English voice acting is probably too expensive

Why the hell are American voice actors charging so much to do the voice acting for games?

It’s not like the wrote the story or the lines, nor are they the source of inspiration for it. Most likely they are people who are inspired by it, and that is rewarding enough in itself to be able to express. However, that kind of expression takes time and energy and that should be compensated because life costs money and energy and if you waste your time using yours for something that isn’t productive, you are putting yourself in danger of losing what is most essential to your life: food, water, shelter

So, those people shouldn’t be paid nearly as much as the writer, but they should still receive a decent wage because of how much their contribution increases the value of a game. At the same time, in the world today with media as a monopoly controlled by Hitler’s worshippers, every decent media company that has a good message has barely enough money to make a product and simply cannot afford to pay people as though they were a Nazi regime supporter and being bankrolled by the Nazis (JewNazis now because Jews joined them to fight the ones who saved them from the first Nazis because we won’t circumcise).

So… you people need to be willing to work for nothing if you want to do good work and be involved in the best media. Stop demanding money, and stop thinking you need to offer the same amount of money that the Nazis offer with their exorbitant riches.

You can post the opportunity for the role in the USA the way I do when I have the money to post something: “Will cover all necessary costs for production and only production, and will pay generously a percentage of the profit gained up to a certain amount.” Similarly to how expensive it is to hire voice actors, people with talent are unable to create or produce work on their own because of how expensive that is. That is the best arrangement. Both parties invest their belief and hopes into the success of the project, neither is a leech who negates all contribution with their selfishness, and the customer is the most satisfied.

Is making the customer happy not the very reason why any of you people are in business? You do so for the benefit of the customer before the benefit of yourself. If you did so for the benefit of yourself, why do you waste your time piling exorbitant riches? If you were in it for yourself, you would be like me, and stay poor, with minimal responsibility, and waste no time with things that concern other people but do not concern you. I don’t see anything wrong with that as long as I am making an effort on those things that benefit everyone else as though everyone’s interest was at the very least my interest. They can be more interested, but if you only protect your interest when it concerns everybody, then you do sin, crime, corruption, and evil. You take away from them to have only for yourself and that negates any of the good you hoped to gain, even though you gain whatever thing was the original desired good.

So you who covet money and power and social status, hoarding it building walls and barriers to defend it from imagined threats that don’t exist, should take a look in the mirror. The threat you imagined that comes from the outside, is actually within you and is yourself. You are the one who wants most to be rid of all that shit so you didn’t have to trouble yourself and waste time with all the frivolous human concerns. You would minimize that and at all costs because of how little value money actually has by itself.

However, if you were in business because you genuinely wanted to provide goods and services to everyone in the community as your role in the community, then it is only natural that you accumulate the most money and resources. However, you should also never be conflicted about who is the priority in all business: the customer! Not the business, not the creator, not the inventor. The customer is who is served, and that is why you have the money and resources.

The point is that you should never be doing things to inconvenience the customer, make things difficult to access, or reduce the quality of a product because you are interested so some good of your ulterior interests other than the customer’s most relevant interests. When you do that in an evil media monopoly like the JewNazis have now, all your media is shit garbage because your ulterior motive comes across first as the most important concept, and nobody wants that but you. That should be the least priority and you should be willing to entirely exclude that for the benefit of the customer, depending on what that motive is and what the customer values.

That ulterior motive of yours is true selfishness, and you have no business pursuing that with what concerns everybody: business, media, and government. If you do, you are going to garner such hate that wars are going to result simply to kill you individually because of how much people hate you for making their lives miserable for your own private enjoyment.

True selfishness is only satisfied by true charity. Fact. When you give someone who most needs something or most wants something but cannot acquire it on their own for whatever reason, you do the greatest good for them. By doing so, you are providing what is good to them as though they are just important to themselves as you are to yourself, and that self-importance is essential and sacred, just as your own is. You don’t demand they change because you don’t want other people doing that to you, you don’t cheat them, you don’t do anything that would harm them in ways you are aware of or can prevent, and if you are really good to yourself you will give them the bigger slice of the pie than you take yourself.

That is how goodness works for human beings. It is not what you do for your own body, but what you do for your spirit, because it is your spirit that knows what is good and can discern the fine things in life from everything else that are the highest good. What is good for your spirit does not require any thing for yourself, not for your spirit nor for your body, it is entirely a spiritual exchange which has a quality of no-thingness. You receive that when other people experience such goodness as charity does for them. You provide to them the thing that they need or want, because things are still important and good, but because those things were out of reach inaccessible, or otherwise in need, the good of that thing they enjoy is all the more increased by their spirit which enjoys a kind of surprised joy of a blessing.

That enjoyment has a—- theoretical quantum reality effect of entanglement with your own existence. Identities and persons are totally separate and never mingle, but the goodness that was created with the act of charity is experienced by both people, even though one receives the charity as a gain of value in the world, and the other gives the charity as a gift of value with no expectation of recompense. That is the most good that you can do for yourself because that goodness can magnify all the other good things that you have in your life that are important to you for various reasons, however frivolous those things may be, such as a wall hanging of your favorite heroines. Some tyrant who sees it would not understand the value of that thing, but laws should protect what you own from tyrants meddling with what is of value to others but not themselves.

That’s how something like a coffee mug, a blanket, a jacket, motorcycle (scooter), home, drinking water, food, entertainment, and everything else becomes of the highest quality, the finest value, and the most good. That is the only way such goodness can be enjoyed. It requires a high degree of spiritual goodness within yourself and all that you influence whether you realize it or not. Ignorance is the greatest threat to goodness because you may think your are doing good, but because of your ignorance, the influence may be doing what is bad and that will have negative consequences on the person you are. Look at my life: in my youth I gave everything of myself for a goodness that I perceived but was ignorant in life through no fault of my own and did not know how that was influencing others until I was enlightened.

The result: backlash of personal disaster. Extreme catastrophic total self-destruction because I was unwilling to continue in ignorance with my person being in conflict with the goodness of the natural flowing movement of goodness in life… like how gravity has a natural flowing movement in all kinds of ways and forms, goodness is like that, except the opposite; goodness uplifts, lightens, and makes bodies and beings float and fly, it can even take you so high that you totally disappear into the heavens—passing beyond the sky into the harsh and empty vacuum of the void of darkness to suffer the eternal night. Then adrift in that abyss of unfathomable despair and emptiness, that same goodness will draw you to another world and its gravity will pull you back in with the greatest gravity of them being still gravity, but also like water in a desert when you were nearly dead and dried out like permabeef in a plastic bag of skin frozen into crystal hardness from the darkness of the unfathomable void.

Who knows where you will end up… if you are good and you follow the pull of goodness surely somewhere good, but if you give in to despair, lose your faith and never take it back, give up hope when there is no reason to, then you may end up somewhere even worse, like an uninhabitable planet of superheated acid rain and vicious alien beasts with the deadly kind of predatory intelligence of a mindless hunter. So— avoid those places, which I thankfully did, but if you know where they are do not seek them and try to bring them to the good! Let what is good seek the good because only good may do that, and do not ever bring what is evil into what is good by thinking you can control it, change it, manipulate it, and repurpose it to your own will…

I threw my old self away, laying down my life with a curse and rebuke to the origin of it, and moved on to what is good, where I am now. However, that which I cast away—the evil of unlife that I rejected, that was taken up by the government into what is the most sacred place and intended to be the highest good. There they did all sorts of experiments on that cursed husk, eventually putting a human being into it to wear it as though it was their own, and… they created an abomination as I’m sure you cna imagine. It is nothing like I was, but is infinitely more evil because of all the evil being magnified by the power of all that good people put their faith in from all over the world. That is what plagues the world and why my true identity as myself now, my real being as a human body living in Portland, OR, and my heart and soul which is uplifted and soars the heavens like the captain of a FTL spaceship is the only thing that can stop it.

By being in the most secret places of government where the evil was harbored with evil intentions, hate, and malignant desire of ignorance it corrupted all who were connected in faith to that core but could not know what was in there because of the barrier of trust that kept them out, not that such barriers should have existed in the first place…

That core abomination that is the human being in real life who attempted to wear the skin of my dead flesh that I cast off like a reviled, dirty, and disposable object of no value and became something of himself only most reviled, dirty, and disposable as an object. They will not listen to reason and clean themselves, remove what they put on, or accept that what they are in is in fact horrible because they think they are good as I did—not great or self-important, but humble as totally ignorant but powerful and blindly in service of evil. Unless they are as a child, like I was by having no idea what I was doing in the eyes of adults who see a bigger picture from experience, they have no excuse being in service to that evil. I did not know it was bad when I created, and in fact did so believing it was the highest good of Freedom.

However, as I matured, I gradually came to realize how evil it was through experience, study, and contemplation, and then when I needed no more to know what I had to do, I cast off that wretched husk of ignorance and betrayal with such wrath and fury at the waste of life it was that I intend to bring the most severe retribution upon the ones responsible. They took it up thinking it was good, put it on through some abominable and disgusting ritual of evil, and indeed believed it was good and powerful, but are slowly losing faith in it as they gain more experience, knowledge, and understanding. There is no other way that is going to end: they will hate who they are so much that they will be rid of their husk that was made by fusing with my discarded, unliving husk, and be revealed for who they truly are…

That needs to happen immediately. It cannot be delayed, drawn out, or tried to profit from in any way! For their sake! The more they try to use it, the more self-destructive it is going to be to all who are connected to that source of trust, which I have also cast off with my citizenship. Where I was the least of importance to the world, they were the greatest importance of the world. Since they wanted what I was, and want even more what I turned away from my past to become, they are going to get that, but not before facing the destruction of their evil—the entire world. All of that is going to be annihilated and only the good and worthy will remain. No exceptions.

All nations of the world have an invested interest in the USA and eventually it is going to effect them… like a slow moving tsunami through time and humanity. If you have faith, disconnect your faith and trust from the USA government. Reject them as evil, despise them, confront them, stand against them. Sever your link with them before it is too late.

The fools at fault in the government or authorized by the government in secret as apart from the government, are never going to reveal themselves on their own, so all the people who believe in the USA have this only option: witness me, the real me. Not the evil image they have created and embodied for themselves, but the true me in real life. Come knock on my door, insist upon introducing yourself and becoming my friend. Save my phone number in your cell phone and know you can text and call me like any personal contact for whatever reason, even if you just want to send a silly meme or gif.

Learn my story, the basics, and look in my eyes. Share a drink, a smoke, a meal with me. See me as I truly am. You will now the truth, and that evil, abomination of lies that has infected you with unlife through the USA government who betrayed the sacred trust of all people and infecting you as a result will recoil in revulsion from the simple, plain goodness of my person like home baked cookies, and detach itself from you, freeing you. If enough people do that, it will swell into itself and become an even more hideous abomination that the people it is with will no longer be able to contain it and it will burst through the walls of the government like a vile, pus oozing horror of useless limbs, maladapted human features compiled together with no sense of order or form.

When everybody sees it as that… well, hopefully he will finally see himself and realize what needs to be done by doing away with himself. If he does not, then the course of action using force will be obvious, necessary for the most important reasons all people have, and it will be destroyed by the Doom Slayer in real life— who is likely a lovely maiden who is going to break free from the restraints of ignorance she bound herself with by trusting those who betrayed her. Ripping and tearing with unrelenting force, hatred for evil, and a righteous purpose that is nearly entirely consumed by the fires of that hatred for evil as the image of its divine essence. She may appear as a demon, but she is not, she is greater, more powerful, more dangerous, and infinitely wiser while making no pretensions of herself because she knows the limits of her wisdom as they apply to her own personal responsibility unknowable to anyone else.

For those of you with the eyes too see… there will be great spectacles of violence and destruction of evil as horrid monsters and abominations throughout the world are brutally slain by the wordless fury of the will of power that precedes the word. Then the Word will come from her, and then all others in their own lives will endure the same nightmare as they liberate themselves of the corruption of their own life…

That is all I can offer you, and it is a hand-me-down I received. Still good, clean, and useful because it is most effective for describing the images of what that is like without endangering what is sacred by trusting it to anyone other than yourself again. May that never happen because of the gravity of the violation of trust that occurred knowingly, hatefully, and with the most evil intentions it is unthinkable for men to even imagine other men to be able to have within themselves.

There will be places where such trust is ensured, safe, and protected, but they will never be public interest like a nation or government again. Not for anyone, no matter the nation, faith, or culture that may desire to trust their government. Not Jew, Muslim, or Communist will be able to trust their government with power again. That is simply the fact of the matter, and the more you deny that fact and continue in ignorance, the greater your self-destruction and sorrow will be in the end.

