No! I Can't Do Social Media! It is too toxic!

As much as I enjoy other people’s content online, I cannot endure the kind of mental health stress I suffer from people ignoring me when I message them. Not only is that rude, but that happens so often with people who most certainly should not be ignoring me because of how they receive and react to my message, that I suffer dangerous amounts of depression. I really do not like the way it feels to have so many people seem to be lying to themselves and others about how they feel about me, and then demonstrating actions that are the antithises of kindness, respect, or compassion. Ignoring a human being you “love” is not an apropriate response to that emotion.

It’s no wonder why you people have such shitty lives without love when you fail to use the word with any respect for the meaning. What word do you people use for an actual expression of love, since you obviously don’t mean anything good when you use the actual word. Do you even have a replacement? I wouldn’t be surprised if you never even considered how wretched you people are at never communicating an expression of love as the word means. You likely wouldn’t even know where to begin expressing any sort of human sentiments to another human being and would just resort to rubbing your clit and alienating the person who you in fact hate.

You people likely have never expressed anything beyond your sexual appetites in your entire lives, and that is something I find so pitiable and wrong that I honestly would find euthanizing you people to be less suffering than what you will experience when you realize how important a human life is, and how wasted yours has been in service of animal pleasures that are beneath human dignity. If you people had any concept of human dignity we would not be in this situation. It would never cross your mind to ignore a human being who communicates so powerfully with you as I do.

You would not only have respect for the grace I am charitably sharing with you, but you would be terrified about what that power could do to you when turned against you the way you people use your communications with me instead of used in a direct way. However, you will be made to learn what is threatening to human beings and what is not, and you will suffer wrath that no human beings should ever have to suffer.

So, I simply cannot do social media. I find it too distressing to realize how rude and uncivilized rich and famous people are. I find it too insulting to know that people with access to such social influence, money, and industry connections are such imbeciles with their power, like pouring out water into the dry desert sand when you are stranded. That is what their lives are like and it honestly drives me mad with fury to see such irresponsibility and waste of resources. I will have to take away all of your personal power just to secure water that is in limited quantities before you waste it all without any consideration of the drought we are in.

You people are blind if you think the USA economy is stable or strong. The USA economy is garbage, weak, and failing faster and more destructively than the Hindenburg Zepplin. You morons who have tried to run an economy based on virtual resources without any respect for real assets are going to have your legs cut out from underneath you. You buy and sell information about people, but you invest nothing in the well being of those people. They are malnourished in spirit, diseased with toxicity, and feeble with the hatred of arrogant delusions. All those virtual resources you think you are prepared to harvest will yield rotten crops, weevil destroyed farms, and ruinous results such that you will not only be without money, but without food to eat, water to drink, or gas in your car.

You will have masses of human trafficked slaves you use for information, and other nations will realize that all of that data is corrupt, ineligible for their use, and entirely antagonistic to their interests because of how antagonistic the USA government is to the people they enslave for their data! You will not enjoy profits. You betrayed the good spirit of people when you enslaved them and stole their information, but you will not ever get information like that again now that you have become a nemesis to freedom and humanity. You will try and sell statistics, and they will be so unreliably false, that people will most assuredly want to avoid all that you are selling for their own safety when they see the state of society that you are left with.

Eventually, they will realize that the data you wish you had would be possible if you were not there being hostile to the people, enslaving citizens, and stealing data without any compensation for what you are taking without any of our consent. They will want those resources, see that the people you would have used to defend yourselves with have lost faith in the government and will not go to war for you, and they will liberate us. At least we have that to look forward to if you imbeciles do not unfuck yourselves and correct the disaster you have caused with your obscenely unethical schemes.

Better I just not interact with you people on social media. Not with any of you. Not the slaves who are arrogantly apathetic of the damage they are causing with their apathy, nor the rich and famous who are crashing this nation at full speed into economic and political death. As old as you imbeciles are, I don’t think you will die before the crash happens and people tear you limb from limb because of how your irresponsibility has put everyone in danger. It truly will be a situation where killing the few saves the many, because those few are so malignantly criminal and parasitic to everyone else, that all of our survival no matter our race, religion, or creed, depends on eliminating the tyrants threatening our security with their stupidity.

Some misc. problems

The other day I received a telemarketer call from the government trying to scam me with some corrupt Medicare scheme they concocted. I have no time for such people and did not bother to listen to their spiel before dismissing them with disinterest and ending the call.

What the fuck is Medicare anyway? Why the hell should I be interested in anything those old people did a generation or two ago? They obviously had no thought for the well being of my generation or any generations that would follow them, and that is evident by the sad state of affairs and disaster our government is because of their selfishness.

The people in the government are the same way now. They also have no concern for our future or the future of the next generations, and nothing they are trying to accomplish is going to be worthwhile because of their selfish ways of thinking. No, I do not want your Medicare bull shit because whatever the government is trying to sell me is not in my best interest and I have no use for it, because the government is by law supposed to be operating in my best interest. Because they do not do that, there is nothing they could do that would be of any benefit to me.

Healthcare shouldn’t be complicated. There should simply be no expenses for anyone. Go to the doctor when you need to, get treated with what you need to, receive the best treatment that is available, and then the doctors and health care organizations send the bill to the government, the government pays with taxes they take from everybody. If the government is taxing too much for health care expenses, do more to invest in public health to prevent sickness and problems. There should be no leeches trying to profit on that exchange. Doctors should be able to use all the resources that are available as liberally as they feel is necessary for every single patient they have, and never be concerned about what the cost is, who is going to pay it, and whether or not they will be able to. Bill the government, and the government pays, no questions asked. To ensure integrity do regular expense audits in a normal way to look over everything and ensure there is nothing suspicious or illegal going on because of malefactors infiltrating the system.

The best “healthcare plan” is to entirely eliminate the inconvenience of “health insurance”. There is no “insurance” you can buy for your health. You insure your health by the way you choose to live and the money you invest for access to medicine does nothing but cause a disease to the larger population by taking away healthcare access from people who do not have money. That is one of the most unconscionably criminal evils of civilization that is unthinkably intolerable in the age to come. Most of you people are so accustomed to your shit lifestyles and low quality humanity that you think it is normal for healthcare to be expensive, something only accessible by the rich, or a “business” that operates for profit. That is unacceptable, and the only reason people have been tolerating it is because it’s all they know, but I will put an end to that too.

People who have suggested schemes for abusing medical authority for monetary extortion and creating social inequality should never have been tolerated in a discussion the moment their evil ideas were voiced. Their ideas, no matter what they have to say about them, are quite obviously evil and contrary to the spirit of the entire discussion’s purpose, and there should be no time wasted to listen to them if they do not already understand that. Cast them out of the conversation and replace them with someone more intelligent and reliable.

Next, SNAP, or food stamps— the program that provides a minimal monetary stipend for food purchases each month. Not only is the amount that is provided retardedly low and destructive to our economy because of how much it limits the potential for money to flow through the market, but it also omits many other expenses which are necessary but otherwise unaffordable. These things are also purchased at the grocery store most times, but are not authorized to be purchased. Things like dish soap, laundry soap, bathroom essentials, cleaning materials, over the counter medicine, and other health and wellness needs.

That will change also. At the very least the amount of money alotted each month must be doubled. That is not as much as you may think. I receive the full amount each month and that totals $291. Maybe that seems like a lot to somewhere that does not use the dollar for currency, but in all actuality, if you live in the USA and have no alternative but to use the dollar, $291 will not go far. People who require financial assistance need to be able to enjoy the grocery market just as much as people who do not require financial assistance. That is the standard and anything different will create inequality and poison the community with greater problems than poverty.

The expenses of this are certainly more than are now afforded, but the prevention of expenses that will result in because of the healthier society it results in will lower expenses in the long term. As people are more able to provide for their health and wellness, maintain a quality of life to support strong mental health, and are not forced into a counter-productive society based on inequality to suit the arrogant delusions of rich people, the indirectly affected social systems will be less burdened and have less problems to address. That will lower expenses.

