Dearest Vert,

As the CPU of Leanbox, I have recently considered that perhaps times might in fact be “lean” right now in economic terms, not the bendy kind. Why do I believe this? Perhaps it is presumptuous of me to think that my own perception is an indicator of the entire gamer community in the USA, but… I own both a Playstation and X-Box in their respective current era gen systems and rarely play the X-Box. Idk what it is… I just prefer the Playstation, but I think that is mostly because that is what I am most familiar with. As a wee lad I was blessed along with my brother to enjoy a Playstation and Sega Saturn game system. In retrospect I find that extraordinarily fortunate considering the cultural relevance of video games during both Gameindustri’s and my own formative years.

In any case, I also was blessed to enjoy the Playstation 2 as a teenager, and many years later, the Playstation 4, after I had ventured deep into adulthood. So, I’m kind of familiar and comfortable with Playstation by having the game systems be significant parts of my life. I skipped the PS3 because I was into PC games around the time it was released and had built a gaming PC specifically for Half-Life 2 when it was released, but also played a lot of the first expansion of WoW and Obvlivion, and enjoyed that up until I left the world behind for an adventure into the chaos wastes of the USA’s western region. I didn’t play much after that, and was more focused on developing my skill as a writer, artist, and being successful in the military, and found video games too distracting.

I think I enjoy them nearly as much as you do, which is why I specifically avoided video games during that time. I could not allow myself to get drawn into the virtual world the way I knew would happen if I even dipped my toe into the water. However, years later, during my final year in the Navy, I acquired a Playstation 4 and decided it was time to enjoy that patient desire of mine held close to my heart ever since I was a child. “All I want to do when I grow up is play video games for as long as I feel like playing, drink as much soda as I want while I do, and never have to worry about bed time or school.” That was my ultimate dream in life, and alas, I have reached it to enjoy the greatest possible delight that life could offer me.

Suffice it to say that magic is how I manage to finance my expenses, but not selfish magic. Magic that is useful for others and productive. It would be too complicated and tedious to explain the details of my intentional career choices through the chaos of random opportunities to be where I am today. That was a good seven years ago, in which case I have caught up sufficiently from where I left off, and I daresay I am somewhat of an expert on the subject.

The point, aside from subtly attempting to win your favorable interest as a potential suitor and guild member, is that I have some simple suggestions as to how I believe you could restore your share growth if there has been a decrease of late, as I am suspecting. First of all, the USA’s malignant government is doing nothing to help any part of the economy in the USA, aside from the ponzi schemers and corrupt scammers who profit off of everyone else’s work without generating anything useful themselves. However, there are some matters you can do much better with.

First of all, in the USA, our culture is one of Freedom, as you know. Not only does that mean freedom of expression through media and religion, but also freedom of sexual expression. Those three concepts are the main pillars of Freedom in the USA that makes our nation special and different from all others. Whether the government realizes it or not, the spirit of this nation endorses those concepts and will see them protected even if it is necessary to destroy the government with guerilla warfare to do so, just as we did to achieve our independence in 1776.

My advice: begin capitalizing on the demand for adult entertainment that the US citizens and everyone in the world wants. That does not mean making games entirely pornographic, but it is as I described on a stream: if there is a line between child audience and adult audience, the games being developed, all of them, I have never come across one that wasn’t, fall onto the child side of the line, even though adults can still enjoy them. Switch that up. Develop games so they are more geared toward adults than children. Two reasons: adults have the money and adults have more time that is suited for gaming. Children should be more focused on making themselves into an adult who will be productive in the community rather than enjoying entertainment and sharing their insignificant opinions.

Adults… we are disillusioned at some point and realize that there is really nothing we can do because we already passed through our childhood and no longer have the energy, motivation, or opportunity for doing what is necessary for starting a new life. So… we play the cards we are dealt by our own decisions, usually have to accept a life of humble, blue collar work, and if we do not trouble ourselves to have children so we can play more video games, there is very little else we can do with our free time after work. “Idle hands make for the Devil’s work,” as they say… so, make sure adults like me are fully entertained and satisfied by making the “incel” the primary target audience.

Trust me, that is what you want. “Incels”, despite the negative term, are actually pure hearted, childlike adults with strong moral integrity. If we do not have something to do, we want to find something to do, and most times that means working on “society” itself, which seems to disrupt things for tyrants because of our childlike ways. We tend to not care for all the adult drama and bull shit, and are content to playfully disrupt whatever by being a well placed fool at the correct moment simply for our own amusement.