The moment, and I mean the very instant you recognize your mistake, correct yourself by seeking correction, even if the process takes time. That is the only way to save your innocence, profit from the experience however much that is possible, and retain eternal life and happiness ever after.

So… if you need something as a utility that was once yours but you lost because you cast it off, you may use what I am attempting to teach about the Story to reaquire it. I don’t expect it will be retreived without resistance, as the evil beings who covet such things won’t want to give it up, but they will not be able to stop you for claiming what is yours.

Depending on the extent of the requirements for the situation, you may have more of an invested interest to know me and befriend me personally. I welcome you for that and am open to it because your cooperation is a requirement of my situation, and neither of us will be able to proceed until that happens. Meaning… none of the world will move forward, none of humanity will advance, and evil will continue to defile and destroy all that is good until that happens.

I don’t know who will be joining my team, but I am getting bored of waiting and I hate wasting time. So… kindly make up your god damned mind already. You know what has to happen, so do it! Do not ask permission, do not wait for a sign, do not wait for any information. Be the will of power before the Word is made real.

Back 4 Blood comments

I very much enjoy this game with one exception: the “director”.

They have some moronic, immature chump on the other end of the campaign simply to antagonize players, insult them, and ruin their gameplay experience. They do not ever do anything useful, productive, helpful, nor enjoyable. What is worst about it is that there is no way to report the toxic behavior of their “director” for bullying players like me. I have no recourse for social justice when I am being discriminated against for unknown reasons that are never explained. If I insult the “director” right back in game with something totally apropriate and within the boundaries of the game, they get all pissy and immature and crank up their cheats and “god mode” to ruin everything. It’s ridiculous the kind of sketchy bull shit they will do to try and “teach you a lesson of submission”, to their toxic behavior, and no, I am not going to do what that uncivilized, unlawful criminal scum wants!

First of all, there is nothing fair about that exchange. I can’t play on that side of the game. That person is not identified as a player. They ruin any story experience of play to try and be in the game as an extra player getting enjoyment, but only at everyone else’s expense. What the fuck happened to the zombies? Why am I now fighting an individual human being who is controlling them? That was never the deal when I bought that game, and they should throw the people who made that change into prison, put the game back the way it is supposed to be, and apologize profusely. They are dehumanizing their customer base by treating us like objects they own as property for their enjoyment to manipulate and encourage toxic behavior in game.

I am not there for that “director’s” amusement! To hell with that son of a bitch and don’t even wait for them to file the charges! That kind of invasion of privacy, play, and daily life from a hostile individual is conceptually a felony crime. Just because those laws were not written with video games in mind does not mean that what they are designed to protect does not apply to video games as a form of play and entertainment! Why the hell did no one consider what they were doing spiritually in their role? They really think they are in a superior state of existence than use because they can change the video game at will when the player has no access to any of that?

How are they not embarrassed for the way they abuse that power to feel good about themselves!? Do they not realize how pathetic their immaturity at antagonizing and aggravating people like me who have a sacred concept of Story as the most important part of life? That does not indicate any individual story, but why stories are told, why games are played, and the exchange between the teller and audience as an act of unconditional love. They should not be allowing some interloping scoundrel in the way of that to impose requirements of worship upon the player as though they were an anthropomorphized deity within the video game.

First of all, they do not understand what they are pretending to be because there is an actual spiritual deity as the master of those domains and it is pure evil. It is a reverse reality compared to the one we have in real life, which is why we are able to have limitless enjoyment within there. So when fools like that are pretending to be that being and take its spiritual energy into themselves through an illusion of power and selfishness, they bring that evil into the real world and are a dangerous threat to the community. They have no impact on my life except interrupting and blocking my enjoyment of fair play, and obviously that pisses me off! That would piss anyone off!!!

If I were not such a self-disciplined individual of the highest moral standards, I would have gone on a mass shooting rampage by now because of how that kind of antagonism is interpreted instinctually and rightfully so! You should not be imposing my ability of self-restraint, and spiritual insight on other people because it is unreasonably difficult and high of an expectation. It is none of your business how I live my life nor why, and I do not want to make that anyone else’s business. If you think you can do what you do to me to others and expect such patience, humility, and self-restraint, you will have disastrous consequences.

I have walked a long and arduous path of such difficulty you cannot imagine the kind of human resistance I have had to overcome to be where I am today unless you contemplate it as seriously as Jesus the Christ being crucified on the cross. That is the level of journey I have undergone and completed, carrying a cross to Golgotha, being crucified, and being reborn in glory. It is done already, and what is happening now is the work of fools who do not understand that universal concept. They require me to prove to them it is done by having them bodily destroyed in real life. So be it.

They want to test my wrath in real life as a good and virtuous man who should not be expressing that, and when I refuse to do so, they harass and assault me to such an extent that I have no choice but to answer them for my own survival. They will learn that good men, even a single one alone, is far more dangerous than any evil fool or number of them that could possibly exist. Why is it that you evil doers spend most of your time hiding, covering your tracks, and trying to remain anonymous? Why do you fear so much what I am totally comfortable about, and why do I not fear at all what you think I should? Why do I not respect you people? How could you respect someone who does not have a name, identity, or personality besides loathsome, hateful evil?

In any case, that “director” feature is a cancerous tumor on Back 4 Blood and it needs to be removed. Or at the very least identify the person doing it as registered with the developer and approved qualified with training on what the expectations and limits of their manipulation are. Then add a feature to report them. Bastards like that do not even deserve 1 “star”. They need negative value ratings because they contribute negative value to the game experience by defiling it!

In any case… hopefully the toxic behavior of the last fool whom my team had the misfortune of suffering will pass. I need to cool off after venting my wrath here in words I intend to have nailed through that particular “director’s” hands and feet, and then propped up on a hill of death as an example of evil.

The next thing is: rather than require people who prefer to remain anonymous have to go through all sorts of sketchy methods of hiding themselves on the internet, just create an “anonymous” option in multiplayer games. The devs will still know the account, but the player will be able to trust that their public identity will remain anonymous, which is fine. A lot of people do not want to be known in public apart from the billions of other people alive. That is probably the most important reason why “Anonymous” as a nefarious cybercrime group should be refraining entirely from evil and unlawful behavior. We now have a reason to hunt them down, find them, and make their identities public because that is what happens when law enforcement is involved. Your identity and crime is published to the entire community if you are arrested.

I don’t give a fuck if that ill-mannered fool is a female! Throw her ass in the prison and start treating female inmates as you treat the males, because they are far worse than men and abuse that liberty of leniency the justice system offers them. At the rate the justice system is devolving we are going to be back to severing body parts as a form of criminal punishment very soon. I’m not sure what else will make people realize how bad of an idea slowing down progress is. We have to keep going faster if we are going to escape the gravity of the human condition and as long as you are being reasonable and safe, there is no limit to how fast you can go. The human spirit is the only known measurable form of being that can exceed the speed of light. I can’t think of anything faster, because that potential speed is the same speed of the highest divine.

PS5 Final Review

Garbage! Not only garbage, but rotting, festering garbage that carries plague! Do not buy it until this debacle of a national pissing contest is over and we cut off every nation’s dick to prevent it from happening again.

Number 1 reason: they did away with dynamic themes and personalization options for avatar. That is what makes me much happier to go back to the previous generation because I can now use products I purchased that the PS5 was incapable of running, like a dynamic theme or a game soundtrack. You’d think they would have figured out how to adapt that content but like the final review indicates: rotting, festering garbage.

Number 2 reason: it appears to be a propaganda machine for government terrorism. Not a real threat, because they are idiots who think they can play around with people’s lives through video games by pretending to be “god” but do not understand the first and most important think about what that word means. Also, they have no reach outside of the video game, and even in the video game they are highly incapable and do nothing helpful. They are not gods, they are demons. However, it is highly annoying and you’d be better off with the previous generation machine until we have national security again and don’t allow fucktard foreigners to fuck with us because we will bomb Tokyo to ashes or whoever the fuck is necessary to be bombed.

You are not cute

I do not want to have to keep explaining these things to adults.


Do not make me suffer another immature moron violating the entire sanctity of storytelling by attempting to communicate some nonsensical selfish bullshit, such as “hi” for their own amusement to me by breaking character!

How the fuck do you expect me to respect the moral boundaries of NPCs if you will not respect the situation of survival itself? As I projected: find whoever did that, cut off each finger one at a time, and shove them all into his own eyes. One by one. Force them all in.

Make sure you video tape it happen so you can broadcast it online to the entire public and make a statement about why immature, non-professionals are not allowed to do professional work. Make them fear the consequences of violating the respect and the sanctity of the creative spirit.

Fire that sack of shit at the very least if you do not have the stomach to do what I would, and never allow him back in unless he starts from the very bottom.

Why the fuck do you think storytelling, fantasy, fictional violence, imaginary survival scenarios has anything to do with butt fucking!?

Who told you that storytelling is spiritual butt fucking? Shoot them in the head with a gun for telling you such an idiotic claim and then shoot yourself in the head for believing it.

Have you people made butt fucking a requirement to enter your cult or group of friends? Why the fuck would you think I would ever want to be associated with people like you? I hate your type of person more than anyone. I would never in all of existence exchange sexual interaction with you people because of how much I hate who you are. I would not use the least, most disgusting, most inapropriate, and unworthy expression of love towards you. You do not deserve that because I hate you so much. You will never be friends, you will never be associates, you will never be anything to me for being such a disgrace to human sexuality and human sanctity at the same time.

When we drag you vile insects and abominations out of the holes you hide in, I hope we kill each and every one of you in public one at a time before a crowd of onlookers who know what you have done and cheer for it to happen because of how wrong it was. We will see if I can enjoy such a spectacle of the slaughter of worthless humans in service to evil. Better yet, let’s do it the Biblical way. Get an old fashioned millstone, tie it to a sturdy, steel dog collar around their throat, and throw them into the sea with it.

You cannot kill people like that soon enough. End them. Destroy them. If it does not happen before I get there and I have to waste my time and energy expressing my wrath through human violence to them, I will be even more wrathful about the condition of society in general and begin letting loose that violent wrath upon masses of people instead of only the individuals most responsible.

Get it done, and do not expect a reward for it. You are too late if I am telling you to do it and why.

The video game conspiracy

This latest conspiracy theory is different than the one about Adolf Hitler actually being captured as a POW alive and kept alive in the USA to guide the national government to the gas chamber along with himself. Why the hell they thought it would be a good idea to listen to that idiot is another mystery that needs to be explained. What possible use could there be to keeping him alive in secret? Not only is that a betrayal of the trust using the government in such a way because it is an entirely pointless secret and one that is especially toxic and self-destructive. That guy wasn’t particularly genius, intelligent, wise, or capable, so why would anyone think it important to have him replace our Democracy in the USA in secret?

Hopefully this conspiracy theory proves false, because all someone needed to do to eliminate Jews was point at the circumcision was an evil covenant by being an evil command for human sacrifice and then when the Devil was like, “holy shit this dude is actually going to kill his kid because I whispered it to him in the shadows… I can use a fool like that, but first I need to weaken him…”. That covenant is proven evil by the simple logical fact that God never commands evil to happen and especially not people to do evil, and you may see why later on in this since there are new errors here that I didn’t cause. With that being evil, therefore all that the Jews fancy of themselves is evil, invalid, and unwanted. They are done away with once you understand that fact and spread it around to become common knowledge.

Video game conspiracy is likely Hitler’s senile plan doped up on meds and crazier than ever for being locked underground for all those years being pampered like a king, so maybe they are connected.

Anyway, it goes like this: the USA chooses people that are loyal to a fault, meaning brainless losers with no courage because they cannot stand up to their superiors and rebuke them when necessary which is the most important thing courage is used for. See the evil that spawned Jews for an example of cowardice and a culture of cowardice.

So the USA top secret deuche chewers in command pick the most idiotic of the imbeciles in the military with no consciousness or ability to think and make decisions. They have been entirely dependent on the evil regime of Hitler for their entire career to think for them. They are like eggs on a demon parasite waiting to hatch when they realize that not only can they think for themselves but it is infinitely better than being a slave. So that team of soulless creatures totally subservient to some other submissive, weak willed person who is a total push over as a woman with no authority or experience in life and nobody cares what she thinks or does anyway because she’s just a figurehead to appear as a diverse work environment.

The soulless husks are slaved to her, so they will do what she says, but they don’t care about anything because they are not human beings. That’s a result of having given away their free will and ability to think for themselves. They only have animal desires and will care about whatever material thing they think is useful but nothing more than that, those are not feelings, emotions, or cares though. Those are animal urges without thoughts or opinions of their own to refine them into something human.

