though. I am going to see this through to the end, even if this water stays muddy all the way to the coast.

Loli-cute video game maidens

First of all, because I have to explain this to people, mostly to other Westerners, you should give me a reward of some sort. Not only because of how much it is going to put the minds of fools at ease and prevent further foolishness from them, but also because of the potential amounts of profitable business it will generate.

Simply put: the human body is beautiful.

Just because the human body is beautiful and extra cute when scantily clad (tastefully and/or fashionably) or dressed provocatively without revealing too much, even if barely, does not mean the human body is sexualized.

You people, who see maidens who are petite and loli-cute with bodies like a young girl, and think they are being sexualized, are the ones who are thinking what is perverted in most cases. They look cute, beautiful, and amazing but that does not mean they evoke sexual desire of that of an adult because of their form. In fact, usually it’s the opposite. If they are doing silly sexual things, then maybe they may evoke those concepts, but usually that is amusing because they are cuter bodily than they are sexy bodily.

It is the same way with petite maidens in real life, such as Emma Watson and Emily Kinney. The human body is beautiful and their cuteness is no exception to that. Their cuteness and beauty is greater than their bodily sexiness, and it is cuteness and beauty that evokes love, not sexiness. I suppose that’s why I like them. Sexual desire is least important to me. Beauty and cuteness is very important to me because I love that probably the most. However, what makes a maiden sexy to me is not her body, it is her heart and soul. I suppose that is because I do not want to have children and thus do not find the natural animal instincts to procreate all that appealing. Instead I want to express the highest forms of love, and for that, you need to prioritize sexual desire at the very bottom.

Most maidens in the USA seem to be fools. This is because they are under the delusion they are cute, but also believe men need to be circumcised. They usually do not understand how wrong that is because their father taught them as children by fucking their minds up in various ways. The delusion spawns from the father who sees the beauty of their daughter’s natural love for him as an indication of love for circumcision. That elates his ego and reinforces his foolishness. Him being deluded allows the maiden to be fooled that she in fact loves him, but he really only loves himself through her, and does not love her at all. That’s probably why they are always trying to gain their attention and even become spiritually incestuous with them. Disgusting, vile whores.

Anyway, if all of them are totally ignorant and deluded about circumcision, she grows up as though she believes that she loves the nature of man and that belief of hers evokes beauty and cuteness and is appealing to every man, circumcised or not. However, if she meets an uncircumcised man and triggers the awakening of the parasite in her mind by rejecting him because of circumcision, her beauty ends and she descends into ugliness.

I find those maidens often in the USA. It is not because they are “circumcised” like the fools who only love themselves want to say. It is because they are totally ignorant and thus look beautiful like a natural maiden. The moment they reject me by learning I am uncircumcised, usually by being manipulated through their incestuous spiritual connection with their father, they suddenly become hideous, ugly, and undesirable to me, and I have no problem leaving them in the dust for greener pastures, cuter maidens, and better living.

The USA is rife with women like that. I don’t know why, but it probably has to do with government propaganda from Israel infecting the USA entertainment industry and now the USA government.

They are fools, and as it is said, their own foolishness will fall upon them. Why? Because men, all men, not just people like me, are going to see the ugliness of those hateful maidens because of circumcision and not want them. If the maidens are not cute in a nation, surely that nation will be destroyed. If the maidens are cute in a nation, that nation will likely get as many chances as necessary to unfuck themselves, if they are fucked.

That’s why the USA has the shame of the ugliest women in the world, while Japan boasts the cutest. They never trusted the evil of circumcision in Japan, and understood Westerners as savage, uncivilized brutes of low intelligence because it is often done in the West without understanding how self-destructive it is. (Some of us in the West feel the same way, and prefer civilized behavior, intelligence, use of reason, honor, justice, and truth, and maybe now you are beginning to understand Western history’s struggle for civilization. We’ve been fighting them for a long time in our social systems. If you can, stop your circumcisers as soon as possible.) Thus, Japan kept their natural culture alive and healthy, just as it remains to be today. That natural culture is why their maidens are often so cute and beautiful. At the same time, they are also corrupted by the circumcision conspiracy to a terrible degree, which is why they also have some hideously ugly maidens too.