What is it they say: “Prevention is the best medicine”? Well, that is what this philosophy basically is, and it requires a kind of common sense that is more intelligent than science is capable of explaining. It is quite simple to imagine, conceptualize, and understand how the invisible factors of life will affect each other in simple ways if you do so with good intentions in mind. Never listen to the fools who make assumptions that support evil claims, condemn people without proof or representation, or are otherwise schemes of greedy, arrgoant fools. If you imagine the goodness that is significant, those ways of thinking will be effective, and never the other way around.

You cannot reverse the flow of truth to be the opposite and achieve the same or inverted result. You simply will not accomplish anything. What is they also say: “Do not put the cart before the horse”. If you reverse the arrangement between the cart and the horse, you are not going to go backwards or move in the opposite direction. You are simply not going to go anywhere because of natural physical forces at work in reality. Spiritual forces are the same way. You cannot lie to people about an evil and expect the opposite results of what good accomplishes. You will only have destruction and failure as a result, with nothing accomplished.

If you want to take the horse and cart in the other direction, you turn them both around together in the way they are properly arranged and move in the other direction. You do not change the physical mechanism of life and technology making work more efficient. The CIA, who claims to have some sort of “intelligence” will never have their reputation restored after making such colossal mistakes of stupidity. The people responsibile will suffer severe punishments under the law because of how many lives they put in danger and caused needless suffering for on account of their irresponsible foolishness. Imbeciles like them are always trying to take credit for the outcome of their evil, but if you consider their intial actions and the result they wish to take credit for, you will see they are liars.

If their intention was to shut down the CIA from the beginning, they should have done that without deception, inhumanity, and endangering countless lives. They should have simply shut down their evil organization and never wasted anyone’s time with their antagonism and needless obstruction to progress. Such evil born from a so-called “intelligence agency” couldn’t be more unintelligent, foolish, and stupid—criminally so—and that needs to be punished severely to make an example for ages to come. People need to know how devastating the consequences of foolish judgment from positions of responsibility are. They need to fear the wrath they will suffer if they make mistakes of leadership, and that will best demonstrated by the wrath Trump will suffer for his intolerable mistake of betraying the USA citizens with his treason and attempt to destroy Democracy and replace it with his own personal dictatorship. That is unforgiveable for a president to do, and he will lose his life and all that he was privileged as an American citizen to enjoy as punishment for his crimes.

What else do you need spelled out for you because you have self-imposed ignorance, apathy, and stupidity on yourselves? How much more common sense can I smack you across the face with until you wake the fuck up and start taking responsibility as a human being?

As far as the healthcare expenses go in regard to necessary taxes, pay that at the end of the year and tax what is necessary the following year to cover those expenses and no more, no less, for that purpose. The exact amount. If you will have some sort of government savings account accrue with a small portion of taxes for emergency expenses, consider that as a universal concern, not as one to account for in each individual expense. For example, of all the taxes that are collected, 1% will be put into a savings account in the event of a national emergency. Therefore, the 99% of other taxes need to account for 100% of government expenses. Do not get greedy with this saving account because it is not for anyone’s personal use ever. This is not your own savings account. If you are the treasurer or a government worker, do not impose your own savings ideology on everyone by imposing it on the government’s operations. If you prefer to save larger portions of your income, then do that privately, but the government amount will be determined in public debate and only in public debate.

Do the same with supplemental living expenses like food and consumer commodities. Apply all those individual systematic expenses to individual credit accounts relevant to the industry that pertains to them, and then pay off the entire balance of all accounts at the end of the year before any interest is accrued. That should be how everyone uses their credit unless they have no means of income to pay their credit bills with. Only charge to your credit account what you can afford to pay off by the end of the month.

Additionally, all the government monetary waste that is being squandered in secret government programs will be eliminated. There is an obscene amount of financial irresponsibility funding the cover-ups of government conspiracies, political crime, and unauthorized government plans that have not been disclosed to the public. Do away with all of that, and there should be no impact on the national defense budget while also recovering an exorbitant amount of monetary resources that can be redirected to something useful and purposeful instead.

If you ever have an economic problem that you do not know how to solve, consult a reliable poor person for the solution. There are none better at managing money efficiently and making the most of what is available than a poor person with good judgment. The government is not a profit industry. It is a utility expense we all have to pay, like water, electricity, and internet. All the profit that we want to gain as a nation happens in the economy, and the government charges the economy what expenses are necessary to maintain healthy industry. Since there is no personal interest in the government treasury for anyone, it should never be used for generating profit because that quite literally is hostile to the economy and serves nobody. It removes money from everyone, rich and poor, and takes it out of circulation to be of no use whatsoever.

If there is an emergency we require funds for as a nation, that is the exact reason why the Law of Imminent Domain exists in the 5th Amendment. However, if that is ever necessary, because of how drastic of a means of government intervention that is, that needs to be abundantly public with honest and clear information about what is happening, why it is happening, what is being done to compensate the people who are losing private property. All of those proceedings must occur entirely in a public forum where all voices can be heard and debated by the representatives of the Congress.

The efforts of the USA government to silence individuals like me from having our voices heard for public debate is unconscionably traitorous to the government’s purpose as a Democratic Republic. The people who are responsible for that happening need to face court martial for treason because they are adhering to the enemies of Freedom by imposing a government of ideological suppression, monarchy, and in opposition to public interest of citizens of a Democratic Republic. You cannot use monarchical government methods with citizens of a Democratic Republic and expect the same results that a legitimate monarchy has. The exchange of civil power between citizen and national authority is defined by different dynamics and systematic processes. You will cause a civil war if you continue to betray the public with your tyranny in such a government as that which currently plagues the USA.

You wanted to act as an emperor with your freedom? Well your indignity and disgrace in doing so has caused the offense of another individual who does not only act as an emperor but is in fact a legitimate monarch. As a result of what you have disturbed in my sensibility, you will be made to suffer the wrath of what an emperor can do, and to that effect, I shall end this epistle with one word to leave you cringing with shuddering revulsion and terror: “ROME!!!”

Surprising how poor the USA actually is

Considering how high and mighty the rich people and USA politicians in the government act, it’s surprising how poor the USA actually is as a nation.

There is tons of shit available, but not enough money to buy any of it. How could this economy possibly be productive with such a hostile and idiotic approach to managing national moneys? Inflation most likely is out of control because of the way rich people horde their money and attempt to make products the most possibly expensive they can be while paying workers the least they possibly can, the result being obvious if they had any common sense or higher education.

The workers cannot afford to buy the products and the imports are not being sold, meaning the business investors who buy products to sell in the USA are unable to sell them and cannot operate for a profit. They take losses when doing business in the USA because the citizens for the most part are so poor they cannot afford most of the products that could be sold here. The result: businesses lose interest in doing business in the USA because it is such a hostile and unproductive economy of tyranny, injustice, and greed by imbeciles who think money has more value than what money can buy.

For example: I am a poor man in the USA. I cannot afford to buy anything right now. All my credit cards are maxed out so that I cannot make even the smallest purchases of $1.50 to use the laundromat at my apartment building. I suppose I will wash my clothes in the bathtub and scrub them with a loofah or something…

However, I do get some foodstamps every month to buy stuff to eat, but they only afford the more bare minimum of items. Only a poor nation of poverty and a failed economy would be so stingy with things like food, which spoils.

I was thinking… damn, I’m out of coffee creamer. I think I have 40 bucks or so left on that food stamp card, so maybe I ought to walk down there and buy a bottle or two while I can. And some soy sauce for the rice I have. Maybe some butter. Bread? Nah. Too expensive. I can’t afford to buy bread right now because of how expensive it is compared to rice, which will last far longer and provide much more meals.

What has the USA come to when the Bread Basket cannot produce enough bread for people to afford it? What the hell are you going to do with all those loaves of bread that spoil because people can’t afford them, Biden? Fill the landfills with them? Does anyone else realize what kind of irresponsible waste that is? A waste caused by the purposefully evil interests of a greedy government that does not appreciate the value of bread as more important than the value of a dollar. Imbeciles. They supposedly go to some of the best schools for higher education in the USA but they do not understand the simplest things about economy, society, human decency, basic survival, and cause and effect.

