Why are there so many god damned fat chicks infesting the world like an army of gluttonous hogs eating everything in sight?
I do not understand how they could get so fat, but I have a theory.
The reason why I find their disgusting, repulsive, bodily aberration mysterious is because I am extraordinarily lazy, have no inhibitions to my eating habits, and do absolutely no excersize. I quite literally (probably) lay down 85% percent of my life. The only times I am not laying down are when I am at the computer typing, when I am transiting from sofa to bath, or bath to bed, or bed to sofa, or when I am eating. Apparently ancient Romans used to eat while laying down, and that just seems unnaturally difficult for digestion to me, so maybe that was a major contributor to their downfall.
In any case, despite my incredibly sedentary and unihibited habits concerning my diet and leisure, I haven’t become particularly fat. I’m not skin and bones, but in relation to people in the USA today I would probably be considered “thin” even though I am naturally normal for human standards. The USA is an abomination, not only in national government, but in social quality as well, which is why the demographics and statistics of their population are so horribly skewed to corrupt and perverse values of a malignant nature.
May the USA suffer a hail of nuclear bombs to liberate people like me from being aware of the existence of such a horribly intolerable nation at the very least. I am upset simply by knowing that the USA exists as an abomination of corruption not in the least bit recognizable to the founding ideal, doctrine, or dream. That inconsistant state of truth that is experienced as present reality in relation to a timeless and eternal ideal of Freedom and Democracy is such an unpleasant fact that I am willing to die to see the USA destroyed at any cost. Whatever may be necessary, let the USA be rid from the world. All of humanity will be better off without the lawless and corrupt version of a perverted Democracy run by conspiracy and veiled intentions than the openly good and trustworthy nature of the government of the USA was created to be.
Right… so the fat whores of the USA are like a plague of locusts eating and devouring everything in sight with no discernment of taste, quality, or moral value. Better to deport them as far as I am concerned and let their inordinate weight be a burden to others since they cannot maintain their own body when they have no disability preventing them from doing so.
This is the theory I have arrived at through observation to explain the condition of obesity in the USA. Because the numbers of obese women are vastly disproportionate to the numbers of obese men, I believe this problem to be a result of gender relations. In particular, the cause of female obesity is a result of the excessive stress of needlessly supporting a lie, delusion, and treacherous deceit about male preference for circumcision. They harbor that ideological parasite inside them, eat for two beings, but have only one body to metabolize their gluttony.
Thus they become unpleasantly fat and undesirable because of the excess stress they choose to carry around on behalf of men who do not have interest in them because of the result that carrying that stress around has on their body. They claim to be doing it to protect the fragile vanity of their insecure male associates, which only goes to show how their brain has atrophied while their body has enlarged with globules of fat. They have entirely lost the ability to think ahead to the consequences of their actions in a social dimension, and thus do not imagine, or refuse to accept the truth that their actions will result in. Such denial is one of the greatest indicators of stupidity because natural phenomena is not dependent on belief. You cannot make the skies rain because you want them to. You cannot make the summer cooler because you are too hot. You cannot live without air even though you would prefer to believe you are a mermaid.
There is truth to the idea of mind shaping matter, but that is occult knowledge, not the plain sight of normal everyday reality. The use of that kind of reality shaping power manifests in a spiritual domain under the laws of the natural universe which remain entirely unchanged. There are social laws of nature that are just as real as physical forces of nature, and the most basic of those laws is the moral law. Good is loved, evil is hated. Thus, do not do evil. They choose to deny the possibility of natural social law because they cannot see it with their sensory, bodily organs aside from their brain, but their brain has atrophied to the extent of not being able to perceive morality. Thus they are in an eternal spiral to never-ending destruction.
The effects of social law of human morality manifest as a universal force of social nature for all creation that is more like an ecology of nature than a society of human beings. That is why the moral choices of a human being have varying effects on natural reality beyond the human domain. This is a form of power that makes humans a transcendent species, and as Uncle Parker once said, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” You cannot be apathetic without misusing the power because responsibility means caring about what you do and how your actions affect others. If you have the power to do good, you must do good, because not doing so is a rejection of that power and thus a form of passive evil that increases the encroaching reach of sin into your life.
Thus, the obese hogs deceive themselves about the value of circumcision and betray the truth of male nature and love itself. Supposedly they do that because they are cowardly creatures afraid of environmental nature and circumcised men, which is further evidence of their biological inferiority to men. They cannot see that eliminating circumcision will eliminate their fear of circumcised men and make the world a better place for everyone, since it is circumcised men who are solely the problem of humanity making everyone else’s lives worse, to include themselves.
Wretched whores… ugly, fat, stupid, and unwelcome in my love life. However, if they wish to be a servant in the business domain, I will not hold their obesity against them as long as they can fulfil the assigned duties and meet company standards. As for niggers and Jews, they will be required to sign a carefully worded contract of agreement that rejects black racism and semitic prejudice.