Considering how high and mighty the rich people and USA politicians in the government act, it’s surprising how poor the USA actually is as a nation.
There is tons of shit available, but not enough money to buy any of it. How could this economy possibly be productive with such a hostile and idiotic approach to managing national moneys? Inflation most likely is out of control because of the way rich people horde their money and attempt to make products the most possibly expensive they can be while paying workers the least they possibly can, the result being obvious if they had any common sense or higher education.
The workers cannot afford to buy the products and the imports are not being sold, meaning the business investors who buy products to sell in the USA are unable to sell them and cannot operate for a profit. They take losses when doing business in the USA because the citizens for the most part are so poor they cannot afford most of the products that could be sold here. The result: businesses lose interest in doing business in the USA because it is such a hostile and unproductive economy of tyranny, injustice, and greed by imbeciles who think money has more value than what money can buy.
For example: I am a poor man in the USA. I cannot afford to buy anything right now. All my credit cards are maxed out so that I cannot make even the smallest purchases of $1.50 to use the laundromat at my apartment building. I suppose I will wash my clothes in the bathtub and scrub them with a loofah or something…
However, I do get some foodstamps every month to buy stuff to eat, but they only afford the more bare minimum of items. Only a poor nation of poverty and a failed economy would be so stingy with things like food, which spoils.
I was thinking… damn, I’m out of coffee creamer. I think I have 40 bucks or so left on that food stamp card, so maybe I ought to walk down there and buy a bottle or two while I can. And some soy sauce for the rice I have. Maybe some butter. Bread? Nah. Too expensive. I can’t afford to buy bread right now because of how expensive it is compared to rice, which will last far longer and provide much more meals.
What has the USA come to when the Bread Basket cannot produce enough bread for people to afford it? What the hell are you going to do with all those loaves of bread that spoil because people can’t afford them, Biden? Fill the landfills with them? Does anyone else realize what kind of irresponsible waste that is? A waste caused by the purposefully evil interests of a greedy government that does not appreciate the value of bread as more important than the value of a dollar. Imbeciles. They supposedly go to some of the best schools for higher education in the USA but they do not understand the simplest things about economy, society, human decency, basic survival, and cause and effect.
It’s embarassing to all those “Ivy League” colleges that their graduates are so incompetent and unreliable in the government. I think we should shut them down or impose some sort of heavy penalty on them for allowing such uneducated students to graduate. That kind of irresponsible schooling is dangerous because they send people out into the world claiming to have taught them what they need to know, but did not do so and have lied about their success.
In a world that moves as fast as the modern one compared to the Machiaveliian one the current leaders are attempting to mimic pathetically since they do not have any strength of will or ability to command the obedience of their subjects— how long do you think it will be until the USA totally collapses? That is sure to happen when all the numbers they have been manipulating to tell a false narrative about our economy which they want to believe prove to be insubstantial, unreliable, and totally meaningless because they are devoid of the truth they ignored to try and tell a fiction that supports their evil. You idiots do not understand the first thing about powerful storytelling, which requires Truth. You will not be able to change anything with a story if you ignore truth, manipulate truth, betray truth, or are in any way contrary to the Truth.
“Our economy is not failing, Mr. President, look at this graph I created on my computer by changing the paramaters around so it looks like a profitable display.”
“You’re right. Everyone has more than enough money and resources! Raise prices! Lower wages! Increase the cost of living since everyone is so rich right now.”
Meanwhile, the stores are filled with grain, produce, and food stuffs that spoil at a 90 percent loss of value because 90 percent of the people cannot afford to buy them after paying the rent and buying the bare essentials for survival, like a large bag of rice that can feed a family for a significant amount of time, unlike a loaf of bread.
As soon as the readers realize how dire of a state of catastrophe the USA is in by allowing traitors like Trump to steal as much money from the citizens as possible and entirely destroy the economy by turning it around to serve the government instead of the public, maybe they will act in concert with me. Maybe they will decide to cooperate with my efforts to expose their evil intentions by making them reveal what they have been planning and doing to the citizens without informing us. Maybe they will do whatever they can to fight back, since they will be righteously justified by my presence, my words, and my authority, even if they take up firearms and blast their way through the corruption, taking hundreds of lives in the process with a bloody and brutal massacre.
