Elton John is less than a dog, disgusting

I bought a new record he released about his “gold” songs or something like that because I did like his music and figured it would make some decent listening.

Then… I receive the record, start playing it, and lo and behold, the most disgusting, insulting, vile sounds of filthy inhuman savage behavior that is reviled even by that of beasts is presented.

The song… “Summertime” I think it is called. I had never listened to it before other than as a background song in a film or something. In a good mood, looking forward to some music, I set the record spinning and what do I hear? Fart sounds and male grunting. Poop and male grunting. Then the song in the background. Then more shit and male grunting. Then it ends abruptly in the middle of some lyrics.

What in the hell was that? The next songs seem decent enough, without that rude, disgusting offense to love and human nature.

Why the hell would anyone allow that kind of garbage to be produced in their studio? Why include such a horrible song on a “gold” album? Why would someone who is celebrated as a popular musician have such poor taste, disrespect for his audience, and hateful desire to ruin the experience of his own work? Wretched, foul creature that man… may he be executed in public without mercy for all I care. Good riddance. No artist should be suffered who would do such a vile thing.

To think that faggot received an award for demonstrating humanity! His vile, hateful butt fucking is the opposite of humanity! It destroys humanity, leads people away from civilized behavior, destroys the sanctity of love— all kinds of love, because all he thinks love entails is butt fucking. That is the most important part of his faggotry. A vile, god damn, rotten human being who needs to be executed for making life worse for heterosexuals and homosexuals with dignity alike.

Push him into a vat of acid, before a moving car, shoot him through a window, I don’t care. Be rid of that filthy disappointment of a human being if he will not repent and learn some grace and dignity. We cannot tolerate the goodness of humanity being insulted by allowing such a vile, hateful, and ignorant human being to go around flaunting an award for humanity while he does what is most hateful, destructive, and loathsome to human nature: destroying art, defiling love, and betraying the audience.

Not only do I want my money back, whether he lives or dies, but I want to sue him for an amount of money that cripples him, removes all of his notoriety and fame, and has him banned from any places where musicians have been honored.

To think I stepped into public life doing great work for the sexual liberation movement, and what do those vile, butt fuckers reveal themselves to be!? Hateful, cruel, ignorant, mean spirited, anti-love, anti-civilization, disgraceful, bullies, hostile, criminal, and all that could possibly be wrong and unlawful about human social behavior.

Human beings are not ready for sexual liberation. The reign of chastity and abstinence will continue because of wretched human souls like Elton John and Biden who are mesmerized and enthralled by his butt fucking ways.

Maybe remove his tongue and hands just to be sure we don’t ever have to suffer his defiled abuse of human creativity again.

If ever you are living your life and you perceive butt fucking in any form, whether it is in conversation, interpreted by sensing it in art as some sort of subliminal message, or being projected by a disgraceful faggot— curse them with the hate of eternal suffering. Curse them with all the hatred for evil you can muster, wherever that vile butt fucking source is whether it is a person or not, just send your curse in that direction even if you do not know who is at fault. The curse is holy, the work of God, and will find its target. If they do not repent, learn some self-respect, then they will suffer more and more for eternity making the human condition exponentially worse than it already is.

If you butt fuck, you’d better be ashamed of yourself and hide that with respect for how much people hate it. You’d better fear for your life if that gets out because of how much it is hated by the righteous men of the world, because we will make you suffer for such an offense to our perception. You vile butt fuckers are not tolerated in the sight of God, and neither in the sight of men, so crawl into a dark hole, never show your faces again, and die, taking butt fucking with you so that it never passes on to another generation.

If you have the ability to destroy the lives of butt fuckers who have no shame, do it.

I will not suffer another violation of the sanctity of art because of the ignorance, vileness, and hatred of people who choose the shit of the rectum over the love of the heart. Cleanse the earth of them.


Do not fear them either. They are nothing to be scared of, but they certainly are to be hated, reviled, rejected, cast out, and removed from our midst because they are unnatural, evil, and disrespectful to what is most sacred about life.

Have no mercy for those who do not repent.

It is none of your business what happens in the “privacy of the bedroom” of other people. Whether that is a husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife, husband and multiple wives, bachelor, bachelorette, or your own child. None of you should be sticking your nose into those private matters. Not even with your thoughts! Have some decency, manners, and self-respect! Do not concern yourself with other people’s business. There are an infinite amount of other things to think about so divert your thoughts elsewhere if you ever find yourself thinking about what is not your business. Your thoughts are not welcome there either.

