The Nature of Politicians (first draft)

(I highlighted in bold the part that made it theologically scholarly in my opinion, albeit without references from direct research. Conceptually though, those are high concepts relevant to scholars who study the mystical nature of the Christian religion as it pertains to society. It may prove useful as a resource in formal scholarship and I hope it does.

This took a bit out of me and I don’t want to work on it more now, because I am running out of time and I want to spend more of my last moments playing video games than working professionally without pay for such ungrateful and unkind people whose selfish and evil oppression and tyranny are the very reason I am without pay. So please excuse the necessary edits and enjoy the charity.)

These people should not be as reviled, hated, distrusted, and despised as they are in the USA.

The entire purpose of a politician is to be a good, virtuous, and honorable person, and that is why they are elected and trusted to make decisions that pertain to everyone. They are expected to have the most wisdom, best judgment, and understanding of the society they are governing. That means an elected official, or any government official in Israel is going to have a different way of thinking and doing things than in the USA. The societies value different things, hold different truths to be self-evident, and are accountable to different written texts as the standard of authority above human judgement.

In regards to those texts, both the Hebrew Scriptures and the USA’s founding documents are a result of more than one person’s work, effort, and wisdom both in their composition and occasion for being written. The concept of Freedom and Democracy is an ancient idea that arises from a universal struggle people of all nations have been fighting against various forms of oppression, tyranny, and injustice.

That’s what the “the shot heard around the world” which was the spark of the American War for Independence, implies. It was a statement that all nations around the world, Japan, England, India, South Africa, Brazil, Russia, etc. were all aware of in its full meaning as a rebuke of England’s imperialism, colonization, and authoritative monarchy government. Everyone knew what was happening when people started fighting back because of how England’s imperialism had impacted the world and destroyed cultures had affected the global consciousness of humanity.

Poor people are not stupid. Just because we aren’t in the throne room doesn’t mean we cannot see what is happening when governments shift in subtle ways because of secret agreements. If anything, poor people have more awareness of cultural values and how changes will affect the situation than any royalty or nobility because of what inequality causes. They become detached, seperated from, and ultimately ignorant of the way of life that is relevant to the majority of the people.

Politicians are supposed to be aware of that greater meaning of the USA as it applies to Freedom and Democracy, specifically as it relates to other forms of government around the world. Those forms of monarchy that force themselves upon people as if they know better than the individuals they are impacting is our enemy. The foolish monarchs, the false gods, the condescending “fathers” and “mothers” that national leaders insult their populace by pretending to be. Those concepts are the enemy of freedom, and we cannot adhere to them in the USA or govern as they do.

In other nations the leaders need to be aware of their own national identity in relation to everyone else, which is why national leaders of Israel must have a deep understanding of the Hebrew texts, and the Hebrew movement as accounted from from Genesis. Likewise for Muslims with the Hebrew Scriptures as the foundation for the Qu’ran. Just knowing one’s own nation should keep a world leader’s hands full because of how complicated a nation’s unique identity is.

All those things require goodness to be effective with. One has to be aware of virtue and morality when examining one’s own culture, history, and place in the world so you can judge the apropriate course of action without degrading or defiling the sacred values of the populace, which are for the most part, unwritten. Is there any doctrine about American sports in the Constitution? Yet how important are American Football, Baseball, and Basketball to our identity as a culture? Not everyone has to enjoy those things, but there should be some awareness that those are our identity as a nation, and in many ways are attributes of what we hold sacred.

When someone decided to purge my high school football image from newspaper archives, that should have had alarm bells going off because of how many lines that crosses beyond that of formal law and doctrine. Even the accusation I am making about what happened should be taken seriously and someone should investigate to see if that is true and it shouldn’t take more than an hour to call the newspaper and ask them about it, wait for them to investigate, and come back with the information.

I looked into it myself and never received a response back from them. That happens a lot though, to include me reaching out to find legal help. So, if you are reading this, I genuinely need your help with this burden, because my hands are tied. How can I lift up this artificial burden that is not mine, if they won’t even let me communicate freely with public services?

It is not only my burden now, because that too is your burden if you are a citizen. They are using your power to oppress me, and I kindly ask that you stop allowing them to use your power to do so, because I want to live my life and achieve my goals of helping others with basic needs of mind, body, and spirit. Spirit and mind, I can do with words, but to help with people’s bodies, I’m going to need physical assets more than I have, and it is precisely those assets that the government is interfering illegally to prevent me from accessing. Pass interference, on the defense.

