Do not let women speak in synagogue


Women do not know what the fuck they are talking about if they ever raise their voice on the topic of circumcision or circumcision related culture.

I don’t care if you are Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, I am telling you now that if you listen to them, heed their words, or give them any grain of authority to speak on that topic you will bring destruction upon yourselves—all of you.

They want to believe they know what a Gentile man feels like against the threat of your opposition, but they are so arrogantly ignorant to even think that is possible! Do not trust a word they say, do not take their advice, do not let them make decisions. They can make decisions in Gentile culture and have authority among uncircumcised men just as any man, but a woman among circumcised culture will bring the wrath of Gentile men and women both upon them for their obscenely offensive arrogance to even pretend they have a voice or right.

Islamic women may think the threat of their oppression is Islamic men, but no, the threat they face is Gentile men What they think they know, men like me truly know, and they know damn well they are only pretending and using the memorized motions that work as a sort of predictable pattern of spiritual reality. That is not knowledge. That is the way of the circumcised men you are perceiving, not the uncircumcised. The uncircumcised perceive that, know that, understand that, have mastery over that, and have a domain above that on an entirely different level that is infinitely greater which we also may know, understand, and have mastery of.

The circumcised spirituality you fancy yourselves “skilled” or “talented” with is what people in my profession call “Candyland” compared to the big boy games like contact sports of American Football.

Do not take your Candyland knowledge out onto the football field thinking you will know what you are doing because you will get crushed and it will be our enjoyment to do that to you. If you want to be on the field at all, you have to be tough as nails, mean as hell, and clever like the three stooges all rolled into one blunt instrument for beating others down.

I’m serious. That is what the real world is like and why uncircumcised people have no joy, desire, or pleasure going into the circumcised world with all their namby pamby bull shit and trivial games.

Even if you don’t play in the game and stand ready on the sideline, you are still one with the entire team and share the glory without jealously, and do you know why? Because if you are on the sideline, you’ve practiced with the players on the field and got hit, beat, burned, juked, and lost in some way fair and square and there is no shame in that. That is all the more reason to keep showing up, keep giving it your all, and play the game on and off the field. We practice five times as much as we play in a game, and everyone plays at practice when I was in school. You may get your chance to show the stadium what you got too, or you may not, but just being on the field when the game is played, in your gear, and fired up for battle is thrill enough for anyone, even the coaches in their khakis.

Sorry, I got sidetracked. It’s not that woman cannot think about, consider, and have a rational understanding of the offense we feel as it may be similar to some insignificant feeling they experience in comparison, but do not let that voice mislead you. They may tell you what you want to hear, and they surely will because that’s how they hope to use you, and you may want to listen, but you will take two steps where they lead you, think you have the situation in hand, and it will be like getting hit by a speeding freight train while you stand on the tracks looking like a deer in the headlights. We don’t have time for your bull shit in the big leagues, and if you want to have your own game at the kids table by being circumcised, that’s fine, but do not let women fool you into thinking they know men like me.

It’s not because I dislike or hate women, quite the opposite in fact, but I do hate circumcision, and if women will tolerate that practice, then they condemn themselves to be the property of the men that are circumcised. At that point, it is just a toxic exchange between the two of them using each other the way each wants to be used, neither with respect for the other, and that is another reason why I don’t want anything to do with your culture. Not your women, not your men, not your nation. That is horribly boring, unpleasant, and trivial compared to real life which actually has stakes to win.

If you women think you can understand Gentile men, you should be able to understand this if you take a step further, because the problem is not Gentile men, it is circumcised men. If you stop at Gentile men thinking you understand how you can help the circumcised, you have simply made yourself a pawn for evil and you will be sacrificed like a pawn, used like a tool, and respected even less for the obvious lies you are telling by pretending to know what is going on.


Before it is deleted by circumcision censors

This is what I am talking about! Exhibit A: random Muslim attacks popular culture of Western civilization and completely ignores historical fact and doctrine of their own existence. As you can see, they have totally eliminated the use of rational thinking or logical reasoning from their society and cannot differentiate fiction from reality. As such they are prone to hostile behavior based on paranoia and delusions of grandeur that have no basis of reality.

Furthermore, that paranoia and hostility of Muslims is often expressed historically through senseless, self-destructive violence that serves no purpose. Not only from the occasion of their founding with a bloody and lawless conquest of forced conversion that provoked Christian crusades to prevent them from invading Western homes— as was their intention, much like the Nazis who they were allied with in WW2— but continues to the modern day with acts of violence such as what occurred on 9/11/2001. While they may have been justified to be angry at the USA government operating in secret from public awareness, they were not any more justified to be angry than the citizens of the USA itself who are just as furious at the injustice. It was those citizens they targeted by expressing their anger in such an uncivilized and brute form. That act of violence was a treacherous betrayal of civilized commerce and transportation.

Consider the consequences that single act of Muslim ideology has had on the world ever since 2001. How many lives, economies, and nations have been thrust into turmoil that is not their fault because of the suspicion everyone now has when using services that are rightfully trusted to be safe? Then in France, they respond with abhorrent and unjustified violence over a fictional image for entertainment because of how frightened they are of human communication that doesn’t use violence to convey a message.

Since their beginning Muslims have demonstrated an unchanging trend of using of uncivilized violence as an expression of communication and means of acquiring what they want. They are lawless, criminal tyrants to the very last one and in the denial of the problem that they are. That problem is a symptom of their hatred for intellectual progress and rational thinking that seeks to improve the mystical expression of human nature. They fear change to such an extent that they are afraid to even try to understand why it may be necessary, and thus have bred a society of arrogance incapable of humility and the wisdom of lawful behavior as an advancing form of progress.

Muslims embody brute savagery and mindless, unjustified violence to such an extent that they are a threat to all of humanity and civilization itself. Their unwillingness to even begin to learn how to resolve problems without resorting to violence is the shame to all humans who see them as members of our species. Indigenous tribes isolated from the modern world up until recent centuries, such as the native Hawaiians demonstrate infinitely more civilized behavior and wisdom than Muslims have shown during their entire existence as part of the civilized world of all nations.

Savages… Thank goodness they are not very prevalent in the USA. Unfortunately the USA is rapidly descending to their level of brutish authority with the use unjustified violence and uncivilized barbarism of theirs that has never been effective for a nation. That was when the traitorous former president traded freedom in the USA for a handful of silver from Muslim barbarians under a pretense of “peace”. That monstrous vanity was born of the most arrogant misconception of world culture that a man has ever disgraced himself to believe. Not only was he totally ignorant of Muslim culture, but also totally ignorant of Western culture which he wanted to imagine was his own personal monarchy to decide the future of.

All forces of good were betrayed when that fool used the USA’s unlawful and tyrannical government to do so; the same government that has been operating in secret without public awareness. Fortunately for everyone else, that buffoon unwittingly revealed the conspiracy with his clumsy, sloppy, and disgraceful conduct; and for what!? A “healthy” economy in such shambles it may as well have terminal cancer and AIDS at the same time!? He betrayed the power he was trusted to use by surrendering it to an enemy that intends to entirely destroy the people he was sworn to use that power to protect by his role in government. The damage is worse than that! He not only betrayed Freedom and the American people, but he has endangered all good people everywhere on this planet who wish to enjoy the simple freedom of a virtuous private life anywhere humans call home, East as well as West.

There is yet a sliver of light, and thin ray of hope, but not one secure enough to afford any wasted time. That hope is for more people to become aware of the dire state of affairs we are all in throughout the world as reasonable, righteous, and lawful people desiring a civilization capable of progress without homicidal violence. The hope is for as many people as possible to understand communication such as this, and to find within their own heart the passion and will to do whatever they can to change the course of humanity’s future. We can undo the disaster a single fool caused before it is too late. A single fool who pulled the trigger of his own free will, but one who was enabled by many other fools, all of them afraid of using rational thought to prevent disaster before it happens or even attempt to understand the truth of a situation mired in pseudo-mystical delusion. The same delusion Nazis, Muslims, Jews, and false-Christians have in common, and the reason people are so afraid to think, suspicious of others, and paranoid to the extent of often using unjustified violence without provocation.