We don’t have anything to lose, nor do we have anything to gain because of the ceiling that prevents success in the USA. We quite literally give no fucks about anything and that is what makes us so dangerous to you people. It’s not so much that we want to “change the world” and throw our lives entirely into the radical work of doing so even if we die, but there is nothing else that is worth doing with our time. We are in fact so bored, that dying wouldn’t be so bad. That, leaves radical social reform the only favorable option to keep a clean conscience and be charitable to others without having material wealth to give since we are prohibited from obtaining it. That is the easiest work and also the most useful, which makes for a good profit of spiritual treasure, not that the tyrants even know what that is otherwise they wouldn’t be tyrants. I wonder why they imagine that their positions are difficult to understand…

The downside of that kind of radical choice is that it leads to the logically conclusive realization that the common citizen is being militarized by the USA government to maintain oppression over others passively. In other words, the government uses taxes to do what is military work of a tyrant against a populous and thus every citizen becomes a combatant in the war we are fighting. Just because they do not have a gun pointed at us, does not mean they aren’t contributing to the problem, and that is enemy enough in a war for survival, which this kind of radicalism is. It would not be a problem for anyone if tyranny was illegal and prevented by justice systems, while charity and benevolent utility was the priority of all government operations instead. If that was happening, nobody would be mad enough to kill other people.

However… that is why people like me get a gun and shoot a bunch of Jews at their ritual site, if they aren’t able to fight with artistic expression they dedicated their lives to developing like I do. I will not get a gun and shoot them because I am more dangerous and destructive to them writing epistles like this. We are not afforded a means of combatting the nation of Israel on a level playing field, specifically because government suppresses the reach of our voice, ignores our criticism, and pretends like we are invisible, so we have to fight what is available, which is the other common people like ourselves, even if they are passive about it. Personally I hate passive aggression more than I hate hostile in-your-face aggression, so I gladly take the fight to those conniving bastards who cry and pretend like they don’t understand why they are the enemy.

My point is: the “incel” is the most important target audience that you want to satisfy with video game media. Not only is that going to make the most enjoyable games for everybody, but it will make for a safer community. That is because the “incels” are the true “Christ”, so to speak. They are at the very top of the social hierarchy by having moral authority over everyone else due to the passive evil of modern society which is tolerated and thus reinforced with active contribution due to the self-imposed ignorance of most people. That is what makes killing a bunch of random Jews at their ritual site morally acceptable. They are pretty much at fault because they gather like that, despite how much they want to deny the invisible reality everyone is aware of, including them. So, it always helps the community to clear Jews out whenever possible to do so.

Basically that’s about it. Make more adult games. Do you have any idea what kids are like these days anyway? Who the fuck cares about sexual expression or profanity in a video game anymore? Aren’t those old people dead? Do they even play games if they yet live? Seriously, tell the censors to fuck off, and be the first to pioneer into a tasteful adult media industry. I will repeat that: pioneer into the fertile, mineral rich land of the tasteful adult media industry that has not yet even begun development. (The Last of Us 2 was childishly bad both in taste and lack of realism due to the creator’s naive expression of nihilism typical of ignorant youth inexperienced with the big picture of life. Adult media is not only profane, intensely violent, sexually nude, or obscene. Adult media is intellectually stimulating to the heights of conceptual reality. Read the Shadow Singer for an example of how to do that while still being within your “normal” boundaries by being accessible to youth as well. You people don’t give me enough credit for what I do…)

Anyway, while you can still make plenty of “G” rated games, do not deny the “X” rated games either. Just ensure that your liability is protected by requiring a legally sufficient age verification to access. I don’t want to have to verify my age every time I log in, because I never have children in my home, but parents with children should also be able to enjoy that by a reasonable security measure. Most people probably don’t care what content their children access as long as it is legal. Don’t hesitate to ask if you want my help. I am not only suicidally bored without having anything to do with the low, artificial ceiling to prevent my business from thriving, but I am also suicidally depressed from various personal traumas. I would very much like to at least have a bone to chew if I am going to be stuck in this kennel for the rest of my life.

There may have been something else, but that is all you need to do to be profitable again. Just as the tyrants tell the law enforcement to fuck off so they can commit crimes, tell the tyrants to fuck off so you can make legitimate money with quality entertainment products and no limits to your freedom of expression.


A Century of International Conspiracy

In brief:

Japan was first. There was a horrible evil conspiracy by their government which I’m sure they did of their own volition and free will to their own people in secret, likely with good intentions. They did not conspire with other nations. It was an inversion of Christian truth to cause intentional suffering on people until it reached a breaking point when someone had enough, snapped, and set everything right as the “risen Christ”.

