Jesus plays video games

I wish to tell you something about Jesus: he plays video games.

Video games amaze me whenever I approach them with my thoughts to try and conceptualize what makes such a marvelous experience possible. I mean, how does the order and arrangement of the structures within a processor or hard drive contain the electrons in such a way as to generate a simulation of such lifelike representation? Coders input layer upon layer of complex instruction, creating and then using software engines to develop even more impressive levels of creation, and still I wonder, how the information itself is stored and carried within the essence of an electron. Surely the Higgs Boson has something to do with it.

It is one thing to describe that there are many transistors arranged in a way that allows for the controlled flow of electrons, and another to say that within those electrons is a sequence of signals that carries a human thought.

Video game creation is the mark of culture in the new age, and it is only going to grow in wondrousness as a form of mass media in the coming years. Video games are going to be a regular addition into nursing homes as the aged will be more and more interested in playing as generations grow older. I’m pretty sure I’m going to still want to play when I’m old, and I think the enjoyment of stepping into a virtual world and having adventures is going to be just as appealing in the future as it is now, if not more so.

What we find in video games that is so remarkable is the amount of humanity that contributes to their creation. On the one hand they are the fruit of electrical technology, on the other, they require a large amount of people working together among various disciplines. As a fruit of electrical technology video games have a modern quality that is unique to the current age and a hallmark of the future. As a work of various disciplines, they embody the best of human nature in a way that takes art to a new level altogether.

Because video games combine the works of different artists, they are somewhat transcendent of art as we knew it in the previous centuries.

Art is one of the most fundamental aspects of the human identity and is arguably what is most important in keeping our civilization cohesive and successful when you consider the use of Story for the transmission of information, experience, and wisdom.

When we have an entirely new form of art that has been unheard of in millenniums before it developed, we have something very special that changes the very fabric of our reality. It seems realistic to me that effective use of video gaming can completely supplant the interest of violent warfare. They can fill the void of terror which causes people to go out and kill each other, providing a security of love instead.

This is why Jesus plays video games. Video games, as acts of creation that bring happiness, are ultimately expressions of love, and the world can use more love. Not only is the love that games generate good, but it is new and unique in how it includes the player in the story and in the activity of play. So, I encourage you to look at video games with a new depth of understanding about how special they are, and let them bring joy into your life.

Stay true, Storians.