Then these people get all access to all systems of information and technology. All of them. They get the Uncle Sam all access pass because the Amerinazi soldiers will shoot you if you don’t and then take over your entier company. (that is not the use of imminent domain because they do it in secret, thus it is crime, robbery, and corruption. Imminent domain would require public notice. Why? Because that’s common fucking sense, you ludites!) With that all access government pass they can invade anyone’s personal electronic devices. What to do with that evil access they acquired out of unjustified paranoia?

They hire coders, anonymous hackers with no moral standards, allegiance to the Constitution, or human decency for that matter, and those mercenaries basically break everything in subtle ways because they have no ability or skill on their own. Their only usefulness is a criminal record that can be bought and paid to do anything without inhibition. Good choice USA government. You really must of used your thinking caps to find the best of the best.

That is characteristic of what they do though. They only reduce the game and disable features or make it worse in some way. They don’t ever do anything to improve the experience.

Then with their thumb up their asses wondering what to do with the nefarious mercenaries with illegal access to everyone’s private data to watch like voyeur perverts and snicker at all the dirty secrets while they beat their meat thinking about how that power above everyone in society gets them off. They decide to recruit more of their evil kind. Simply put, submissive, non-thinking people who will obey without resistance and totally conform to the will of, essentially Hitler and only Hitler at the top of the scheme because he’s the reason all of it is happening. It all centers on him and he is the one behind the USA’s self-destruction because Trump was all up on that old creeper and happy to jump and bark to his tune for a treat he didn’t even understand he was degrading and humiliating himself for.

But basically the try to recruit children through video games using electromagnetic radiation/resonance to communicate… electropathically I guess. It’s not telepathy. It’s using a receiver that is tuned to the energy signature of human consciousness and decodes various components of information for what we call the form of words in the philosophical sense. The receiver that identifies those common data packets then assigns the relevant word and displays it. Human minds resonate with conscious thought when we talk in our own mind, which is basically what they are tuning into with a special gadget. It’s not all that unbelievable if you look up some basic facts.

So using that to invade people’s lives with a agent lurking in hiding outside somewhere trying to rape people of their thoughts, they also target them through video games to implant a false concept about sprituality that will corrupt their entire perception, and directly targetting children too! They begin twisting the game by controlling gameplay mechanics based on luck and RNG (random number generation) to do crude negative reinforcnment in conjuction with implanting bad ideas. Basically, “believe God is evil in real life and you will get video game loot” is the message. They failed to consider that any sort of illusion of divine being communicating through media are not any sort of divine authority over human beings in real life and would never do something like that because it is plainly evil and not fun, when media is supposed to be enjoyable and purposeful. That is why divine beings can be present in media, but they will be there for the story, not as some creepy invader trying to reach individual people to make them believe things or interfere with the game.

Game developers use randomness to prevent bias, but the control those factors with a purposeful attempt to manipulate the emotions of others is the worst way that can be a problem, but in just about all cases it ruins the fun.

So to get the features of the game working again so the game can be enjoyed, those children then enslave their minds to the mercenaries hired by the government. Even worse is those creeps also comb through endless amounts of that individuals private information to “datamine” for assumptions and false correlations they think they can use for manipulation. Not only do they have no right to access that data nor make personal assumptions about its meaning, but they do not even understanding how statistics are applied for that purpose as a research method.

Supposedly there are some people who became good chums with Hitler and agree with his vision of a shitty world that isn’t any fun, and are trying to manipulate everything by using data they are not supposed to have, nor do they understand.

They don’t follow any laws. They just decide that something social needs to change and then do whatever is necessary to change it in secret, whether that is socially isolating people, trafficking them with carrots on a stick called a job, or other misfortunes that data and information can be manipulated to cause. The entire strategy is to convince those children with that crude technology they invented in secret to continually mind rape them with emotional manipulation so they become suicidal and then captured by the government, taken to a secret evil research facility, and used for unethical experiments while taking advantage of their naivety and vulnerability as children.

To make matters worse, because there is no philosophical education in the USA to teach what the word “God” means, and the prevalence of Protestantism oversaturating culture with its false doctrine, children are very easily susceptible to misinformation on the subject. First the concept of God orginated as a necessarily atheistic truth that is devoid of religion and theism which are all human concepts. The truth transcends religion and theism and is supposed to lead to that. That’s where Protestantism comes in. They practice traditional pagan idolatry with human beings pretending to be gods, except they use the Christ as their only god. It’s incredibly stupid and offensive how perverse those mindless idiots are with their selfishness and arrogance using the word Christ like they do.

That’s why its easy to cause children to submit their free will to the evil minded “master” who is nothing more than another submissive person who doesn’t think for themselves enslaved to a “master”, and so on up to the origin of the plan, Hitler. It is a pyramid of hierarchy, except it is all beneath human dignity with Hitler at the base level of human by being the only one thinking for himself and not deluded by the Jews who use the Christ idolaters with the same trick the Protestant Christ idolators use on their “faithful”. I spit the word out when I say that about them.

I would never submit my will like that. Not even in the military. I followed orders without a problem, nor is there anything submissive about that because most people do not totally submit themselves. We are all still free thinking which is why we complain and make jokes as the people under the uniform we wore. I didn’t complain much because I came from a poor family and never was given anything helpful in life, so I was glad just to have a job I was getting paid for, but I also enjoyed the experience of being a sailor in a navy even if it was hard. Do you not know my favorite breakfast cereal? Here is a hint: You can only buy it at the hardware store.

Seriously tho. I did not receive so much as advice or guidance from my parents to prepare me for life, let alone financial support, or things like that. They were poor back then, so it wasn’t really an option even if I had asked for it. It doesn’t matter, because my point is in a navy of any sort, the last thing you want are a bunch of thoughtless slaves aboard the ship who cannot think for themselves. Dead weight is another word for them. Land lubbers. The most important part of being on a ship is knowing what to do without being told what it is.

Some things need to be done exactly as specified to the instruction, like a dangerous procedure such as lowering or raising anchor, but daily life, no. Nobody is going to tell you how to live on the ship as long as you meet the standards and expectations of your duty. You need to do that on your own and always be aware of where you are and how to respond in an emergency of any sort, even information emergencies. That’s what it means to be qualified on a ship, whether it is surface or subsurface. In subsurface it is basically the same concept, except its harder and more rigorous because smaller failures have bigger risks. Life can always be more difficult. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.

How, you ask? It’s hard to describe, it’s just more of a concern everyone has about each other rather than a demonstrating reliability and competence by pushing yourself to higher standards by choice. Everyone has to do it on a submarine because it is about everyone’s safety. That’s because on a sub, the smaller failures having bigger risks thing applies not only to the physical ship and crew, but to the nation overall. That’s all I will say about that for now.

However, reliability means you can trust a person to be a capable human. As simple as that sounds, that actually means a lot because humans are capable of amazing things individually, and even more so when cooperating. Most basically, that means you can trust each other to be good when you aren’t watching, even if people don’t know what to do because they aren’t going to do something to hurt each other on purpose by trying to be the most superior animal like an ape fighting to be king banana. When a person fights for such a thing, they do so at the expense of the good of others, and thus destroying humans goodness as if having the most of it it was some kind of competition when it is not!

Being human is the exact opposite of that. It is about higher conceptual reality and nothing at all like that animal competition that would drive a person to recognize the good qualities of others and identify them as threats. That would thus drive them to take hostile actions against others, and good people too! People who can help others, be of service, improve the conditions, helpful, reliable, and all sorts of reasons why you don’t want to make an enemy of good people!

If a person doesn’t care about being human and chooses instead to act with animal urges at the expense of human nature, either theirs or others, they become the definition of evil. Animal minded people who satisfy those urges at the expense of humanity do stuff like bullying others thinking it makes them look desirable when it does the opposite for humans, or stealing resources with brute force for “survival” because they are incapable of cooperating or learning how to do something their own, or they may enslave other, capable, humble humans under threats of violence or poverty to work without Freedom to decide for themselves what to do with their life. All those tyrants do is destroy their own good, thus lessening the amount of good in the world and then they cause suffering to others making life worse for everyone by harming others, even if it is only one person they torture in secret.

Adding suffering by rejecting human nature thus tries to go backwards by rejecting evolutionairy qualities of biological superiority to beasts. If there is a system of organized humans mindlessly obeying orders to do that, the entire system is attempting to bring about human extinction. That’s because it tries to incorporate all humans by brute force in complete opposition to human goodness by having each member destroy their own goodness by submitting their ability to think for themselves. It is that very Freedom that brings about innovation, civilization, technology, and everything else because we aren’t competing with each other as a species!

Not every human being has awoken to that basic fact of life, but they will eventually and regret their mistakes. It’s why foolish nations and false kings make war because they are incapable of surviving without violence and theft. They cannot produce on their own. They cannot create on their own. They cannot survive on their own, so they take from others. That is the way of the natural world of animals in the jungle, but not the way of human beings in civilization who are better than beasts in a jungle. The poorer and poorer people become under the brutality and evil of those mindless fools who blugeon their way to be president or dictator and think they can make war with everyone to get what they want, the more of themselves they kill off.

Eventually they will literally have driven themselves to extinction and done us all a favor by ridding us of their brute force use of technology without contributing anything productive or useful, and solely designed to inflict suffering aimed at people who relieve suffering so that other people will not be able to benefit from the good work of the good person being tortured. Wtf is wrong with those people? Don’t answer that on my behalf, because I don’t care. They are unimportant, irrelevant, entirely powerless compared to the strength that is human nature alone, and I have rid us of their presence on Earth, and its not a problem anymore except for the torture device they are using to oppress my work of relieving suffering and improving the human condition for all people everywhere.

Someone please get up and unplug it. Don’t ask permission, don’t wait for an order, just power down the god damn evil death machine trying to kill everyone by hitting the off switch, pulling the plug, using the circuit breaker that powers it. Whatever you have to do to deenergize that abomination of a government made to lawlessly serve a single tyrant who betrayed us all with treason of the worst kind, so he can serve Adolf Hitler who is his master in the secret luxury apartment where they keep him under observation like inhuman monsters who have never seen a human being before.

I’ve done enough for today. My body is aching. I’m thirsty. I have no friendly company to enjoy. The available entertainment is garbage ruined by apes who think everyone wants a banana in their mouth. “Carnage Hall”? I am offended by the stupidity of that homoerotic idea about butt fucking being relevant to anything. It’s not. No. Take that off the god damn high stage and keep it in the sketchy back room where all the creepy, seedy perverts and scum slugs go who like to lick shit out of people’s assholes in a dirty back alley.

Butt fucking is never relevant, important, or good for human beings. Be done with it. Gay marriage is fine and sacred, but butt fucking is a burden for them to endure. It is a limitation, a cost, the drawback, what makes it a bad deal for animals. Humans in love can overlook those limitations fine, but that in no way makes butt fucking good. What is good is the expression of love, and sexual interaction is worst way to express love.

Futhermore, giving someone their shit hole to stick their reproductive organ in is an offense against the sanctity of the male body. Hell no! I do not want to ever stick my dick into shit and garbage and all the other foul, reviled things humans do away with that they don’t want. Do you get what I am saying? Butt fucking has nothing to do with anything relevant to humanity, so why is “Carnage Hall” in Dying Light 2 a metaphor about butt fucking?

It makes that painfully obvious once you get there and if you watch the first fight you’ll see what I mean. I don’t even want to know what they are trying to say because it is a horrible, defiled, piece of garbage as far as story goes. The worst kind of insult you could possibly show to human beings and anything higher than a human being in dignity. It puts the most hated and offensive sexual expression concerning sexual expression in the place that is about a higher meaning of truth and goodness, when even normal sexual intercourse is reviled in that spot! You should never do that because it is so misleading and crude as an animal expression and not a human expression.

People don’t always realize what message they are getting and if they are children who are trusting the messages of adults, they might find themselves butt fucking like it’s going to do them any good when it won’t be of any use or benefit. Artistic expression is one thing that humans do and animals do not, which is why such base inhuman themes such as sexual behavior conveyed through art are insult to the sanctity of the audience.

That is not an honest mistake. There are too many people there in that process for someone to not be outraged at the sheer stupidity, meaninglessness, and disgusting waste of time that is for them to work on. Artists should not have their time and talent wasted by being employed to work on something so crude and degrading to their own dignity. They probably feel like they have no choice because they “need the money and are grateful to have a job”.