It’s embarassing to all those “Ivy League” colleges that their graduates are so incompetent and unreliable in the government. I think we should shut them down or impose some sort of heavy penalty on them for allowing such uneducated students to graduate. That kind of irresponsible schooling is dangerous because they send people out into the world claiming to have taught them what they need to know, but did not do so and have lied about their success.

In a world that moves as fast as the modern one compared to the Machiaveliian one the current leaders are attempting to mimic pathetically since they do not have any strength of will or ability to command the obedience of their subjects— how long do you think it will be until the USA totally collapses? That is sure to happen when all the numbers they have been manipulating to tell a false narrative about our economy which they want to believe prove to be insubstantial, unreliable, and totally meaningless because they are devoid of the truth they ignored to try and tell a fiction that supports their evil. You idiots do not understand the first thing about powerful storytelling, which requires Truth. You will not be able to change anything with a story if you ignore truth, manipulate truth, betray truth, or are in any way contrary to the Truth.

“Our economy is not failing, Mr. President, look at this graph I created on my computer by changing the paramaters around so it looks like a profitable display.”

“You’re right. Everyone has more than enough money and resources! Raise prices! Lower wages! Increase the cost of living since everyone is so rich right now.”

Meanwhile, the stores are filled with grain, produce, and food stuffs that spoil at a 90 percent loss of value because 90 percent of the people cannot afford to buy them after paying the rent and buying the bare essentials for survival, like a large bag of rice that can feed a family for a significant amount of time, unlike a loaf of bread.

As soon as the readers realize how dire of a state of catastrophe the USA is in by allowing traitors like Trump to steal as much money from the citizens as possible and entirely destroy the economy by turning it around to serve the government instead of the public, maybe they will act in concert with me. Maybe they will decide to cooperate with my efforts to expose their evil intentions by making them reveal what they have been planning and doing to the citizens without informing us. Maybe they will do whatever they can to fight back, since they will be righteously justified by my presence, my words, and my authority, even if they take up firearms and blast their way through the corruption, taking hundreds of lives in the process with a bloody and brutal massacre.

I am disabled because of the mental health damage I have suffered from the military and the government after the military which attempted to terrorize me to change my opinion about circumcision. Now I cannot work a normal job without being a danger to myself and everyone around me because of how hopeless, unsatisfying, and miserable that work is in addition to a social life devoid of human interaction for the same reasons my mental health was harmed so severely. Seriously… you do not want me working right now or the problems will get worse when the sight of me causes everyone to become depressed, lose interest in their jobs, and start having mental health problems because they have difficulty with life in such an evil and hostile nation.

I put in a disability claim, they approved me for half, listed the criteria for being approved of more if I appeal, all of which is applicable to me. The half they provide would be useful if it could afford basic needs, so I still am required to work a normal job, which is what a disability affects a person’s ability to do. I don’t even get responses back from employers when I find a job that is would work, and I find it further depressing how rude and indecent people in the USA are because of such a thing.

It’s not like I’m not looking, but because of what I struggle with, finding work is more difficult than it is for people who do not have the PTSD I do, which there is not enough science for medicine to diagnose yet. PTSD is currently understood as single events that cause severe trauma that are momentary, but the kind of PTSD I suffer is from a long exposure of high stress that I became abnormally accustumed to because of undiagnosed autism. Then, the problems I had reintegrating as a civilian caused an imbecilic and paranoid government to wrongly identify me as a terrorist, and then go about antagonizing me with a witch hunt trying to prove their identification true since they had condemned me with the very accusation. Of course I am not a terrorist, they were not lawful in doing that, I never even had a chance to defend myself, nor was I considered “innocent until proven guilty”. Now that stress which may have healed has become worse and is so bad I doubt it will ever fully heal.

So, I fully deserve the disability that I have in part contributed to be provided by my nation with the way I was able to do so: service in the military. I am not malingering, taking advantage of a system, or trying to scam the government. I fight them by not having faith in them, not supporting them with my interest, beliefs, or thoughts, and I do not want them to continue operating if they will continue being so hostile and lawless. That does not mean I find ways to scam the economy, cheat the government, or do anything dishonest that would make things more difficult, and I certainly do not do any of that!

They do not have my faith or support because they revealed themselves to be in favor of the circumciser interests, which are entirely hostile to my own and false in their claims of spiritual authority. That is fair and reasonable, and you should not expect me to help you hurt me, enslave me, abuse my rights, torment me, and otherwise be hostile to me, and you are a fool to think I would ever be friendly to you after you behaved that way. The government’s systems are in part my own, and I fully support the disability programs for both civilian and veterans, and those are not intended to be used for evil.

However… it takes years and years for a claim to be heard. I only had so much money to survive on after I got out of jail for being falsely accused of a crime by the president. After that… I was so fucked up in the head because of what this nation is like, especially to people they have incarcerated with or without proof of guilt or even charges filed. They arrest people with or without a good reason, and then the brutes who work in those places are monstrous creatures who abuse their roles to be torturers of a psychological variety who do some of the most evil, hateful, and inhumane things to prisoners without any consequences because they dispose of every complaint we file before they get anywhere.

I made it out of that, but I if there was even a shred of faith or hope in the USA and its people it was murdered and snuffed out while in the suicide room of Grady Jail where they refused the three of us packed in there basic sanitary rights such as bathing, cleaning materials, or religious literature. Did I mention that there were numerous open cells in the area, but they crammed all of us into one? Also covid pandemic was going on. I wonder what they were thinking…

The stress, hate, and rage that we all were suffering in there for personal reasons almost turned into a violent bloodbath, and then the time finally came to move me after days in there sleeping on the concrete floor in the cold without clothes except the suicide smock and a blanket. That blanket certainly improved the experience of trying to sleep on the concrete, and when you have no other choice, that difference is substantial, but doesn’t change the inhumanity of the situation. Do you know what they did? They moved me into the room with the shower I had been asking for and told me to what there, saying nothing about it. It was a psychological assault against my sanity attempting to terrorize me because they were arrogantly revealing how they purposely were refusing me such a thing.

Only in there for a few minutes so I could recognize what that room was before they came in with the chains to shackle me with and take me back above ground to be bussed to the next “detention center” while I made my way back to Portland.

Maybe you people do not recognize evil as a threat, but I certainly do, and experiencing something like that first hand in a “first-world” nation like the USA showed me just how vile and evil this nation is. That people would behave like that in their jobs. That the job’s policies would not prevent that. That the government would not make an effort to improve the conditions of prisoners to encourage a healthy recovery and desire to participate in society, not the total opposite which radicalizes us in total opposition and hatred for the nation that has such monstrous people representing it in uniforms.

That situation still bothers me from time to time, but my mental health is so fragile right now that I work and social interaction has never been more difficult for me.

So what can I do until the disability board hears my claim and hopefully approves it? Ask for a loan? Denied. Ask for credit increase? Denied. Run out of money and then see what happens… I guess I have no other choice. Fortunately I found a service that said they would help me pay my rent when I get an eviction notice but… holy shit people! Can’t I get some help before the eviction notice happens if I know I can’t pay!? Why the fuck would you want to make my life worse with the kind of impact on my credit score an eviction notice has which will limit my access to every other function of the economy.

Credit scores… there is nothing good about that entire system. It helps nobody. Having a “good” credit score has no benefit at all but if you don’t have a “good” credit score, they will bludgeon you economically, financially, and socially with that “bad” credit score—preventing you from renting an apartment, getting financial assistance, and everything else. What the fuck is the purpose of such an ungodly system that is self-destructive to the economy by making economic prosperity more difficult!?