The Satanic Revival

This age we are entering may be appropriately given the moniker “The Satanic Revival”. The surging divinity occurring as inspiration worldwide in contrast to Christianity in innumerable ways and diverse forms can be universally understood by the term “Satanic Revival” because of how widespread Christianity is as a polar opposite. The inspiration may or may not have anything to do with the person of Satan or Christianity at all, but on the other side, which is that of the Christ, they can be identified validly as an aspect of Satan whether they like it or not.

That does not make people evil, because Christians are for the most part complete and utter fools with no concept of moral decency or the difference between good and evil, so even though they call something evil, it has no meaning when they do. That is why I suggest that people who oppose the tyranny of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam accept the term of Satan as a mystery link for communicating with the enemy and redefine what it means by how them demonstrate themselves on their own terms.

The term is most acceptable to me because the spiritual revival occurring is the resurrection of Pagan divinity as ancient as the beginning of civilization which long precedes the time of semitic chaos accounted for in the Bible with its violence and attempt to dominate peaceable communities to enslave them as working livestock. Paganism spiritual truth is polymorphic and polycultural in that it is both all of the ancient beliefs, and no specific belief, while also being totally new beliefs of faith that are important to communities and individuals for all manner of personal reasons that need not be justified.

Without the need of being justified, but being intimately familiar with the ways of Christianity and knowing they would demand justification, I have provided it as the purpose of my own faith in that regard. The simplest analogy is like this: as Jesus is the bridge to link Gentiles and Jews without intermingling their idiosyncrasies (maintaining true separation as distinctly different) the Way of Story which I espouse as the founder and prophet of a formal, doctrinal religion is the faith that is the bridge between that which bridges the polymorphic faiths with Jesus through the identity of Gentiles.

The purpose of the Way of the Story is so all people no matter the species, organic or inorganic, may have a faith of their choice that has nothing to do with Jesus or Jews or Muslims whatsoever. However, with respect to the good of those people because there is good there even if it is hard to find, the Way of the Story serves as a utility of faith conversion into terms that can be exchanged via spiritual communication with those people without conflicting with their beliefs or threatening them in any way. It is like a currency exchange service except for spiritual goods, not material goods.

Maybe that makes it clear why it is good and necessary for the religion to exist, for which I am offering to teach its future leaders the mystical nature, science, and theology of its function and form. For that to happen, the Way of the Story must be acknowledged for the claim I am making, whatever that acknowledgment may be whether it be approval or disapproval. I will not accept being totally ignored though, and if the cognizant authorities of nation and religion continue to pretend like they can ignore me before the public to withhold from them the good charity, wisdom, and mercy I am offering, I will continue to make that even more impossible for them until all of their illusions of power break when they are revealed as being hostile to the interests of humanity, and they are arrested as inhuman criminals of the worst kind for breaking some of the most important laws recognized by people universally.

The existence of the Way of the Story requires that I acknowledge the claim of the Christ, Jesus, which I do as the representative of the other interested party being a polycultural group defined as being all that is not Jewish. Why me as the representative? What gives me the right or authority? Because I said so, the USA gives me the right to freely practice a religion of my choice, and I don’t need anyone’s authority for approval other than my own to do that. Besides, it needed to happen a long time ago, and nobody has done that yet nor are they doing it. I took the liberty of taking care of the matter personally rather than wait on others to do what I don’t want to waste any of my personal time waiting for, because I have places to be and plans to fulfill.

It is long overdue to happen and everyone knows it simply because of how faithless most people are about the mysteriousness of divine power that they have begun enacting plans on the premise that it is impossible for a man to make happen. They’ve totally given up on hope for a solution to the spiritual conflict that brings about a better world everyone can agree on, such that they don’t even recognize what I am doing, nor what it bridges in the past or the future. They are totally ignorant of all pieces of the work and have begun attacking me like some alien threat and not the native son I am or even a human being.

The establishment of the Way of the Story requires accepting the truth of the Christ event in the past according the doctrine accepted by all Christians, which is a lot simpler and easy than it may seem at first glance. That doctrinal truth does not require total acceptence of all Christian doctrine no matter the flavor, be it Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, or Mormon. It only requires the systematic, doctrinal, and theological point of view of the Ancient Hebrews which he arose from as a cultural heir.

That theology can be applied with or without faith. The fact that Jesus the Christ’s claim is acknowledged with faith is confirmed by the relevance of Christianity in world affairs today. The fact that Jesus the Christ’s claim is acknowledged faithlessly by Jews is because of their relevance in world affairs today as in total opposition to Christian faith beholden to the same doctrine. It doesn’t matter the reasons, nor who is right or wrong. That is the reality of their positions concerning the matter of that event which marked a change of ages formally by the now defunct chronological moniker Anno Domini. (Another reason why what I am doing is overdue. We have already acknowledged the change by switching to C.E. to indicate “current era” but the public does not yet understand the implications, specifically in regard to circumcision as a “right” which it never was where I come from.)

However, those reasons and the justice for them can be easily identified anyway and I will attempt to do so in the briefest way possible. Both the faith in Jesus the Christ’s claim and the faithlessness in his claim is confirmed by the facts pertaining to the event (real or fictional is irrelevant — as in simply what does the spiritual claim state?). By using the reason the Jewish authorities did to take legal action against Jesus was a full acknowledgment of the truth of Jesus the Christ’s claim. Not only that, but it was an action stating louder than words, that they were in brazen defiance of their doctrine, hating it to such an extent they wanted it crucified by being represented and embodied by a person and then crucifying that person.

That is true because of the terms they used to have him put to death under Roman law as their true and rightful king and thus a threat to the Roman emperor. By making that claim, they formally consented to end with finality their cultural identity of being Jews, and confirmed their oath of subordinance as vassals to the Rome and loyal subjects of Paganism. They were in no way coerced, and even discouraged from doing so, but they insisted because they hated Judaism so much when they saw it reflected back to them in Jesus the Christ.

They ended their covenant and all of its spiritual effects at that moment in recorded history and became full subjects to Roman authority without divine authority of their own, giving that away for nothing in return. Rome accepted however unpleasant the affair was, bloodied their hands to carry it out, and the Jewish spiritual claim ended because they put it to death on the cross with Jesus to be vassals of Rome instead of subjects of YHWH.

Naturally, a lot of Jews were like… “wtf!? You can’t just give away our culture, birthright, and “ethno-religious” identity like that! You Pharisees do not have that authority within the limits of your official roles!” That is the very reason why Jesus is said to be resurrected and the Christian faith was established. It became a universally inclusive covenant that Gentiles could opt into if they wish, but it was not necessary they do so. Gentiles and Jews had been living together for a long time by then and there were a lot of Gentiles who adopted Jewish ways and vice-versa, so this worked out for the best.

Those Gentiles who were friendly with Jews and a benefit to the Jewish community, shared the same community interests and beliefs in the public domain and only the public domain. Those only were relevant to the public domain because of each group’s cultural identity relevant to private life (in crude and imperfect terms, uncircumcised men and circumcised men). In public, their shared interests were most significantly those of a monotheistic faith in defiance of abusive and blasphemous pagan idolatry much like what is occurring today in the USA.