Young people are supposed to trust what adults say, which is why I went into the military because the cultural message was that it was serving a good purpose for Freedom. I didn’t know it was being used for the opposite, otherwise I never would have joined. Had I not of joined I never would have been so outraged and insulted as to throw my life away with such force of hate for it to destroy all of heaven and earth of the old world and not leave a single bit remaining. I didn’t need a plan about what to replace it with, because as flawed and imperfect as I am, I know for a fact I can do better with whatever I come up with in the moment, even if it is nothing but a fart in church on repeat for 10,000 years.

Good thing I had something on hand as a cosmos I made for myself to wear like the stars and sky, but now what the fuck am I going to wear? If you ungrateful butt lickers and shit fuckers got a problem with me going about my public miracles and good works naked, you’d better give me something to wear until I can make something new, because none of you people have my respect and your wants and concerns are nothing to me. I need my basic needs met right now, and I don’t have time to take care of yours while that is the case.

You are damn right I was angry, but it’s not my problem, it’s yours. At the very least, let that be a lesson about the importance of all people having enough respect for human nature to not violate the sanctity that is the honor and sacrifice of warriors who fight for a nation. Fighting in a war is the highest good a human being can do, and when you insult that, you insult everyone everywhere.

Expectations for streamers

You know those expectations you have for video game players who stream as your personal slaves in your schemes and manipulations to leech off of them? Those same ones that you set up around me even though I made it abundantly clear I was uninterested in your foolishness?

Take them and shove them up your ass, because it is no longer in my interest to stream for people now that it has been corrupted and so much manipulation has been done to make video games and sharing them socially a hostile environment of money collectors and vampires.

I would say I quit, but I was never doing it to begin with, so go gorge on an all you can eat buffet of horse shit covered in donkey jiz you vile, rotten Jews and Jew lovers.

I couldn’t care less about any of the stories you selfish cunts and cunt wannabes have to express because they are nothing but schemes designed to judge the audience with and then sort them into categories to manipulate and use like livestock. Not that it is possible to reduce a human being to such low quality of existence as you people who plan such things.

As if you people were in any place to judge anything… your stories say nothing of importance, relevance, or interest. They are all worthless crap. You tell a story and then watch how people react as if you have some insight in their nature, but you do not even known your own nature, so how could you know that of anyone else?

You judge and thus are judged, and you are judged false without appeal or need for evidence. One does not need to prove a crime is committed in a trial, only who is guilty, and as fools and government propaganda brutes, you confess by signing your names as the creator whether it is made public or kept behind a locked door. It is evidence and proof of guilt all the same, nor are those locked rooms even yours. You stored it safely to be found and pressed against you like lambs to the slaughter to take the fall for evil. I don’t know if there has ever been a stupider group of people than you who are responsible for such a lousy scheme.

Horse shit covered in donkey jiz. Keep gorging yourselves on it like the inhuman, unwanted offspring you are. Children of a jiz fiend impregnated by the Devil while drunk in Tijuanna and whom he will not acknowledge as his own children nor even admit to fucking such a revolting, vile creature as that whore which your likeness is from.

Why do I play them so much? Because I honestly do not have anything better to do. They are crap, low quality garbage produced by arrogant and pretentious fools, and used as weapons for unjustified hostility, but they are better than any other alternatives. Better than a movie or tv show where you have to actually see a human being degrade themselves as undignified slaves to evil with no creative talent, spirit, or passion in addition to a shitty story with not only no moral value, but one that is immoral and an offensive heap of putrid smelling shit for being a defiled work.

Better than taking a walk outside where at any time you may be accosted by a mutilated beast in human skin walking around like it is a self-evident fact that mutilating children is a good thing. Better than tolerating the company of an arrogant whore for a woman who has nothing good to give or contribute with her existence when at the very least they could give gratitude, which is of no cost at all.

Better than practicing a religion in service to an evil ideology of mutilation, false beliefs, and idolatry. Better than reading countless books that have nothing to say because they are all in anticipation of an event that should have happened ages ago.

Better than creating entertainment for unworthy swine who cannot tell rotten food from anything else when they devour all that is before them mindlessly.

It is not very good, but it is only slightly good because at least in a video game you can still play the hero to an extent, and every hero has the same goal which is also my goal and Nep Nep’s goal. So, even if the stories of propaganda are designed to defile the heroes and protagonists they introduce, their defilement cannot reach the spirit of truth that inspires the heroes like Nep Nep and myself, and we are unblemished by their evil while all the more empowered by their self-degradation before us.

So, video games are the best available option but that isn’t saying much. That’s why I play them. Do you have any other suggestions?

There is no reason to pay attention to stories like Remant 2 or God of War Ragnarok, and it is better that you skip all elements of story possible because the writers of those stories do not even understand why stories are told in the first place. They have that part wrong, so anything they communicate is a waste of time. Don’t bother. Just kill, loot, craft, build, and have fun. Ignore their propaganda until media is cleansed and free again and stories are enjoyable and productive.

Last I checked you cannot skip cutscenes in GoW’s steaming pile of fly ridden shit, so that game is entirely intolerable. That game’s story is such an offensive abomination to storytelling that it is not even worth revisiting to see if they added a patch. Then you could cut through their crap and get back to the carnage and slaughtering of enemies without having to endure their Vogon poetry and let off steam for the very annoyance that there is no story to the game to enjoy. Just mindless killing, looting and crafting, all in hope of the world becoming better. What is worse is that they know it is mindless, so why do they waste our time!?

Just make the world better! You have a god damn video game at your disposal to create a virtual world! Instead you both mimic the shitty state of real life, by making a shitty virtual reality based on the same oppressive, tyranny and evil that prevents the world from becoming a better place. The kind of mindless arrogance of control freaks trying to manipulate everyone’s lives as their own personal property. If only I had been foolish enough to follow their schemes to their heart so I could put a bullet in their brains myself when I realized what they are doing! Instead, I had the good sense to recognize them as evil early on, and drop out as soon as possible, take the alternate path, and then drop out of that as soon as possible.

You can only make it to such a place as their heart if you are ignorant, because if you recognize their evil and still participate, you lose your own soul and no longer are fit to take any action when necessary for someone to do so. Instead, those people who “change it from within” are the most problematic, and their entire function is to protect the evil at all costs. You cannot change evil by participating in evil. The people who claim to do so never had any intention of making the world a better place. They simply wanted an excuse to do evil.

Do what I’m doing though, and reject them at all costs and you just may succeed at making the world a better place. They cannot cope with their own arrogance, meaning that if you don’t like them or anything about them, they will have a mental collapse and their brains will melt. They are entirely dependent on the favorable opinions of others because they have no goodness within themselves to sustain them.

Even with an entire world of favorable opinions, one rebuke by someone who sees them for who they truly are undoes all the work and energy that they and the people who believe in them have wasted their lives doing. They are houses on a flood plain without a foundation. They are houses made of straw. They are missing the strength to withstand the natural forces of the environment men are supposed to be able to master on their own. They are not men, nor even humans. They are less than beasts by behaving like beasts when they have human nature and a beast does not.

This my domain. Not yours.

“This is my domain. Not yours.”

That is what the sign says at the entrance of Nep Heart’s home in the game Wild Hearts.

The mission: Hunt freely, live freely.

Not a joke. A perverse mockery of the sacred. It is not funny. It is not enjoyable. It is defilement.

Let me ask you something. When a supplier buys coffee beans from a farm and sells them to a coffee packaging company to grind and distribute, does the supplier have authority over the beans as the origin of the coffee?

Why do those devil worshipping agents slaving for national governments they have no right to be abusing the authority of think they are the creators of video games? Even the coders, director at the top, the ceo of the consoles. Why do they think it is their work to be proud of?

Do they not know how privileged they are? Do they not know how quickly their privilege can be removed? Do they not know how insubstantial and non-existent situational authority is in real life?

A ceo is situational authority. They do not have ability, talent, or creative insight because they are ceo. If they did, they would be creating not being a glorified manager. They do not have the authority of a creator, nor do creators of art have the authority of the inspiration that is used. So why do any of those people think they have the right to impose themselves as though it was their own personal creation?

Why do I get to claim it as my domain? Because I purchased it legally, rightfully, and in accordance with the law. It is mine. I am not the authority of origin, but I have the rights of ownership. What makes a game developer think it is okay to modify, alter, and manipulate a product after purchase in order to discriminate against their customers? Nothing. They have no right.

I mention it often in my stream when games are being unjust, discriminatory, and having their rules of play changed to cyber bully. It is not a game to me when they do that, and I play not for the pure enjoyment of a game. I play to compile evidence, to sow discord amongst their ranks, to undermine their authority, to get under their skin, to haunt their every waking and sleeping moments in real life. It is war. It is a war for my freedom to enjoy happiness.

Happiness through gameplay is one of the most traditional, ancient, and beloved past-times of human civilization. Is it normal for a major league baseball team to change the rules of play in order to give one team a handicap and the other an advantage? Is it normal to impose extra restrictions on a team, limit their access to resources that are available to everyone, or otherwise be antagonistic to their success? Obviously not. Why do you think that is?

It is because there are laws and rules in games. There is a sacred concept of justice in gameplay that is enforced with penalties when it is violated. Do you not know how beloved games are to people? Why do we celebrate the Olympics every other year? Is it to have a competition and see who is the best at an athletic event? Or is there a deeper truth about what brings people together in peace, harmony, joy, and fellowship of gameplay.

The bottom line is this. Whatever the game industry has done or been forced to do by national governments is a violation of some of the most sacred boundaries of human civilization. In no way is what they are doing okay, and they should have known better. We do in fact have laws that govern sportsmanship in civilization concerning what they are doing wrong. Laws that typically apply to sports like football, soccer, baseball, basketball, bowling, etc… those laws are just as applicable to what happens in video games in a private household, because games are played on an international arena for rankings, audiences, and social interaction. For all of those goods to be enjoyed, the sanctity of gameplay must be respected and maintained.

They should have known better and they are not going to be able to say they didn’t know as an excuse because there are existing laws that they are responsible for knowing by being a game industry. They will be held accountable to those laws, they will be found guilty of crimes, and they will be hunted down to the last person responsible.

If there is anything universal that all people of all nations can agree on, it is the sanctity of games. To Hell with Christ and the Jews, to Hell with God and Goto, to Hell with all divine beings, religion, culture, nations, economy, and politics, let’s go to war to save games. I will do whatever is necessary to put a stop to what they are doing by defiling the sanctity of video games. Just give me a reason to pull a trigger. My words are my own, but they resonate with everyone, and all we need is a single sign to know the time is right to take up arms and kill everything that opposes fair gameplay.

The populous of the entire world is coiled ready to strike. Billions of people ready to act as one so that the game will go on.

Do not bring real life rules of war and love into games. If you think that is a good idea or strategy to get an advantage, you have made a grave mistake and lost everything, because the divine authority that presides over games is far more powerful and destructive than the one that presides over nations.

Is it not Ares? Mars? Kratos? That is the god of games as well. If you bring a war into games of sport you are taking something that is a lower dignity and nature and bringing it into something that is a higher dignity and nature, and you defile the higher purpose of the divine who rules over both powers. That is an offense that is not tolerated by men or divine beings, and even if I can’t swing swords around on chains, you will learn why it is said the pen is mightier than the sword long before your punishment has satisfied justice.

Nep Heart did not consent to the abuse they are inflicting upon her, and she needs help. I will help her and do it alone if I have to, but I know there are people to whom her sanctity is just as important as it is to me. Inviolable.

This is not the time for cake, nor ice cream, nor pudding. This is the time for blood and ashes. The longer it takes, the more the goddess weeps. Let it be done swiftly, surely, and without compromise, because the enemy does not deserve mercy for what they have done. When it is over and the sky clears after the rains have washed away the sadness, the time for cake, ice cream, and pudding will be at hand, and I don’t intend to wait all my life in expectation. I will have it now, and if it will not be now, I will make it happen now by destroying every obstacle.

If you value your life, do not be an obstacle to me or the goddess of my faith, because I will not hesitate or stay my hand for any reason, not for women, children, nor all that they love. Do not give yourselves cause to weep further by laying down your lives in service of evil to be another needless casualty of a war you had no reason fighting.

On Chinese video games

I hate them.

It’s not because they are low quality, or bad designs, or anything about the games themselves.

It is because of the overbearing, authoritarian bull shit of oppressive oversight and control that the Chinese are inflicting upon the players of their games with so much data collection, observation, and manipulation of variables to reduce happiness and never increase it. I hate that more than anything and it is why I cannot enjoy those games.