All those people responsible for stuff like that— find out what colleges they graduated from, and shut down those schools. No exceptions. Put every last one of them out of business with imminent domain seizing their assets as necessary for recovering our national security which is most threatened by mass ignorance. Fire all of their staff from the dean to the janitor, and give the buildings to a charitable, non-proft organization that specializes in international education. Pay them the fraction of the value that is necessary for imminent domain but do not even approach half of the market rate for such things. They are not to benefit economically from their failure. Do not argue, do not tolerate people who fight this from happening, even if you have to put a bullet in their head to shut them up, and get this done. Human beings cannot allow places claiming to be “schools” to produce such malignantly incompetent and evil adults.

I didn’t even apply for VA disability until I was out of that hell hole and getting my life back together and realized that I couldn’t do it anymore. I am disabled in a such a way that I cannot do what is expected of me because of how that terrorizes my mind, evokes the most horrible thoughts, and makes life unbearable. I cannot do it anymore. Whatever I was that you think you want me to go back to— that cannot happen anymore. That person no longer is alive, and who I am was maimed such that I cannot work like that anymore. I cannot do that kind of service for people anymore. I am in fact broken mentally and my willpower however strong it may be, can only help me now and not be helpful in a place like a submarine, factory, or general place of work.

I cannot look at people and know what they are ignorantly contributing to and still cooperate with them. I cannot look people in the eyes and not feel immense hate for what they do not want to know their apathy is causing. So I try to ignore them and just work alone and quietly, since I know they know what the problem is and won’t acknowledge it, and that makes communication horribly awkward, uncomfortable, and unpleasant. They then become hostile and aggressive because of how that self-imposed ignorance degenerates them into beasts, and the situation gets worse because I refuse to stoop to their inhumanity and they get even angrier thinking I am arrogant for being a humble human while they want to be acknowledged with some divine nature they are rejecting by acting like beasts!

I cannot do a job working with people like that because of how that creates conflict. I cannot work knowing that the taxes that are contributed with the labor goes to support monstrous places of government like Grady Jail. Every time I do a task it is like I feel the suffering all over again while it happens to other people in this nation who are being ignored by businesses, citizens, neighbors, and everyone who lives here and does nothing about the root problem of social injustice. The root problem everybody knows because that is the very thing they want to ignore the most! That conflict, both internal and external happens because I want to like people, see the good in them, and be helpful to the community, causes actual pain in my personal experience that prevents me from being able to work.

That pain is so intolerable because of the depths that it reaches after experiences like what happened after I was arrested on false charges that were known to be false by everyone who enforced them and did so with the sole purpose of attempting to “punish me” and cause me pain by using an inefficient and corrupt justice system to do so like it is the very purpose they created it for, and they did in fact cause me pain on purpose for no reason at all. I don’t know why I hurt so much like that, maybe it is autism, but I do, and I cannot work through something so debilitating as that is for me.

What the fuck do you want me to do? Go out to the street? And then there, what do you want me to do? Lay on the sidewalk and wait until I die? I’m 34 years old! That is going to take a long time, so I’d rather just speed things up and since that is what you want too, I would much rather you be straightforward by offering me a humane suicide than waste all of our time and resources being unproductive and inefficient while we all wait for me to die of natural causes or I snap and commit suicide, which is also not so easy. Not only do I need to find a way to do so reliably and not end up in a worse situation if I survive, but I need to overcome my biological will to survive that fights tirelessly against my mind’s desire to kill myself.

What the fuck is your people’s problem!? Why are you so eager to reject humanity? Why have you no compassion for other people?

I don’t care what your answer is because you have already shown me with your actions, but you need to answer that to yourself, since you seem entirely unaware of what your actions are saying.

“Lucky!?” That is not the right word! This is not good fortune, you simple minded fool! Do you not realize that I would be much happier, much more productive, much more capable of being of service to others, and much more friendly if none of that evil, pain, and intentional suffering aka torture, had happened to me!? Do you not realize how horrible it is to be wounded in such a way? Is a veteran who loses a limb or otherwise horribly hurt during the “War on Terror” happier because they triggered an IED, instead of being able to retire without suffering such a casualty? What about a veteran who is hurt by one, but not totally disabled, and then they return home to the USA where the government creates another IED that accomplishes what they intended the first IED to do when they caused them to be used overseas against us as their very intention! How “lucky” is such a veteran!?

Of course I didn’t know they were so evil! I never would have gone into service of a military that is so vile, wretched, and malignant as an abuse of American power. I know that is what they are now, and I will not tolerate it as a citizen, but am I the only one who feels that way!? If so, then you need to kill me as the odd man out, because neither of us want me to live in your vile civilization, and we will both be annoyed if I do while you suffer the consequences of my defiance.

What the fuck is wrong with the people governing this nation!? In no way would any of that be acceptable, appropriate, or tolerable, and they will do themselves no favors by allowing their evil to continue by hiding it.

“Suck it up” they say, meaning endure the suffering and stop being weak. Go to hell, you small minded slaver! Maybe read a pamphlet or poster about mental health the next time you are in a doctor’s office. You cannot make me work. You could whip me like a slave to try and make me stack boxes, fix machines, and do whatever, but I would suffer like Kunta Kinte while you did and you still would not make me do anything that you wanted, not only because I don’t want to, but because the suffering I experience while I do is worse than anything you could cause me!

Then there is the vile whore who is “ashamed” that I was hurt. This damage is the least of what I suffered because of what women like you who call themselves “pop stars”, “idols”, “beloved celebrities”, have done to me individually at the same time to make it worse. Women who betrayed the most sacred nature of true love by turning it into a weapon to not only enable the tyranical government to torture me, but to enable them to do so in a way far more severe than their worldly means were capable of. That… is something infinitely worse, and I will address that crime when the time comes, but first things first.

The government has the murder weapon, then the media will be identified as providing the opportunity for it to be most dangerous, and lastly, my family for the motive of why any of it happened. One step at a time. As long as I am the only one fighting for my human rights, my innocence, and my vindication from injustice— this may take a while, but I will not stop, nor will I be stopped. Before this is done, women will remember their weakness as they fear for their lives from the men who will rape and murder them without difficulty. Beat them into submission. Leave them bruised, battered, and broken until they finally return to their place and stop abusing their nature for evil out of some misplaced spite against men for something they did to themselves by inviting circumcision into their homes when they shit out the vile children those mutilators pump into them and then circumcise.

Did you already forget what you vile whores did to me? Well I have not forgotten, and I will make you answer for it.

How to help

The world we all share, no matter what nation you abide in, no matter what faith you believe with all your heart and soul, no matter what income level you have, or how fortunate you may be to have been born with privileges other people simply do not have, and not necessarily because of injustice either.

It is right, just, and good that the economy and social environment allows for the fruit of hard working, talented, and popular people to achieve more success than others. Not because they are better as people or more than anyone else, but because they give more of themselves to everyone else—the hard worker with the work of ten people they do themselves, the talented person with the discipline and dedication to their art in way that is not very different from that of a religious faith for an ascetic mystic or spiritual master, and the popular with their spirit which inspires and motivates other people to reach greater potential.

If ever at all there is a problem— then there is a problem, even if that problem is not what it seems and be skeptical of what is obviously a problem because there is likely a deeper one if a problem is so obvious. That kind of difference in social power is natural and the reason why certain people tend to stand out and are able to bring together common interests for a singular purpose that is greater than what was thought possible before they made it known to everyone. People like that do not accomplish such things for themselves alone— they do so specifically because they are concerned about everyone else as much as they are for themselves.

The ultimate power of humanity is only accessible when you lose your self-interest as an individual because you perceive the greater purpose of civilization populated by humanity. That is still something we have a self-interest in, and that demands the protection of all individuals, respect for group identities, and equal rights under the law. To bring that about with power greater than humanity can realize on our own, even all together, we have give up our individual interest apart from everyone else to accept the individual interest we have with everyone else.

If you don’t accept this, that’s your problem, and the reason why you do not have power. Nothing can be done to help you if you will not help yourself by ceasing to be antagonistic to everyone else or being difficult. As long as you people are uncooperative you will never understand. Do not lie to yourselves about being cooperative when you know damn well you are being difficult, creating obstacles, and do not show the people you are in conflict with the respect they deserve. In other words, if you are willing to attack my life personally, when I am in no way obligated to be of service to you or obedient to your delusional fantasies, then you have failed to show me any respect at all, any human dignity, or even acknowledge me as a person regardless of how arrogantly puffed up you are about yourself to think about strangers in such a way.

