How to help

The world we all share, no matter what nation you abide in, no matter what faith you believe with all your heart and soul, no matter what income level you have, or how fortunate you may be to have been born with privileges other people simply do not have, and not necessarily because of injustice either.

It is right, just, and good that the economy and social environment allows for the fruit of hard working, talented, and popular people to achieve more success than others. Not because they are better as people or more than anyone else, but because they give more of themselves to everyone else—the hard worker with the work of ten people they do themselves, the talented person with the discipline and dedication to their art in way that is not very different from that of a religious faith for an ascetic mystic or spiritual master, and the popular with their spirit which inspires and motivates other people to reach greater potential.

If ever at all there is a problem— then there is a problem, even if that problem is not what it seems and be skeptical of what is obviously a problem because there is likely a deeper one if a problem is so obvious. That kind of difference in social power is natural and the reason why certain people tend to stand out and are able to bring together common interests for a singular purpose that is greater than what was thought possible before they made it known to everyone. People like that do not accomplish such things for themselves alone— they do so specifically because they are concerned about everyone else as much as they are for themselves.

The ultimate power of humanity is only accessible when you lose your self-interest as an individual because you perceive the greater purpose of civilization populated by humanity. That is still something we have a self-interest in, and that demands the protection of all individuals, respect for group identities, and equal rights under the law. To bring that about with power greater than humanity can realize on our own, even all together, we have give up our individual interest apart from everyone else to accept the individual interest we have with everyone else.

If you don’t accept this, that’s your problem, and the reason why you do not have power. Nothing can be done to help you if you will not help yourself by ceasing to be antagonistic to everyone else or being difficult. As long as you people are uncooperative you will never understand. Do not lie to yourselves about being cooperative when you know damn well you are being difficult, creating obstacles, and do not show the people you are in conflict with the respect they deserve. In other words, if you are willing to attack my life personally, when I am in no way obligated to be of service to you or obedient to your delusional fantasies, then you have failed to show me any respect at all, any human dignity, or even acknowledge me as a person regardless of how arrogantly puffed up you are about yourself to think about strangers in such a way.

I will attack the president of the USA with insults, condemnations, and language intended to destroy whoever is wearing that pin, but that has nothing to do with who they are as individuals and everything to do with who they are as a president. I am fully within my rights, and morally justified to judge the president and they are in no position to judge me. They are personally accountable with their individual body in that role, and are subject to death, just as any ruler is. In fact, entire wars can be prevented if the ruler of the opposing forces is defeated by the other ruler before armies meet on the field.

The USA is not a monarchy, but the government has begun operating like a monarchy anyway and now all power of the government has become consolidated into the hands of the president who is now a “gatekeeper” of national power. In any case, you will see what I mean when Trump is exposed for personally attacking me as individual when I attacked him as a president. He was not justified to judge me, but I was justified to judge him, and he lost everything for the USA when that happened. Now, they are covering up his mistake with futility and making the situation worse with every moment that passes. Their efforts are futile because of where the break of systematic government power occurred by Trump’s mistake in thinking he was greater than the individual citizens when he became president.

The government will collapse as it gets more and more top heavy trying to cover up the removal of our foundation that acknowledges the individual citizens apart from the government as the sacred authority most high in relation to the government, which is most low. That foundation was undone when the people in the government betrayed Freedom and Democracy and began governing with a pretense of sacred authority that they were specifically forbidden from having with numerous safeguards, protections, and limits designed to lawfully oppose such a thing even being remotely possible. Lincoln said a House divided will not stand, but a house without a foundation is even worse off than one divided! The structure itself will collapse on both parties, and the House won’t be suitable for anyone to live there as the masters.

If Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, or any others could see the kind of internal threat the USA is suffering from the government which has turned its very purpose of creation against itself—they would be horrified beyond belief! The very situation existing is an unthinkable betrayal by all the elected members of office, who most certainly have conspired together for such a thing to happen. They have destroyed the agreement that was made between colonies and their citizens which the government was built upon, and they do not realize they have doomed their own states and voters in the worst way. Not only because of the sheer dishonesty and disgrace of the buffoons who have wormed their way into government power, but at the stupidity and self-destructive nature of such a state of affairs! Those people trying to cover up Trump do not realize that they are killing themselves to do so and nobody is going to be thankful because of the destruction everyone else is going to suffer along with Trump when the structure collapses on him as well as everyone else.