However, consider how politicians got the reputation of being liars, crooks, and generally dishonest people. That was not because they were intentionally criminal or doing corrupt acts with no restraint to abide by the law. That was because they are adults.

Not long ago, there was a veil between adult life and child life, and although it was torn and kind of flimsy, it was there. Ever since Jesus, circumcision hit the limelight and as a result children became aware of dicks, sex, and that is how that tear and flimsiness occurred. That stuff was still hush hush, but you cannot circumcise a child and expect him to not think about it the same way you can with uncircumcised children.

It never crossed my mind as a child that there was another world like that sexual nastiness that is typically for adults only, but circmcised children and the young girls they corrupt are comfortable in. Do not mistake that culture or perception for wisdom, intelligence, maturity, or goodness. It is pure foolishness!

Oh yes it is, and once I became aware of that other world, because it came into the real world where I live and tried to take my happiness, I now see it for what it is, and it is not something you people should be proud of. You should have been teaching children to reject that type of thing. They grow up thinking it is the way of adults, and now look at them. Look at what children who became men and never matured oast adolescence have done with the USA and the world. They are still thinking about sex as the reason for doing anything!

I am light years ahead of those people simply because I never considered sex as all that important beyond a physical pleasure. Now there are people looking at me like I am no-shit God incarnate, and I’m quite literally, a normal, average man as all people should at least be. If they didn’t waste so much of their time fretting over each other’s dicks, they would have a lot more to say about themselves than “sorry” and remaining disappointingly incapable after they say it because they don’t even know what they are apologizing for.

It is a very sad state of affairs, and not one that deserves sympathy. It is a state of affairs that deserves wrath, and what’s more is that wrath is demanded for it too! That is what needs to and will happen to those people, because like dogs, they will not understand that humans have boundaries dogs do not naturally conceptualize until they are made aware that they crossed those boundaries with a firm swat to the backside and a hard rebuke that gets the point across. One that reminds them whose grace and mercy they are enjoying by being inside the house, and it isn’t Nature’s.

Not long ago that boundary between adults and children was strong enough so that people could call politicians bad and still be fecitious about it knowing what they are getting into is nothing more than drug abuse, casual sex, and other adult activities that adults usually couldn’t care less about other adults doing. The only concern with adults doing that is that it would offer children moral examples contrary to what that veil was supposed to protect.

Every since the internet though, that veil has vanished entirely and there is no veil at all, because the youngest children are well aware of the sexuality of adults and all manner of stuff that is available on the internet. There is no keeping that from the public. It is too widespread and trying to create another veil is going to be far too inefficient than it is worth. Besides, nobody even cares about those archaic anti-sexual norms of ancient culture! It’s possible that private households can maintain a veil with some effort, and if they wish they should be allowed to within reason, but I don’t reccomend it.

Leave the public alone though, because trying to veil children from adults in public is going to ruin all of the functions of cyberspace and information technology. Particularly multiplayer video games. Like wtf!? Are you segregating me from the entire gaming community because I am an adult? Discriminating against me based on age!? You know that the law that prohibits that kind of thing is well known by anyone who has ever applied for a job, don’t you? Or is it another reason?

If there were efficient dating services that didn’t try to practice large scale eugenics by selectively choosing people they think should breed and blocking others who they think should not marry. That is one of the most hateful crimes people can commit, and there should be a lot of backlash fighting against those monsters trying to do that from wherever it is known. I won’t get into the reason, science, and moral truth why eugenics is incorrect and incompatible with human progress more than I have, but other people will, and I look forward to seeing them lay the beat down upon the wicked megalomaniacs in service of evil by assaulting love for the name of Nazism and eugenics.

With that veil being gone, there is no excuse for politicians to be hiding their personal lives from the public to such an extent. Especially not when they invade the lives of private citizens who are not held accountable as public people by the taxpayer. Whatever is authorized to be done to invade a person’s privacy by the government needs to be done to the Congress, Senate, and White House as well. They shuold not be embarassed about sexuality anymore anyway, because homosexuality, casual sex, and fornication is culturally accepted all over the USA and most of the world. Get over yourselves.

If that is not what you are trying to hide, then what are you trying to hide? That was the only thing that was kosher for being hidden before the world changed. It is still kosher to be hidden, but there is a problem about government judgments against citizens like me concerning that. The government is judging people for sexual behavior as if they themselves are sinless priests of the cloth and totally celibate in their marriage.