I will attack the president of the USA with insults, condemnations, and language intended to destroy whoever is wearing that pin, but that has nothing to do with who they are as individuals and everything to do with who they are as a president. I am fully within my rights, and morally justified to judge the president and they are in no position to judge me. They are personally accountable with their individual body in that role, and are subject to death, just as any ruler is. In fact, entire wars can be prevented if the ruler of the opposing forces is defeated by the other ruler before armies meet on the field.

The USA is not a monarchy, but the government has begun operating like a monarchy anyway and now all power of the government has become consolidated into the hands of the president who is now a “gatekeeper” of national power. In any case, you will see what I mean when Trump is exposed for personally attacking me as individual when I attacked him as a president. He was not justified to judge me, but I was justified to judge him, and he lost everything for the USA when that happened. Now, they are covering up his mistake with futility and making the situation worse with every moment that passes. Their efforts are futile because of where the break of systematic government power occurred by Trump’s mistake in thinking he was greater than the individual citizens when he became president.

The government will collapse as it gets more and more top heavy trying to cover up the removal of our foundation that acknowledges the individual citizens apart from the government as the sacred authority most high in relation to the government, which is most low. That foundation was undone when the people in the government betrayed Freedom and Democracy and began governing with a pretense of sacred authority that they were specifically forbidden from having with numerous safeguards, protections, and limits designed to lawfully oppose such a thing even being remotely possible. Lincoln said a House divided will not stand, but a house without a foundation is even worse off than one divided! The structure itself will collapse on both parties, and the House won’t be suitable for anyone to live there as the masters.

If Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, or any others could see the kind of internal threat the USA is suffering from the government which has turned its very purpose of creation against itself—they would be horrified beyond belief! The very situation existing is an unthinkable betrayal by all the elected members of office, who most certainly have conspired together for such a thing to happen. They have destroyed the agreement that was made between colonies and their citizens which the government was built upon, and they do not realize they have doomed their own states and voters in the worst way. Not only because of the sheer dishonesty and disgrace of the buffoons who have wormed their way into government power, but at the stupidity and self-destructive nature of such a state of affairs! Those people trying to cover up Trump do not realize that they are killing themselves to do so and nobody is going to be thankful because of the destruction everyone else is going to suffer along with Trump when the structure collapses on him as well as everyone else.

I idly wonder how much longer supply chains of food are going to continue being maintained now that the government has lost all interest in protecting the citizens who are not immediately employed by the government. Do you government workers grow food? Hunt? Do anything useful or productive? What if you were faced with sanctions, trade embargos, and no longer were able to use taxes to buy what you are incapable of producing yourself who refused to sell to you? Take what you want by overt force of an autocratic government citizens have no interest in?

How many nations in the world today are going to stand by and let you tyrants do such shamefully immoral and irresponsible acts of arrogance and tyranny to seize resources from other nations? Do you think European culture and history was not experienced in the kind of stupidity you tyrants are attempting to pull long before the USA was founded? Do you think they won’t recognize the Nazi threat that the American government has become, when the Nazis were a European menace? They will betray your agreement of a false alliance rather than die to feed you with their body.

When the people who are accountable to the government maintenance finally decide to make an effort to do their jobs, the problem will be identified where it occurred and everything that happened after that point will be undone and require re-work. This is good because the “Space Force” needs to be dissolved, and whatever secret international agreements Trump made with Muslim nations rendered null and void because he was a traitor at that time. He still is a traitor now, and as a traitor, he did not have the authority to make any decisions for the nation.

We all recognize that the world is in shambles, that the USA is the problem, and why the USA is the problem. To think any of you world leaders would pretend to be of a higher nature than everyone else, when the world is in such a state. What good is all the crap you fill the shopping outlets with if nobody wants to buy anything because of how little money can be made by a worker? What good are fine restaurants, fun bars, and fancy clubs if people cannot afford to visit them anymore because there is so little money left over after rent for such healthy foolishness? What good are the sports arenas when the common person can’t afford a ticket to watch a game? How can an entrepreneur seek the “American Dream” when he needs to be rich already just to receive a loan?

I will tell you how you can help. It is obvious the problem is so vastly beyond the power of one person to solve, but that doesn’t mean one person can’t make a significant and substantial difference. I have, and I won’t let anyone tell me I haven’t, because I know what I have done and continue to do, and every day makes a bigger difference than the last. So, don’t feel powerless because you think you lack the smarts, the education, the money, the popularity, or whatever, because that is not what makes the difference. When you make the difference, all that you can do will be important and useful, but not until then.

The problem is a malignant and selfish attitude of a spoiled and petulant child with no manners, humility, or discipline who behaves with a hateful arrogance of delusional self-importance to such an extent that his very sight is revolting, reviled, and a cause to be angry. Ladies and gentlemen: Donald Trump. He is the worst embodiement of that horrid state of human degenerate behavior possible, but many people suffer symptoms similar to his wretched attitude and ill-mannered misbehavior. The worst thing that could have happened was to let such a person enter a role of such importance so that all people would have the wrong values of human character reinforced by their image in public media.

To cure yourself, first look in the mirror to see the shameful existence you dishonor your parents, grandparents, and every ancestor before you that you offend by behaving like a poorly raised child when you are an adult and expected to have an adult’s wisdom. Do not look away from yourself despite how hideously embarrassing you are to look at and see while knowing who you are. Not only do you bring shame upon yourself and anyone who calls you family or friend, but you are a threat to civilization, endangering everyone you love along with all others because of how irresponsibly you have acted with adult responsibility without an adult’s wisdom. Had you an adult’s wisdom, you would not be in the disaster you are in now, would you?

Accept it. That is first. Accept that you need to change. You need to be better. You need to be wiser, more prudent, more reliable, more trustworthy, and more responsible. You need to decide for yourself, intentionally, to be better than you have been to let everyone down in such an unacceptable way. Accept that you are unacceptable, and refuse to be the same. Be all that you have failed to be with your life. You are already almost dead, and you won’t have another chance to live in a way that you can die proud of. Proud knowing that you maybe weren’t as good as you could have been, but you were the best that you knew how when you knew how. You never gave up, never surrendered your will to be the best, and most importantly, found the balance between humility and pride where grace is perfect. You were humble before others, most when in their home, but not too humble to brush the dirt off your boots on the floormat outside the threshold or take off your boots entirely inside the threshold. You held yourself full of pride in who you are and what you stand for, but not too proud to ask for help, accept correction when you made a mistake, or too proud to take up someone else’s fight against injustice when you were there and they weren’t. Have shame and have pride, but only when you are honest with yourself, and never because you are pretending to be somebody else.

Next there are more practical matters to address now that you are in the correct state of mind. The problem is the same but there are two aspects that need to be considered. The first is charity. You want to help people, but only when they are also willing to help themselves, and don’t mind reminding them how to do that to start. You want homelessness to go away and no longer be a problem, but you don’t want to give handouts so that the system will be scammed by lazy frauds and malingerers. This is how you do that: you help as much as you possibly can—make sure they have more than enough and most assuredly cannot fail when someone needs help. You go over the top, like a magnanimous king opening his treasury to the poorest people until it is empty and can be refilled the next day when taxes are collected.

Why do you do this? So they do not fail! So they get back on their feet, become self-sufficient, and can independently live the life they are best at, find acceptable, and can provide for themselves! Most people do not need a constant stream of help, they just need enough to get themselves situated well enough to be able to work reliably like any person who doesn’t fall on hard times for whatever reason. That is relevant even if that reason was a foolish mistake like breaking a marriage vow, committing a crime, or becoming addicted to a substance or bad habit.

