Transgender Identity

Isn’t the entire purpose of transgender identity to identify as whatever gender you want and be recognized as that choice?

I accept that as a social freedom in my civilization, and so if a person identified as a male at birth chooses to be the gender of a female with or without changing anything about their physical body, I will accept them as female.

I do not consider that homosexual about myself, because honestly your body is of little importance when it comes to the reasons why I choose to love a person.

It’s true I do not like anal sex, nor do I find it interesting. I find it repulsive and unpleasant and ruinous in any sort of adult media. However, if that is what my spouse or lover likes, I can accommodate them without complaint because that is what lovers, friends, and spouses do for each other for all manner of things. Maybe you hate Ryan Reynolds’ movies, but you watch them anyways because your girlfriend likes them. That amounts to the same thing as butt fucking a spouse or lover to me because of how important I consider sexual intercourse. It is actually less important than your media interests in my opinion and I will have an easier time accommodating that than I will a poor taste in movies or music.

However, I will not accommodate your butt fucking desires if you are a filthy gutter slut who spreads herself open as if men are only organic dildos to use for your sexual desires and you have no respect for their temperance, chastity, or desire to wait before engaging in penetration of that sort. In fact, there is nothing you could do that is worse in my estimation than be angry at me because I do not want to engage in sexual behavior at any time.

That results in a permaban, break up, drop out, and banishment from my sight as far as I am concerned, so do not do that. Have a little respect for other people’s boundaries.