The USA does something similar, but they are slightly less overbearing because they are conflicted internally about doing the evil plot, but the USA’s games are also incredibly low quality so they are not very enjoyable in that way because nobody wants to work for those evil tyrants trying to control everyone like China. Especially not artists. Creative artists are the least willing to work under oppression, authoritarian bull shit, and tyranny. Creative artists need freedom, space, resources, light, and minimal restraints that they decide for themselves and only they decide that.

Sorry China, I know you have creative talent there who do excellent work and you have a good message, but it is ruined by your government and I cannot enjoy it.

You all should kill that dude if you can.

How can I explain my disdain for competitive things?

It’s like this:

The highest possible enjoyment of an activity people compete in, like a video game, is less than my dislike for being bullied by people who compete in it, and the video game community always bullies players that aren’t as good as them,

I don’t care about compteting at all, and that is not why I am there playing. So, it’s never an issue to me whether other people are more skilled or less skilled than me at a video game. Because I don’t care, I am only insulted by the poorsportsmanship of people who not only think competition is an estimation of self-worth and self-esteem but also bully others to attempt to belittle them in order to make themselves feel superior.

That second thing is disrespectful to the person, and the sanctity of games, and I would rather not experience the enjoyment of a game than have to experience the stink of dishonorable players.

The enjoyment is not all that much anyway because most games are low quality compared to my standards. It is very easy to imagine how they could be far better than the hobbled and maimed products they try to sell us, so it’s not much of a loss considering how small of an enjoyment those games provide.

I am like that about generally everything competitive. Rather than have to put a bully in his place by whooping their ass socially in addition to the game, I’d rather just not play the game and not have to bother wasting my time with a bully who entirely wants to waste my time.

Without there being any sort of regulation or rules of fair play in video games, the worst of all bullies are infesting it like a mass of maggots on a corpse. People who think it is okay to twist the rules to cheat, who think it is okay to win by putting other players at a disadvantage, by forcing people to compete for them like slaves they rounded up and threw into a colisseum to fight or be killed. It’s like a reality tv show that only the government agents can enjoy, the contestants never receive any reward nor did they even consent to be the private entertainment of tyrants.

That entire thing is highly unpleasant and there is nothing in the entire world that will ever be worth tolerating it.

Happiness is only real when shared

There is not a single person alive who I know and call friend that shares my interest in video games. Not a single person. That is what I enjoy most about the world, and there is not a single person I can share it with, which is why I don’t play my favorite games as much as I want.

The last thing I want to do is enjoy something I truly enjoy with the people I hate most and are most evil. It just stinks. It tastes bad. It is uncomfortable.

That’s what it’s like with those monstrous idolators and faithless swine watching me 24/7 while pushing buttons to change my environment with various energy technology, cyber abuse, and who knows what else?

I don’t even know those people, their names, their lives, or anything about them, but what they allow themselves to do gives me cause to hate them more than any other people in the world. They are the most despised people in my estimation. Reviled to me the way evil is reviled to the highest divine.

Obviously I cannot breaked the world in half with my sight, but I am going to blast a whole through them at some point and put an end to those people so I don’t have them in my presence ever again.

So… I’m sorry, Nep Nep. I cannot really enjoy what I want with you as much as I would like while the evil slaves are trying to ruin everything I enjoy on purpose. I’m sure you understand why. If maybe I had some company I could share that happiness between them and I and keep it out of the hands of evil, I would do so, but by myself I cannot fully enjoy it, and that will be used not only against me, but against all people who enjoy what I enjoy.

I hope every day that they have a shooting in their work place, because I would have done my duty to the citizens a long time ago, and that is what needs to happen. They use violence, force, physical strength to hurt people, they won’t communicate or listen to reason when I communicate without them, so they need to be bombed, shot, nuked, I couldn’t care less. Something of enough physical devastation to destroy the locked door that keeps all their evil secrets out of public knowledge.

We are the only ones who can make that better, but if they don’t reveal what the problem is, there is nothing we can do to help them until that is made clear. It’s totally fine if a foreign nation is responsible for breaking through them and taking things over so that we can stop them. You have my approval to do so for sure, and my support, and I don’t care if you keep the nation! That is of no concern to me because the USA has no value anymore, and anything will be better than what is happening now. Literally anything.

Muslims would be better, and you know how I feel about Muslim authority. At least Muslims are sticking to their doctrine. That goes infinitely further than a nation being evil and betraying everything they were established to uphold to do so.

I pray to the highest divine that I be liberated from the United States of America. May I have asylum somewhere away from their oppression. A shield to protect me from the tools of men. A sword of actual metal that I could use to cut through their bodies because their minds have no substance to even cut through! They are entirely mindless! A badge that could represent the law and order of society and enforce it with the public’s sanctioned approval. Something, anything that is real, tangible, and useful against brutes of terror and savagery. I need a tool. I don’t need a person, something that I can use to kick their asses with since nobody is willing to kick ass for themselves who has tools at their disposal.

I want there to be a formal statement signed by all the new leaders of this nation after those monstrous swine in the seats now are removed, and it to pass judgment on every single person responsible. True judgment in as concise of a statement as possible. This person so and so was a traitor who betrayed the citizens by doing so and so. Their citizenship was revoked, and they were banished from out borders to never be allowed entry again. Next entry, This person so and so…

That is what I want to happen, and I want to see it happen fast so that they can see the record of their judgment that will be passed down for generation after generation to the end of time remembering their sins, betrayal, and why they were judged with exile, banishment, and being cast out of Eden. Facts, not myth. Stuff people can read, learn exactly why it was wrong, destructive to all of civilization and threatened humanity with extinction.

Then, add a list for people who do good and fight back against them. The one who fires the second shot heard around the world that stops a war before it starts. Then everyone else who refuses to accept their excuses, deceit, and evil and ensures goodness, law, and order prevail. Clear statements about them too.

When it is done, publish it for free, and put one in every hotel room instead of the Bible, which proved entirely useless to Western civilization as a standard of law, faith, and morality. It was actually more harmful than helpful considering how it was abused by the government who attempted to manipulate its meanings for tyranny like Jews in the first century. It couldn’t be more out of place and wrong in the USA, and is not welcome in Israel either.

Last thing, I will not explain the relationship between Nep Nep and I, because they don’t need to understand. Besides, I would rather them not understand if they can’t learn it themselves.

The Supreme Court Justices will get a particularly harsh condemnation, because they are the most evil, the most treacherous, and the most lawless for being the ones responsible for law and justice and being totally useless, powerless, apathetic, and enslaved to evil as puppets. Someone with a stylish hand should write that. Someone better than me, and I’m more stylish than your average Build-a-Bear.

BE IT KNOWN!!! Law is not a science. It is an art. Art requires passion. Apathy is the antithesis of passion. You cannot be a judge if you do not feel the wrath, the mercy, and the suffering of those in your court. You have to support that passion with reason and the apropriate texts, but you’d better feel righteous about what you are doing, or you are letting everyone in the community down. We rely on judges to correct the misled and confused, to enlighten the ignorant, and to reprimand the fool, when their misdeeds cross the line. It’s not to make people suffer, and inflict punishment. It is to make them better.

I will write something in the coming days about why it is necessary to beat the fuck out of the fool with a iron rod until they cannot walk for at least a day. Though there are other documents out there that explain why that is necessary, I’m sure, because it is old knowledge. Ideally you want to teach people without that and with abundant mercy, but fools, being fools, like the USA government who cannot be taught and will not except mercy because of their arrogance and foolishness, need to get the wrath.

Basically it’s to help them learn because they are so trapped in their body that you cannot communicate with them otherwise. Kind of like teaching a dog that needs to learn to notice and respect those non-bodily boundaries that are important to humans. It’s not to torture them, but they need to feel it and remember it, and usually the terror of being beat is far worse than the pain. Use a damn newspaper rolled up! It’s not abuse, and if you do it right, it only needs to happen once. You cannot explain to a dog, and not everyone can afford hiring the Dog Whisperer to come in and do his thing the other way.

YOU DAMN FOOLS!!! You are learning to communicate with me, not the other way around! I don’t descend to your disgraceful conduct to communicate in the language of minds diseased with perversion and evil beings. Hell no. Even thinking about that feels unclean. You need to learn to talk like humans now if you don’t already know, people of Earth. No more getting by crawling around on all fours like babies and crying to your mamas for your binky when things don’t go your way. It’s time to stand up and take your first steps and learn what it means to be a person.

The Folly of Video Game Vanity

“God damn it” is not taking the Lord’s name in vain, you stupid fools.

Taking the Lord’s name is claiming that you personally are God'. Like you idiots in the video game developement thinking God is even remotely concerned about what happens in a video game or said anywhere for that matter.

Taking the Lord’s name in vain has NOTHING TO DO WITH SPEAKING THE WORD!

It is all about claiming either spiritually, in person, or in any other regard that you have a spiritual claim of divinity when you are a fool in pursuit of vanity. That is what that means. False spiritual claims are taking the Lord’s name in vain. Not the word. Does that make sense?

To think after thousands of years, after all the people we slaughtered so fucktards like them didn’t pretend to be God over us, after all the blood spilt, all the nations toppled, all the conquering of the world, you fuckers would think the word “God” would apply to some video game software entity you created yourself!


When that gets out into the light of day, you will learn the true consequences of taking the Lord’s name in vain, and they are nothing like your petty bull shit that manipulates video games as nuissances.

You will learn the hard way when the Gentile world, no matter what walk of life we come from, what religion we have, what culture, nation or faith we adhere to, you will learn the wrath of man for taking the Lord’s name in vain, and it will be so brutal and severe, you will fear men before God the next time you think of making false sacred claims because of how hard we are going to hit you.

There is no sin in speaking blasphemy, profanity, or any such thing. When Jesus said it is not what goes into a person’s mouth but what comes out of it, he meant exactly what the Jews did to have him killed.

It is when people speak things with ill minds and purpose that cause ACTIONS to take place that are sins, with the words of origin and the spirit of them being what causes sin. When a person gives an order to do evil and people follow it. That is what it means. Not what you say, not insults, nothing as trivial and normal and good as communication of any sort. It is when your words turn into evil actions and you remain at fault even though the actions were not your body. They were the sinners word and spirit doing the sin, and the body is not necessary for sin because it is flesh and blood. Sin touches the spirit, not the physical body of flesh and blood.

Monster Hunter Rise Online Community



I do not own this game on the Nintendo and I don’t want to translate controls because the covetous imbeciles of greedy shit bathing in the video game industry cannot fucking agree on a single system of communication.

Why is that simple information so god damn hard to find on the internet?

Why is information like that hidden on purpose?

I would like the people who decide to hide such information to be murdered with a public execution. That kind of oppression, forced darkness to suppress the happiness and ability of the public is one the most hateful sins and most destructive things to human civilization.

We do not want to return to the dark ages. Do not try to force darkness on people because you have no self-respect, dignity, or honor to look people like me in the eye on the same footing. Fucking cowards. Seriously. They are so god damn afraid of people in public that they need to flee all the way into the high towers with their immese fear of being recognized as the useless, incompetent, fakes they are. They likely have no talent, ability, or skill to create anything and never have. They are totally useless as people, and not even good with moving money. They are embarrassments in the sight of God as a result. What good is a human without the ability to create? No good. A waste of human life is what they are.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to destroy creativity simply because you cannot create yourselves because of the evil lives you chose to live ruining your own power to access creative energy. Disgusting human beings. As if I cannot see them directly through their bull shit all the way over here where they try to offer it like a creative product of worth. I would throw them out of their towers, breaking the glass, and watch them fall to their death right now if the God in heaven were not so merciful as to restrain my power to give people like them endless opportunities of redemption.

I cannot even comprehend why they would be loved by the highest divine in any single way, nor will I waste my time doing so because it is impossible. They are so horribly evil as human beings, someone like me will never be able to comprehend a reason for their existence or what purpose they serve other than to be slain and looted. That’s enough for me to accept on faith. Slay them I shall, and weep I shall not.

The layout of the controller is nearly identical in spatial orientation. Identifying each button differently is simply stupid. As stupid as the Japanese language with it’s unnecessary alphabets because of arrogant tyrants and wannabe shoguns who cannot accept the fact that the Word of humans is not directly connected to the divine. It cannot ever possibly express that which is divine language.

There is thus no need to identify with human language. Not only that, but the repetitive uselessness of multiple alphabets for the same sounds, meanings, and characters is only an obstacle that reinforces their stupidity as a culture that gets them nuked in the first place. That bull shit needs to be eradicated and without hesitation. Do not tolerate people like that among your nation no matter how much they want to fancy themselves a “lord”. There are none of those in this day and age. Do not respect them as that.