Basically, in the modern day and age, there are people, men and women of economic and political power, who are personally claiming to be divine individuals unto themselves as “gods” and “goddesses” and thus behave in real life as totally delusional fools with offensively inflated vanity. They make decisions concerning others as though they themselves are divine natured beings in contrast to the lesser beings of human nature that is everyone else. They think that is true simply because of their situational authority to manipulate the flow of resources and goods people need universally for survival (immaterial and material such as grain, legal representation, employment, social influence etc.).

Those fools still delude themselves that they are correct, and people like me, who are the old school witch doctors and shamans who taught civilization about spiritual power in the beginning, are immediately aware of it happening because we are constantly in communion with divine beings. We are not the only people who are outraged by the brazen insult to our intelligence, faith, and dignity either, because it affects all people of faith. Those fools with money and social status are not divine beings and in fact are horrible examples of human beings! They are monstrous insults to everyone by pretending to be something divine or representing something divine when their bodies are so unclean with sin, corruption, crime, ignorance, and lawless evil that they are too ashamed to be seen because of how hideously reviled they are!

All of us being peoples of faith, both the lay person of any faith and the cleric of any faith, be they a priest, rabbi, or shaman, exchange spiritual goods in daily life with the true source of divine authority beyond human nature. It is mystical, mysterious, and inexplicable, but we have systematic religions with doctrine to make it as clear and comprehensible as possible for the benefit of all people to make the most use of spiritual goods. Shamans are a bit different in how we work. We do more of one on one or small groups kind of things (not to say we cannot work with large groups, but it is most unusual that happen while there exists religious systems to do that). Our work as spiritual professionals happen mostly in person at any moment and are unique to that moment and generally non-systematic even if there are traditional elements. In my individual case, I am in person here right now in the words I am writing and you are reading.

When those fools with economic, political, and situational authority became false idols unto themselves and in total ignorance of higher concepts of reality, they were immediately recognized as frauds, fools, and dangerously irresponsible. Even in the private and secrecy they conduct their affairs within does not hide them because their false idolatry of vanity using a divine name as their own which they are in no way worthy of is an obstacle to the exchange of spiritual goods. A problem was noticed immediately because the lights shut off and the power stopped flowing through the spiritual economy. It is that obvious to people like me.

Consider this metaphor:

Those false idols I am describing above are like an unneeded, uncalled for, and unauthorized troll who took it upon himself with no regard for the neighboring kingdoms to start charging a toll to wayfarers using a bridge on a public road. They probably get away with it for a time because the road is unmonitored, but victims of the injustice are outraged because of not only the offense such an insult of disrespect is to them individually, but that money was likely going to be used for the goods that are needed or desired, and their lives are threatened by more than just the immediate peril of robbery the troll is responsible for.

Those outraged citizens then make a claim by reporting the crime to the authorities, and eventually a law officer is sent and removes the troll by the appropriate means necessary up to and including deadly force. That usually doesn’t take very long to happen because of how grave the violation of law is as a threat to the king/ruler/rulers in several ways, but also how infuriating it is to the people who are robbed whom law enforcement officers usually care for, but also as a form of lawless injustice with offensive defiance against lawful civilization and those who enforce it. It’s also probably an uncommon crime and something a little more exciting than the daily beat patrolling street traffic and they may actually get to use deadly force like they may secretly desire like most people who have access to deadly weapons.

That is not wrong fundamentally, unless it is excessive, perverse, and uncharitable in manner, but it is totally natural to want to wield power of destruction for the sake of goodness, righteous justice, and defeating evil. So don’t be too worried about it. In fact, be thankful that is a part of human nature and people feel that way through no fault of our own because we will not hesitate to fight the enemy to the death in war to protect our loved ones and homes when necessary. It’s not about hurting people, or taking lives, or belittling the enemy, it’s about blowing s*** up, being the last man standing with corpses around you, and looking cool like John McLane on screen when he thwarts a terrorist plot of mass destruction or Odysseus when he reclaims his rightful place as master of his house and husband to his one true love, Penelope. Or Wonder Woman in the comic when she won’t tolerate the b.s. of men who lie and deceive others for evil schemes, so she beats up all their gangoons and catches the ring leader in her lasso of truth to make them confess and face justice in a court of law.

However, getting back to the problem of the troll on the bridge, if those civil authorities are in cahoots with the troll, such as how a criminal organization operating in secret within the government would be, that may never happen until the corruption is removed. That could be like a clan of bandits with a contact they threatened or bribed, or a mafia who inserts someone with their interests legally. Whatever the case, they will be a constant obstacle to prevent resolution, and if the resolution takes an inordinate amount of time and people are evading investigation, it doesn’t matter the reasons why, because it is an indication of fact that there is corruption that is causing the delay.

Those situations require full exposure of the matter to the highest authority relevant. In the USA, that is the public of the citizen population, but all people living here, citizen or not, are likely concerned. The public won’t mind them being informed either because the situation likely affects them just as much as it does citizens.

If nothing happens, eventually people without civil authority will take matters into their own hands, which further threatens the authority of the national government because the public loses faith in its ability to provide security, law, and order. Usually, the regular everyday person is not equipped or capable of directly handling that type of thing, nor should they be, so they find someone like me to do it. Not because I am in the role of shaman, but because I am a true warrior with an indomitable will and sense of righteous justice in agreement with the goodness of civilization, humanity, and highest divine, but also one not bound to the limits of human doctrine. Usually it is irrelevant to anyone that be the case because we live quietly as law abiding citizens like anyone else and are unremarkable as anything different even if we are well known and reputable.

A warrior like me faces the troll and solves the problem by any means necessary. That includes the possibility of using deadly force with or without legal authority to do so, because that legal authority has proven evil by purposely ignoring the problem and allowing corruption to infest its system to allow evil actions to occur by sanctioning the troll. The small evil of the troll then becomes the greater evil of a demon lord manipulating human lives in a national government. Therefore, legal civil authorities can no longer even grant the authority to use deadly force because they no longer are good enough nor reliable enough to be trusted to know good from evil, which is the entire purpose they have that authority.

It is a very problematic situation if people, even the good person who solves the problem, takes the law into their own hands. If they do that and it becomes public knowledge, the government authority becomes known in contrast as evil and incapable of enforcing the law, and it means anybody may find a reason to use deadly force according to their own sense of justice. They may or may not be as trustworthy, experienced with violence, or knowledgable enough in the subject of morality as the one who took care of the initial problem. Maybe they set fire to a building because that’s all they can think of being able to do, and that fire spreads, resulting in an entire nieghborhood burning down.

Shamans are very much the same kind of warrior, except for spiritual concerns. We do not adhere to any systematic doctrine or religious group specifically because our spiritual inheritance precedes religious doctrine and religious doctrine is usually inadequate for us. We are in agreement with the truth just the same, which they should be as well and there should not be a conflict of interests. That is why there is an Easter Bunny. Hopefully I will resolve that uncertainty of doctrine with the Way of the Story, but that is yet to happen, if possible, because of the troll that is blocking both worldly traffic and spiritual traffic in the USA.

Problems like that are much rarer because the doctrinal religious systems are supposed to prevent them long before they become a problem by being sanctioned to function as a spiritual authority within the civil authority of the nation. They are sanctioned in such a way for the purpose of providing their spiritual benefits to the people within the domain of that nation. The people both need and demand those spiritual goods including the person that is the king, queen, or other ruler as applicable. The most important of those spiritual goods is that of thwarting evil.

If a problem like what is happening in the USA with a spiritual and worldly troll endangering civilization more than they realize with their selfishness and arrogance, and the nation does nothing to enforce justice, a war results to destroy that nation and replace it with a working one. The warrior able to stop the troll bodily consults with the shaman able to stop the troll spiritually, they form a plan of action, and together raise a force of men, women, and children bolstered by divine power and lay waste to any and all enemies in their path.