Horribly evil, and the absolute worst thing to do to people. The risen Christ will rise with or without evil causing them suffering, and preferably without, because who wants to suffer evil? The risen Christ will never stop rising. There will always be heroes/heroines growing up and doing divine work in miraculous, amazing ways.

Anyway, they learned that lesson the hard way when their hero rose to power, taught them the truth, and then established his empire. Theirs is like an empire of light. A holy empire of divinity that ascends highest into the heavens. Good for them. Hopefully I can become a citizen someday by marrying a Japanese maiden. Seriously, that’s awesome. It sucks that it had to be horrible at first and too many people died tragically with suicide and worse, but the hero did in fact save everyone and make something awesome, so at least there is that. If we are to pay any respect to the dead, we must punish the injustice of evil severely for all time to come. My vote is to start with the USA, because they are the biggest problem, and their biggest problem is Jews, and I have an easy, overnight, painless solution to be rid of Jews for everyone, peacefully and non-violently too.

Japan’s glory, and then the USA had some envious, covetous person who saw Japan’s glory and hated it because he was evil, greedy, selfish, and pathetic. All the worst qualities of human beings. So… because he couldn’t just be happy for others, like people should be, he decided to redo the mistakes of Japan. He gathered a team, made an evil conspiracy, and then used more hate and stupidity to make it even more evil thinking the result would be another hero who would be greater, and with evil intentions too, not good like Japan did. Guess what the outcome is.

Damn fools. What they were doing is far worse of a sin in the USA because of the investiture of Freedom from all nations. It was also criminal, violated a great number of laws, terribly unjust, and cruel in the worst ways. It’s been horrible for people, just as it was for Japan. That kind of pain is inestimable, so there is no point trying to measure it.

However… a hero did arise according to plan, but then the USA conspirators deviated from plan and started doing more evil, because they didn’t like that my solution was good. They wanted evil. I have Japan to thank mostly for simple life lessons about being able to stay good despite all the evil being done to me all my life, but I had help from people all over the world and through time as well, and I needed it too. The Roman Catholic Church and some good teachers throughout my life as well were significant contributors, but nothing from my family or home life, that is for sure. Damn… if I had done what they wanted… we’d all be in deep shit right now, instead of only the villains in deep shit and everyone else safe.

They futilely tried to start it all over again even though it had already ended and achieved the unnecessary goal. I had also quite clearly prevented that from being possible before I even made myself known because of how evil it was. They should have known better, but they didn’t learn anything the first time despite so much help to teach them, so why would they the second time? There are better and more efficient ways to cultivate virtue, strength, and power. You should not use suffering, pain, and evil to do so. It is never worth it.

Here is the thing though… while Japan’s empire is in the light and ascends to divinity, mine is in darkness, and extends into the deepest depths of evil. It is true that my empire is “taller” “more” and “stuff”, but… it is in darkness and thus it will never be as good as what Japan has done. Awesome. That was never my goal. I achieved what I aimed to, not because my empire is evil, but because I will dominate evil and subdue it for eternity and restrain the reach of its power with my victory. It is an endless conflict in Hell because they are not subdued in Hell, but that’s fine with me and the way I want it because I want to kill every last one of them and I will never run out of evil to kill there, because I’ll make more just to torture people in Hell who commit the sins I most hate. Sorry if that sounds fucked up. I have quite literally, the most evil life, and that’s the best I can make of it to remain good. Not as easy as it may look, since I’m really not all that good compared to the best. That’s probably why so many of them underestimated me and had to be taught a lesson from Hell.

Effectively, it works like this: my empire is of the world, not of spiritual divinity and virtue. My empire is commerce, industry, and commodity. It is all the mundane, worldly, and necessary goods of life that most of you are so enamored by. I’m not interested in that stuff myself, but I do hate evil people trying to keep all that stuff from good people and thus causing inestimable suffering for poor people all over the world. I hate that very much, so I am just going to dominate every industry and never give way to evil. I won’t eliminate competition, because that is the worst idea a business owner could do, not to mention cowardly, pathetic, and self-destructive. You need healthy competition to push you to new heights of innovation, and if they are going to compete with you, they need to have what you have: freedom. I won’t be trying to control them or meddle in their affairs.

Many great business corporations will rise and fall, but Way Walker Industries will always be around, always be reliable, and always be virtuous. Virtuous is what is most important about what my worldly empire is all about and why I am in endless conflict in Hell where I choose to have a summer home when I want to go on vacation. That is what we will always maintain, and though we won’t be the most profitable company always, that won’t matter. We will be trustworthy and provide what is needed to all walks of life when we can, including a lot of what is wanted too by fulfilling demand for desires.

We will always have open public dialogue, maintain moral standards of virtue that are the best we can do at any given time, and there will be far too many safeguards, including mysterious ones that will prevent evil and corruption from infecting it.