The problem with circumcision that makes maidens ugly and males defective is not bodily. It has nothing to do with the male penis nor desire for a skinned, mutilated one even uglier than normal, especially when erect. The problem is hatred. The hatred of Gentiles, men, nature, culture, reason, intelligence, divinity, morality, and all that is good is what makes them ugly and prevents the males from being capable or reliable. That hatred always gets in the way because it is wrong, unlike hatred for circumcision. Even if they are wise, and they know to reject that hatred it still gets in the way and always is an obstacle they have to deal with. Without circumcision, there would be no such obstacle and things are better. Just because you can get by like normal if you are missing a hand, life with both hands would be better and you would be able to do more in life.

(Autism is not always a disability for the person diagnosed because of the condition as much as it is because of how other people behave toward us because of the condition. The autism itself can be very good, but people still bully people with autism and are generally mean spirited brutes, so they make it a disability because of their inability to have compassion or human decency. That’s the problem with that. If you have a loving family and have autism, you like won’t have the kind of troubles I’ve had.)

The hatred that spawns in the minds of circumcised men also causes their ugliness too in the same way it does for women. Usually it is not an issue until they become aware that their delusions of self-importance are unjust, false, and criminal at the expense of other people. When that happens and they continue to delude themselves, they grow ugly and less capable, which is why they end up doing talentless things like banking or trying to manage the careers of talented people. If they accept the truth about their condition, reject circumcision, and hate it to instead love the truth of the human soul which transcends the body to divinity, then they gain ability and beauty. If they did that, they would not circumcise their children.

It works similarly for uncircumcised men, except we don’t have an artificial parasite of hatred making things more difficult. Even when totally misguided, misled, and having suffered the worst attempts to destroy the talent and beauty of a man because of a hateful circumcised father, brother, and mother who indulges them, my natural instincts to have compassion and goodness in my life triumphed over their evil. Those natural instincts led me out of their reach to grow in ability, talent, and beauty. However, beauty for a man is… not saying much about our body, because men are always ugly.

My spirit though, the non-bodily nature of my real, living presence… watch out maidens, because I’m like the boy version of Nep Nep and can god form myself into a powerful world saving man-body with the anatomy to show for it, even though I am decently clothed, in addition to the power of my divinity. I think that’s why I tend to be attractive to younger girls or girls who are childlike in spirit, like Emma Watson possibly is. They see that part of me and know how much fun they are going to have playing with me.

That’s also why maidens usually prefer older men because that is something we can attain with a lot of experience to refine ourselves with. For both men and women that involves overcoming personal insecurity. Men desire to achieve personal recognition from themselves as a man and not a boy, and that means we have to do what only we ourselves know we have to do and nobody else tells us what that is or whether we did it or not. Maidens may have that as important too, but their main concern is usually relative to their biology to become a mother. They have more maidenly goo flowing through their veins that makes them instinctually desire to have children more than men, and that is the insecurity they have to overcome. That more often happens for maidens at a younger age for the same reason.

It is not whether or not they have children, it is whether or not they can accept themselves as themselves, regardless of having children. Fathers shouldn’t try to find acceptance for themselves through their children either, but I think that is mostly a problem with the mutilated because of the issue above. Natural instinct for men, because of our desire to achieve the epitome of our personal goals for self-acceptance, usually results in us only wanting to identify with ourselves, and never anyone else. That’s a good thing and should help prevent groupthink and negative influence from others using any kind of manipulation.

So… the loli-cute maidens may be dressed in clothing that shows a lot of their radiant body without revealing too much, and that is very cute because the human body is beautiful and people like to look at what is beautiful. They are not sexualized, and the appeal is not sexual. If you think it is, you are probably the one hiding something perverse and should maybe find out what that is and resolve it before you do something you regret.


My opinion on ASD

Autism is a legitimate disability contrary to what some ludite turds think in modern society. Those fools are the same ones who deny all manner of mental health problems, such as depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. as though they were cases of malingering. When I was an ignorant youth brought up by such hateful and stupid people, I thought similarly, but also because I was constantly going through life resolving mental abnormalities of my own as though it was normal.