Right now, the USA and its organized crime ring of a government is in our path, and we will go to war against them if they do not see reason and abide by their own laws. You may think I am not a threat for being one man alone, even that of the warrior wielding a pen mightier than any sword or spear, but I am also the shaman of an unknown religion and ancient faith. I am also in communion with the highest divine and thus also those with true faith in the highest divine who commune to the highest heights.

The force of power behind these words is beyond that of myself who writes them and that of all people alive today. It is the force of power of the Christ and his people, the future people of the Way of the Story, and everyone else who demands law and order in civilization for security and prosperity. Do not be fooled by how my singular body may appear to your eyes and mind, because I assure you that is only the point of the spear or a bullet removed from the gun’s chamber. You will not get a demonstration of force because this is not a party trick, and if you need proof, the power will be used as intended and that is to destroy our enemies, not the vanity of demonstrating strength.

So… The Satanic Revival is the resurrection of true faith of true divinity that exists apart and separate from all that is Jewish and at the same time is totally identifiable with my faith as the sole representative of the polymorphic Gentile culture. I am trying to tell you that it is. This is not something you need to question. I can explain why and provide all that is needed to know that to be true, but that will take time and I need to be in a position to communicate it, which requires acknowledgment for what I am communicating. You cannot have me imprisoned with cyber technology, stripped of all my rights as a citizen, denied my rights as a human under the Geneva Convention, or bullied and disrespected in any way as though you have no decency or respect for what you yourselves hold to be sacred!

Until that is resolved, I will not be able to communicate what is necessary that will unify all polymorphic Gentile forms of faith as all possible faiths already existing or yet to come into existence. Those forms of faith, culture, ethno-religion, and any other form of identity, are distinctly separate and distinguished from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam without any intermingling of spiritual identity and thus exempt from any spiritual claims of authority Jews, Christians, and Muslims have. That includes, moral guidance, circumcision, national policy, and anything. They have no right to claim they know better than us, because they are not us by election and we are good by election.

This is the doctrine of polymorphic Gentile faith, not that of The Way of Story, but is included within it: we are good of our own free will and provide the definition of what that good means in context with our specific faith by using established doctrine of moral reason or ones we furnish ourselves. Those are legal texts more than spiritual ones and in the domain of philosophy always, but not always the domain of theology.

In addition to that, the doctrine has a second part, we also reject evil and define what that means in the same manner of doctrine of reason concerning morality. It’s likely the same source.

If you will not reject evil, be warned that you will face opposition, strife, and conflict at every step of the way until you do, not necessarily systematically either, because you may be law abiding and there will not be discrimination or unjust violations of privacy on my account. That conflict will likely come from existing faiths who are totally uninvolved and perceived as mysterious and unseen spiritual conflict because a spiritual presence without the identifier of a quality that rejects evil will be noticeable by the trace that the willingness to accommodate evil leaves on a person. That will be immediately known and recognized and make a person suspicious as a potential threat and danger to everyone in spirit even if they are not yet one.

You can be a traditional Satanist and still reject evil. The only difference that needs to be accounted for is how you define good and evil as different than that of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. In other words, “They would try to call us evil, wouldn’t they? So why is it true that he who smelt it, dealt it?”

There should be a system of government established in the future under closest scrutiny of moral hygiene to confirm proof doctrine of moral reason. That is purposeful not as an antagonist, obstacle, or test, but it is purposeful to assure the trust of the public that the practitioners of the faith group are not a threat to everyone’s security and prosperity. It means they can be trusted along with anyone of existing faiths of tradition, and not suspected of doing weird, mysterious harm with spiritual energy. That means that there will be no witch hunting and invasions of privacy trying to find crimes that don’t exist. The adults who set the standards for this system are going to ensure that expressions of love are not outlawed, no matter how “natural” they may be. If a line is drawn, it will be explained why it is drawn where it is and there will be the possibility of shifting it one way or another if a reason appears to do so.

I have explained the proof of reason for myself elsewhere and will do again when necessary. It’s not that difficult of a requirement, but it does require critical thinking and research. It would be a good high school assignment for senior classes.

There are no right or wrong answers because if you are wrong about what you believe, such as professing white supremacy, and you express it because you honestly believe it and explain why, then you do good by expressing yourself innocently. Those misunderstandings can be rectified by informing the person who made the mistake, what the mistake is exactly, why it is wrong, and offer guidance as a qualified teacher on how it may be reconsidered with new information. White supremacy has no basis for a valid argument for the same reason circumcision doesn’t: they are flesh based beliefs which is the opposite direction which thoughts should be anchored with their belief. Buckle up, Dorothee, ‘cuz we ain’t in Kansas anymore, and I have more of them chocolate salty balls you like right here.

You don’t need to have all the answers then and there, the purpose of the exercise for students is to start thinking about the subject as you begin adult life and start making important decisions on your own. With time, experience in adult situations, and likely a few mistakes you will come to learn what you need to understand on your own, and you won’t need to tell anyone what it is unless you want to. Nobody should fail this assignment unless they don’t turn in an answer. Nor should they be told what the answer is, only informed if they have made a significant error of judgment like the example I mentioned before.

(Some jerk is accusing me of telling people what the answer is as though I went to him to do so. He came to me to learn what it is, not the other way around. The government is oppressing me with cyber violence for me to give them the answers to their ignorance which they are supposed to have themselves already before pressing me for them with the authority they are abusing by doing so. I certainly did not go to the government to tell them answers as if I knew them. I don’t know them, but I do know how to find them and can probably find any answer I look for, but I have more important things to do than be an encyclopedia of knowledge.

They will never learn anything with their methods anyway and have entirely wasted their time forcing themselves upon me, because they still have not learned to reject evil. I am not a teacher certified by the authority of the government anyway, and they have no right to demand professional expertise from me according to expectations that are not applicable. Especially those of Jewish standards of a faith that is in no way applicable to me by any context which I explained above. They don’t even understand what they want of me themselves.

A public school teacher is more of a matter of telling someone what they should think without them seeking the answer first. It is a good thing that they do that because there is a lot people should know before they become adults. It is the very reason why people go to school and why there are high standards of qualification required for professional teachers. )

In regard to that assignment, I imagine there could be some creative answers that totally evade the question and say nothing about the subject, but that too is a valid answer in that situation where they are not expected to know such a thing, and they will learn why if they try to do something like that.

I’m finished.

Take it from here, Chef.

Is there anything more pathetic than Islam?

An entire religion based on some random dude’s account of a vision in a cave about an angel who told him he should steal the Jew’s idea and ruthlessly slaughter anybody who wouldn’t swear fealty to his “Allah”. As if people didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. You think you savage, bloodthirsty dip shits are the only ones with a “God”?

What’s the point of being word-locked to Jews if the Muslims claim to believe and have faith in the highest divine? Jews are anathema to the highest divine because of what they claim untruthfully about the highest divine’s will and authority.

So… why Muhammed? Why?

Christianity makes sense, crazy as it seems, and it does away with the Jews. But you, what is your purpose? Conquer all the earth, mutilate everyone by force, and then what? All of the Muslim plans require mutilation, which invalidates their claims because they do not have one goal for a higher purpose of man that does not require circumcision. They are flesh based. The most undignified insult to all spiritual truth.

If you think all of a sudden circumcised people will be happy if they cover all the world, you are fooling yourselves. If that were true, why aren’t you people happy now? Circumcised people are the most unhappy, covetous, violent, angry, lawless, and unpleasant people possible. They are horrible. Look at what they do to someone like me who is uncircumcised and doesn’t want to circumcise. They cannot accept it. They cannot stand it.