I idly wonder how much longer supply chains of food are going to continue being maintained now that the government has lost all interest in protecting the citizens who are not immediately employed by the government. Do you government workers grow food? Hunt? Do anything useful or productive? What if you were faced with sanctions, trade embargos, and no longer were able to use taxes to buy what you are incapable of producing yourself who refused to sell to you? Take what you want by overt force of an autocratic government citizens have no interest in?

How many nations in the world today are going to stand by and let you tyrants do such shamefully immoral and irresponsible acts of arrogance and tyranny to seize resources from other nations? Do you think European culture and history was not experienced in the kind of stupidity you tyrants are attempting to pull long before the USA was founded? Do you think they won’t recognize the Nazi threat that the American government has become, when the Nazis were a European menace? They will betray your agreement of a false alliance rather than die to feed you with their body.

When the people who are accountable to the government maintenance finally decide to make an effort to do their jobs, the problem will be identified where it occurred and everything that happened after that point will be undone and require re-work. This is good because the “Space Force” needs to be dissolved, and whatever secret international agreements Trump made with Muslim nations rendered null and void because he was a traitor at that time. He still is a traitor now, and as a traitor, he did not have the authority to make any decisions for the nation.

We all recognize that the world is in shambles, that the USA is the problem, and why the USA is the problem. To think any of you world leaders would pretend to be of a higher nature than everyone else, when the world is in such a state. What good is all the crap you fill the shopping outlets with if nobody wants to buy anything because of how little money can be made by a worker? What good are fine restaurants, fun bars, and fancy clubs if people cannot afford to visit them anymore because there is so little money left over after rent for such healthy foolishness? What good are the sports arenas when the common person can’t afford a ticket to watch a game? How can an entrepreneur seek the “American Dream” when he needs to be rich already just to receive a loan?

I will tell you how you can help. It is obvious the problem is so vastly beyond the power of one person to solve, but that doesn’t mean one person can’t make a significant and substantial difference. I have, and I won’t let anyone tell me I haven’t, because I know what I have done and continue to do, and every day makes a bigger difference than the last. So, don’t feel powerless because you think you lack the smarts, the education, the money, the popularity, or whatever, because that is not what makes the difference. When you make the difference, all that you can do will be important and useful, but not until then.

The problem is a malignant and selfish attitude of a spoiled and petulant child with no manners, humility, or discipline who behaves with a hateful arrogance of delusional self-importance to such an extent that his very sight is revolting, reviled, and a cause to be angry. Ladies and gentlemen: Donald Trump. He is the worst embodiement of that horrid state of human degenerate behavior possible, but many people suffer symptoms similar to his wretched attitude and ill-mannered misbehavior. The worst thing that could have happened was to let such a person enter a role of such importance so that all people would have the wrong values of human character reinforced by their image in public media.

To cure yourself, first look in the mirror to see the shameful existence you dishonor your parents, grandparents, and every ancestor before you that you offend by behaving like a poorly raised child when you are an adult and expected to have an adult’s wisdom. Do not look away from yourself despite how hideously embarrassing you are to look at and see while knowing who you are. Not only do you bring shame upon yourself and anyone who calls you family or friend, but you are a threat to civilization, endangering everyone you love along with all others because of how irresponsibly you have acted with adult responsibility without an adult’s wisdom. Had you an adult’s wisdom, you would not be in the disaster you are in now, would you?