The last thing you want to do is provide the minimum possible and hope that won’t be wasted dishonestly. If you do that, then that money and/or help you provide will be least likely to be effective, and you are scamming yourself by not providing the tools for what you want people to be able to learn how to do for themselves. That is worse than being scammed, because if a scam can operate, that means you’ve been successful, but by giving the least amount, you failed entirely because the problem was never solved with such a minimum, stingy, and uncharitable amount. You called the people who need help dishonest thieves before you even met them, and denied them your help when you had no reason to suspect them of anything, no willingness to forgive their mistakes, and no compassion for the suffering other people go through without a home.

If you disagree, go to Hell. That is the problem with you people! You think about it in the wrong way! You assume the worst of people before you act, and thus condemn them no matter what you do! That is why the world is in such a dire state of inefficiency and disrepair. That is why there is so much corruption and failing, half-hearted efforts to resolve social problems the government is responsible for causing. As tax payers, you share in the responsibility of those problems and need to do what is expected of a ruler who give out taxes for the benefit of his kingdom. If you are such a king as to judge one of your fellow citizens, what have you done to correct their ways? Do not be quick to judge if you have not even made an attempt to face them in person and teach them about what you would judge them for.

Are you a true king, or are you a wretched excuse for a king who will not go down to the cheap-side of the kingdom to know the state of the poor and see what can be done to help with the suffering they trust you as a king to provide? Resources like food, water, shelter, security, cleanliness, education, religion, transportation, etc. and then honestly attempt to do so with the resources you have. Good kings often seem to have to contend with conniving, sniveling, and greedy bureaucrats with no understanding of the burden of being a king or the importance of their responsibility to the community for their own sake.

In the USA at present, our Congress, Supreme Court, and White House are those scummy, unworthy bureaucrats who need to be executed at the gallows for conspiring against you and failing at the jobs you trusted them with their privileges to do, but that is not the way things are done now. Besides, you have more important responsibilities as king than to go do the jobs of the bureaucrats yourself, because that very bureaucracy should be churning them into worm food before long on its own. Conniving, sniveling, victim-proud bureaucrats are exactly what we designed our government with checks, balances, and three branches to prevent! If the problem is so bad that those unworthy fools have not been weeded out of society on any of the lower levels down to the sewers beneath the street, then there is something gravely wrong and they need to answer our questions or be put to death for sedition and replaced with someone who will.

So that is the first thing. Have faith in people as a good king does. Trust each and every one until you are given reasons to not trust them, and then only allow the trust of the individual who betrays you to diminish depending on the nature of the betrayal. Offer forgiveness and chances to regain trust too. Be generous as a king, because kings are prosperous above all others, and the more we give, the more confident people are in the security of the kingdom. Do not let those who represent you bring shame upon your reputation in other nations, such as the conniving, sniveling, unworthy bureaucrats have done in our government. Demand of them what is necessary of them, and do not let them fool you into thinking they have more authority and power than you do. It is your judgment as a citizen which allows them to have the very responsibilities of government they have proven unworthy of.

The same kind of attitude is how to think about economy and wages for workers. The same kind of wise generosity built on freely given trust that you enforce the laws to keep. You above all else hold yourself accountable to the laws you expect others to be accountable to, because a king is never above his law, nor is any man. You trust your subjects because they trust you, and you do not betray their trust, even when you are in secret, just as they do not betray you. If you are suspicious though, then you have already doubted them and the trust is already gone, so do not be suspicious without probable cause and evidence as good reasons for suspicion. Do not be fooled by the rumors and deceitful lies that a worm-tongued traitor advisor will have when they tell you about the sins of a man you’ve never met. No advisor is in a place to judge your people’s sins, for you are the king, and it is your judgment that decides whether there will be mercy or wrath for sin, not the conniving, sniveling bureaucrats.

You do not make those judgments in secret and shame of the authority you make them with, because you are the only one with that authority, and that is why you have faith in your people, and them in you. Those judgments are public declarations of wisdom for everyone else to learn from and you make sure they are known throughout all the land as expressions of mercy, wrath, or justice as appropriate because of the power your judgment has in those moments. That power booms forth from divine trumpets in heaven, resounds across all realms to the edge of the kingdom and beyond, so strongly that the dirt underfoot trembles with the terrifying and awesome power of the Word they bring.

So, make sure people are paid as much as possible and all necessary expenses for living are reasonably priced low. Never high—even the luxury necessities. Higher, sure, but still reasonably low for a basic need. Then ensure the artists can sell their work for a reasonably fair price and aspiring artists do not have trouble to be able to devote themselves to the arts until they bear the fruit of their invested talent. Then, ensure that the artisans who make the finest of all things kept inside the houses, can charge a reasonably high price because their work is beyond compare for the mastery, but do not let the finest things be so high that the poor artist cannot buy a treasure to signify the vows he and his beloved make with each other when they are wed. The artisans are masters, and will know how to gauge the value of their products reasonably, but do not let them do so without checks, so ensure you have the conniving, sniveling bureaucrats keeping an eye on their business so they don’t start cutting costs by using evils, deceit, and corrupt methods unfit for a master.

Then, choose your faith and be pious, but do not begrudge the other religions of their ways as long they are consistent with the singular divine law. If they turn out to be evil, then a public reckoning must occur where the brightest minds of the day will step up to engage in a fierce and cataclysmic battle of words before the crowds which will put many a youngster to sleep. If they are using spectacle as a proof of their faith then you can almost guarantee they are false and evil because that is never an appropriate display of faith.

Neither Gods nor Goddesses have anything to prove, especially not the power of their faith, and if one of their prophets is attempting to display what is visible as a show of the power of faith, even if only within the mind’s eye, then you will know them to be false. The power of a god or goddess, or any divine being is entirely invisible. The power of Nature is visible, but Nature is an aspect of creation and does not attain to the highest divines of the gods and goddesses because divinity is supernatural. That does not make Nature any less wonderful as an image of the divine if you are blessed with such a mercy of grace and presence.

That’s all you need to know for world saving, pretty much. That’s how you can help. First take a look at yourself and realize that you most likely should be doing more, do more, be willing to go out of your way to do what is good, and be charitable in how you think of people you’ve never met. Do not condemn them before you can meet them personally and give them an honest chance to explain themselves according to the evidence. Lastly, be generous with your treasury, not wasteful. Invest only if you truly want the investment to work, such as the social services for people who have fallen on hard times and need some extra help getting back on their feet.

The Story of Money (first draft)

Believe it or not this is technically one of my areas of expertise because it is what I have my undergraduate degree in.

Making money, trade, and exchanging goods for units of value that have no value themselves is one of the best conceptual links between animal reality and higher conceptual reality of humanity.

The practice and activity of trade and business did not develop out of self-interest to acquire the units with which goods are exchanged. The exchanging of goods occurred before there was a system of accounting using fixed units of measurement to simplify the process the more widespread economic networks between peoples became.

Can you imagine having to explain to Fred Flintstone the importance of using money to start exchanging for items instead of the items of desire and necessity themselves? No easy task in my opinion, and one of necessity that extends the reach and utility of human language in its endeavor. New concepts had to be identified with words that did not exist but were just as real as grain and ore.

Why would someone go through that endeavor? Probably because it was a pain in the neck getting everything they needed with all the different values people had. Life was not more difficult than necessary until someone saw how it could be better by assigning standard values that could be agreed upon while trusting each other to honor their commitment to the system. To that end, what assurance did people have that they could trust each other?

Regulation and enforcement of standards by the already existing authority that handled matters trust between neighbors. It is the existence of a healthy law and its enforcement that allows people to sleep in peace among a multitude of people they don’t know and trust they are safe and will continue to be safe along with their assets and possessions.

So then what interest is there to convince the reigning king that this is in his best interest to go through the effort to establish among his domain? Taxes maintained and accounted for according to the same standard of value as that which is used for trade.

At the inception of formal economics of value the entire purpose was good for everyone involved. All people benefitted no matter what they wanted, what faith they worshipped, or whether they were allies or enemies. It was quite literally to everyone’s benefit to do this, and do you know who benefits most?

The common every day people who work in the fields, do the manual labor under the direction of a master, perform all manner of laborious tasks independently, and carry the burdens of others which altogether contributes to the healthy function of a society.