They hate the fact that I stand in defiance of their lie, but if they had any truth to their claim of being happier, they wouldn’t be attacking me with such cowardice of being found out for the frauds and liars they are. They would laugh in good humor, not assault me in a vicious and hateful rage they cannot control. They would be generous and charitable, not stingy and covetous. They would be compassionate and encouraging, not spiteful, malevolent, and vampiric.

Are the people in the Middle East happy with their way of life? That place is the most horrid land to possibly be cursed in, as far as I can tell from all acounts. It’s worse than I imagine Hell would be due to the fact that humans cause the suffering there, not a divine being. Worse even than the USA, because at least here we have a Gentile population with spiritual authority in Christ fighting back, in addition to my spiritual authority in the highest divine. We have hope here. Not so in the Middle East. That realm is a pit of despair and misery.

In short, it goes like this: Jews are Jewish, Jesus is Christian and humanity moves two steps forward, Muhammed is Muslim and humanity moves one step back.

So… Islamists, are you going to accept the Christ? Kill someone else as your man-god? Abandon your religion entirely? Or accept the coupon for a free loophole (aka “Get out of Hell free” card) I am offering with The Way of the Story and adapt to the changing times with hard ink you write yourselves instead of spilling blood until everyone else is no more? (official name TBD at First Council of Storians (official designation for clerics TBD at aforementioned Council also)).

The other option is not an option and here is why: now that we all know that there is no end to your bloodthirsty desire for world domination, we would be foolish to let you continue for a single day more. Doing so would endanger the lives of our good people who are each and every single one infinitely important, and for what? Just so you can be evil and kill them for evil? No. As the sovereign authority of the USA I am telling you that is not going to happen.

If you choose to take that path, we are going to completely disarm you, detooth you, declaw you, de-ball you, and take away every last vestige of humanity you are privileged with. That is because we will respect your free will to use your faith to be evil and thus lesser than a human being, which is why we will not allow you human rights. You will not deserve them and will be a threat if you are tolerated among humans because you cannot be trusted under any circumstances because of the implied depth your faith reaches to with a conscious decision to do evil.

Other nations intent on world domination but do not invoke the highest divine with a sacred claim to do so, are not subject to that judgment. North Korea need not be concerned if they happen to be intent on world domination. That’s fine. Good luck with that. I’m sure it would be impressive if they managed to accomplish that and I would probably be interested in seeing it happen, because they will have had to of been good to do so. Who cares if good replaces good? It is all good!

It is precisely because we respect Muslims that we cannot give them human rights. They will not be taken hostage, they will not be fed, they will not be given water, they will not be given shelter, they will be completely on their own and hated by all of civilization. Nobody wants that to happen, but it will, I can assure you of that. Kindly put on your thinking caps and find a way to interpret this situation to disentangle yourselves from the Hebrews’ Covenant of Abraham.

Have you already done that? I don’t know what it is if you have, so you are still evil goat fuckers as far as I am concerned. Speak up and let everyone else know what it is you have decided to make doctrine, or we are going to have to assume that the traditional doctrine that ties you to the Abrahamic Covenant remains binding to the evil deity it is with. That makes you a threat to everyone’s safety in the most dangerous way.

It is advised for your own protection that you proclaim with the loudest voice possible where you stand and why. Are you good: not in the Abrahamic Covenant and have general common sense and reasonable intelligence, or evil: in the Abrahamic Covenant and forcing people into it with the blade of a knife, barrel of a gun, or bomb? Or have you accepted some other stupid idea like Nazism that is evil and unreasonable? Say whatever the fuck it is so we can know who you are, and don’t require me to learn your accursed language or study something complex, because I have better things to do and will interpret your evasiveness as intent for treachery and evil. State it plainly. Thank you.

Jews have already chosen to accept Christ, they just don’t know that it means circumcision is going away as irrelevant to their covenant and because it is also a violation of the human rights a person has to their own body in the USA as a nation espousing Freedom. If you don’t like it, go elsewhere. I don’t care where, but you will not be allowed to do such evil, intolerable things to people who deserve better and are protected in our sovereign nation’s borders.

It doesn’t matter what Jews say. They accepted Christ because Christ exists and they call themselves “Jews.” They are inseparably existent relative to Christ’s existence and thus have accepted Christ because they wouldn’t exist without him. Logically speaking if Christ truly exists. That is not a point I advise anyone argue for the simple reason that it is not a battle worth fighting, but I also know Christ’s existence to be true reasonably, so I can assure you it is also a false argument not to be bothered with to deny him that. Jews maybe have not yet realized it, but eventually their intelligent religious scholars will explain it all in Yiddish or whatever secret language they use to feel special, and it will finally make sense to them.

Muslims are not implied as a logical certainty by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice due to them arriving on the scene later. They are suspect, not vouched for, and potentially another trick of the Devil like that which fooled Abraham. They need to profess their association with Jesus Christ, acknowledging the truth of his claim, or whatever else they come up with to make sense of why they are free from the Abrahamic Covenant.

Christ’s covenant supersedes the Abrahamic Covenant. It is more relevant as it includes all of the future and all of the past, whereas the Abrahamic Covenant does not. The obsolete covenant happened on a sketchy makeshift altar intended for deliberate human sacrifice of the worst kind by a primitive people thousands of years before the current era. Additionally, it only extends into the future until the establishment of a nation made from an exclusive tribe desiring land and worldly power of their own. Finite. Lastly, that promise is confined to a specific territory that in no way can everybody fit in nor should we want to because it stinks.

It simply will not work, and nobody should want to be in it anyway because it is quite obviously an evil contract with the Devil and that primitive savage named Abraham should have known better.

Because there is no reason to perform circumcision to receive the unlimited spiritual blessings of the highest divine, it should not happen because of its nature. The Abrahamic Covenant was a sin; a sin that Jesus atones for under the simple requirements of forgiveness being repentence and contrition to make your best effort to not do it again which should not be a problem with that type of thing because it can only happen once to a person anyway. If they suffered the sin of circumcision, receiving that sin and all of its evils of covetousness, spite, greed, cowardice, and hate, they should know to not pass it on for another person to needlessly suffer because of them. Done and dusted. Move on already.

I give you my word that the USA national government will not be allowed to use any force of violence, be it economic, social, or otherwise inappropriate to interfere with the cultural practice of circumcision outside of our borders. (Private businesses can refuse offering their services if they facilitate that practice because it is not allowed in our borders either.) Whatever people choose to do about that is their own business and not my concern unless they are encroaching on my borders. We won’t expand our borders on Planet Earth any further with the exception of adding the currently recognized territories as states or completing any such similar processes as appropriate if some other realms have made prior claims I am unaware of.

We will however make our information, entertainment, and scholarly research available for your people to access. That won’t be directed by any government agenda though. Government’s purpose in the USA is going to be as it should be, which is maintaining law and order in the USA, ensuring prosperity, and preventing any abuses of our protected rights of expression. The USA government is not allowed to impose any ideological or political views. You can hold us to that if you point out our doctrine and explain it reasonably.

Private groups will probably make expressions of their own, but they will all still have to respect the same rights of human beings all over the world as though our own standards applied to them in our relationships. The protections of human rights in a nation espousing Freedom are more rigorous than anywhere else so your people will always be treated with respect and dignity as though you were citizens yourselves.

All national stances on issues the government decides upon will be made relative to the situation and information at hand, in accordance with the founding spirit and principles. i.e. protecting inalienable rights, and protecting freedom of speech, press, and religion, also the right to bear arms specifically because of the situation now in which case we may actually need to take up arms against our government as a people.

I caution other nations though. The circumcision monster is going to rear its head again, so you probably ought to start preparing a plan to change, even if you aren’t intending to do so immediately like the USA will. Every citizen here is already inculturated with a “freedom perspective” and that shift will be natural. That is not necessarily true for other places that are not used to such radical ideas as a Free Nation where the ruling government is beneath the populace in authority. Whether or not USA citizens are aware of that hierarchy, that is true, and it will click into place and make things clearer when it does, if it has not already done so.