I am disabled because of the mental health damage I have suffered from the military and the government after the military which attempted to terrorize me to change my opinion about circumcision. Now I cannot work a normal job without being a danger to myself and everyone around me because of how hopeless, unsatisfying, and miserable that work is in addition to a social life devoid of human interaction for the same reasons my mental health was harmed so severely. Seriously… you do not want me working right now or the problems will get worse when the sight of me causes everyone to become depressed, lose interest in their jobs, and start having mental health problems because they have difficulty with life in such an evil and hostile nation.
I put in a disability claim, they approved me for half, listed the criteria for being approved of more if I appeal, all of which is applicable to me. The half they provide would be useful if it could afford basic needs, so I still am required to work a normal job, which is what a disability affects a person’s ability to do. I don’t even get responses back from employers when I find a job that is would work, and I find it further depressing how rude and indecent people in the USA are because of such a thing.
It’s not like I’m not looking, but because of what I struggle with, finding work is more difficult than it is for people who do not have the PTSD I do, which there is not enough science for medicine to diagnose yet. PTSD is currently understood as single events that cause severe trauma that are momentary, but the kind of PTSD I suffer is from a long exposure of high stress that I became abnormally accustumed to because of undiagnosed autism. Then, the problems I had reintegrating as a civilian caused an imbecilic and paranoid government to wrongly identify me as a terrorist, and then go about antagonizing me with a witch hunt trying to prove their identification true since they had condemned me with the very accusation. Of course I am not a terrorist, they were not lawful in doing that, I never even had a chance to defend myself, nor was I considered “innocent until proven guilty”. Now that stress which may have healed has become worse and is so bad I doubt it will ever fully heal.
So, I fully deserve the disability that I have in part contributed to be provided by my nation with the way I was able to do so: service in the military. I am not malingering, taking advantage of a system, or trying to scam the government. I fight them by not having faith in them, not supporting them with my interest, beliefs, or thoughts, and I do not want them to continue operating if they will continue being so hostile and lawless. That does not mean I find ways to scam the economy, cheat the government, or do anything dishonest that would make things more difficult, and I certainly do not do any of that!
They do not have my faith or support because they revealed themselves to be in favor of the circumciser interests, which are entirely hostile to my own and false in their claims of spiritual authority. That is fair and reasonable, and you should not expect me to help you hurt me, enslave me, abuse my rights, torment me, and otherwise be hostile to me, and you are a fool to think I would ever be friendly to you after you behaved that way. The government’s systems are in part my own, and I fully support the disability programs for both civilian and veterans, and those are not intended to be used for evil.
However… it takes years and years for a claim to be heard. I only had so much money to survive on after I got out of jail for being falsely accused of a crime by the president. After that… I was so fucked up in the head because of what this nation is like, especially to people they have incarcerated with or without proof of guilt or even charges filed. They arrest people with or without a good reason, and then the brutes who work in those places are monstrous creatures who abuse their roles to be torturers of a psychological variety who do some of the most evil, hateful, and inhumane things to prisoners without any consequences because they dispose of every complaint we file before they get anywhere.
I made it out of that, but I if there was even a shred of faith or hope in the USA and its people it was murdered and snuffed out while in the suicide room of Grady Jail where they refused the three of us packed in there basic sanitary rights such as bathing, cleaning materials, or religious literature. Did I mention that there were numerous open cells in the area, but they crammed all of us into one? Also covid pandemic was going on. I wonder what they were thinking…
The stress, hate, and rage that we all were suffering in there for personal reasons almost turned into a violent bloodbath, and then the time finally came to move me after days in there sleeping on the concrete floor in the cold without clothes except the suicide smock and a blanket. That blanket certainly improved the experience of trying to sleep on the concrete, and when you have no other choice, that difference is substantial, but doesn’t change the inhumanity of the situation. Do you know what they did? They moved me into the room with the shower I had been asking for and told me to what there, saying nothing about it. It was a psychological assault against my sanity attempting to terrorize me because they were arrogantly revealing how they purposely were refusing me such a thing.