They have no place to be watching, let alone judging my pornographic interests, sexual partners, romantic interests, or dating behaviors as though they can somehow have some insight into my personality like a psychotherapist. A psychotherapist may have that insight, and do you know why? That is a private, confidential setting built on trust, intimacy, and an openness to communicate the most private parts of a person’s mind with the promise of confidentiality.

Politicians, government agents, or whoever the USA hires to monitor people have no right to make judgments about my totally healthy sexual behavior. As healthy as a cheeseburger is at least. I’m pretty sure they are sharing my sexual habits, fetishes, and all kinds of private details like that with countless people in a direct effort to try and ruin my reputation before others. That’s what it feels like at least. I wonder if they ever imagined what they look like trying to do something like that.

So with that clear about what was okay for politicians to be dishonest about in the past, it should be clear what kind of things they should not be dishonest about.

Moving forward, there should be no judgments about a person’s sexual interests, behaviors, and partners as it concerns elected officials. None at all. I don’t care if they practice polygamy, homosexuality, or are totally asexual, that is of no importance to their role as elected officials. Here is why: their personal values, their beliefs of faith, and their interests are not to be involved in their responsibilities of government.

They are supposed to be ensuring an evironment that protects diversity in accordance with the standards of our doctrine. There should never have been a question about imposing popular opinions and beliefs on everyone else such as abortion! It is simple: when is a birth certificate issued and human life accounted for as a person to the government who makes and enforces the laws? That is where they draw the line because it is the moral values of the government that are concerned and not its elected officials.

The US government is an atheistic entity. Do not argue. That is good, right, and just. It protects Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and all else with the government maintaining humble atheism. Humble atheism meaning it makes no pretentious claims to be a deity, god, or divine being which would insulting the intelligence of everyone else with faith if it did.

You seriously think we wouldn’t notice that person doing what they are with their spirit? The very fact that they are persent doing anything is the crime. Nobody is going to believe they are a deity because they are precisely where a deity is not. That empty space they think is God, that is “the Christ”. Do you know what it means for “the Christ” to be “one with the Father”? There is another empty space above “The Chirst”.

Now… Jesus is “the Christ”, and that dude is not walking around in his body anymore like any other person. If he is, he’d better raise his hand and explain where the hell he has been, but we all know that isn’t going to happen. He is not around to be a person in that space that people are using others and themselves for as “the Christ”.

Now you may want to brace yourself for this revelation: the entire point of Christianity affirming Jesus as the Christ is to specifically assign him to that empty, mysterious place above everyone else, because he is not around anymore. When someone is there in that place, that is how you know they are a fraud. Additionally, you should not be assigning people you see or know about in real life as the Christ in that space! Doing so is not only offensive to everyone with faith, including divine beings, but also it is hurtful spiritually and mentally to the person you curse like that. Do you not remember what happened to Jesus? Nobody else should ever even try to do that or be pushed into doing that for more reasons than the claim that Jesus already paid all spiritual debts and there is no reason to sacrifice more life for that.

The concept of being “resurrected” as Jesus is believed to be, means taking on an entirely new form as a person which is not like a person. They are the same, but they are higher, and not confined to the limitations of the human body. So Jesus is in fact there, but he is above that empty space where “the father” is. What they don’t say, is that another empty space opened above that one because a person went there and it made more room for him.

So, where “the Father” was in Jesus’ time in his words and gospel is now where Jesus is. That place was what the Jews continue to believe is their highest divine as YHWH. That is the same which is why it is Jesus! However, the reason why the world changed, and it was such a big deal, is because that new space opened up above that. That space was already there and known by Gentiles, but Jesus became the link between Gentile faith and Jewish faith when previously there was empty space and purposeful empty space.

That lower form of faith that the Jews believe as their YHWH was established by Jews specifically to disaccociate from Gentiles. It is lower in dignity, and excluding themselves from everyone else in such a way is a lower behavior of evil, so it checks with chart, as it is said. Now if Jews want to believe in what they claim they need to acknowledge Jesus because otherwise they are in service to a lower faith which is the very sin that was crucified with Jesus.

That evil that does not ascend beyond that place Jews claim to be YHWH where Jesus is crucifed above human people as the highest one in a theoretically empty space of “most high”. No matter how great you are in Biblical standards, there is a most high that is conceivably higher, and it’s always there and empty. I bet it makes more sense now why it is said that Jews are evil, and those who know their secrets know that they in fact claim to be evil on purpose as representatives of the Devil doing the Devil’s works of evil for him. It’s insane that is actually what their faith is all about, but you will learn that too from their own mouths.