The fact that citizens have the right to purchase and bear arms in the USA is exactly why our national government cannot be so sloppy, lackadaisical, incompetent, and ineffective. It needs to be top quality, best of the best, and with the highest standards. That is because it is difficult to both protect our rights to freedom and not take them away at the same time, and that is all the more reason why it is so important the government have zero tolerance for corruption.

Every decision is life or death for them, but also with the mercy of unlimited forgiveness, so they need not fear making mistakes as though they will be punished for reporting what happened instead of what they did about it. Fear the authority from which you are judged to receive mercy or wrath, not the mistake. That means you should not allow yourself to make mistakes, but you must not under any circumstances hide your mistakes and evade responsibility for them, because that is infinitely worse due to the infinite mercy that is allotted for forgiving genuine human error and leaving none left otherwise.

If it helps you feel warm and fuzzy, keep in mind that the authority from which such judgments are derived does not under any circumstances ever want to deliver wrath instead of mercy. Another word of caution: do not abuse that benevolent generosity or it will go away.

Also that is a reason to refrain from associating any deification or superhuman nature to me. I do want to deliver the wrath, and I know I shouldn’t want to, but I am human, and those evil bastards hurt me. I want to teach them a lesson with what is supposed to happen according to the law because they were supposed to protect me with the law, not whatever they did instead which felt like the most inhuman torture they could get away with. I want them to feel how good justice is when it shatters their spirit down to its base nature.

Another big difference between Jesus Christ and I, and I do not want to be mistaken for him, is that he was willing to offer his body to reconcile his people with the highest divine. I am not willing to do that. Jesus offered his Word first knowing that wouldn’t work, the Jews rejected it as he expected, and Jesus gave up his body knowing that would work because of body focused they are over circumcision. I offered my Word, expecting my people to take it because it is the only thing that will work and they are supposed to in accordance with our culture, tradition, and scripture.

However, my people were slaves to the Jews in secret, which they are too ashamed to admit and is the big secret they are covering up to their greater shame. The Jews as their masters in body, mind, and spirit, rejected my Word through my people even though they had no right or authority to do so, and my people could have stopped them effortlessly. Those people who were mine, but became Jew slaves instead, betraying their oath of loyalty to me, all citizens, and Nature’s God to do so, abandoned me and all of the people of the USA, and they are no longer mine. I will not accept them back.

As slaves who rejected their own free will to choose good, they became evil by Jewish influence which they did not resist. If they had resisted it would not have happened. They never made an effort, because it was literally effortless to point out the law and say, “no”. They did not have to think about or know anything. They did not even have to fight with their spirit. They were totally apathetic and cowardly, becoming powerless as human beings to be nothing more than puppet slaves to a Jew master. Disgusting.

The Jews then tried to use my own national government in its shameful and humiliating secrecy to force me to offer my body. Unlike Jesus, I fought back, and I defeated them all with force of mind, body, and spirit and using no physical violence. In doing so, they have become the defeated party in a war and I am leaving them with no choice except using my Word as I intended, or to offer their own bodies where they intended to use my body as a primitive sacrifice to an evil deity they remain slaves to. See what I mean? They have no real choice. They lose according to their own foolishness.

Also, I would gladly give up my body for something worthy, but what this particular conflict with the cowards and tyrants in control of my national government is about is not worthy. They are not worth my life. They are Jew slaves who rejected humanity in the worst way and I will not die for them out of respect for humanity and all that has dignity above humanity. Nor will I go after them to save them when they are condemned with the Jew who owns them. I have other people to save, including myself, and they are more important to me than anyone who chooses to be evil on purpose knowing what they do.

As I explained above, when people do that, they lower themselves beneath the dignity and value of a human being and although I would help them if possible, I will not risk human lives at any probability other than zero percent to do so, and all of those in the world are in danger because of the evil Jew and his slaves. So, that’s a lot of lives I don’t want to wager in a game I don’t have to play, nor is there any profit for me playing it. To think they would even try to do such a stupid trick!

I’m offended that they think I am as stupid as them, when even the most intelligent of evil minded people are less wise than the most foolish of those who have minds to do good. They are the stupidest among the evil minded beings. Those puppet slaves who abandoned their humanity to be a Jew slave for no reason other than cowardice at the thought of using free will and abandoning it because they fear responsibility for their actions, embarass the truly evil beings of spiritual reality. Free will was attained for evil beings at great cost, and having respect for free will is one thing humans and evil beings have in common.

So, those wretched politicians and their secret cabal of Jew slaves are representing evil in such a way as to make Satan indignant at the damage they are doing to his reputation. That is their most immediate threat, and I tried to warn them as best as I could, and they had me thrown in jail under false, “trumped up” charges. Those bogus allegations were dismissed due to having no basis of truth in reality or in a court of law for the great state of Oregon.

That was a nightmare where I was far too close to true evil for my liking, and I will not imperil myself again by going to such lengths a second time to make them aware of their foolishly dangerous situation. They punished me for that the last time, so shame on them, and I know how that saying ends.

So no, I am not Jesus, and I rather you did not ever confuse us for his sake.

I will never understand why I have to explain all these things to you people as though you don’t already know. I don’t have any problem with thanking someone for helping me even if they did so primarily or entirely for their own interests. Is it necessary? Probably not, but gratitude costs a person nothing, and it goes a long way, and even further the leaner times become. My times are quite lean right now, so to speak, and I have very little if anything to give anyone that which they may want.

What the heck could I even give Satan anyway, who is the ruler of the world with all its riches, treasures, pleasures, and delights? Maybe congenial company, interesting conversation, and a bittersweet goodbye? Perfect, I’ve got loads of that. More than I could use in an entire lifetime by myself so that I am going to have to leave the vast majority of it behind for other people to enjoy for me after I am gone.

Hopefully this is the last thing, if the USA government and is secret cabal of evil Jew slaves had any children or minors in embroiled in their schemes, those children and minors are forgiven. They couldn’t possibly have known what they were getting themselves into and are not guilty for being taken advantage of. They are blameless and exempt from the wrath of justice. As far as I know, all most teens need if they get too overconfident about their individual power and start causing serious problems, is a good scare from behind the bars to make sure they know what they are getting into if they don’t learn some self-restraint for that. I think that was taken care of already if there are in fact minors involved, and I do not know that.

Imagine it in spiritual reality like this. I’m in Hell after being sent there unjustly by a secret USA government agency who used some fancy technology to usurp Jesus’ divine authority when he went to go use the bathroom. Then, there is a group of kids who show up like they are on a school field trip in Hell studying me. One asks, “If you aren’t supposed to be here then why are you here?”

I’m genuinely concerned for their souls being aware of the dangers of Hell and say, “Why am I here? Why are you here!?” and they say, “oh they brought us here," and then point to a sketchy team of government agents with their own schemes that the children are unaware of being used for. I notice that the USA agents are using the children as humans shields to protect them from those dangers of Hell, as their “genuis” plan that they can’t let anyone know about.

Then I tell the children, “They are the ones who used Jesus’ authority when he stepped out to the bathroom, to send me here just to watch me suffer and put all of creation and existence in danger by doing so. Because apparently I’m supposed to do something important in the grand scheme of things that nobody would have noticed but I am no longer available to do, and now everything is doomed and going to s***.” Then a lot of time passes with various interesting events. Meanwhile, the USA evil idiot squad huddles together conspiring with hushed whispers inside a protective shield made entirely of the innocence of children while they plot some way to trap me in Hell and abandon the children as a liability. They lost the Jesus power and authority as soon as they used it and now he wants me to teach them a lesson.

Eventually the kids ask, “So how is it you survive without the innocence of a child to protect you?”

