Lilith in Real Life

Considering the overwhelming amount of in-your-face Lilith characters popular media has been saturating the entertainment industry with, it seems highly probable that there is a vile whore employed in the USA government calling herself “Lilith” and attempting to manipulate spiritual energy associated with “Lilith” in media.

It has reached a point for me where if the character “Lilith” is even introduced in an entertainment product, I turn it off and do not waste my time, because it is nothing but propaganda and not worth anyone’s time. A scholar should not even waste their time trying to understand something as meaningless as propaganda. Their talents are better served understanding media with truth and universal value, not propaganda. Evil minds typically “create” knowledge with their evil schemes that can be learned, discovered, and identified, but is entirely frivolous, pretentious, meaningless, and with absolutely no value or relative importance to anything at all in existence. That is truly a waste of time and most antagonistic to intellectual progress and scholarship, which is why it is most hated to be discovered happening by intelligent people and scholars.

Do not let them fool you.

In any case, as far as I know, “Lilith” was a leader of a mystery cult back in the days when those were popular and was specifically famous for being able to provide abortions. She didn’t actually have any mystery to reveal or spiritual value to her work, but made a spectacle of providing abortions reliably for people. I suppose the intention was to allow them to hide their guilt for getting an abortion for a time, but certainly that guilt returns. I don’t care what you say about the legality of abortion, you ought to feel guilty about getting one you vile, disgusting whore.

In the end, Lilith was determined to be a toxic imposter who was destructive and poisonous the spiritual community and was done away with for the greater good of the public and everyone else.

The act of doing away with her made her a figure of Story because valid and authentic mystery cults cooperated to exterminate her and protect the public from her irresponsible stupidity in matters of morality and faith. That kind of cooperation leaves a trace, that trace itself is a mystery, that mystery is then milled about with rumor, and eventually becomes a facet of entertainment in popular culture with stories, urban legends, and tales of all sorts. No problem there. Lilith was a stupid whore who did evil and now we can tell stories about her to prove a point, as you will see when the USA propaganda is exposed for the self-destructive and irresponsible imbecility it is.

However, it is worth considering how such a stupid whore rises to substantial enough power to lead a mystery cult in the time that existed long ago. I’m sure you already know the answer. I will not spell it out for your benefit of practice, but will provide a hint. The answer to that mystery is at the end of a typical chain of logic that is known to be false and has always been false ever since it was first insisted upon as true. The ones responsible for the inception of that quite literally evil idea forced their false logic onto others with violence and systematic social tyranny. Eventually the singular authority, creator, and source of their inspiration paid the ultimate price for their prideful folly known as hubris, and they lost all power to even begin a false logical spiral ever again to require thwarting. You don’t even need to understand theology, faith, history, anthropology, or much of anything. Just point out where their false logic was broken, and anything and everything they did will fail, be invalidated, and have no power of persuasion or anything else. You will be able to connect the dots and never need to be concerned about not knowing what to say to respond to them because of how obvious that will be to you.

One word of caution, if you are confronting charlatans like that, know that if you ever decide to take justice into your own hands and destroy them, that before that is ever acceptable, you have to be able to prove their guilt in a court of law. That will require a depth of understanding much more than the being able to identify the singularly vital fact that proves them false in general. In other words, you need to prove their guilt in the specific context pertaining to exactly what they have done. For example, you may cite what I have done to prove Trump guilty of treason and demand his execution lawfully for a crime and sin that both legally prescribe death as punishment. I am not going to let that go even though they are going to extreme efforts of increased crime and guilt to evade justice, because that would be stupid and allow them to put everyone in more danger than they already have. I am so overwhelmingly lawfully correct, morally justified, and truthfully honest in contrast to their brazen treachery, evil, and ignorance of the situation, that even though they are using an entire international conspiracy to resist me, they are impotent in comparison to my power to destroy him.

I will not submit to their resistance, and they are stupid for not agreeing with me, because now that entire international conspiracy is exposed and subject to justice for what they have done to assist him in a pathetically futile effort of covering his crimes. Even though they scribbled over where they signed their name so you can’t see clearly who signed, that has only made them more suspicious. We can actually just hold the paper up to the light and see the indentation of the first signature which will stand out from all the scratch marks. That paper is now in evidence and has been recorded as evidence… you aren’t allowed to access it now. Besides, trying to destroy it, change it, or even access it now is only going to help us convict you in court. So… go ahead try and destroy more evidence. All the more reason to put you to death like I want to happen in public for all the world to see for the educational purpose that will serve about divine mysteries of faith.

Anyway… enough about that imbecile’s folly… back to the problem with Lilith in popular media.

I’m actually most disappointed in the recent popular media tv show, “Hasben Hotel”. I thought… maybe this might be entertaining since there is singing in it. Then, the intro played and I was like: “Damn it. Another waste of time that will bring no joy, no happiness, no meaning, no purpose, no value at all to improve my life.” *click* I guess I’ll take another nap and wait to die or entertainment becomes good again, whichever is next. Do not insult Lucifer by thinking he would entertain Lilith’s company, who is a faithless, airhead whore in contrast to the being of faith and intelligence he is. You people do not know how insulting you are being to Lucifer in real life. Surely the forces of Hell are going to miraculously rise up in unprecedented cooperation and destroy you before returning to their usual chaos and antics.