When I matured into adulthood and set out on my own as independent from my family, I met a lot of people and experienced many different things that enlightened me about the nature of the human being. I did away with that uncharitable upbringing and began learning about life on my own and became totally different from who I was misled to believe I was. I learned about morality, honor, responsibility, and compassion. I experienced reliability and trust through friendship far more than I ever experienced reliability, trust, and compassion through my own family.

Sometimes I recall having an argument with my father when I was a teenager about something involving how I prioritized friendship over most other things in life. He told me something like, “Friends are nothing. They will never be there for you. You cannot rely on friendship. You have to rely on family.” What I think disturbed me so much about that conversation was that it was unprecedented. There was no unhealthy behavior or disobedience or anything like that. He just wanted me to reject friendship as an important part of my life.

Obviously I disagreed and didn’t care what he thought, nor did I change anything about my life. I just ignored him entirely on that comment. What he was saying simply did not make sense, seemed wrong, and was contrary to a higher authority of Christianity which I had been learning about at the time, and that religion is basically all about what friends do for each other as the highest good. That was around the time that I was nearing graduation and was looking ahead to the day I would be able to leave that house behind and no longer have to suffer their stupid rules like an early curfew, or excessive punishment for being a bit late after curfew, or their ridiculous expectations for academic performance.

All that, but none of the good stuff like values that are important or how one could find meaning in life. It was always a totally detached, uninvolved, and figure it out on your own type of thing. As in, this uncircumcised child is not my responsibility because he is not like me and I cannot possibly help him mature as a human being. He is a total stranger, like an alien, and he needs to figure life out on his own. However good that may seem, it is false, because circumcised people are no different from uncircumcised and I am certainly not something fundamentally different than a human being. In any case, parenting like that didn’t cultivate any good will for my parents now that I am an adult because there was so much in life I had to learn that would have been much easier if I had some guidance instead of them purposely ignoring their responsibility as parents. A conversation about circumcision at the very least would have been helpful, but no… I was totally in the dark about how hostile and hateful those people are in their ignorance of human nature.

In any case, friendship is all I can rely on because family has never been supportive, encouraging, or helpful to me. I have never once been able to trust or rely on them for help. Even when I did, those times were twisted into weapons to try and make me indebted to them, which is classic vampirism and easily dismissed by what Anton LeVey writes on the subject to help people who suffer other examples of psychic vampirism like that. That was instinctual to me as truth, but LeVey put it into words that made it very clear what was happening and why it was totally inert for them.

So… getting back on topic, I was always an outsider. Even in my own home. Like an unwanted burden adopted from other people. As a result, I became entirely comfortable needing to understand how to communicate with people who did not accept me. That was a lack of acceptance on the most fundamental level of my being. So, communicating with neighbors, strangers, and classmates who did not accept me was always easier because those relationships don’t require a depth of intimacy that family does and usually do not have that.

As such, I was always an outsider in social groups like that too. Even if I could communicate and participate in groups, I was never accepted the way the others were for various reasons. With the exception of the first group of friends I got to know when I went to go live with my father, who were similarly outcasts like me for various reasons, typically called “nerds” or “geeks” or whatever. Those friends I always did feel welcome with and I always accepted them for themselves, even if I got involved in different activities that ended up with me associating with other football players more often than not. I never rejected them or was rude to those first friends, I just moved elsewhere. Even that changed and I moved again to another group and began to socialize with the Thespians.

They were also accepting of my humanity unconditionally, and I don’t think I ever felt such compassion from friends before or again, but I couldn’t really be accepted all the way into that group because I didn’t have much experience acting or performing drama to really be a Thespian myself. However, that time was the fondest memory of my time in high school, and my last one because I only performed in one play which was in the final semester of my senior year. My role was as “Sir Studley”, and I took a hit from the prince with a rubber chicken, and was permitted to pick up the maidens during the dances and lift them. The prince too for that matter when he went dauntlessly after them through the ballroom and ran into me. I don’t even remember my line, but I knew the role by heart and hope I did him justice.

That play was a hoot, let me tell you, not only because of the on-stage drama, but the off-stage drama as well. That made it one of the most interesting and enjoyable experiences of my life, and also when my heart was first truly broken in a good way when it was not accepted. She never did me wrong, but it simply was not meant to be, because we both had different paths to walk. Her a family, me a journey to the end of the world and back. I am certain that she already had accepted someone’s heart, and thus could not accept mine, and you couldn’t ask for a better reason to be turned down in my opinion.