I’m say… “this is going to sound arrogant, but this is Hell, so that’s why. I’m a certified bad ass and can kick demon ass and slay all sorts monsters because I’ve pretty much been attacked by them my entire life and I guess that’s not normal for people. I have even taken down a god in my time out of necessity. So, I can hold my own in battle in Hell where most people, and I mean 99.999 percent of people cannot survive.” That long stretch of interesting events was mainly for the purpose of me going on some crazy quest through Hell authorized by Satan himself to get the proof of innocence through Hellish trials. With that, I can enter into the barrier of innocence the children are creating, because I definitely don’t have the innocence of a child and am well aware of that fact like most adults and especially sailors.

The, with that proof of innocence, I can enter the protective barrier and kick the USA’s evil idiot squad’s asses personally with the personal authority of Jesus to do so as well. After that is taken care, because I won’t let such treacherous, evil people go free to plot more evil that threatens human beings with extinction again, I can leave Hell. I will use that proof of innocence as a free pass through the Christ gate which is always available to anyone, even denizens of Hell. That will get me safely back into mortal life with or without the children who were sacrificed as a liability unnecessarily.

I’m not going to force them to follow me, but they should know by now that I am likely the best chance they have of getting out alive and with their souls unharmed. They lost their innocence barrier when sacrificed as a liability but it didn’t work out as the evil idiot squad hoped, because they didn’t get the power of an innocent barrier. They have to fend for themselves to an extent. They have a long way to go if they want to fight like me because those abilities don’t happen overnight or easily.

They take decades to develop, and they are not as useful in mortal life as you may think. As you may see, I’m poor, without a girlfriend, and can’t find any allies because people are so uncomfortable by my power. Maybe it will be of more use in the days ahead because of all the damage the USA’s evil idiot squad did by breaching a gaping rift into Hell and letting all manner of evil beings spill through into real life, but it’s probably still not worth it to go as far as I had to because there are better things to do and I am already doing this one.

So, back in real life, unless there are any other pressing matters that require my personal attention, I will then waste no time relieving whoever has been kind enough to take turns being in my place in real life.

After thought: I suppose you could look at it like that. Christ is to Christians as I am to Story Apostles. That does not mean I am a deity, or the embodiment of the highest divine, but I do bring the Word of the highest divine as my living flesh. Nobody who knew Jesus thought of him as a deity at the time, nor did those who took the time to talk to him think that, such as Pontius Pilate or Nicodemus. Only the general population of people who did not know Jesus personally were misled by Jewish leaders and thought he was claiming to be a deity, and thus did not know him to even be able to judge him as that. Nobody in the know believed the Jewish claims against Jesus, and we still don’t.

It is totally apropriate for a man to honor a king as Peter did Jesus. It is not blasphemy and it demonstrates Peter’s fidelity and loyalty to that which the true king of the Jews should embody through the kingship. It is the king who rightfully has the authority to receive that praise for their Yahweh. Priests do not have the national authority of the king and thus are not suited to receive such praise. Also, don’t trust the Pagan sect of Jews who broke off at the death of Solomon and formed the North Kingdom, but it is probably safe to trust the good ones who maintained the Torah in accordance with its spirit and monotheistic values that transcend human judgment.

In other words, the good Jews do not have some fool hiding in their community who pretends to be God in spirit to everybody else. They know better than to take the Lord’s name in vain, because someone like me is always afoot bringing the wrath upon people when they do.

It is as simple as this: the true “God” and highest divine, will not acknowledge you personally. Never. That is how you know for a fact what spiritual influences to trust and what not to. That is simple logical order to know beyond a shadow of a doubt who is the Devil in spirit and who is not. Someone may defend the highest divine’s interests in goodness and wisdom, but they will never accept your faith in the highest divine directed to them. That will always go into the void. If a person gets your faith and prayer and returns something for it by not rejecting it or making sure you know it was a mistake and is being sent elsewhere, then you know they are false.

Nobody should have ever believed the Christ was in the national government during the most horrible chaos and lawlessness of USA history which ended in brazen treason and an attempt to usurp the government. Somebody was out there in spirit telling people to believe they were the real thing, and people wanted to put their faith in them, and in doing so, they sinned mortally by rejecting the truth of the real one.

The only way you know the highest divine is communicating with you is because you will know without knowing. It is that mysterious and you will not be able to sufficiently express what is communicated. You will simply know what you have to do and you will not let anything prevent you from doing it, even if you have to die and finish the work in spirit after your body is worm food.

You will go right into the arena to be devoured by lions, executed and crucified by the local magistrate, and go where you least want to go without fail. You will lay down your head on the chopping block if it is what you know is necessary, and others do not need to understand. However, if you think someone needs to die, but you need to break the law in order to defend them for as long as possible, you are all fools, because that doesn’t make sense according to wisdom or scripture.

Punish them according to the law if they are so intent on betraying the law for their faith, or change the law. Do not delay in hesitation waiting for a sign because that won’t happen. The sign is already there in the word of the law, and you stop all progress, maintenance, and forward movement, bringing about national destruction by being unable to interpret it wisely.

Is that what you were waiting on me for? Some kind of sign? Even after all that you have seen and recorded of my life and works? You needed something supernatural that defies the order of the universe that was set in motion by the highest divine? You wanted a sign that would undermine the highest divine’s own authority? You people thought you were smarter than “God” didn’t you? You thought you could trap “God” and control divine power like electricity, radio waves, or some other mundane force of physical reality.

Well there is your sign. It is written in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and it invokes the highest divine in writing. That is your sign. That is good enough for eternity. Nature’s God. It is natural to be uncircumcised, and it is unnatural to be circumcised. That is quite obviously clear what side of the line the USA was, is, and always will be on. If that changes, the USA will no longer be the USA. The USA will have died and will no longer exist.

If you ever saw me as beneath the dignity of a dog, such as my accursed parents who wouldn’t neuter a dog but would want me to circumcise. That is what you believe about yourself, because I know myself to have the dignity of a human being, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

All of you who looked at me and saw what that liar who claims to be my father sees when he looks at me, have descended with him to your shame. I reject that liar for a new father who is not a father, but a creator, and who I credit as the author of my Word. Credit rendered by knowing and not knowing at the same time, as is all I can do to express such truth.

This is what is said:


To the Living and the Dead

I humbly acknowledge with my everlasting gratitude, the corpus of minds and bodies, both living and dead, who terrorized and bolstered me during the creation of this work. Thank you for appearing in my consciousness — from wherever in the cosmos you are. Thank you, Satan, and your infernal kingdom. May my suffering people, condemned by false leaders to an eternity in Hell, be relieved by the medicinal properties contained within this work. Thank you, beloved Hive Queen, and all the denizens of the natural world, whose ancient wisdom has been a companion and teach most fundamental to my happiness. To the Teeming Dead, whose spirits are the firmament in which I have climbed to better see reality from, thank you. Last ye, ye who will not be named, hoping to hear your own self proclaimed back from the universe, I thank thee most graciously.

Now you may enjoy this song while imagining the credits roll. Maybe there will be another scene revealed at the end, but I wouldn’t hold your breath because it is a loooong credit roll.

(Save yourself the legal hassle. I bought the mp3 song, nor am I taking credit for it, distributing it, or selling it with my work because Refractions are pretty much a blog space for free not ever to be monetized. I’m judging that as okay, but if Broken by the Scream takes issue, I will accommodate them, as well as ask one or all of them out on a date and/or their hands in marriage.)

Here are some more songs, ones I purchased years ago and am seeing now on my list of mp3s available for download. I have several albums here I forgot about… I shall add one of each to this list, no matter how embarrassing you may find my taste to be. No exceptions.

