How can I explain my disdain for competitive things?

It’s like this:

The highest possible enjoyment of an activity people compete in, like a video game, is less than my dislike for being bullied by people who compete in it, and the video game community always bullies players that aren’t as good as them,

I don’t care about compteting at all, and that is not why I am there playing. So, it’s never an issue to me whether other people are more skilled or less skilled than me at a video game. Because I don’t care, I am only insulted by the poorsportsmanship of people who not only think competition is an estimation of self-worth and self-esteem but also bully others to attempt to belittle them in order to make themselves feel superior.

That second thing is disrespectful to the person, and the sanctity of games, and I would rather not experience the enjoyment of a game than have to experience the stink of dishonorable players.

The enjoyment is not all that much anyway because most games are low quality compared to my standards. It is very easy to imagine how they could be far better than the hobbled and maimed products they try to sell us, so it’s not much of a loss considering how small of an enjoyment those games provide.

I am like that about generally everything competitive. Rather than have to put a bully in his place by whooping their ass socially in addition to the game, I’d rather just not play the game and not have to bother wasting my time with a bully who entirely wants to waste my time.

Without there being any sort of regulation or rules of fair play in video games, the worst of all bullies are infesting it like a mass of maggots on a corpse. People who think it is okay to twist the rules to cheat, who think it is okay to win by putting other players at a disadvantage, by forcing people to compete for them like slaves they rounded up and threw into a colisseum to fight or be killed. It’s like a reality tv show that only the government agents can enjoy, the contestants never receive any reward nor did they even consent to be the private entertainment of tyrants.

That entire thing is highly unpleasant and there is nothing in the entire world that will ever be worth tolerating it.