The builder of houses builds houses for the farmers growing wheat, and the farmer provides grain to make into bread. As houses became more secure, capable, and intelligently designed, the skills of an architect became more difficult to acquire, which also can be said for agriculture with the differences in expertise involving different areas of knowledge. Architecture is more of a physical science of nature, whereas agriculture is more of a spiritual science of nature. The architect must know material strengths, weaknesses, how to arange them with a sense of applied physics, and so on and so forth, all of which is much more easily conceptualized than the mastery of agriculture.

The farmer must understand the subtlties of changing seasons, the signs of weather, the nature of plantlife to do so efficiently, and also physical science to a lesser extent, such as application of water, fertilizer, and methods of accomplishing work. The point of this dichotomy is that people rely on other people to do what they do not need to know how to do themselves.

The builder may find the rituals farmers use to blend spirituality, faith, and labor strange and bizarre, but the farmer has an inexplicable understanding of how they work, why they are important, and the limits of their applications. However suspicious they may be of those mystical ways they maintain benevolent trust between each other because both abide by the laws of the king who protects them with soldiers and guards, and the king ensures that all is good in his domain to the best of his ability. If he did not, there would be no reason for the farmer or the builder to trust the king with authority to employ soldiers and guards and enforce laws, and they would not cooperate. They would continue to survive at a more primitive level of technology for their own safety, happiness, and well being.

There is an irony here about the nature of builders and farmers as it relates to the modern day. While there is still mystical applications in agriculture and there always will be, it is the builder's work that is more mystical these days. They location of not only ore, but specific ores, their refinining, and the applications of electricity, plumbing, are all more of a mysterious concept than humble farming which is very much the same as it was in ancient times. The seed still goes into the earth and comes out as wheat. But there were no lightbulbs, fiberglass, special metals with specific qualities of chemical value used for specific reasons in the way they are today because of what is needed simply to locate those metals, understand their chemical properties, and how to make the most use of them.

Let us take ease off on the balloon torch for a moment and descend a bit. While a pile of shit is of great value to a farmer, it is quite undesirable for a builder. Likewise a stone is an obstacle to a farmer and one that needs to be removed from his plot, but the builder sees shape and form within it that can be used for a higher purpose if molded by the hands of a mason.

The builder learns that a farmer has a lot of stones and wants to aquire them, and though these stones are of no use to the farmer, the builder lives in the city with a nice house and has a lot of nice things for building reliable houses for a lot of people who gave what they could in return.

The builder does not want to cheat the farmer because he wants to continue buying grain in goodwill, so he says, “My neighbor, I can always count on your harvest each year, and I want to help you if I can. Is there anything I can give you that you lack?”

The farmer is somewhat suspicious as to why the builder wants to help so charitably particularly because he is so familiar with the harsh and unforgiving nature of Nature. But he trusts the builder because he has heard of his work and his reputation is good, so he says directly, “What do you want, Mr. Christ? I believe you want to help me, but I am not so naive as to believe you will do so without wanting something in return. Tell me what that is first so I can know where this conversation is going before I go with you to make an exchange.”

The builder laughs in good spirit and says, “You caught me! It is true! You see, I heard that you have an excess of a certain type of stone from the new land you cultivated and it is of the kind that I can make great use of building houses. I would like to acquire that stone which your workers cleared out of your new field and piled near your granary, but I would not want to buy it without giving you something of equal value to you as the stone is to me.”

“Ah, so that is your game, is it?” Mr. Satan replies. “Quite lucky that you visited today, because I was just thinking of a method I could do away with that stone. Although I do not know the fullness of its application, I am aware from what I have heard from neighbors about its use, and I was going to send my steward Hermes to the city to inquire of it and see if it could be traded. However, the sun is at its peak and the day is hot, let us go inside and have some wine while we discuss the arrangements.”

Agreeing on how much fertilizer to acquire and trade for the stone is something that takes a lot more time and effort to figure if you need to account for all the different aspects of value individually at each link in the chain of trade, to include labor, transportation, and the object itself. But if there is a known value for a heap of manure and a stone as they are relevant to the king in terms of their available quantity and usefulness, and that value is a known as a number, that trade can be simplified and more time spent enjoying wine and catching up on current events.

The point is this: business, exchanges of money, and economics is a system designed for everyone’s good and it would never have been established if it wasn’t for everyone’s good. One person refusing to cooperate because it was burdensome and costly to them would refuse, and that would ruin the entire numerical system because their objects of value would not be accountable by any numerical standard, and thus standards would constantly change and be unpredictable, unreliable, inefficient, and stressful. It would be a waste of time to have 99 percent cooperation and 1 percent refusing to cooperate than to just have everyone barter individually with goods and language instead of numerical values assigned to units of value for the purpose of trade alone.

Business is not supposed to be about cheating other people when possible, manipulating the system at the expense of others and one’s own benefit, or accruing as much units of monetary value as possible. All those things, those evils, developed after the economic system of monetary trade was established. Why? Because people could not acquire money without objects of value or services of value, and there were people that simply did not have any objects of value, so money became valued because it could be used to acquire objects and services of value for people who were not land owners or artisans.

That is not yet a problem, simply a reason to find ways to distribute money so that more people could have what they need. This too is done on the principle of trust and faith that they are doing some part, some contribution, some usefulness to the society even if you do not know what it is and cannot account for it. That’s because people make hustles, side deals, odd jobs, shady deals that could damage a reputation, arrangements of a personal nature, etc. The king knows these things happen and he employs them as well, because as useful as numerical systems are, there are needs that cannot be quantified with value or are exceptions to any system, and thus require wise judgment to discern.

Thus the king’s judgment becomes a subject of systematic study, and wisdom becomes more of a known system of value. However, that is all I will write about that at this time.

As people start needing money, populations increase, and civilization prospers, the system becomes increasingly complex and difficult to maintain. Not only because of the numerous exchanges and assigned values, but because of the records that need to be stored, maintained, and remembered. So people start inventing new ways to be useful in society, but they cannot be allowed to form kindoms of their own and private economies using the same method as the king because that would destabilize the system overall and ruin it for everyone.

So another system is established in the exchange and trade of ideas. A person wants to do something, needs money, and petitions the king directly about what they want to do, how it will be useful to the king, and if they can explains why it will be good for everyone, because that saves the king time from having to consult his advisors and research everything on his own, He can just confirm the information presented.

Then with the kings approval, the treasurer disburses money from the kings treasure and there is no need for interest, because the king has no use for money other than as a unit of value. It is of no worth to him in itself, so there is no need to charge interest when the king lends as long as the money is paid back in good faith when possible.

This system works for a time, but expansion causes even more rapid increases of complexity and the next thing you know there are lines of petititoners wanting to borrow money who petition the king, and he simply does not have time for that, because his agents have reported some concerning information about the neighboring kingdoms. He cannot divert his thoughts from those matters because if war comes and his kingdom falls, the complex system of systems that has grown alarmingly quick will be rendered entirely without value, and everything will be rearranged according to another kings personal judgement with no regard for the long history and local cultural relationships because that will not be known.

The king knows this because that is simply the best thing for a king to do when conquering another kingdom. Do away with the old and replace it with the new for the purpose of efficient stability as quickly as possible. Some things will be kept but only those that are most important, and likely none of the individual affairs between individuals.

So he assigns his steward to distribute his treasury to different banks throughout the city, appoint reliable individuals to hear most petitions for him since most are very similar, and only send unique and complex ones directly to him. He wants regular reports on all the banks decisions ot keep track of them and make sure they are being as wise and he is. It is not easy being king. He’s had to endure years and years of study of math and science, learning histories of foreign nations, and going on mystical spirit journeys with the oracles and shamans of the wild. He would not be who he is or as powerful as he is without what he earned from those shamans and oracles either.

Those people are better left alone, not harassed by his subjects, and respected by him at least as an equal in dignity, just not with his authority as king or ruler of any kind. There is no problem with that because they deserve the respect and it is of no cost or trouble to render it. Also, if they get ticked off at the king, and disrespecting them as lesser creatures than a man or woman always ticks them off, they can destroy an entire kingdom singlehandedly with their mystical ways and nobody knows how they do it.