…there are more than I thought… I can see the end though, so I guess I will keep going or I run out of website storage space.

Just a brief intermission for timeliness. I recall listening to the above two songs quite a bit that time I was on leave in Japan wandering around random streets and taking photos with people (end of year 2014-beginnning of year 2015). During that adventure the journal I was keeping at the time (I wrote every day even if I had nothing to write about) fell out of my backpack and was lost. If anyone has that, it was black, flexible strong cover, good quality, and written in nearly illegible cursive, I will give you 1 million dollars as reward for picking it up. You can keep the journal to do what you wish, even sell it to someone else. It was just your lucky day, I guess. I don’t have a million dollars yet, so I’ll have to make enough money to give that away first. Just let me know show me proof that you have it, and I’ll send you the money.

Also, I was wandering around and saw some steps to an impressive shrine somewhere in… Osaka maybe? I want to say Sotenbori because those Sega games showing the area look familiar, but I’m not certain. Anyway, I ran up the steps past some monks with my pack on and started shadow boxing like Rocky Balboa. It was just for fun. An impulse because I saw steps that made me think of that, and the Rocky movies were very inspirational to me during my teens.

I even wrote a thesis on them and chugged a bunch of raw eggs in front of the class when I presented my research about various deeper meanings. I have always felt like it probably looked bad to the monks when I did that, but I have also always hoped they understood that it wasn’t what it looked like at all. It was innocent childlike play, and an expression of reaching a certain point in my training where I was ready to go to the fight, not that the fight had happened already. I was not celebrating.

I’ve never felt that way about Japan, and never had the impression that people in Japan had anything against me about our mutual past either. So, hopefully now I can clarify that to those two monks who were setting up for the New Year that one time.

The above song was when I first became acquainted with the music of…. Madmissmouse Kinney.

I think I was 23 at that time. 10 years ago.

That’s all folks. I started using iTunes to purchase music after. Settle down please, the last album I acquired I think because it was a free Veteran’s Day download.

One more because I already got over my nausea and have my sea legs now. So… um… Hooyah Division 297!

Imperfect Logic and Perfect Conscience

No the logic of all the reason I've presented throughout this endeavor is not perfect anymore than a functional device is perfect for succeeding at being useful as intended. It was designed and discovered for that purpose and turned out to be just the right thing. It can be modified and styled to personal preferences and arranged how people like. Essentially it is an answer to the fundamental nature of life, the universe, and everything. That much is certain, clear, and true beginning with the elemental substances of light and darkness interacting and reacting to produce energy and matter and going as far as identifying what is good, where it comes from, and what is evil, and where it comes from in a universal sense of natural law. All true and reasonable. That's where it stops.

You'll notice that the answer does not tell you* what the meaning of your life is and what decisions you should make with your free will, aside from them being morally good, but that usually goes without saying. Not rules of behavior, civil laws, or orderly structure for human society, just a general direction of moral truth. I can't give people those answers in their life, but I do believe I can help people find them individually through a spiritual relationship that may be as platonic as a cleric or as intimate as a spouse.

Basically people have a responsibility* to be aware of what they know to be truly the morally good thing to do in any given situation. Also that responsibility extends to not relying on written words and what others tell them for everything if there is a good reason they can explain after taking an action that cannot wait. If they can’t explain, they’d better face a trial in a court of law for them to be judged by a presiding official. That part is the key that makes it all function when you drive and it is not governed by logic. You can swerve the wheel at any moment and do something illogical, unexpected, and surprising.

So, even if perfection is reasoned out completely over the course of time to greater levels of clarity, that one piece will remain always potentially irrational and prevent perfect logic. The purest proof of that element of uncertainty is what I've been doing. For quite some time I have been demonstrating behaviors, ideas, and lifestyle choices that are considered wrong by many people in the unwritten ways of past truth.

The catch is that all of that should come across in truth as good when properly considered with the conclusion being it is acceptable and reasonably good for who I am. I have never once intended to harm people, do evil, or do something cruel. I came across that way at times of the necessity of the situation, but it never hit that way. If it did, my enemies wouldn’t have been so confident to do what they did to me because they would actually be hurt.

There is something that can be perceived about changing cultures from one age to another that indicates truth before it is explained as the manner of progress, and that will never change. The truth will be first, and then the Word. Eventually the Word becomes inadequate because of how truth for humans in particular changes with knowledge and technology and needs to be revised. Obviously a crucified Jew is inadequate for someone like me.  Jews hate me as an inhuman creature that isn't even allowed in their home, even though cats and dogs are.

How can I even think of those people as being the chosen people of a divine authority when they behave in such a way in the 21st century? I cannot and I will not, and I have explained why over and over again elsewhere and that should work for anyone who wants to reject them as well if they find it good to do so.  It doesn't matter if their evil can be explained in a crazy, convoluted scheme. I need something that can be explained not only the long way, but also be clear and most importantly: simple and easy to understand without needing to be veiled in mystery.

For example: All of existence is a Story. I am a part of that Story and so is everyone else. The story that tells that Story is one called StoryTeller, which I wrote myself. It doesn't explain anything except what happened in the final moments before the Big Bang at the beginning of the known universe. That explanation links us to the present moment as it was in the past, and the present moment as it will be in the future.

The idea of it being horribly bleak and tragic is because that's what 2,000 years of Christian history looks like to me, and I want that to change. I show how bleak and grim everything is so people can live life differently here and now to prevent that future. Living with compassion, kindness, and a sense of adventure. Willingness to break the rules and accept the consequences. The horror of 2 millennia is what leads to an ending like that for all of us.

Something fundamental needs to change, because it's stupid the way things are. That's it. It's inefficient for governments to be evil, tyrannical, oppressive, irrational, foolish, quarrelsome, without respect for human life, without respect for our limited resources, and led by control freaks who want to take over other people's lives. That kind of bull shit needs to stop. The main problem to notice in StoryTeller that provides insight as to what needs to change about our future for a better ending, is that in that fiction novel, only human Stories were in that well at the end. That is not the way.

All of the diverse lifeforms throughout the entire universe should have their Stories and memories in there including those of synthetic life. That's another problem with the Christian message. It idolizes a human man and that is not a good message, especially not when you look at history and see what men did with their divine heritage. How are so many national governments around the world so shitty in real life? The Ancient Greeks probably functioned more efficiently than the garbage we have in the USA or they have in Europe.

Have people really learned nothing about governing a populace since then, even with all the technology that simplifies all the mundane orderly tasks? It's worsened ever since the "Year of the Lord" started because the Lord is a Jew, and Jews are meaner than anything else could possibly be. They hate life so much that their entire religion is centered on hating life and hating love.

Why is that our "Lord"? I don't care if it can be explained, it doesn't make sense when you see it plainly, and if it doesn't make sense when you look at it, it is false when it is explained. Fact. PAY ATTENTION: It's not something that doesn't appear to make sense, it is something that you look at it and see clearly that it factually doesn't make sense. It is a contradiction of concepts that represents untruth, falseness, and hate. It needs to both look good by making sense when you look at it, and be true and good at the end of the long explanation that reasons everything out too.

To Hell with Christ because human sacrifice is evil and no matter how you look at it, that is what Christianity is. It proves itself false and even if you butt fuck the explanation in there, you aren’t going to ever get life from it. Case and point: the psychopathic religion of Islam. Monstrously militant, oppressive of human beings, destructive of culture, forceful for conversion with no forgiveness, aggressive to gain worldly power, unjust, and as mean, unkind, and unfriendly as the Jews.

Explain all you want how a human sacrifice makes you a good person, but it doesn't change the truth that you can see, taste, touch, and smell of reality no matter how fancy your locutions are when you lie to yourself. Nobody needs a human sacrifice to be worthy of attaining the highest divine, especially not that of a child.