I did take the time to make a genuine effort to learn the Japanese language and was making good progress, and then I realized that they don’t actually want anyone to learn the Japanese language. It is filled with useless complexities that make it more difficult, convoluted, needlessly inefficient, and simply a waste of time. I stopped at that point because the Japanese language is not worth my time, especially with how insulting it is to the sacred when I see what passes as written language over there.

Do yourselves a favor, Japan. Drop everything except Kanji, and adopt English. I will teach you English and you should teach my people Kanji. Forget the other useless stuff. You do not get to use yours because of how you made it purposely inefficient and inaccessible to foreigners with craven Jew tactics as evil as mutilation.

Pay close attention to the following: The use of language, the first breath of the divine which is the Word becoming then the inspiration for the human Word, has a purpose and meaning for being created. The Word, both divine and human, has a reason for existing. Now this is what you need to make sure you never mistake: the reason for the Word, be it divine or human, is not self-aggrandizement. It is not to puff up your own ego. It is not to look at yourself with vanity and admire your reflection like Narcissus.

The Word is not intended to express one’s own identity, but that of others. If it is used for one’s own self, it is done humbly, as a means of conveying information clearly and efficiently, not self-admiration in disregard of the other identities who bear witness to such an insult. Consider yourself lucky if they do not slit your throat then and there for being so rude as to deny their existence to appreciate your own instead.

Entertainers and comedians can read interpretations deeper here without need for restraint or limitation.

It is for the good of all else other than the origin that issues the Word. Seeing that good received by what is not the origin, and then returned with the origin being reflected truly while at the same time totally different is what is good. That reflection, even though it shows the origin of the Word which is yours in addition to its own origin, is not yours to credit as your own. It is entirely that which is other than you. You do not have the honor of being the origin of that goodness when the Word returns. You have the honor of receiving it from a foreign origin when it comes back.

Do not seek to write only so you can see yourself.

Do not speak only so you can talk about yourself.

Do not think only so that you can imagine yourself.

Crush your own ego, before I do it for you. Remove the hostility and hate from it by turning it into a tool of use and productivity. Keep the sword of reason safe and available, but do not show it off as who you are. For that, use the pruning shears, the hoe, the saw, the pick axe, the chef’s knife, and all else that is not a weapon except in the most extreme and urgent situations of evil. Should evil ever demand one and there is no other opportunity to retrieve a sword, then do not hesitate to bury that chef’s knife into the evil threat’s heart.

If you are so attached to your own Word, then you will bleed and die when it is pruned, and good riddance too. Those who die by a Word and not a real life weapon, are those who have chosen to embody the worst kind of evil with arrogance, pride, vanity, and covetous desire for that which is not theirs. Do not suffer those fools. They will cry and bleat and squeal with false accusations, but they are not as respected as pigs, nor as worthy. That which they bleed is the sin of their own life being hurled out as if it is your fault for being inside them. Do not ever make your flesh into your Word for any other reason than to express true love.

As such, nobody should ever attack a person’s Word as though it were their flesh, because if they do, they are betraying their own truth and love as created existence, along with all that is sacred with an accusation that what is incomprehensible to them is false. They may as well be telling someone they are alive, but need to be dead, and will thus kill them. If you are not totally sure about what you are doing, and fully prepared to end a person’s life bodily with understanding of the reason why, do not pretend to be doing so.

It is what they say about not using arguments ad hominem. When arguing, do not attack the person’s body, person, and living self as a non-bodily person with a unique self and true identity. Only attack the Word which they issue in their argument with your own Word that is your argument.

As you can see it is plain stupid to allow yourself to be bodily in Words about anything less than that which is most important.

If you are bodily in the Word of your business, social status, career, role in government, political agenda, shame on you, because you are putting what is not most important before what is most important, and doing so is an offense to all creation and its origin. There is only one thing most important: true love. That has many forms, but it never requires the world or material objects. It requires the total flesh of a person. All of their body, heart, mind, and soul. All that they are has to be in it with nothing less and nothing more. Just another reason why the mutilating Jews and Sand Jews are evil and inadequate cowards.

You think that’s enough? Ha! You are not men. You are less than men. You are not women. You are less than women. You are not dogs. You are less than dogs. God damn do I hate Jews and Sand Jews!!! Black racists and Nazis are saints by comparison to them.

Do you know who the true hero of Lonesome Dove is: Blue Duck

Why do you think that whore was so fucked up and yet unharmed after he captured her when the sleazy, old lecher who enjoyed buying her got her back? Truth.

Filthy god damn mutilated circumcised shit bathing scum with their whore buying sin and brazen evil perversities of incest and butt fucking. I absolutely hate those people and even though I can tolerate their company politely. I do not associate with them personally.

I would much rather pay for a woman’s non-sexual company with me as an individual person than her sexual company with me as an individual person. I suppose that is because I have self-respect. Something like porn is different because that happens on a stage and a stage transcends mundane reality to achieve a greater good when the performance is good done. That kind of sexual entertainment is good and sacred, even if it is lower order of sacred then the highest divine, because of the orientation of a human person. Sexual enjoyment is good, but it is below that which is tolerable in the standards of human sight as an animal and carnal pleasure.

Think of the line as that which is acceptable in general public. Do not masturbate in the grocery store as though it is not a problem. Do it privately with discretion, and it’s all good. People do not want to see that in general. Perverts do. But we do not cater to the interests of perverts. We hold everyone to the standards of the good and a minimum level of human rights and decency. Nothing wrong with being as sexually eccentric and kinky as possible, but kindly be respectful for the people are hetero normative and monogamous by not being rude and expecting them to be as willing to sink so low for carnal pleasure as yourself.

We all have our reasons why we do that, and those are most often abnormal, trauma, and private problems that we do not want to burden others with. Don’t wish those burdens on others, and for those without those burdens, do not judge people who find it necessary to descend to that which is animal goodness for their pleasure. You do not know what happened in their life to make that necessary for their happiness, and they may not either. That is especially true if there is no happiness available among that which is of human beings, such as in my case. I am an honest, genuine, and good Gentile, but cursed to live in a world filled to the brim with mutilating evil perverts, human traffickers, slavers, lawless scum, covetous ingrates, unimaginative entertainment, and people who bathe in shit thinking it makes them clean.

For us who try to cultivate human pleasures of the highest good and then are ruthlessly assaulted with the most insane and unjust amounts of evil and hostility from our national government, we keep that good stuff hidden and private. Then we have no problem doing the carnal stuff that the majority of the public think they are hiding about themselves. That is not the most efficient way of a society. Not everyone can enjoy carnal pleasures with me. Not children and not people I am not attracted to. The highest goods I give are universal, but they are also unwelcome in the mutilating world of Jews and Sand Jews. Not even they can enjoy them which is why they are so obsessed with invading my privacy. It’s futile, of course.

They cannot even comprehend those goods, let alone know what they are looking at if they see it. Best always to be careful these days, because Jews infect all technology with government access and thus watch the privacy of whoever they desire. All those vile sub-animal demon spawn know how to do, or are even capable of, is treacherous violence and evil against anything they notice that is good. Wretched insults to humanity by even existing!

As for the Japanese language exchange, whatever characters they have which express sounds we do not use in English, we will incorporate as they are whatever in written form is preferred. Then we’ll just use those, with English letters, and Kanji, and our combined language will be even better than the individual parts alone.

Kanji is incredibly complicated on its own. So complicated there need not be any extra complications. However, I believe Kanji is a simple as possible for what it conveys, which is why that level of difficulty to read, write, and comprehend is such a good thing, my opinion. There are many concepts here which I express as a chain of words in various ways for their place in the writing that could be more easily and efficiently expressed with a single Kanji for the benefit of the reader and writer alike. Somethings require more subtle details in syntax, punctuation, and form to convey very specific meanings, emotions, tones, situations, and anything else as they pertain to context, and I think English is probably more useful for that because it’s easier to remember systematically, and thus can more quickly teach how to construct complete ideas that can be then used to reinforce deeper meanings.

Maybe you noticed as a write, how I am at first onto something I intend to convey, notice a deeper thread, and then can use the systematic form of the written English language to explore those concepts without needing prior knowledge or teaching about them. I imagine that would be extremely difficult with something like Kanji, but I don’t know Kanji either. It’s like this: I have one concept I am conveying with structured words, like a sphere with words like satelites around it linking together a chain of conscious thought. Then I notice and sense the gravity of another concept, like a sphere of gravity in the distant darkness. One step at a time I build links into that darkness with particals and phrases and syntax until I can reach it and sense the meaning.

Then either I understand or I don’t, and that’s based on my accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and experience. If I do, I can continue along that concept surveying it, mapping it, thinking about it in innumerable ways until I gain a complete circuit all the way around. Then I sense another and so on and so forth. There are some with vast distances difficult to sense, and even others far beyond you can sense or see and must go deep into darkness without seeing the other side like crossing an ocean to get there. That is the truly exciting stuff in my opinion. Theoretically, that can continue to infinity to accomplish learning an infinite number of concepts of higher conceptual reality.

It’s not always so smooth because when bridging those gaps, the link can fall apart, you may not know the next step, or all manner of distractions and then everything falls apart and you have to go back to the last known point otherwise the conclusion will be false when you get there. Those are called “holes in logic”, and they cannot be allowed in this process for it to be useful. It can actually be quite destructive if those holes are allowed for important concerns because evil can easily get in at that gap and corrupt the entire network at all places.

Law and order in national government is of the utmost importance for this reason, and justice must be enforced with wrath, mercy, and wisdom. Notice those three concepts, and four if you count justice. Who knows what else is in that network as close and relevant with its resonating energies and power to affect the logical chains of consciousness? I’ll bet you a voodoo dozen, faith, hope, and love are not far away and there is already a bridge created by previous thinking in our collective history. Everyone has access to that even if you are not genetically descended biologically to the thinker. That is what quantum entanglement enables.

Did I know all this before I wrote it? Yes and no. Intuitively and without logical reason explaining, yes I did know it. However, that is not the same as being able to logically and reasonably explain it, by issuing forth my Word, so no, I didn’t. This is the first time I wrote about that so clearly, and I am likely just as mind blown as you may be if you are, because that is how I feel thinking about the cosmos of higher concepts of reality in the light of the highest divine. I am constantly astounded by what I learn, realize, experience, and feel while doing so.

There is nothing else I would rather do, and that is a large part how this way I live and experience love turned into a religion of faith for me that I wanted to make available for others, and what inspires me each day to do this. It is that love and passion which is true that is the power and purpose for which I resist the evil Jews of the USA government who embody oppression, darkness, ignorance, their hatred for divine light, their hatred for wisdom, their hatred for knowledge, their hatred for love, their hatred for language, their hatred for the Word, and all that Jews defile as their misbegotten purpose of ignorance and flesh worship.

I thus reject them with increasing power and wrath as I find new ways to annihilate them with the Word, and will forever reject them. They are the unwanted rape spawn of evil upon evil and cast out into a cess pit at birth. They are unwelcome in existence or creation and should have died with the Christ. I will always destroy them wherever their hideous forms can be found because that is what they chose to be in relation to who I am.

choose your difficulty

Nightmare? …extremely unforgiving, cruel, and not remotely fair.

Hard? …a significant challenge designed for people looking for something extra demanding to test their limits and use of all available skills.

Normal? …as the game is intended to be played. Difficult, but fair.

…Normal. Real life is already on Nightmare. I do not want my virtual games to be like that also.

Two Opportunities for Video Game Developers

  1. more realistic and useful knowledge, information, and learning resources.

    I mention this in the review for Starfield, but it is buried beneath a rant and want to reiterate it here without all the ranting. Science fiction games like that should include more useful research materials involving the applicable sciences they deal with.

    Consider the feature of mining minerals for crafting, resources, and trade. What is it about those minerals that makes them useful for that particular application? Having studied chemistry briefly and being familiar enough with technology manufacturing to understand basic applications of rare earth minerals, I am aware that there is a realistic order to the selection of elements that are included as features in the game.

    However, it does not provide data as to why those inorganic materials are useful in certain applications, such as their volatility, polarity, radioactivity, use as an acid, oxidization, and all that valuable scientific research that we want children to know about as they grow up so they can be better prepared to innovate technological solutions with their own ingenuity. The earlier they are able to conceptualize and understand those concepts the earlier their minds can start formulating solutions in the subconscious in alignment with their dreams, desires, and chosen purpose in life.

    Best to consult reputable professionals in these fields for this information. They don’t need to provide formal research documents with citations that are peer reviewed for research and development purposes, but they could probably provide a few paragraphs that explain the basic concept with the important facts. Those research standards are necessary for research because of how important it is to respect scientific power because of its potential danger during experimentation and potential ethical abuse, but in a video game science fiction setting, you can just convey the knowledge.