In any case, life was always me being an odd man in and odd man out, and never really accepted, except in the Navy, because that is an adult profession of life and death, and if you are willing to put your life on the line, it doesn’t matter who you are, what shape, what color, what personality type, or anything like that, because the entire concept is about humanity being much more important than our individual bodies. Human lives are never sacrificed in war, they are lost, and if so, remembered eternally in various ways. The term “sacrifice” as it applies in that way is different than the religious one. Those two are not the same. The religious one implies a loss that a deity will grant favor for. The one in war is a risk manifesting to accomplish a goal.

There is no deity worthy of worship that would accept such sacrifices, and it should not even be acknowledged as a possibility. In any case, no warriors are ever sent to die as their purpose. The mission is always with a risk of death, and sometimes that risk is almost certain, but it is not about people dying, it is about what people accomplish, and a person who dies in such a way is never diminished by giving their lives for the mission. That is not a sacrifice where they are losing something good for a greater good. They are exchanging their body for the greatest good individually received above the greater good that is communal, and that greatest good is a new body that lives in eternity.

It is an honor to die in such a way, and it is eternally honored. It has been for the longest time and continues to be honored today with formal significance. It is okay to be sad for the death of a friend whose loss in your life will be missed, but a warrior who gives his life is a glory received, not a sadness bestowed. That eternal honor is why the dishonor of military commanders today is such a grave offense to all men, mortal and immortal. They cannot be allowed to disrespect the honor of the immortal dead who live in glory after dying in battle. By tolerating treason, a broken oath, and the total betrayal of the USA spirit and citizenship, they do the worst dishonor to all who have ever gone to war and do even worse to those who lost their lives while fighting in a war.

What good is the oath of a sailor, marine, soldier, or airman, if the commander-in-chief will break his oath in the worst way by provoking an attack with intentional lies, paranoia, and propaganda for the sole purpose of destroying what they are all supposed to be protecting!? They won’t even acknowledge how horrible the situation is! Someone needs to be punished for what happened as the person responsible! That kind of crime is too grave to sweep under the rug and pretend like it didn’t happen. No matter how you look at it, the president at the time was responsible, and that makes him a traitor because he didn’t acknowledge what happened or take responsibility for it. He blamed others and thus rejected his highest responsibility.

In any case… back to the point… autism. Autism is in fact a disability people suffer as a minority, but not because of a limitation we have. We suffer the disability because of the limitation that the majority of the populous has with herd-like and hive-minded thinking. They all try to be the same, and are not human enough to recognize humanity if it appears as different from them, which means they do not recognize humanity. They are yet animals and they act like animals by making life hard for people who are different in the way that autism causes people to be different. In my case it reinforced the bigotry of my family about uncircumcised people and made that toxic, hateful upbringing infinitely worse.

They are mean, unkind, uncharitable, and hostile to people with autism because we do not exhibit the most normal way of thinking that people have, and they make life difficult for us. That is why it is a disability. Not because we are in any way incapable, but because the majority of people are incapable of understanding humanity beyond an animal nature. So yes, I am disabled because socially I am unacceptable by neurotypical humans who see my divergent ways of thinking as alien, mystical, magical, and unknown to them, when it isn’t. It is just different.

I have worked tirelessly to demystify all that for people, because of how cowardly they are with what they don’t understand, and that cowardice is slowing down progress. Why are they such cowards? Idk, probably because they were born into fear and trauma by something they nor their parents understand and they grow up believing that fear of violence against their body, not fear of the divine, is the center of their life. No matter. Again, that is not my problem, that is other people’s problem. However, their mass ignorance as a greater majority opposed to the minority of divergent people, including those of us with ASD, causes them to label us as disabled. That label is valid because the hostility of the greater majority of people actually makes life harder for us, so it becomes a disability because of the hateful anti-humanity of so many people.

ASD is thus nothing to be ashamed of. It is a good quality, but it is in fact a disability. However, I’d rather be weird, non-accepted, an outsider, outcast, and reject while knowing I am totally okay and normal, than an identical clone of hive-minded ingrates undeserving of humanity like all those hostile people that cannot perceive the incredible gift humanity is beyond their animal senses.