We all know what happens, but we do not need to know who does what with who and why unless they are making it known on purpose or unintentionally and it is a problem. That is nobody’s business. Keep that behind closed doors and do not go trying to learn other people’s business. If it is discovered you are doing such a thing, there will be severe punishments under the law that will befall you. Very severe punishments. If you are snooping around someone else’s internet history to learn their porn interests, five years prison sentence minimum and a heavy fine. If that information is being sold even if it is anonymous, punish the buyer and the seller both.

The only thing that will happen if you try to monetize the sexual indulgences of private people is that you are going to begin diverting the economy into perversions and corruption. Those perversions and corruption will deteriorate all other aspects of the economy, poison the social community, and undermine civilization itself. Do not do it. Serve those interests if you wish, but do not make it your business to know what those interests are for other people. Neither as individuals, demographics, or society overall. If you want to create homosexual films of butt fucking for people to enjoy, do so professionally, but do not make the information about the audience part of your work.

The only sexual behaviors that are okay to be depicted in public sight are truly loving ones where sexual behavior is the least good value of that exchange. It is not what they are trying to do, it is what happens because of the love they experience, whether it is heterosexual or homosexual. If it is ever the other thing, then that is adult content and needs to be categorized as such to keep it separated from matters of love even if those truly loving relationships depict sexual behaviors in fully nude acts. Do you understand?

Ask yourself why you are making those sexual scenes. What are you attempting to evoke? What desire are you satisfying? That is how you will know where your media belongs. If people call you out for presenting adult scenes in a public domain under the pretense of love, you’d better be able to justify yourself with an explanation and stand your ground. If your explanation is reasonably sound, then the judgment will be in your favor. Besides, there should be disclaimers anyway if healthy media contains such scenes because they are not the type of thing most people want to see. That kind of stuff is distracting, can leave you hot and bothered, and the next thing you know you are finding yourself in need of sexual release. That is not something people want to have happen outside of the designated area.

Have some respect for the chaste, please. It is the chaste, pure, and righteous people you should be most afraid of in life, not the evil ones, because we who are righteous are infinitely more powerful, destructive, and wrathful than any form of evil, including that of the hateful bitch.

I don’t care if you see a cute adrongenous boy walking about fully crossdressed in girl clothes and as effiminate as can be. Do not assume anything sexual about his behavior. People do all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons, and there are always more important possibilities that are non-sexual than sexual ones, so you have no reason to think there is sexual motivation behind it. Always err on the side of love.

If you are another boy and that arouses you and you want to ask that cute, cross dressing boy on a date because of the passion he evokes, you’d better have some respect for the love that is that fiery passion and have some embarrassment about the shame you feel about your desires because the person you desire deserves better than that. Even boys wanting to ask girls on dates should feel ashamed! That is totally normal! That does not stop us from pursuing love, but you should never go about pursuing sexual behaviors under the pretense of love. There should always be shame. So… if someone is not ashamed when they are trying to “pick you up” you’d better suspect them. Meaning, that better be obscured to some degree, even if it is a flimsy veil. Unless you know an individual personally and intimately, do not ever assume they are as sexually casual as you are, because you could cause far more offense than possibly gain by not having a little prudence and consideration in how you approach the subject.

If you happen to learn sexual behaviors, keep that stuff to yourself as much as possible. Do not go spreading rumors, or talking about what is not your business! Unless it is a problem, criminal, or relevant for whatever apropriate reason do not go talking about other people’s private matters.

Circumcision is not a private matter. That is not a sexual concern. It is a religious one indicated in the Bible/Torah as a form of covenant that was rendered obsolete by Jesus the Christ. It is not a sexual topic of privacy and is perfectly apropriate to be talked about just as a physical exam for adolescents is in a science and health environment. You should be able to discuss that without it involving sexual behavior. The fact that you cannot do that in this day and age is the undeniable proof of how corrupt, perverse, inapropriate, and evil that vile practice is. You are so ashamed that the embarassment you feel about circumcision is unbearable!

Why the fuck is it written about in the Bible as the book in hotel rooms and sworn upon in court rooms and addressed clearly in the Epistle to the Galatians if it is so embarassing it is unbearable!? If those old fogeys of the ancient days when they used to stone butt fuckers and prostitutes in public can talk about circumcision candidly like it is a hair cut or type of cloak you wear, you can do so now. You people are worse than those ancient Jews. You are the Sodomites and Gomorra’s, and you will suffer worse than they did when you are destroyed and rendered anathema for your blasphemous heresy!