Replace all cops by execution
First… we must string up every police officer and correctional facility guard by the neck where their corpses can be displayed after they stop breathing. It is also important that we impale various sharp metal objects through their body, like pieces of rebar that have been shaped into a point, or other metallic spear-like things to pierce into them. It would be prudent to disembowel some while they yet live so they can bleed out with their intestines drooping, as well as douse some with gasoline and light them on fire. Be sure to use chains or other metallic materials to hang them with, for safety. The last thing we want is a burning cop freed from the noose because it has been singed by the fire and then spreading that fire to objects of value and human lives infinitely more important.
If there is no rope or chain available to publicly hang those corrupt bastards who forgot who their own father was in the USA, kill them by any means necessary, even writing utensils from your desk or other seemingly harmless objects.
Then when all have them have been painfully executed in public for everyone to see, we shall hire new ones who do not want that to happen to them. Everything should be fine after and we won’t have to redesign their corrupt, hateful, and stupid system for them. They will fear for their lives and actually do a decent job the way they are supposed to, not pervert something that requires the utmost professionalism into a den of psychopathic sadists with no respect for human life.
This is for the best. Such violent and brutal forms of public execution are the most effective means of teaching wisdom to public officials and people who would dare volunteer themselves to be a public official. It is the easiest too. This is good, so feel free to assist me in the mass murder of currently employed law enforcement officers so they can be replaced with trustworthy ones.
No commanding officer in the USA has the authority to give an order that violates the Constitution. Not one. The Constitution is their authority, their commanding officer, and their master doctrine. They cannot override what is written. Only the citizens who are not in public office can decide that is necessary with a public dialogue.
You shall not codify that process. That will be designed as a safeguard to be unpredictable chaos. What is important is that whenever public officials feel they need to circumvent Constitutional law, amend it, or otherwise alter the definition, that must be proposed to the public with utmost clarity and facilitate the dialogue that all citizens are invited to participate in, affording enough time to ascertain their opinions. If you go against the public after this, they have every right to take up arms against you and put all of you to death and hire new employees.
Furthermore, and this is my favorite part of the new USA government:
There shall be no personal security for any publicly elected official ever. The Secret Service is dissolved, dismissed, and terminated. The nation will afford no tax budget to protecting the lives of publicly elected officials. Publicly elected officials are not vital assets, not valuable people, not irreplaceable. They are quite the opposite: expendable and easily replaced. They have no individual skills, ability, talent, or value, and their sheer uselessness as human beings is why they chose to be puppets and figureheads to be elected instead of working in a profession of value. That is not all. There will be no legal consequences for assassinating publicly elected officials in the USA ever. If someone feels the need to kill one of them, that will be accepted as necessary. Let them fear for their lives. Let them be terrified of making the smallest mistakes. Let them remember their place. That is how it will be and they will not be allowed to have a say in that decision.
They assassinate citizens all the god damn time if we are politically inconvenient and don’t face consequences for it. We do not get protected by the tax budget. That is not how the Constitution designed the USA to be, and so, they will have what little charity they were given taken away, and lose even the most basic citizen rights to national security when they are in that job. That is justice considering that they endangered all the citizens’ national security for their own attempt to protect themselves from foreign threats. That is why this is necessary.
“That will never happen.”
Oh really? Is that not what people said about you people making the government that exists now? Nazi government couldn’t happen in the USA. We don’t have to worry about what is happening with them moving here and putting down roots. That will never happen America, Land of the Free.
Look at yourselves. Look at your policies. Look at what your actions are doing in contrast to your assigned doctrinal responsibilities. Look at why you are doing any of that stuff. It doesn’t matter what Trump wants or who he is, you are doing for him exactly what Nazis did for Hitler. Your government of “democrats” and “republicans” are doing exactly what the Nazis did for Germany, and I doubt Nazis were all in agreement. Evil minded control freak idiots are never in agreement. The always want to control each other.
All to protect Freedom? What the fuck do you think was sacrificed for you to have the “power to protect Freedom”? There is no Freedom left to protect. You have killed Freedom yourself. All you do is protect yourselves at the expense of people who don’t work for the government. You have turned the USA into a typical monarchy. The monarchs are free and all the subjects are slaves. That is the opposite of Democracy.
As long as you expect me to do anything for you, I am only going to work directly to your personal demise, death, and murder. Do you know why? Because if I have to do anything for you that you are already expected to do yourself, the first thing I am going to do is get rid of you, kill you, eliminate you, and do away with all your remains, because if I have to do anything you would do, I can’t have you be in my way while I do it.
The ends never justify the means. Not even once. However, what even are your “ends”?
What’s that? I can’t hear you? Protect “circumcision”? Is that even a person a human a business anything of value? What will that gain you when you lose the USA for circumcision because Gentiles no longer are welcome here? How strong will your nukes and nation be then?
You still do not realize how screwed you really are, how compromised your assets are, how much danger your own personal life is in… but that doesn’t matter. Your blindness and ignorance is not going to be “bliss” when you are bleeding out of your head because your scalp is removed.
Nowhere in the Constitution is circumcision mentioned as one of the interests of the USA government. Not even a single time. Every indication points to the opposite because circumcision is the enemy of freedom practiced by people who are slaves to their own bodies.