Cognitive perception, you could call it; what you perceive by critical thinking and only by critical thinking, the use of reason and rational thought through a conceptual higher reality than the physical universe.

Be gone!

How can autism be cured and what is its cause?

Round up all the cute maidens of marriageable quality from all the realms and deliver them before Nicholas Bylotas, official representative and ambassador of Autism Intergalactic. They will then enter into a loving and awesome harem with me. I will, after we say our honest, loving, and consensual vows, administer the cure by a secret method that I will never reveal or explain.

The cause? Honestly, the problem is mass ignorance from people who ignore certain vital matters of social and cultural importance. Autistic people often find these things impossible to ignore because we can sense how interconnected they are with everything else. Additionally, sensations can be rather intense for autistic people so that’s another reason why they can’t be ignored, because they are so problematic that something needs to be done about it because of how intensely we experience the problem. This is speaking in general, because autism is very diverse and can’t really be pinned down into specific definitions and categories, which is why it is recognized as a spectrum of endless possibilities.

If nobody saw that kind of thing as abnormal, and just listened to people who think differently with an open mind and didn’t often judge people negatively, then autism wouldn’t be considered a problem. Instead, people often shun others who think differently or don’t fit in with the normal social behaviors and thinking, which is why it becomes a disability. We may find it difficult to participate in society because people won’t allow us to and often perceive us with hostility because we are different, or because our ideas may indicate that society in general or specific systems need to change in fundamental ways.

I think the reason for that is that most people are faithless in general (without hope or belief in goodness beyond what they presently perceive as possible) and lazy. They think that fundamental changes are impossible because they don’t want to do any work, nor do they want to believe that there is something wrong with what they are doing and the way things are. That’s ridiculous behavior and thinking because society, a system, a government, or a religion, isn’t something people should take personally as if changing it is going to change them.

The reality is that change comes from what flows into those systems (what I think is aptly referred to as a spiritual substance of human nature) and is going to happen whether they like it or not. If they don’t anticipate it and adapt before it arrives, it’s going to be more difficult. A person attempting to initiate such change may seem angry, but that shouldn’t be seen as a sign of antagonism if you think about what they are saying and why.

Anger is a normal human emotion and shouldn’t be seen as hostility as much as it should be a sign of a person who requires aid of some sort. Seeing anger as threatening is very primitive because human beings should be aware of each other as similar to themselves. We all get angry from time to time, some more than others, but it doesn’t mean we want to kill everything even if in the most extreme cases we may feel like that momentarily. Like, “whoa, what has you so angry? is there something I can do to make it better? It was something I said? What part? Oh, sure, I will apologize. Can you acknowledge where I am coming from too? I was angry when I said that and it’s not really your fault, but I’m hurting because of it and I just need someone to care in the smallest way possible.” or “I see that you are angry about something I am unwilling to compromise on. Surely we can figure something out like reasonable human beings and set our personal feelings aside to do what is right, just, and good. Let’s talk about it and do something to make it better. I have some ideas on hand that may help.”

People who are megalomaniacs, commonly referred to as control freaks, have a big problem with people proposing ideas that don’t fit neatly into their scheme and destabilize all of their contrived machinations. That’s why people like Jesus get executed without a good reason, or otherwise have their lives oppressed to this day. Society in the USA is actually rather barbaric, uncivilized, and savage for that reason. They often act like chimpanzees who see an unfamiliar chimpanzee and try to kill it because they have an irrational, primal fear that anything unfamiliar but looks like them is a threat as an imposter.

So… I guess if there is an actual cure to autism, it is proper education. Autism won’t go away, but neurotypical people who have a problem with it won’t be troubled anymore. They are the ones that need to be cured, not the autistic people. We just need to live with it, and possibly require some accommodations, because it is part of who we are on a fundamental level that is related to our physiology with genetics and neurocognitive structure. I actually don’t want to be cured of it, because if it means I’m going to be normal like most people, I don’t want to be that way. I see what is normal to be a disgrace to humanity and a grave offense against moral dignity and good judgment, and after years of trying to understand, I have only been given more justification to see that as in fact what they are.