Where do I come into this hierarchy? Above the Gentile space that was previously known. The entire purpose of my work was to create a standard other than the Bible which I measure myself by because I do not accept, nor believe in the Bible’s values or morality. I reject all that garbage as evil, take what is universally true out of it, and abandon the savagery of the Jews and their scriptures below Jesus to be eternally crucified with him.

Now… this is where it get’s complicated, because spacetime does a flip through… what is like a black hole between that space of the highest divine and my place. I am on the other side of that, and in the place that is above Jesus, with sin below me as the living Jews and evil, fake Christians, and all those people who embody The Lawless One where Jesus is crucified 2,000 years ago.

See how that get’s kind of wonky? Time keeps moving, and there are tons of people in “the Christ’s” spot doing all manner of evil in the name of “the Christ” either as believers or as fakes pretending to be him. All that is going to get the modern version of crucifixion, and I wouldn’t mind if a few people like, Trump, Biden, and Musk were all beheaded the old fashioned way in public.

That’s the big difference. I am in the known good spot. Everyone else with a spiritual claim that does not ascend the way I opened for myself is going to end up getting annihilated in that old evil place. So, I advise you don’t do that. Jesus resurrected is still where he is in the good spot on his side of the black hole which leads to the past and directly above his crucifed body, which is above the world.

In the present we are past that time and if the Bible is of not concern to you this should be no concern to you anyway, unless they are imposing themselves on you like usual. Then you can slap the shit out of them with my Word and StoryTeller the new Story that supersedes the Bible in relevance and efficacy and knock them down into the world to be crucified with evil because they are being evil by doing that. For those of you who don’t know superceding the Bible means that there was a time that the Bible was good for spiritual claims, but ever since I did my thing, it is no longer good for those and what I created now is.

You could still try to use the Bible, but you are just going to end up crucified under my heel and not touching me if you did not have faith and ascend through Jesus as you should have by living the way he instructed. Most of you were actually quite cruel to me for no reason and proved yourselves false by doing so, and thus are quite easily condemned by your own actions recorded in government logs as false Christians inadmissible for resurrection beyond crucifixion. I don’t give a shit whether you believe me or what you believe. That is of no concern to me and I don’t need your faith to be true like Christ did.

The Christ, Jesus, would not exist still in that spot of higher conceptual reality without faith. Because… um, in case you didn’t know, a lot of the stuff in that story is metaphorical, with the resurrection included. That should be clear with this explanation though if you followed along. It’s true in a way, just not like a necromancy ritual of a body coming back from the dead. So, don’t forget your salt the next time you consider that if it’s news to you.

So, Jesus needed faith, and that’s faith. But I don’t need faith. I exist here and now whether you believe I do or not. What I did and am reinforcing here an now remains true and effective whether you believe it or not and whether you understand or not. You don’t have to understand, and admittedly these concepts can be difficult, but I am doing my best to make available what was previously next to impossible to explain.

It could be explained and has been throughout the centuries, but often those are very difficult texts to read. Anselem’s Monologion and Proslogion were what I found most accessible, but there are others. Swedenborg is another excellent theologian for making clear these things in ways that are accessible to everyday people. Hopefully this is the most clear version to this date because that would be a good thing, and hopefully more people can further clarify these things in the days to come, because that would also be a good thing.

If you think learning about the highest divine is about getting to an “end”, you should rethink your approach. Even when you do understand, nothing really changes aside from your faith and understanding. You still have to eat, sleep, and eliminate waste. You still get groggy in the morning if you haven’t had coffee when you usually do. The only thing that really changes about all that is like getting a pair of glasses to change slightly blurry vision you didn’t notice was off into crystal clear 4k HD reality with your new minor prescription.

A lot of people already had strong prescriptions for glasses to see with in life because they lived by their faith in the book. For them, this revelation is like not needing to wear those any more and retaining crystal clear vision. The lasik surgery, so to speak. My Word is like the highest divine as a laser correcting vision to see without glasses, and simply being willing to consider what I am writing with an open mind and charitable heart is like trusting the doctor to do it.

It’s not as serious as all of that though, because there are no risks involved with this procedure because you don’t have to take it or me on faith.

That’s all for now. If you are a fool of politician or anything else and you are leading a flock around as if you were in the Christ’s spot, buckle up for your crucifixion, because it’s coming. You should not have been doing that, and should have been allowing the true person who was crucified that day on Golgotha to remain there. By claiming to be for him as a Christian or Jew, and denying his place there, you are quite the hypocrite, offensive about it, and harmful to the people he cares about as a spiritual authority. So if you have a lot of chains of sin, I advise you keep low to the ground, because the storm of the ages is upon us and the air is so empty it is ominously tense. I’m no weather man, but it feels like lightning is about to strike.