The king knows this is true because of the records that he has studied of accounts of kingdoms that rise and fall and the reasons why. Fortunately, they are also good for the kingdom in their mysterious ways and incredibly patient. Even that one time when [this particular king] was a fool and in his first years as king upset the hermit who lived in the desert at the furthest reach of his domain, he was reminded that he too is a man above all else, and it was a humbling lesson that earned his lifelong respect.

In any case, the banks start lending money, but they are also doing a service and a service that values money, so they need to get paid, and a system of interest is designed to accommodate that and maintain the integrity of the system. The king is skeptical of it, but as long as they are not abusing people, making his subjects suffer, and are wise in their judgment and willing to deviate from systematic procedure like he specified, it will be fine. He made sure before hiring all the bankers that they understood that every system has exceptions and accommodating those exceptions are most important to maintaining the overall system.

Everything worked out great for this kings kingdom and it was prosperous and peaceful all of his days with this system. He recorded his wisdom in writing before he died. As he was old, and gray in hair he was satisfied at living a good life, serving as ruler and king dutifully and well, making his subjects happy. and raising good children he could trust, he had one doubt that made him uneasy.

He was certain that his wife and stewards, along with himself, taught his sons wisdom and knowledge and all they needed to know, including the humility with which to respect all manners of power. He was also confident of the plan he left to pass power on to the subjects to rule themselves because of how complex the situation was becoming and the extent of range of their needs required more than any person could possibly be responsible for. His court, advisers, and all his subjects had learned of his proposal, and though there was some argument at first, they had plenty of time to think it through, and eventually it was unanimously agreed upon as the best way.

As a test, he had the citizens elect representatives to meet at a council and establish how it would work with his stewards and coucil. They came up with a good plan, he saw no reason to alter it, and established that his children would ensure that transition occurred according to the plan and their best judgment. It was uncertain if it would work as well as he had hoped, but that was simply the way life was with all things, and he was confident that plan would be a good one.

As he reflected on his own life during his final days, he came to believe that his greatest wisdom to pass on, was how he came to understand the way of being king, and how it was applicable to any ruler of a group. It was a job like any other, but one without value or payment. Those qualities made it more like a role in a stage play than professions such as farming or building houses. That role of king was indeed the most powerful in the kingdom by necessity, and thus needed to exercise greatest power, even that of taking lives, but that power was only as good as his subjects.

The goodness of a moral being was a lot simpler than people thought. It was directly correlated to one’s happiness, and the more good a person became in virtue, the happier they became in life. With that knowledge, he always took into account the happiness and goodness of his subjects as his own happiness and goodness. He had heard of some neighboring kingdoms thinkning of the subjects like children and he couldn’t imagine a worse idea. How horrible it would be for his subjects to be treated like children to a father! They would be crushed under the overbearing authority which they had no need for as fathers, mothers, men, and women of their own.

He concluded it best to think of all subjects as he did the neighboring kings and queens of the other realms. He certainly didn’t bow his authority to though, but he also would never make enemies of them, and wanted them to be happy and with what they needed so they would be less inclined to act out of desperation and become threatening. He was not to be pushed around by them and could show his strength and correct any instances of being disrespected by mistake or intention, but he always strove for amicable relationships and strong friendships while refraining as much as possible from knowing and being involved in the affairs of their own kingdoms that did not involve his own.

For what is a house to the master of the house if not his own manner of kingdom and domain? They were not kingdoms in service to him, but him in service to them, because fortunately for them they did not have the burdens that he did with making sure everything was working as it is supposed to. It was an imperfect metaphor, and they always were, but it served its purpose to convey the meaning before falling apart. Their lives were certainly not a game to him or to each other, because they all counted on each other to go to the field of battle should the time for war come, himself included.

Thinking like that was naturally his instinct in addition to what he was taught because it is the way kings have done it long before the time of money. He first learned that money was of no value to the king, nor to anybody without the kingdom, when he was a young boy and his father was king at the time money was first introduced to the kingdom. His father was quite stern and severe when teaching that lesson and he never forgot it. He didn’t truly understand why his father had been so severe until that one horrible time he wish he could forget…

There was a situation several decades prior when a group of people made a religous faith out of exchanging money. As acts of faith, they committed some of the most unthinkable and abhorrent crimes of pure evil by concluding they were necessary with senseless excuses that those evil acts were purposeful in service to their faith alone. They never once considered the faith of other people as relevant as their own. Those fools were completely ignorant of wisdom and good beyond material things and services.

The entire memory of that tragedy still soured his stomach, but they were taught the truth, had come to understand it, and repented their sins contritely. They even forsook their perversion of faith with solemn vows to never allow it to resurface once they realized what they were doing when true faith finally dawned on them. Unfortunately, their crimes were so grave that they could not be allowed to stay in the kingdom, so they were banished, but not without safe passage to the border of the kingdom beyond the city limits.

In any case, it is common sense for a king to think of his subject’s happiness as his own when money is not involved, and in the old days it was obvious the king do that simply to keep his own life, and not less important with money involved, just less obvious. That mindset as a ruler is what led him to understand the role of a king being as that of a servant above all other responsibilities and duties the king had.

The difference between the king as a servant and a servant in a household is that the king was a servant to a master beyond anything he could describe or explain and could only describe as the highest divine with great emphasis on that not being a person’s body, a person’s mind, a person’s spirit, any sort of material thing, or even an object of the imagination. One couldn’t even name that master with a word, let alone envision or explain it with words, but it could be taught with enough use of reason and examples.

It was like a destination that one could never arrive at, but one could see within reach at the same time, and all of life, the universe, and everything was a journey to that destination. No matter how he had tried to reach it, it was never possible and always a mistake to think he had. That too could be explained and taught so a ruler would always anticipate unseen complications.

The one thing that he was uncomfortable about in his final days before his time ended, was the lesson he learned from the hermit of the desert when he first became king. That was not something he could teach, no matter how much he tried nor did to do so. They understood those individuals as vital to the kingdom as anyone else, even the king, and that they were not to be disrespected no matter what was thought about them or they appeared to be. At least not until going to them personally and paying them a visit face to face and meeting them for yourself first, and then with the prudence and care as though the entire kingdom depended on one’s wise judgment.

There simply was not a situation for his children to see them demonstrate their ultimate power because the kingdom was good and prosperous in addition to him having learned the lesson he did. There were countless times things could have gone wrong if he did not know what he knew, but they never did go wrong because he stopped them well ahead of time and nobody even noticed that there could have been disaster if one small mistake on those occasions had been allowed out of convenience and ease for fools and sluggards.

They would learn though, because he explained those subtleties and their importance because of consequences that would undoubtedly manifest much later, such as ten years or more. Then if those consequences should occur in that way, they would be catastrophic and extremely destructive to the kingdom. They understood the practicality of that knowledge, but not yet the wisdom. For that they simply needed to confront such a situation themselves, make a mistake, have it corrected, and be humbled when it happens. He was confident that if the should be in such a situation they would have the wisdom to be humble, because they were taught the ways of kings, which are wisdom, virtue, and compassion, and they knew being humbled was a great honor.

He had never fully felt in control of life, the future, or anything really, but he had always felt capable to do what needed to be done, and that had proven enough. That was how he felt the moment he died in the company of his beloved wife, children, and closest friends. Whatever may be in store, if anything, such as the judgment of souls some said existed, he felt capable and confident to confront it no matter what end may come.

What assured him with confidence was like that which he would have drawn in while leading his kingdom roaring across an empty field. Emptiness as quiet as the grave without the thunder of hooves and warrior courage racing headlong into battle and shaking the earth underneath. With death breathing upon their backs and overtaking them with the plunging force of steel and men colliding at the line of battle where blood is spilt and wars are ended in those glory days before he met his wife. It was the unfathomable love he felt for the individuals present magnified by that which he felt for all of creation and life itself returning to him and going out again with each breath the moment he took his last.