Only in there for a few minutes so I could recognize what that room was before they came in with the chains to shackle me with and take me back above ground to be bussed to the next “detention center” while I made my way back to Portland.
Maybe you people do not recognize evil as a threat, but I certainly do, and experiencing something like that first hand in a “first-world” nation like the USA showed me just how vile and evil this nation is. That people would behave like that in their jobs. That the job’s policies would not prevent that. That the government would not make an effort to improve the conditions of prisoners to encourage a healthy recovery and desire to participate in society, not the total opposite which radicalizes us in total opposition and hatred for the nation that has such monstrous people representing it in uniforms.
That situation still bothers me from time to time, but my mental health is so fragile right now that I work and social interaction has never been more difficult for me.
So what can I do until the disability board hears my claim and hopefully approves it? Ask for a loan? Denied. Ask for credit increase? Denied. Run out of money and then see what happens… I guess I have no other choice. Fortunately I found a service that said they would help me pay my rent when I get an eviction notice but… holy shit people! Can’t I get some help before the eviction notice happens if I know I can’t pay!? Why the fuck would you want to make my life worse with the kind of impact on my credit score an eviction notice has which will limit my access to every other function of the economy.
Credit scores… there is nothing good about that entire system. It helps nobody. Having a “good” credit score has no benefit at all but if you don’t have a “good” credit score, they will bludgeon you economically, financially, and socially with that “bad” credit score—preventing you from renting an apartment, getting financial assistance, and everything else. What the fuck is the purpose of such an ungodly system that is self-destructive to the economy by making economic prosperity more difficult!?
All those people responsible for stuff like that— find out what colleges they graduated from, and shut down those schools. No exceptions. Put every last one of them out of business with imminent domain seizing their assets as necessary for recovering our national security which is most threatened by mass ignorance. Fire all of their staff from the dean to the janitor, and give the buildings to a charitable, non-proft organization that specializes in international education. Pay them the fraction of the value that is necessary for imminent domain but do not even approach half of the market rate for such things. They are not to benefit economically from their failure. Do not argue, do not tolerate people who fight this from happening, even if you have to put a bullet in their head to shut them up, and get this done. Human beings cannot allow places claiming to be “schools” to produce such malignantly incompetent and evil adults.
I didn’t even apply for VA disability until I was out of that hell hole and getting my life back together and realized that I couldn’t do it anymore. I am disabled in a such a way that I cannot do what is expected of me because of how that terrorizes my mind, evokes the most horrible thoughts, and makes life unbearable. I cannot do it anymore. Whatever I was that you think you want me to go back to— that cannot happen anymore. That person no longer is alive, and who I am was maimed such that I cannot work like that anymore. I cannot do that kind of service for people anymore. I am in fact broken mentally and my willpower however strong it may be, can only help me now and not be helpful in a place like a submarine, factory, or general place of work.
I cannot look at people and know what they are ignorantly contributing to and still cooperate with them. I cannot look people in the eyes and not feel immense hate for what they do not want to know their apathy is causing. So I try to ignore them and just work alone and quietly, since I know they know what the problem is and won’t acknowledge it, and that makes communication horribly awkward, uncomfortable, and unpleasant. They then become hostile and aggressive because of how that self-imposed ignorance degenerates them into beasts, and the situation gets worse because I refuse to stoop to their inhumanity and they get even angrier thinking I am arrogant for being a humble human while they want to be acknowledged with some divine nature they are rejecting by acting like beasts!
I cannot do a job working with people like that because of how that creates conflict. I cannot work knowing that the taxes that are contributed with the labor goes to support monstrous places of government like Grady Jail. Every time I do a task it is like I feel the suffering all over again while it happens to other people in this nation who are being ignored by businesses, citizens, neighbors, and everyone who lives here and does nothing about the root problem of social injustice. The root problem everybody knows because that is the very thing they want to ignore the most! That conflict, both internal and external happens because I want to like people, see the good in them, and be helpful to the community, causes actual pain in my personal experience that prevents me from being able to work.