What is that educational purpose? I shall allow Tyler Durden to do the honors. (Why is that age restricted? Find out who is responsible for that at Youtube and terminate their employment.)

“The only reason you can do that is because you move faster as one person than a group can move together!”

“Oh really? Is it because I am so fast, or because you have no idea what the fuck you are doing to even be at the right place at any time let alone the appointed time? Get off the stage before you get killed and go spin wool or something, because where the cults in the story I tell are public in the light, they are now hidden in the dark. What I did in the light then will happen now in the dark and you won’t ever see me anywhere in the darkness before you are killed in your inner sanctum. Do you know why? I am in the light and will stay in the light, because that is the only to verify the validity of a mystery cult, which you are not. You are a Kool-aid cult. Don’t drink that cup, kids. They are going to poison you. Really. They are going to poison you at a party or some sort of celebration you think is for you, just to evade punishment for their crimes. Let them kill themselves, but don’t die for them. Where adults are not forgiven for this kind of crime, children are. You are in fact victims they have been abusing whether you realize that yet or not.”

“Just because you have holes in your shoes doesn’t mean you’re poor. It’s when you have no one to lean on when you’ve hit rock bottom.”

“Huh… what about when you have no one to lean on and you have to take the cheese you were going to put on the bread from you grocery bill because it’s too expensive?”

“I guess you’re about to become suddenly rich because you fell through the bottom and ended up at the top.”

Seriously. The government is intently focused on killing me, suppressing me, and preventing me from any access to social or economic resources for my simple daily needs and certainly not for operating a profitable business. And why? Because I am better than them at creative arts. I reveal their propaganda to be stupid. I point out that they are incompetent failures who suck at their jobs. So what do they do? “Kill him!” they shout from the president’s office on national television while pointing right at me. “Certainly never ask him for help! As a matter of fact… can we kill him and then some how use necromancy to steal his soul so we don’t have to pay him while using his talents? We can’t afford letting a man like that buy American cheese slices by employing him.” Suddenly a Jew comes out of nowhere. “I heard you were looking for someone who can do necromancy and steal human souls and enslave them for forced labor? That’s actually what I do for a living and have an entire network of stolen-soul slaves doing all sorts of work without pay. I can slave that one for you too… for a price though. Nothing that will even cost you, since you plan on killing him anyway. Let us do the killing. How about that? Too good of a deal to pass down isn’t it?” Trump then runs his finger over his lips while blowing out air and then shoves it back into his asshole. “Sorry I wasn’t listening. Sure. These money projections look profitable to me. Do whatever you want and don’t ever worry about Freedom, Democracy, oaths of office, integrity, morality, or business ethics. Those are for idiots and we are geniuses who take advantage of idiots who obey the law. Stupid heads. If only they knew they could use the law to enforce against us rather than be restrained by us. They’ll never realize. All I gotta do is stand over here in this spot where the cameras focus and they’ll do whatever I say because I’m on tv.” Jew… “sorry I wasn’t listening. I was too grossed out about where your finger was before you did that thing with your mouth to listen to anything you were saying. I’ll never understand you savage Gentiles. You signed? Excellent…”

and that is how Trump became known as Shit-Lips.

There is an urban legend about how irresponsibly promiscuous maidens who whore themselves out too easily are said to be lured by an invisible force grabbing their pussy and pulling them into a dark corner, room, or alleyway where an ugly man has his way with them. The experience is horrible for them and they never feel clean again because that gross man leaves shit all over their mouth and body. To make matters worse, no matter how much they clean themselves, they smell bad wherever they go for the rest of their lives until they kill themselves. Beware of Shit-Lips, maidens. Always be wary of a man who lures with invisible cunt touching but is afraid to be seen with you.

Girl! Are you trying to be found by Shit Lips!? Cover up that midriff and put on a bonnet! You think he’s not out there!? Just look at what happened to Taylor Swift. Shit Lips touched her… ewww. Maybe when they’ve dealt with him it will be safe again to wear what you want, but these days are not safe, and you ought to be more careful with men like Shit Lips around. He’s often riding a circumscorpus too, which is a man who is circumcised and pretends to be innocent like a mule, luring you closer until he can sting you so Shit Lips can have his way with your paralyzed body. In return, Shit Lips feeds circumscorpus with children he can’t safely abduct and take to the Epstein Child Prostitution Farm the government protects. You cannot trust anything in this vile, accursed nation. Be more careful.

See? That’s more like it. Here is the website where you can buy one like the lovely Ms. Icabod in the image: Historical Emporium: Authentic Products and Old Fashioned Service

Jennifer Anisten! Were you looking at me in that tabloid picture I saw when I was trying to buy cheese today? There is no need to be frightened. Come to my parlor and we can talk everything through over saltines and hard lemonade. I’m sure it’s going to work out fine. I highly doubt anyone is going to be nearly as evil as Trump, Epstein, and their anonymous Jew accomplice.