Godly instead of antisemitic
I would rather be antisemitic than one of the people who attacks others for being antisemitic regardless of what they may do or have done.
Rather be antisemitic than one of the people who lashes out in unprovoked hostility against people who disagree with their “faith”.
Rather be antisemitic than Jew, Christian, or Muslim who use brute violence, reasonless savagery, and uncivilized warfare to force their beliefs on others.
Rather be antisemitic than a Nazi who are nothing more than Jews by a different name.
Antisemitism is like conscientious objecting. I am aware of what the semitic peoples believe about hereditary power, racism, and use of violence to indoctrinate children, and I object fully and completely to everything they believe and stand for. That does not mean I am going to attack them, destroy their homes, or be hostile to their humanity, but I will never support them with my encouragement, my motivation, my faith, my effort, my labor, my spirit. I will never give them anything of myself because of how deep the disagreement is between their way of life and my own beliefs.
Why then do they attack me as though I am a “terrorist”, enemy, or threat to the community? Do they not realize that what they are doing is the threat they are trying to imagine me to be but cannot find nor will they ever? Why do they waste their time with such futility that has only one outcome— being brought to light and judged. I don’t have to make that happen myself, I don’t have to know how that will happen, nor do I have to know when to know that is the only outcome that will result at the end. If you know something like that, you should also know better than to allow something like that to happen to yourself, which is the main reason why I do not take illegal, lawless, hostile, and criminal action against the semitic people. I remain lawful, peaceful, and productive with my creative works that defy them, because that is the right thing to do, and what is morally good is what you know to be good and doing it for whatever reason you tell yourself.
Defiance is not hostility. Defiance is not a threat. Tyranny is a threat, and if an authority cannot tolerate defiance, answer defiance, or be responsible as a leader for what the defiant refuse of them, then they are tyrants and not leaders at all.
If being anti-semitic is so wrong, perhaps I should call it by a different word.
Humanitarian? Humanist? Enlightened? Wise? Good? Just? Righteous? Intelligent? — hmmm…. all those work but one word that sums it up: godly.
I am not antisemitic, I am godly compared to all that is semitic.