The Key to Maidenly Freedom

First of all, men have no power over you.

That you have become subservient to male dominance over the centuries is an abomination born of ignorance, oppression, and cruelty. It has only manifest because of the necessary acceptance of a subservient intellectual role of judgement as a response to overwhelming cruelty, tyranny, and injustice. Just as the mutilators have attempted to gain the masses as the forces of the slave army, women have become subject to circumcisers who have forced their vain delusions of self-importance on women by rejecting all female judgment as though it were inherently flawed.

That is never the case. Judgment is never irrational. Judgment is never cruel. Judgment is never unjust, malicious, evil, or stupid. It is always reasonable, explicable, and definitive according to established laws and doctrine. Although those laws and doctrine may not be known by people who enact justice instinctually, those instincts have in fact been codified over the generations and are available somewhere, or available to be codified again if they have been destroyed.

So… the key is this: never accept a male decision unless he can explain to you reasonably what and why that decision is necessary. The second part: why, is most important. Circumcisers of all kinds fail at knowing why they do anything, and that failure is what causes their malignancy.

That is no different for other men, but we have not been subject to generational oppression the same as women have. We do not accept the word of other men unless they can explain themselves, because we do not fear other men. People like me are confident and secure in our power of force and destruction to slaughter, slay, and lay waste to nations, armies, and individuals as necessary, and there is never any need to fear anything other than the power that is our own. That is precisely why the company of a maiden is a need for men like myself, not a desire.

The maidenly companionship, trust, and partnership is the balance which keeps a male in check from excessive use of power. Men cannot do that because they are disgusting and ugly. Maidens are lovely and welcome as close as they want to be, especially in the capacity of a lover and beyond that, a spouse. That is not something men can do for each other unless you are a homosexual, which I am not.

So… simply do not accept a man’s decision unless he can explain himself and challenge him with questions and confrontations if he insists that you “take his word” on it. There is only one Word of man which is known to be good as a fact and that is the Word of the highest divine that flows through us. Two examples of that truth and fact are embodied in the persons of Jesus the Christ and myself, at the very least, but not exclusively to us. We are simply two certain points of existential reality to determine one’s own relativity to.

If the subject is a mystery, but the concept is an instinctual decision, then you must rely on your own judgment and no other. Not spouse, not parent, not nation, not religion, not divine being. Your judgment and yours alone. To do that, know as much as you can reasonably ascertain, and from that point advance only toward what you are sure about instinctually. If you have any doubt about those instincts, do not advance in that direction without full reasoning and understanding of the situation.

That is how you will be able to cooperate with men at the highest levels of worldly power. Reason and understanding are universal regardless of ideology, belief, or opinion. Thus there should never be any conflict between nations about what is reasonable in regard to justice, and why the outcomes of wars can be decided by prophets who understand spiritual reality before they are even started. “God is surely with us!” the warriors cry on the battlefield because they not only know with understanding, but feel the truth reinforce their spirits from the mystery of power within.

All men and women should be able to meet in reasonable domains, and the instinctual decisions that are derived from self-mastery, experience, and wisdom are relative to each person’s individual life. That is why people like me rise to power above all others without any need for worldly resources. We simply have the best judgment and are most fit to lead. People put their trust in our decisions because they are reliable, can be explained, and are instinctually consistent with what people know to be true by feeling the power within themselves inexplicably.

Women have their own way of doing that, and I do not claim to understand, because I do not have the biological basis to experience them naturally. Do not ever feel that because those instincts are different from men that they are inferior if you cannot explain them. Men are the same, they just often pretend to know something when they don’t. You can always test men by demanding they explain themselves, and if they cannot, then you know them to be frauds and not to trust them. There is no problem with testing men.

It is the instincts, divine assertions of belief, that you do not want to test. The reasons yes, but demanding proof of the divine power that informs those reasons beyond the words and logic, is a grave sin with dire consequences. People make those claims because they are spiritually capable and can convey what is necessary in spiritual terms that do not need belief or faith to understand. It is the belief and faith that allows one to understand the fullness of their communication beyond the reason, but the reason is enough, which is why you should never test them.

If a man cannot express his reasons, then he is a fool, charlatan, and servant of evil and is not to be trusted. Banish him to the pits of damnation however that may be manifest unless he repents his wickedness and begs forgiveness by acknowledging his sins. Asking is not enough… begging is only right because it will demonstrate the true repentance for the crime they committed against the divine, a source of wrath and power beyond their comprehension which they should beg before.

Such humility is never before men or women that is done, even if they are present, so there is no reason for them to feel social shame or humiliation on account of lowering themselves beneath human dignity, nor should that be cast upon them as pitiable. It is when they beg for worldly things, like their money, job, social status, or other such frivolous material thing of mundane reality that they are pathetic and lowering themselves beneath human dignity that should be reviled and them made aware of how pathetic they are for their own good.

So… that is your key to freedom and anyone’s freedom who is subject to the authority of another person: only accept obediently what can be reasonably explained to your understanding and what you instinctually know to be true without a doubt by your own judgment and only your own judgment. Never allow another person to decide either part for you, if you don’t understand, express so humble, and they should be generous enough to make more efforts to teach you. If they cannot, then… well you have more reasons to not trust them. That is important depending on the platform of authority they are teaching from.

Are they telling you because they want your trust, like a politician, or are you learning from them because you want their trust, like a radical eccentric causing a disturbance? That is why I can be beligerant, offensive, rude, and castigating and people keep coming to me to learn more. They want my trust, and I don’t give a damn about theirs because I don’t need anything from them, knowing how ignorant and confused they are, but they need what I can give, which is my faith, power, and service. These matters are your free will to decide for yourself, and nobody can know you better than you do.

Additionally, politicians should be respectful if they want your trust, because they are the beggar asking for charity, but if you want my trust then you should be respectful to me, because you are the beggar wanting my charity. That is why it is okay for me to demand respect from the president, but not okay for the president to demand respect from me.