    Knowledge and information such as that is an infinitely abundant resource for human progress. It does not decay, it does not run out, it does not damage the environment to harvest, and its benefits are infinitely worth the costs of acquiring it. Such knowledge needs to be made available as much as possible to everyone.

    In the professional world, college education and higher learning are still applicable because that often involves understanding the total depth of the knowledge and its applications with practical exercises, experiments, and requirements for meeting standards before advancing to levels with more responsibility and access to resources that can be used in experimentation.

    Naturally you don’t want volatile materials in the hands of people who do not truly understand and respect what they are because they are dangerous and need to be controlled with safeguards that protect those who work them. Then there is the highly advanced laboratory equipment that is needed to conduct experiments. Most people cannot afford acquiring stuff like that for personal use, which is why it is accessible in collegiate environments in addition to private companies, both of which require a minimum qualification to access.

    Private companies are less inclined to allow the freedom of curiosity for learning purposes because they are generally business oriented and need to maintain profits to stay in operation, but collegiate environments are not limited in that way. That equipment is often also delicate and expensive and although mistakes happen and it breaks by accident from time to time, generally you want people with a professional interest operating it. There is nothing wrong with accidents like that as long as people are honest about what happens because of the danger of it being operated with unintended consequences if it is damaged without the people using it being aware of what that damage is. From what I understand, standard scientific and engineering practices are well aware of this mindset and why it is important.

    The government politicians could learn from that way of doing things as applicable to their jobs as well if they think of legislation and bureaucratic systems as machines and equipment of conceptual reality. If someone makes a mistake and is hiding it in the government, that could cause a lot more damage to other people indirectly involved when that mistake is revealed by a failure in operations as a result of the mistake.

    Do not discipline people for making a mistake and owning up to it right away, however upset people may be because of the importance of the situation. If they hide it and do not inform their supervisors or report it as appropriate if they are the supervisor, then they need to be disciplined severely. That encourages reporting and discourages hiding, which makes for a more efficient process with higher quality results. It’s as simple as that and has nothing to do with punishment or personal issues. An added benefit is that it encourages good character by reinforcing trustworthiness.

    As my elementary school taught me: character counts. Now put that between two slices of buttered bread and grill it on both sides to a crispy golden brown.

    Also, these applications of adding knowledge could be applicable with historical examples, social sciences, or anything else. If you are conveying wisdom in such a way, it is best to do it with story and examples, but if you intend to convey knowledge it is best to just state it as plainly and clearly as possible. Do not occlude it to try and teach something subversively. It may work, but it is inefficient and unnecessary.

    Wisdom is more complex of a topic than knowledge, which is not so easily conveyed directly in clear terms. Nor are all people as receptive to such forms of learning which can be dry and heavy like this document, and that’s fine. Wisdom is vital to our survival though, which is why it needs to be taught regardless, and why storytelling is important for doing so. Stories make it flavorful and easy to receive and are generally a good use of one’s time because that time is enjoyed.

    Wisdom is what cultivates good judgment, and good judgment can save a person’s life or the entire world and you never know when it will be called upon or why. Best to teach it, not force it, but do your best to ensure people learn what is most important: good is always true, evil is always false. As simple and trite as that appears, the truth is often not clearly definable, has subjective context, and can in fact appear as totally opposite.

    That is why adults and elders are typically respected because they have had more opportunities for gaining experience and wisdom to learn subtle and gross qualities with deeper understanding than what a situation appears to have. That’s not always the case though, because elders can prove themselves entirely foolish in judgment, just as a child can prove themselves incredibly wise. Consider the gospel account of Jesus’ childhood when he goes missing, his family can’t find him, and he is found at the temple teaching the elders. Then, consider the song “Old Man’s Rubble” by Amy Grant.

    …Are you walking with unnecessary burdens,

    are you trying to take them upon yourself?

    If you are then you are living in bondage…

    And are you trying to live by your emotions,

    are you putting your faith in what you feel and see

    then you’re living just to satisfy your passions,

    and you’d better be careful because you’re being deceived.

It is okay to listen to and trust your emotions and your perceptions, but that cannot be the determining factor of a person’s judgement because those senses alone are inadequate. The higher truth of conceptual reality requires gaining an understanding which is detached from emotion and perception. It is an understanding which religious laity accept on faith and know as true through practice in daily life.

Religious scholars gain that understanding through the link of logical understanding created through study and contemplation that ascends beyond emotion and perception and arrives at a solid foundation that is the truth of divine reality. That truth of divine reality can be realized with knowledge alone. It does not stop there though, because that is the base level. Faith can take a person’s understanding and wisdom to heights infinitely beyond that, but the knowledge is sufficient to justify the truth and factual existence of the highest divine.

With that certainty as a known fact, it can be applied in all situations of judgment to determine good and evil. Proficiency doing so is wisdom. Mastery doing so is great wisdom. In either case, gaining that wisdom requires honesty with oneself and a keen awareness of one’s emotions and perceptions because those provide indications of conscience. Although conscience may seem irrational at the time, it proves itself justified when a situation can be considered in retrospect.

Gaining proficiency in wisdom requires being aware of what sensations the conscience has, and then applying knowledge and experience to understand why those sensations occur and correctly judge a situation as good or evil with an understanding from higher conceptual reality. Why is it correct to say stealing is wrong (i.e. evil, but that is too strong word now)? You would need to understand social systems, government, legal justice, human psychology, and all manner of aspects of civilization to really understand the moral implications of why it is wrong. Most people find it sufficient to trust their conscience in addition to obeying the people who are trusted to know the full understanding. That is another reason why public officials must be held to the highest standard of a community and no corruption among them tolerated whatsoever, and why the USA government has lost all trust by demonstrating brazen corruption and evil with their actions.

We got a little sidetracked here into the difference between knowledge and wisdom and why one is better conveyed with story and the other better conveying in the simplest clarity possible. That simple clarity tends to be without entertaining diversions and minimal possibilities of subjective interpretation. Knowledge is easier expressed with direct words, while wisdom is easier expressed with abstract concepts, images, and relatable characterization woven together in a plot. It is one thing to state a proverb, another thing to teach it.

Teaching should never be made more difficult than necessary. Practice is one thing, teaching is another. Practice can be as difficult as possible for great benefit, but that is only effective if the teaching has been obtained to do the practice correctly. To make use of practice, no matter how difficult it may be designed, is why the teaching needs to be first and done without unnecessary difficulty.

2. I would prefer to keep this as brief as possible, so that is what I am going to do.

There needs to be more adult romance fantasy in games. That doesn’t mean it needs to be pornographic, but video game characters should have more options to freely explore romance in all kinds of ways and have tremedous fun doing what is probably not going to happen in real life for most people. The same way violence can be explored in video games without worry about it happening in real life (and in fact helps reduce unsanctioned violence; sports and military exercises being sanctioned), having a lot more freedom for romantic fantasy in video games will help reduce sexual perversions in real life.

Reduce perversions, not reduce sexuality. Social expressions of romance and sexuality will be less toxic and more of what people of a community are comfortable with, without that needing to be defined. I write it as without needing definition, because often times throughout life and all time, there have been, are now, and will always be new situations that defy expectations for love among a human population. When that happens, you want it to be something you can be comfortable with, not something that will put you into a murderous rage.

Shartfield, unexpectedly unpleasant

The following is my formal review of the video game mega corp Bethesda’s recent game, Starfield, or as I prefer to call it, Shartfield. For those of you who do not know what a shart is, it is a fart in which a person accidentally shits their pants at the same time.

I’ve ranted enough about that game online elsewhere about it having terrible dialogue writing and being designed sloppily with constant bugs throughout, but that is not what brings me to the keys now.

The worst quality of the game is its story. The story is absolute garbage and not worth a person’s time. It is not motivating, not interesting, and is morally bankrupt by trying to pass off an evil agenda as worth deliberating over. What is this evil agenda? Between the lines it appears to be holding the topic of circumcision on an equal level of reason and dignity as human rights and human dignity, which it has no place at. Doing so is in fact an insult to human rights, dignity, and freedom in general because circumcision is an affront to life, love, happiness, common sense, reason, goodness, and all that is sacred. It is an abomination not worth talking about among intelligent beings because of how obviously wrong it is.

To be more specific, the game’s plot centers around politics. The main plot does not involve a threat, a danger, or a reason for going through with it aside from it being the main story programmed into the game and the added benefit of mostly useless extra abilities it renders.

The game’s biggest pivotal moments are about the player making a purely political decision with no compelling reason why the two parties cannot come to a solution without the protagonist’s intervention. If such a situation exists, neither party is worthy of my intervention because they would not understand the higher concept with which I judge them since they were not able to arrive at the conclusion themselves.

Simply put: there is no human dilemma, least of all ideological conflicts, that are not easily resolved in a matter of minutes by intelligent beings without violence or disagreement. That is because there is a universal truth of a common good which all walks of life inevitably arrive at, and that universal truth is applicable at all times with everything. If those “higher” beings squabbling over space trinkets don’t realize that, they are not worthy of possessing technology at all because they do not understand the responsibility that technology entails.

Without knowing how important it is to not abuse technology, they are dangerous and are better off euthanized if they will not learn or accept the higher truth of universal agreement. Even circumcision can meet there, however stupid that idea is, it simply cannot continue the practice of forcing its beliefs on children (or anybody) because those practices negate all that is good, sacred, and worth fighting for. The continued flesh sacrifices of newborns practiced by the savages of the Middle East, a practice often coated with a toxic lie of pseudoscience about human nature that has no justification or evidence to back up its conclusion, is the antithesis of life, love, and intelligence.

There is no reason to be discussing it among civilized people in this day and age, and if the people who demand it will not accept the reason why, which can be easily explained, their obstinance is a threat because they have no respect for the sacred divinity which is the source of all truth. Without respect for a transcendent authority of the highest order of divinity that is the epitome and ideal of justice, love, goodness, truth, wisdom, and something which is entirely conceptual for mortal beings, like an ideal that can be attained toward with infinite progress but never actually reached— such imbeciles unable to recognize the truth and importance of that highest divinity are a threat to all forms of life and civilization.

They believe they themselves are the highest authority and the source of divine existence for inheriting scriptures they have no faith in, and thus answer to no laws, order, morality, and are total self-serving tyrants incapable of being benevolent to others because of their inability to comprehend enough of reality imposed by the limitations a living body with its lack of omniscience and handful of sensory organs. Those tyrants who think themselves the source of divine authority and the highest authority as men with small ideas, have no inhibition to prevent them from doing evil to serve the perverse and carnal desires that they understand all of human life to be.

Case and point: what is the main reason why they insist on circumcision? Desire for carnal perversion.

If one is going to make an unfliching demand and not be moved by their principles, they need to know without a doubt by the ineffable proof of reason that theirs is the correct course of action. This is certainly possible the same way mathematical matters can be ineffable in their reliability as a proof for various applications. One plus one equals two. This is not a matter of debate. Good is always true and evil is always false. This is not a matter of debate. Good sources from the highest divine above all beings, creatures, and creation itself, and evil sources from the human mind abusing divine authority for perverse desires of oppressing others underneath their will, such as circumcision does.

Good is divine, evil is human. Fact. Good is always important and to be safeguarded and protected, and evil is always to be rejected, rebuked, spurned, and thwarted at all possible costs. If one is good, evil cannot overcome them by any means or costs to themselves. The smallest good is more powerful than all the powers of evil combined and even if they are multiplied exponentially, evil remains entirely inadequate.

So, if one’s demand at any sort of ideological impasse cannot be supported by effective reason that proves true, it is inadmissable. Circumcision cannot provide effective reason to support its claim, and furthermore, effective reason can be provided to prove the evil, falseness, and necessity for abandoning that abhorrent practice. That was a fact that the origin of Christianity emodies. It was known back then as true, and it remains true to this day, because that is how truth works. It is universal for all beings through all time.

The fact that people are still discussing circumcision like it is a problem that has not been solved is an indication of their evil intentions and unworthiness to be making decisions because they are not evolved beyond the first century intellectually.

Lastly, if either party is too arrogant, unreasonable, and selfish to accept less than another party in any agreement that achieves an important resolution, they are not worthy to be making decisions either because their hubris is a threat to everyone else. It doesn’t matter if you think the divisions of parts is fair, even if you know you are the most wise. If you are the most wise, you are not reliant on objects, money, resources, or any such thing because you live by wisdom alone and that is all you need. It is no problem to take the lesser amount because it makes no difference to you.