On the bright side, there are some morons who made towers of themselves and then chained themselves atop them like human lightning rods, so that should divert some of the energy from striking us common folk in Cheap Side, but you still ought to play it safe and get yourself indoors if you ask me.

Random discussion on the monotheistic roots of Judaism

I found that interesting too. I don’t have sources to cite to you, but I could find them if given time. It’s basically drawn from the philosophical discussions of the Greek word theos. I’m not sure which philosophers you would have to read to find specific quotes and provide a formal scholarly argument (that’s actually one of the two remaining courses I need to finish my master’s degree, the other being an elective). I keep putting it off because other stuff gets in the way… like a severe depression from social media companies bullying me that exhausted all motivation for me to spare energy to enjoy schoolwork this last semester.

Sorry for that tangent. Anyway, the Greek foundation of monotheism is commonly understood among the scholarly community, but it is a complex topic to understand with a lot of interchanging disciplines involved. It’s because the development of Christianity was a step away from Judaism and towards that universal concept that it was such a hit with Mediterranean culture and why the original Christian scriptures were written in Greek.

However, the presence of Melchizedek in some of the earliest Hebrew scriptures indicates that there were other cultural groups that maintained similar monotheistic beliefs. Another example of the prevalence of Greek thought influencing Jewish beliefs is the fact that in Jesus’ time most Jews read their scriptures in the Greek language from a collection of their scriptures called the Septuagint.

The Hebrew religious scholars still maintained the original language documents, but the majority of the public used the vernacular for writing at the time, which was Greek. That was because of something called Hellenization, which was a systematic attempt of Alexander the Great to provide the cultural and intellectual goods of Greece to the lands he conquered, which meant public schools, theaters, and other modern civilization staples we retain today. Like today, the people who read and understand ancient Hebrew in the original script were specifically trained to do so primarily to read the scriptures.

There is so much that can be said about our shared history and human nature as a civilized species by exploring these topics in depth with formal study, which is one of the reasons why I love theology so much, despite rejecting the doctrinal beliefs because they are incongruent with what I know to be true from my own culture as a US citizen. That being mainly that all people are equal and share certain sacred rights which are to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Circumcision violates those three sacred rights. Natural life is forcibly altered without an individual’s choice, so their liberty is violated too. This interferes with their pursuit of happiness because it creates a traumatic hole in their very nature which can’t be experienced because it was cut out with violence. A specific form of happiness, Gentile happiness and uncircumcised spirituality, becomes inaccessible which makes them want it all the more and often in unhealthy ways.

There is a middle ground that can be found, but I’d be lying to everyone if I said circumcised people truly understood what life is like as uncircumcised.

Thus, they tend to take an antagonistic stance to people who do enjoy that natural experience along with everything else and often seek to do us harm. I suppose that’s because they don’t want to believe that they were gravely wronged by being circumcised. I am not sure why that is so hard for people to accept though.

In any case, the higher fruits of happiness have nothing to do with the body, so the state of one’s body is of little importance anyway. The biggest problem in my opinion is that misconceptions surrounding circumcision often prevent people from attaining those higher spiritual goods which provide supreme happiness.

Not truly understanding uncircumcised life is not so different from not being able to truly understand what life as a Russian is like if you didn’t grow up in Russia with generally normal circumstances. So, it’s nothing to be upset over. Or Ethiopia. Or Brazil. Or Planeptune. The point of that fact is that it helps one understand their own identity in relation to something. You could say the same about circumcised life, but the main difference is that decision wasn’t made for me without my consent, so I don’t feel any particular need to justify being the way I am. My parents didn’t choose for me to be uncircumcised either. That choice goes far beyond human understanding and rests somewhere in the divine providence of creation.

The theology of good and evil with the meaning life added

Alright, so first consider the topic of “goodness”. The quality of something being good, and us knowing that it is good. Anything. An apple, a paycheck, an altruistic self sacrifice of life. All these things we know to be good (within reason). Therefore goodness as a quality exists and we can know about it.

In short, this goodness that we notice everyday in a myriad of different things, can be traced back to the singular source of goodness in the universe. The only goodness that there is, and the goodness within all that is good. I call this the highest divine.

Humans aren’t the only ones who recognize what is good for them. All living things do. However, humans are different because of a higher concept of goodness we are able to conceptualize. This goodness is what has allowed us to develop civilization and evolve the way we did.