Accept it. That is first. Accept that you need to change. You need to be better. You need to be wiser, more prudent, more reliable, more trustworthy, and more responsible. You need to decide for yourself, intentionally, to be better than you have been to let everyone down in such an unacceptable way. Accept that you are unacceptable, and refuse to be the same. Be all that you have failed to be with your life. You are already almost dead, and you won’t have another chance to live in a way that you can die proud of. Proud knowing that you maybe weren’t as good as you could have been, but you were the best that you knew how when you knew how. You never gave up, never surrendered your will to be the best, and most importantly, found the balance between humility and pride where grace is perfect. You were humble before others, most when in their home, but not too humble to brush the dirt off your boots on the floormat outside the threshold or take off your boots entirely inside the threshold. You held yourself full of pride in who you are and what you stand for, but not too proud to ask for help, accept correction when you made a mistake, or too proud to take up someone else’s fight against injustice when you were there and they weren’t. Have shame and have pride, but only when you are honest with yourself, and never because you are pretending to be somebody else.

Next there are more practical matters to address now that you are in the correct state of mind. The problem is the same but there are two aspects that need to be considered. The first is charity. You want to help people, but only when they are also willing to help themselves, and don’t mind reminding them how to do that to start. You want homelessness to go away and no longer be a problem, but you don’t want to give handouts so that the system will be scammed by lazy frauds and malingerers. This is how you do that: you help as much as you possibly can—make sure they have more than enough and most assuredly cannot fail when someone needs help. You go over the top, like a magnanimous king opening his treasury to the poorest people until it is empty and can be refilled the next day when taxes are collected.

Why do you do this? So they do not fail! So they get back on their feet, become self-sufficient, and can independently live the life they are best at, find acceptable, and can provide for themselves! Most people do not need a constant stream of help, they just need enough to get themselves situated well enough to be able to work reliably like any person who doesn’t fall on hard times for whatever reason. That is relevant even if that reason was a foolish mistake like breaking a marriage vow, committing a crime, or becoming addicted to a substance or bad habit.

The last thing you want to do is provide the minimum possible and hope that won’t be wasted dishonestly. If you do that, then that money and/or help you provide will be least likely to be effective, and you are scamming yourself by not providing the tools for what you want people to be able to learn how to do for themselves. That is worse than being scammed, because if a scam can operate, that means you’ve been successful, but by giving the least amount, you failed entirely because the problem was never solved with such a minimum, stingy, and uncharitable amount. You called the people who need help dishonest thieves before you even met them, and denied them your help when you had no reason to suspect them of anything, no willingness to forgive their mistakes, and no compassion for the suffering other people go through without a home.

If you disagree, go to Hell. That is the problem with you people! You think about it in the wrong way! You assume the worst of people before you act, and thus condemn them no matter what you do! That is why the world is in such a dire state of inefficiency and disrepair. That is why there is so much corruption and failing, half-hearted efforts to resolve social problems the government is responsible for causing. As tax payers, you share in the responsibility of those problems and need to do what is expected of a ruler who give out taxes for the benefit of his kingdom. If you are such a king as to judge one of your fellow citizens, what have you done to correct their ways? Do not be quick to judge if you have not even made an attempt to face them in person and teach them about what you would judge them for.

Are you a true king, or are you a wretched excuse for a king who will not go down to the cheap-side of the kingdom to know the state of the poor and see what can be done to help with the suffering they trust you as a king to provide? Resources like food, water, shelter, security, cleanliness, education, religion, transportation, etc. and then honestly attempt to do so with the resources you have. Good kings often seem to have to contend with conniving, sniveling, and greedy bureaucrats with no understanding of the burden of being a king or the importance of their responsibility to the community for their own sake.

In the USA at present, our Congress, Supreme Court, and White House are those scummy, unworthy bureaucrats who need to be executed at the gallows for conspiring against you and failing at the jobs you trusted them with their privileges to do, but that is not the way things are done now. Besides, you have more important responsibilities as king than to go do the jobs of the bureaucrats yourself, because that very bureaucracy should be churning them into worm food before long on its own. Conniving, sniveling, victim-proud bureaucrats are exactly what we designed our government with checks, balances, and three branches to prevent! If the problem is so bad that those unworthy fools have not been weeded out of society on any of the lower levels down to the sewers beneath the street, then there is something gravely wrong and they need to answer our questions or be put to death for sedition and replaced with someone who will.