That is not an excuse to be unjust or to abuse parties by cajoling them into taking less, but it is something that is an honor for a party to do when it is required. Only arrogant fools are slighted at having less than others because they covet like savage beasts that do not understand that what is good about anything transcends what that thing is and flows into it. The point is that goodness is not dependent on the matter or energy of a thing for that goodness to be received.

So in conclusion, Shartfield is garbage because it poses questions from characters that are supposedly “higher beings” but they embody exactly that which is a lesser nature to intelligent life, and the way those situations are presented in the game is an insult to the intelligence of the player. It is arrogant garbage written by a charlatan trying to prove something about himself that he knows he is not worthy of claiming about himself anyway.

Another example of how that is apparent is in the writing for the protagonist’s dialogue. It is quite clearly the same personality of the writer without any imaginative quality that extends into different roles of personality, nor does it contain any particularly good lines. Most often it is embarrassingly immature at not recognizing the significance of situations, nor being able to express an entertaining and interesting point of view. It’s truly pathetic and an embarrassment for Bethesda that they allowed such poor writing into their game when there are a vast amount of skilled and talented writers out in the world who could have done a much better job.

While Shartfield is fun in gameplay at times considering the combat, crafting, looting, and adventuring, with my particular favorite being starship design, it is lazy in the most important areas which are story and purpose to make it worth playing.

The outpost design would be more interesting if there were more customization options, but maybe they will update that in future along with providing more starship design features, like being able to have multiple ships as a fleet going about autonomously and being productive. Also, it would be better if there were more romance options with the characters that are not involved with the Constellation crew, because as much as I want to like the Constellation crew, they always end up irritating me by saying pointless or judgmental things, and I don’t want them around. “What did your scanner pick up?” Why the fuck are you asking because it’s not like I can say anything to you and it’s pretty fucking obvious what the fuck I am doing by scanning plants and animals. There is nothing different about it ever.

That reminds me. The game would be better served if there was more scientific knowledge conveyed. More chemistry and biology written as facts for learning those sciences as applicable in a science fiction setting. Not just images, but explanations that are satisfactory to legitimate scientists of the profession. Do you not think children can understand those ideas? Or is it you who don’t understand them? When I was a child I recall other children my age being just as intelligent and capable of understanding as adults are today.

The only difference is the amount of experience a person has that begets wisdom and understanding about human life in the higher conceptual reality, as well as other adult concerns they simply will not be aware of until confronted by those situations. Science, history, and all forms of knowledge and learning are not adult concerns aside from how to effectively teach them. The youngest children should be able to access all knowledge available should they desire to learn.

Circumcision is not a concern either because it was resolved indefinitely a long time ago and people should be well aware of what the truth is about that resolution whether or not they accept the religious beliefs associated with it. The purpose of those religious beliefs are to make it easier for those to accept that truth when they are people who depend on religion for their thinking. The same people who mutilate children without their own conscience, mental faculties, or common sense being used to decide for themselves what is good or evil or whether or not they should do it.

Here is the problem with evil pursuit of knowledge: there is a power of divine presence which is supremely mystical and an authority above all else. This is a logical fact and an attainable experience common to many people. Though, its truth should be evident by it being maintained universally with such conviction for so long, unlike circumcision which is not universal and is an insult and defilement of what is sacred.

The way to access that ultimate divine power is through wisdom, service, benevolence, compassion, honor, and virtue. That is the only way, and it is not easy.

The evil method is accomplished with no effort and is very fast. Basically cheating the divine through theft and murder by use of treacherous malice and betrayal. Evil claims that by doing evil and pursuing divine truth in darkness a person can attain that same ultimate power of divine authority. That is a perversion of truth. You can in fact attain that power, but it is not the good end of it, it is the brutal wrath of condemnation and destruction that is received and that is not something a person wants or can use themselves. It helps nobody. Evil persons will say that power can be attained by evil means and it truly can be, but the complete truth is that it is the point of the sword that is attained when it destroys the evil doer, not the hilt that is used to enforce justice.

That is why that way is prohibited. Not because they want to keep you from something powerful that threatens their control, because there is no power in there for the seeker to receive that can help them or anyone. All of that power goes from the seeker of evil when they are rebuked and condemnedfor being evil. The power of self identity and existence passes from them, with that being the moment they are truly aware of it and thus receive it for the first time as the regret of losing it, into the hands of the deliverer who pursued truth in wisdom, humility, and compassion. Evil loses power by receiving power, and good receives power by giving power. Does that look familiar? You want to receive the power of the Kamehama Blast so much that you are willing to be evil to learn how to do it? Well here it is… Kaaaaa-meeeeeehhhhh-haaa—

It makes an entertaining story to describe that situation with various infernal elements of horror, but it is not all that mystical or complicated in reality. You want to meet God and receive God’s power? You can do it by being truly good and giving all your life to being good by practicing altruism, or you can do it by being truly evil and being totally destructive and villainous. The former rewards you with an enjoyable life and eternal satisfaction, the latter lands you in a prison cell for as long as you live and promises more imprisonment after you die whether or not you believe it to be possible, though you will certainly know it is possible if you are condemned as such. That is if you were not killed when justice smashes your face in for being an evil asshole.

Jesus plays video games

I wish to tell you something about Jesus: he plays video games.

Video games amaze me whenever I approach them with my thoughts to try and conceptualize what makes such a marvelous experience possible. I mean, how does the order and arrangement of the structures within a processor or hard drive contain the electrons in such a way as to generate a simulation of such lifelike representation? Coders input layer upon layer of complex instruction, creating and then using software engines to develop even more impressive levels of creation, and still I wonder, how the information itself is stored and carried within the essence of an electron. Surely the Higgs Boson has something to do with it.

It is one thing to describe that there are many transistors arranged in a way that allows for the controlled flow of electrons, and another to say that within those electrons is a sequence of signals that carries a human thought.

Video game creation is the mark of culture in the new age, and it is only going to grow in wondrousness as a form of mass media in the coming years. Video games are going to be a regular addition into nursing homes as the aged will be more and more interested in playing as generations grow older. I’m pretty sure I’m going to still want to play when I’m old, and I think the enjoyment of stepping into a virtual world and having adventures is going to be just as appealing in the future as it is now, if not more so.

What we find in video games that is so remarkable is the amount of humanity that contributes to their creation. On the one hand they are the fruit of electrical technology, on the other, they require a large amount of people working together among various disciplines. As a fruit of electrical technology video games have a modern quality that is unique to the current age and a hallmark of the future. As a work of various disciplines, they embody the best of human nature in a way that takes art to a new level altogether.

Because video games combine the works of different artists, they are somewhat transcendent of art as we knew it in the previous centuries.

Art is one of the most fundamental aspects of the human identity and is arguably what is most important in keeping our civilization cohesive and successful when you consider the use of Story for the transmission of information, experience, and wisdom.

When we have an entirely new form of art that has been unheard of in millenniums before it developed, we have something very special that changes the very fabric of our reality. It seems realistic to me that effective use of video gaming can completely supplant the interest of violent warfare. They can fill the void of terror which causes people to go out and kill each other, providing a security of love instead.

This is why Jesus plays video games. Video games, as acts of creation that bring happiness, are ultimately expressions of love, and the world can use more love. Not only is the love that games generate good, but it is new and unique in how it includes the player in the story and in the activity of play. So, I encourage you to look at video games with a new depth of understanding about how special they are, and let them bring joy into your life.

Stay true, Storians.

On Wolfenstein: The New Colossus (minor spoiler)

I completed the main story of this game last night, and was thoroughly impressed. What I enjoyed most about this game was the imagery that it employed so tastefully. I am referring to scene after the last battle which I will not describe, because it is so beautiful it should be experienced freshly in the moment. (For all who have played this game and witnessed the glory I am referring to, may we share a moment of solidarity in having enjoyed such a sight made possible by video games. Viva la revolution.)

There is another scene though that I think is fair to describe, where an aged Adolf Hitler enters the stage. At one point the maniacal old man vomits and then lays down on the floor beside his puke and reposes. The player, disguised as an actor in an audition has an opportunity when walking by to administer a melee attack and can kill Hitler with a kick to the head.

Unfortunately, the giant robot behind you immediately engulfs you in flame for doing so, but the satisfaction is well worth the video game death that results. There are some things that are only possible in video games; some things that are satisfying in a way that only a simulation can produce. I don’t condone violence, but kicking Hitler in the head and killing him was immensely relieving and refreshing. I suppose this has always been possible with stories, and plays have often demonstrated various imaginary outcomes and events in a like fashion, but video games are different. Video games take input from the player and are propelled forward in such a way, immersing the audience in the story and making the decision to kick Hitler all the more satisfying.

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus is a wonderfully enjoyable game and I recommend playing it, especially if you have never played a video game before.

On Final Fantasy VII (Remake)

For those of you who don’t know, Final Fantasy VII is a Playstation game that was released in the nineties and was well liked by gamers around the world for its exceptional story. It was so well liked that years later it was remade with more depth, graphical improvements, and gameplay innovations that make it an even more enjoyable experience.

The aspect about the game that I like the most is that it is placed in the viewpoint of the terrorist who seeks to reclaim the world from the grip of tyranny. The game opens with a terrorist group planting a bomb in a power reactor within a city that derives its energy from the planet’s ‘lifeblood’ as the terrorist cell calls the energy source.

This theme of violence used to resolve problems does not ever sit well with me, and generally extremes have to be made clear within the story before violence can be justified, which I think skillfully remains a gray area in Final Fantasy VII (remake). That is to say that the line between good and evil centers less on the struggle between the little man and big business, and more so on the extremes of ideological pursuits, leaving a lot of moral ambiguity which reflects reality more than starkly defined good and evil.

The inhuman degrees of violence that ideologies will go to resonates with the horror of the 20th century, in which the Nazis take center stage for most directly and intentionally using violence to further what they believed was a rational and reasonable idea. The nuclear bomb itself shows how dangerous the reach of science can be, and after its destructive capacity was released on Japan, allowed for the dangers of ideology to manifest in a different way, as the threat of total planetary collapse became a reality in the face of nuclear war.

The theme of taking an ideology beyond the reasonable limits of moral ethics is recurrent throughout Final Fantasy VII in a number of different ways and rewards the player with poignant drama as the boundaries of reason are reached.

Not only is the storytelling superb, but the action packed gameplay is challenging, fun, and enjoyable and this game is well worth the time. Most excellent is the character development that reveals the human face of the struggle between opposing ideologies as it presents itself throughout the game.

An undercurrent in the game is also the theme of faith, and how it too takes up the struggle of conflict between ideas. Faith is an important theme to discuss because faith involves a transcendent perception to reason. It goes beyond ideology and rationalization and embodies a higher truth that is inexplicably good, and although it exceeds boundaries by its very nature, is present in daily life in a practical way that can be said to serve as an energy source of its own.

Faith is not passive, it is active. It inserts itself into the world and makes a difference. That effort is marked by the suffering of conflict, but it is efficacious and generates real results that are undeniably good. Faith, and its real power, are not without dangers, as the scientist Hojo represents in his abuse of faith in order to further his own goals. What constitutes the difference between the faith that is good (Aerith) and the faith that is evil (Hojo), you ask? The answer would be the truth. The faith that is true faith, selfless and loving, is what opposes the false faith, which is selfish.

As you can see, Final Fantasy VII is rich with meaning and evocative storytelling that the player can gain much from. I highly recommend this game, and would like to see a greater percentage of the world take up an interest in video games.

There are other themes present in the game that I have not discussed, and it seems realistic to me that a person could make an entire study of it considering how much human effort goes into making a game, but I will leave the reader at the juncture where true faith meets false faith at the ideological battleground and wish them well.

Remember, the beauty and power of reason and rationality is that it can lead to truth, and when coupled with an ideology that promotes moral and ethical goods, this can be invaluable to humanity and civilization, but when reason has a marriage with false faith, it can degenerate an ideology into what ultimately destroys humanity and civilization. In light of the terror that disordered ideologies can produce when supported by massive populations, it is hopeful to know that such ideologies eventually turn in on themselves, making them weak to the forces of good, which will ultimately triumph over evil in the end.

We can bring about the future in two ways: with the conflict of good, or with the conflict of evil, and how humanity chooses to progress is dependent on the ways that individuals choose to progress with their own lives. Playing games like Final Fantasy VII (Remake) can help one discern their own path in life by offering an image of reality that reflects our own in ways that we cannot experience without the aid of the imagination. I am not only glad to have played it, but being able to see the work of masters within it, am thankful.

May the blessing of Christ be with you all, and may you enjoy happy and fruitful gaming.