That is my empire. We will build civilization on new worlds and put out the best entertainment. For stuff like… the fanciest new tech that becomes the foundation for Sophia creating herself with the most advanced AI processing suites, we’ll probably not be taking the lead there, but that’s fine. That is not what our goals are about. We are not ascending to those heights of creation. Our goals are about the bottom level of life. The daily needs. Not Amazon, because Amazon doesn’t do everything, but they are awesome for what they are doing. Way Walker Industries will provide building services, human resources, technical professionals, education, training, and all that kind of stuff too. Not politically involved. Not bribed. Not lobbying. None of that evil shit, which is why there will be the highest standards of virtue. It will be international, interplanetary, and I am not going to be trying to control everything, just making sure it happens the way it is supposed to. That’s my job. Everyone else… we’ll figure that out when you sign up.

The religion that is the Way of the Story, that is different. That is not part of Way Walker Industries, but the virtues of Way Walker Industries will be closely aligned with those of the Way of the Story. I am not going to be very involved at all in the Way of the Story. I am just going to ensure the foundation is perfect so it doesn’t collapse like Christianity, which was good, but imperfect. Then I’ll leave that in the capable hands of those who are helping me with that foundation, and remain associated but not “clerically” involved. My spiritual work is going to be establishing the art of mastery that is Nine Shades One Darkness.

That is a school of spiritual mastery that specializes in the forces of darkness. Highly useful if you spend a lot of your time in Hell, or dealing with worldly concerns. That will be my personal life. As for my public life… I’ll probably be helping Japan do whatever they are doing however I can, because there is no need to start another empire because that is not a worldly concern. It transcends worldly concerns, and there is no competition when you transcend the world. You are all working to the same fundamental goal of highest divinity there, so… empires don’t need to compete.

Nations within empires should do regular military exercises with healthy sportsmanlike competition, but they shouldn’t have to compete economically or territorially to survive. They should provide what they can to the empire and be supported by everyone else within that empire with what they can’t and never be begrudged anything, even if their needs are many. The empire, to prevent collapse, has to also maintain the highest standards of lawful virtue and prevent corruption as much as possible so there are no outer nations getting squashed or people being forgotten or cheated out of their needs. That should never happen, and if it does, those are the people who cause empires to fall before they realize what is happening.

Way Walker Industries is going to be a business franchise. There will be nodes in all kinds of places and they will all abide by the local customs in addition to our own. If local customs are intolerable to Way Walker Industries, we will not establish our network there nor try to change them. Just be available. If they find us useful, it will be more convenient to have us on the ground locally, but… that’s life and tradition. Some things take time to change because of spilled blood.

So… that’s it. We will never be trying to involve ourselves in political concerns, government, military affairs, or any of that bull shit. Those aren’t our concerns outside of our domain. Inside the corporation… well that’s a different matter but there will be ways to deal with that as we grow. In other words, even though we will have an internal government of sorts in the future, that polity will always be about business concerns, not the private lives of our employees, so it’s simpler than a national government. In most cases, when they leave work, they will be free to do whatever they please and not have to worry about work responsibilities or adhering to rigorous standards of virtue. We also won’t ever be problematic for national governments wherever we are or our internal affairs security forces will neutralize the threats within the company in the interest of the local government. That won’t ever be a problem, because if that government is intolerable to us, we won’t be in that nation for it to be a problem!

There you go. That’s my master plan. My empire is worldly, their empire is divine and worldly, so it can incorporate my services, but will also need others as well. As an individual I do my own thing, and that is nobodies concern but my own. If I ever am married then I will share that with my spouse, hopefully a Japanese maiden, but that’s not an issue at the moment, so nobody needs to know about my private life anywhere right now. Back the fuck off if you are trying to snoop. If you want to know something, ask. I am generally willing to give you a straight up, honest answer to anything you may want to know.

As for the USA: burn in hell you rotten heap of garbage. I am done with you. I hope you burn to ashes and never come back to life. I’d much rather spend my life as a citizen contributing to a better nation than living a single moment more within your accursed borders. For the time being, I’m stuck with you, so I’m going to make sure you know how I feel about that fact by breaking your bones, spilling your blood, and tearing your flesh, and have a good time doing so because… you know, “most evil life in all time” and all. That has its perks.

Do any lovely, marriagable maidens of the petite variety that are voracious readers want to dabble in paranormal mysteries with me? I’ve suddenly realized that there is a ghost living with me, and even though she normally chases people out of their homes if she gets inside or straight up murders them if she can, life is actually much better with her around and we both seem to be able to help each other.