So that is the first thing. Have faith in people as a good king does. Trust each and every one until you are given reasons to not trust them, and then only allow the trust of the individual who betrays you to diminish depending on the nature of the betrayal. Offer forgiveness and chances to regain trust too. Be generous as a king, because kings are prosperous above all others, and the more we give, the more confident people are in the security of the kingdom. Do not let those who represent you bring shame upon your reputation in other nations, such as the conniving, sniveling, unworthy bureaucrats have done in our government. Demand of them what is necessary of them, and do not let them fool you into thinking they have more authority and power than you do. It is your judgment as a citizen which allows them to have the very responsibilities of government they have proven unworthy of.

The same kind of attitude is how to think about economy and wages for workers. The same kind of wise generosity built on freely given trust that you enforce the laws to keep. You above all else hold yourself accountable to the laws you expect others to be accountable to, because a king is never above his law, nor is any man. You trust your subjects because they trust you, and you do not betray their trust, even when you are in secret, just as they do not betray you. If you are suspicious though, then you have already doubted them and the trust is already gone, so do not be suspicious without probable cause and evidence as good reasons for suspicion. Do not be fooled by the rumors and deceitful lies that a worm-tongued traitor advisor will have when they tell you about the sins of a man you’ve never met. No advisor is in a place to judge your people’s sins, for you are the king, and it is your judgment that decides whether there will be mercy or wrath for sin, not the conniving, sniveling bureaucrats.

You do not make those judgments in secret and shame of the authority you make them with, because you are the only one with that authority, and that is why you have faith in your people, and them in you. Those judgments are public declarations of wisdom for everyone else to learn from and you make sure they are known throughout all the land as expressions of mercy, wrath, or justice as appropriate because of the power your judgment has in those moments. That power booms forth from divine trumpets in heaven, resounds across all realms to the edge of the kingdom and beyond, so strongly that the dirt underfoot trembles with the terrifying and awesome power of the Word they bring.

So, make sure people are paid as much as possible and all necessary expenses for living are reasonably priced low. Never high—even the luxury necessities. Higher, sure, but still reasonably low for a basic need. Then ensure the artists can sell their work for a reasonably fair price and aspiring artists do not have trouble to be able to devote themselves to the arts until they bear the fruit of their invested talent. Then, ensure that the artisans who make the finest of all things kept inside the houses, can charge a reasonably high price because their work is beyond compare for the mastery, but do not let the finest things be so high that the poor artist cannot buy a treasure to signify the vows he and his beloved make with each other when they are wed. The artisans are masters, and will know how to gauge the value of their products reasonably, but do not let them do so without checks, so ensure you have the conniving, sniveling bureaucrats keeping an eye on their business so they don’t start cutting costs by using evils, deceit, and corrupt methods unfit for a master.

Then, choose your faith and be pious, but do not begrudge the other religions of their ways as long they are consistent with the singular divine law. If they turn out to be evil, then a public reckoning must occur where the brightest minds of the day will step up to engage in a fierce and cataclysmic battle of words before the crowds which will put many a youngster to sleep. If they are using spectacle as a proof of their faith then you can almost guarantee they are false and evil because that is never an appropriate display of faith.

Neither Gods nor Goddesses have anything to prove, especially not the power of their faith, and if one of their prophets is attempting to display what is visible as a show of the power of faith, even if only within the mind’s eye, then you will know them to be false. The power of a god or goddess, or any divine being is entirely invisible. The power of Nature is visible, but Nature is an aspect of creation and does not attain to the highest divines of the gods and goddesses because divinity is supernatural. That does not make Nature any less wonderful as an image of the divine if you are blessed with such a mercy of grace and presence.

That’s all you need to know for world saving, pretty much. That’s how you can help. First take a look at yourself and realize that you most likely should be doing more, do more, be willing to go out of your way to do what is good, and be charitable in how you think of people you’ve never met. Do not condemn them before you can meet them personally and give them an honest chance to explain themselves according to the evidence. Lastly, be generous with your treasury, not wasteful. Invest only if you truly want the investment to work, such as the social services for people who have fallen on hard times and need some extra help getting back on their feet.