"Christ was Jewish, full stop."
Full stop? As in crucified? Died? Buried in a tomb? Yes. What you seem to be missing is the piece called Christ, which is the entire purpose of Christianity as relevant to humanity in relation to Jews and only relative to Jews. There is no other reason Christianity is useful, and it is patient charity for the hostile Jewish people that Christians and other decent folk do not murder every last one of them like the Muslims try to do. We may be fundamentally opposed to Jews in all ways, but we do not take action against them, especially not violence or oppression by abusing society’s systems like economy, government, and etiquette.
I apologize if that was distracting as a tangent. My point is this: the word “Christ” literally as what that word means and the origin of that word as why that Greek word was used and no other word, was specifically because of its significance as a Gentile identity of a messiah or hero, such as Hercules, Odysseus, Achilles, or any other brave hero of Gentile myth that was a savior in their own way for their people. Thor is a good example from popular culture. That is a “Christ”. The word does not mean a specific person unless used for that purpose to identify who that person is, such as Jesus Christ.
The same word can be applied as Thor Christ. Heracles Christ. Odysseus Christ. Nick Bylotas Christ. Yourself Christ, if you identified as a hero or messiah yourself. There is nothing to stop you from doing so, and it is in fact a great and good thing because you are committed to everyone’s well being and benefit if you do. The concept of it being an arrogant claim of godhood is a perversion of the meaning and the Christ should not be used in that way. That’s one of the reasons why that particular word was chosen from the Greek language and no other.
Hopefully that helps clarify what my intention was by asking that question. It is a grave misconception that people want to identify Jesus Christ as a Jew as opposed to a Gentile because that defeats the entire purpose of his memory. Jews in the world today seem to be smug of Jesus’ identity as a Jew, but they are actually quite ignorant by feeling that way. Hopefully that problem is slightly better for all of humanity for all ages to come because of my work as a Christ here and now with these words I write.
By the power of bologna, and the cheese, and whole wheat— I judge this sandwich complete. Go now and eat.
One of the things about the Christ as an identifier is that if someone is claiming it, you can expect them to do something to help you if you ask, need help, or are in trouble. If you aren’t even aware of what they are doing, you can trust that person to be doing something good somewhere and don’t need to worry. That is what being a Christian is supposed to mean, but unfortunately, as is painfully obvious with the Christian legacy Western civilization has, the people who call themselves Christ are most often betrayers of the spirit.
They are like spies in the US government who may wear a uniform and swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, but they have no intention of doing so and are instead dangerously hostile to every citizen. They go about their day secretly sabotaging things every chance they can to destroy the nation and purposely failing to do their responsibilities. That is what Christians are like today, and why I refuse to identify as a Christian.
I’m “taking back the Christ” for Gentiles. The circumcised folk along with Jews will no longer be able to use that word’s spiritual power without my approval because of how they have betrayed the spirit of the Christ by not living like a messiah or hero and are instead being common slobs making no effort to help others or save the world by eliminating injustice and human suffering. 90 percent of the time, they are brute idiots going about like uncultured savages with no concept of how to help anyone, not even themselves, and they are extraordinarily lazy while expecting to be pampered like a king even though they don’t do any of a king’s work.
Sickening to see really, but that is why people who are Christs rise up in all cultures to rebuke the foolishness of people like that when they are out of line. They go about the incredibly difficult labor of setting things right for everyone’s benefit, even the idiots at fault for ruining things with their brute stupidity, and they succeed at doing so. Although they are not superhumans, they do the work of a superhuman, and that is why they are remembered and loved in the stories people tell about them.
I’m still working, but I don’t intend to stop even though I have done several superhuman feats for everyone’s benefit as pure charity already. I also benefited from those works with a bit of self-interest, but I did the extra work so that everyone else would as well. I didn’t have to also save everyone else, and that was more difficult than had I of just saved myself, but I did it because I want to be a person strong enough to help the weak, rebuke the unjust, and fight for truth, love, and freedom for everyone.
Some people would probably say that is a bit dorky and goofy, like LARPing every day of my life, but I don’t care what other people think about it. I am not ashamed of myself for living the story of my life like it is my favorite kind of book. I experience endless joy, magic, and spiritual surprises by doing so, making it extremely rewarding, so I do not regret the suffering that has been caused to me by brutes who do not know what they are doing, even though they should.