This goodness was given to us directly from the divine, who was the first one to know what is good and what is not. That being principally, creation and existence. There was a big void of non-existent darkness and it was not-good. So, the highest divine brought forth the universe. Consider the concept “not good” because there are three moral values, not just good and evil. There is good, evil, and not-good (which is also not evil). The void of non-existence being not-good.

Our ability to know what is good came directly from the highest divine as the same power the highest divine possesses to create goodness from nothing. It’s a speck of power, of course, the smallest fragment, but it is the same nonetheless. This is how we know what is good, and when we choose good, we bring more goodness into existence.

Notice, how evil hasn’t even come into the picture yet. All that exists is what is good, and what is not good, with existence being good and non-existence being not-good. Stars exploding, meteors colliding, moons forming, all that being good and not-good. The principal forces of darkness and light that you mentioned in your answer are at play here, darkness also being good when it is in a state of existence, such as nighttime.

That explains generally that we can know what is good, and how it is possible. For specific situations there is an infinitely complex multitude of cultures, societal factors, and circumstances at play at any given moment, so there is a degree of relativity between situations and behaviors, despite there being some general guidelines people universally recognize. Killing another person for instance is widely recognized as evil, but in the defense of one’s home, family, and others it can be good.

It’s this preternatural ability to discern good that allows anybody anywhere to know what is good at any time. Sometimes it can be confusing, and people don’t know because of the complexity of situations and other factors involved, but the ability to know is there. Now, this ability to discern good is the product of sentience. Intelligent thinking and higher thoughts derived from free will, which is a corresponding characteristic of the highest divine from which it came.

Yet, when a human being knows in full awareness what is good and chooses the opposite and goes against that, they engender that sentient energy into non-existent darkness, and evil comes into existence. That is what I call the Evil One. It is a frightening thought, because it is a supernatural sentience of pure evil. However, it is highly imperfect and unstable. It can’t stay in existence for long because existence is good and that causes its entropy which ultimately disperses into elemental darkness of not-good.

However, when a human continues to project their will to do evil, the Evil One stabilizes in reality more substantially and brings about the annihilation and destruction of all that is good, namely all that exists, love being the highest form of existence and what it hates the most. Love is the pinnacle of existence.

So when enough of the Evil One substantiates into reality it can of its own volition influence people to do evil, which they should know better than to do. If this is cause for fear, the surest thing that destroys an Evil One wherever one forms, is elemental light, the purest form coming from the soul of a person, often attributed to what they physically see (but not necessarily).

That’s why evil always hides itself in darkness and deceit, because if people see it, it’s destruction is at hand. If someone watches a crime getting committed, not only is the person likely going to feel guilty, but the witness can take action. This is how corruption in the government should be handled; making their unnecessary secret doings public and reveal them to the light of day. If they are good, they should have nothing to fear.

So determining good in any situation requires reason and wisdom. You can explain good. Evil can’t explain itself because it has no right to exist. This is the beauty of argument and free speech, and why I am so upset by all the censorship that happens in public discussion in the USA.

That’s about all I need to say to answer that, but I want to tell you something else, because it is directly related: The meaning of life.

Why do we have this ability to know what is good and create good with our judgment?

Consider mathematical infinity. It is an ever increasing number. It can never be static. It has to always be in motion of increasing and decreasing value. The highest divine is infinite. However, when I write that, it implies stasis. “God is infinite” is a static concept, contained in the word “infinity”.

How can the highest divine continue to be truly infinite then if it is expanding in all directions through all time? By engendering the ability to create more good in living beings separate from its true singular form. Therefore, when a human being recognizes what is good, chooses it, and brings it into existence, the goodness of God expands in a way that is interdimensional through consciousness. So, the meaning of life is basically to continue expanding goodness beyond conventional reality through the independent free will of a multitude of individual beings.

Yet why does the highest divine care? This is where the Story comes in. The highest divine cares because it is a good story at the end of time and creation. A good story from which wisdom is derived. Wisdom that the highest divine uses to recreate existence all over again in a new and better way.

I actually learned most of this by writing an experimental science fiction novel based on my intuitive perception of reality and faith in divine love. Afterwords, I spent years studying, learning, and thinking it through along with my life experiences, until eventually I arrived at solid conclusions like I just explained.

I hope this is of use to you, and also that it is enjoyable to read and contemplate, because this is just the fundamentals. There is an infinite amount of progress to be had by delving further.