Evil is always false, Love is always true
My name’s V, and I endorse this message because Corpo evil is a result of Jews corrupting Christianity and having no respect for law and order in the USA where we reject monarchs and rule by democracy with freedom and liberty above all forms of tyranny. In other words, it’s common sense why I’m putting a bullet through your head, and it’s your fault for not understanding because that was a decision you made by convincing yourself that you could outsmart the common people. (that there is the Matrix power of slowing down time between the shot fired to answer the question my enemy wanted to ask before I even gave him a chance. This is then speeding up time because as much as I want to see a bullet dig slowly into a person’s head out of curiosity to watch the chaos of destruction in slow-mo, since he can’t move fast or think fast enough to get out of the way, I wouldn’t want that done to me since he is fully aware that he can’t get out of the way in time and it would hurt slowly. So, let’s just do it the natural way with Newton’s laws in full effect, and then maybe watch a highlight reel later.)
This excerpt from a chain of comments on IGN’s site is pretty memorable, so I want to include it here in case they ban my account there too.
evil is always false, lies, and wrong. It is never true, because that would require it to be love, and evil is the antithesis of love. Evil hates love and its only desire is to destroy love, which is why coveting is wrong because it is the root of all evil when muties want my hot Gentile wives because they are happier with life and it makes them more beautiful than the muties could ever possibly do because mutilation results in unhappiness. So if you have two doors, one is pure evil and the other is pure good, and you can ask them one question each, how do you know which one to go through? Ask them both if you should use the other door.
27 minutes ago
Replying to xxDoubleDaisyxx
Do not go through the Christ door. Do not use it. It is a trap and a trick no matter how you think about it or use it. Even though Jesus was a man and demonstrated good, men are never pure good or pure evil, so if he was one with the highest divine, who is pure good, then that means Jesus was good as a human creature but gave all of that goodness away to be pure evil as a person which is the very reason why he died. Evil is a human creation, not anything of the highest divine. Humans create evil, not God. Therefore, if Jesus is the epitome Jews as the Jews claimed when they crucified him, then the Jews are pure evil. So, do not use the Christ door. Reject all that is Jewish because all that is Jewish is sourced from evil, and the word Christ became synonymous with a Jew, even though it was originally a Gentile word about a Gentile hero. The word "Christ" does not have the same meaning now as it did when it was written into scripture. that's enough, but newspeak: resurrection=new body=non-Jew=parousia promise of new bodies for those who die with and in Christ=because they know not what they do. (obviously I am not pure good or pure evil because I am a human creature and an individual person named Nick Bylotas and I am aware of evil which is enough to not be pure good and why evil can possibly exist. For that same reason I definitely have some good in me, and it is that good which is true about my identity).
16 minutes ago
Replying to xxDoubleDaisyxx
I call this victory dance the bone stomp. What's that rule of the game when one team can't help but run up the score and they speed up the clock to get it over with? Right... it's called the "Mercy Rule". Not mandatory, but if both coaches agree to it, they can choose to keep running the clock through all normal stops. Are you sure you don't want to enact it Coach Christ? As the coach of my team Team DoubleDaisy (and an actual football coach in real life) that offer is still on the table because your boys out there don't even look like they want to try anymore and it is embarrassing you more than it is them. They shouldn't be playing if they don't want to and you insult the entire game by being a slave driver.
4 minutes ago
Replying to xxDoubleDaisyxx
now that I think about it, that dude is the best part of that game. He wasn't intended to be a Non-Jew, Non-Christian, Gentile like me though, was he? Mixing up that truth is the biggest mistake a storyteller can make (and why God of War Rag. was garbage too). If that wasn't obvious to you from the get go, you should never have been allowed to the table where storytellers work. Let me guess, they used gunpoint against non-violent artists to get you there. To think you would even want to be associated with that kind of maneuver anywhere, let alone the USA, instead of being in open rebellion and willing to die before you misled people with evil! At least Jesus was willing to die, and under the most excruciating scenario at the time too! You probably wouldn't be willing to take a punch to the face, let alone a crown of thorns or a sharp wit. You must be one of the most disgusting, disgraceful, and horrible people to ever defile a human creature with your Self. I am glad I don't know who you are, and I hope I never do. May you be locked in a dark hole for the rest of your life imprisoned under constant guard, and never be seen or heard from again.
I don’t think there is a problem with wanting as much good as is possible to have, but there is a difference between that and coveting the goodness that other people have acquired when they have a ridiculous amount of goodness in their vault. That goodness gets so ridiculously abundant in material things for those people who remain good because once a human person fills up their vault of immaterial goodness, the overflow turns into material goodness. Now before you get ahead of yourself and tire yourself out with too much work and not enough planning, I just want to remind you that the conversion rate is like energy to matter. It takes a lot of goodness if you want it to turn into a small amount of money. Better to not count quantity at all if you are thinking about returns past your immaterial vault and haven’t filled that yet.
However, no matter your progress, a good method is to make an effort to be in the right place at the right time by consistently practicing attuning your energy to be in harmony with the natural flow of goodness (See the Law of Attraction, The Secret, and A New Earth for some popular reading on this subject). If you do that enough, you will start to notice how things come and go in a form of benevolent chaos and will start to get a feel for how things flow at your place in time. Then, when a big prize comes your way, because you are near the flow where big prizes move through, you are in a good spot to take a shot at it and claim a big score. You probably wouldn’t want to be directly in the big flow, because that is a strong current that can easily sweep a person away or turn them into a big shark’s second breakfast without any warning at all.
Last thing, consider the conversion rate once more. If you spend all your time working toward filling your material vault in the world of real life, but neglect your immaterial vault of virtuous “treasure in heaven”, then should a moral tax come along, all of that material treasure might be consumed to just pay a tiny amount of what you owe for something you were supposed to have depending on what it is for. For a president who commits treason in public and all the politicians expect us to trust they have a good reason for protecting him without giving us that reason, then that moral tax is actually quite substantial, because you can’t hide from the king or the king’s men when they come to collect.
“I see you bought yourself my own palace while I was on a routine health inspection of the brothels. Well, I don’t want to insult my own court and assume that you did that unjustly since the court of high judges seem to be okay with it and I want to believe they embody justice at the standard necessary for their station before I examine them personally. Nor is it my job to handle all the legal paperwork to ensure such actions are done justly and in accordance with the law, but something doesn’t add up.
“You see, I took out all of my treasury before visiting the brothels, so if you had paid the tax, there should be something in there with at least what you paid. I’m guessing you just forgot. No problem. You can pay it now that you are here on your hands and knees begging to do anything to save yourself.
“Let’s see… what’s the tax on the kingdom of heaven? Last time it was paid with crucifixion, but that was 2,000 years ago, and with inflation and general increases in costs of living, that’s going to end up equal to…. just about the same thing. So, because crucifixion is insane and evil and those barbaric practices were outlawed a long time ago, let’s say life in prison, citizenship revoked, and loss of all assets, including my palace you think you just bought.
“Or did you think the magic sword was broken when you discarded it because it wouldn’t work for you and that you could stop me with my own army istead when I came back? Did you not know that I used this same sword to defeat thousands of armies single handedly and enjoy doing so as well? Or perhaps you simply didn’t have faith in me being true to my word. Now, how will you be paying, with your life, or your death? “