That pain is so intolerable because of the depths that it reaches after experiences like what happened after I was arrested on false charges that were known to be false by everyone who enforced them and did so with the sole purpose of attempting to “punish me” and cause me pain by using an inefficient and corrupt justice system to do so like it is the very purpose they created it for, and they did in fact cause me pain on purpose for no reason at all. I don’t know why I hurt so much like that, maybe it is autism, but I do, and I cannot work through something so debilitating as that is for me.
What the fuck do you want me to do? Go out to the street? And then there, what do you want me to do? Lay on the sidewalk and wait until I die? I’m 34 years old! That is going to take a long time, so I’d rather just speed things up and since that is what you want too, I would much rather you be straightforward by offering me a humane suicide than waste all of our time and resources being unproductive and inefficient while we all wait for me to die of natural causes or I snap and commit suicide, which is also not so easy. Not only do I need to find a way to do so reliably and not end up in a worse situation if I survive, but I need to overcome my biological will to survive that fights tirelessly against my mind’s desire to kill myself.
What the fuck is your people’s problem!? Why are you so eager to reject humanity? Why have you no compassion for other people?
I don’t care what your answer is because you have already shown me with your actions, but you need to answer that to yourself, since you seem entirely unaware of what your actions are saying.
“Lucky!?” That is not the right word! This is not good fortune, you simple minded fool! Do you not realize that I would be much happier, much more productive, much more capable of being of service to others, and much more friendly if none of that evil, pain, and intentional suffering aka torture, had happened to me!? Do you not realize how horrible it is to be wounded in such a way? Is a veteran who loses a limb or otherwise horribly hurt during the “War on Terror” happier because they triggered an IED, instead of being able to retire without suffering such a casualty? What about a veteran who is hurt by one, but not totally disabled, and then they return home to the USA where the government creates another IED that accomplishes what they intended the first IED to do when they caused them to be used overseas against us as their very intention! How “lucky” is such a veteran!?
Of course I didn’t know they were so evil! I never would have gone into service of a military that is so vile, wretched, and malignant as an abuse of American power. I know that is what they are now, and I will not tolerate it as a citizen, but am I the only one who feels that way!? If so, then you need to kill me as the odd man out, because neither of us want me to live in your vile civilization, and we will both be annoyed if I do while you suffer the consequences of my defiance.
What the fuck is wrong with the people governing this nation!? In no way would any of that be acceptable, appropriate, or tolerable, and they will do themselves no favors by allowing their evil to continue by hiding it.
“Suck it up” they say, meaning endure the suffering and stop being weak. Go to hell, you small minded slaver! Maybe read a pamphlet or poster about mental health the next time you are in a doctor’s office. You cannot make me work. You could whip me like a slave to try and make me stack boxes, fix machines, and do whatever, but I would suffer like Kunta Kinte while you did and you still would not make me do anything that you wanted, not only because I don’t want to, but because the suffering I experience while I do is worse than anything you could cause me!
Then there is the vile whore who is “ashamed” that I was hurt. This damage is the least of what I suffered because of what women like you who call themselves “pop stars”, “idols”, “beloved celebrities”, have done to me individually at the same time to make it worse. Women who betrayed the most sacred nature of true love by turning it into a weapon to not only enable the tyranical government to torture me, but to enable them to do so in a way far more severe than their worldly means were capable of. That… is something infinitely worse, and I will address that crime when the time comes, but first things first.
The government has the murder weapon, then the media will be identified as providing the opportunity for it to be most dangerous, and lastly, my family for the motive of why any of it happened. One step at a time. As long as I am the only one fighting for my human rights, my innocence, and my vindication from injustice— this may take a while, but I will not stop, nor will I be stopped. Before this is done, women will remember their weakness as they fear for their lives from the men who will rape and murder them without difficulty. Beat them into submission. Leave them bruised, battered, and broken until they finally return to their place and stop abusing their nature for evil out of some misplaced spite against men for something they did to themselves by inviting circumcision into their homes when they shit out the vile children those mutilators pump into them and then circumcise.
Did you already forget what you vile whores did to me? Well I have not forgotten, and I will make you answer for it.