The is no natural human power of mind control

I think there are some fools out there, and it shocks me to write this, but they are specifically fools in the government who are employed to protect the nation against human beings from controlling other people’s minds.

If that is revealed to be true, the situation continues to get worse and worse and worse, and we are going to need to have total oversight over what the government does in the future as citizens and not allow them to keep any secrets or conduct any affairs without first getting permission from a public representative.

We will need another, non-government public representative for this because those who work in the government are no longer reliable, and their proven incompetence and total lack of good judgement demands they not be allowed to keep any secret programs or plans.

First of all, if you hear a voice in your mind as a form of communication either using language, images, projections of concepts, or anything you can imagine as information or communication of any sort: that is not “God”. That is not “Jesus”. That is not “the Christ”. That is not any divine being. Nothing divine communicates with human beings like that. There is communication with the divine, but it isn’t like that.

When divine forces communicate, there is a spiritual stage that is set to evoke the divine presence that transcends all that you can comprehend with overwhelming benevolent power that literally may drop you onto your face in tears. That is not a metaphor. The kind of stage may be a lifetime of trauma building up to a singular resolution that could not have happened without all of the life experience and world events before hand. That kind of thing is beyond anyone’s control or ability to manufacture. There will be no doubt about the resolution being good, love, truth, and wisdom either because it will not be your own power that brings it about. The extent of your own power is accepting it, and that is all that is your own doing.

What I am doing now is not that. I am working with raw energy that is impersonal, non-communicative, and more like a river of water, than a thought. That is not the same thing at all as that other form of divine presence I am describing otherwise I would not be able to concentrate on this profession of writing which requires skill, practice, and ability to choose the words I do, write them efficiently, and weave it all together to bring about a concept. I need total presence of being as myself to do that.

Writing words like this is like accessing a river of water that I can use as unlimited inspiration for whatever is necessary for divine work at the time. That can literally be anything, and why it is said that shamans can do the impossible if that is what is needed. However, that river has a living presence, like a great water dragon that lives within it and can form at any time if it wishes. I know is watching me because I have met the great water dragon in the river and understand that it is in full awareness of wherever that river water is, even when carried out to a cook pot to boil pasta. As a metaphor, the water is like what I use as a personal steam engine that I power my workshop with, irrigate my garden, and fill my alchemy cauldron.

So if you are getting personal projections mentally in a spiritual way that are attempting to convince to do something, those are likely real people who are in service to evil and thus appear as demons. That’s not always the case, but it is why human beings as a moral standard prefer to use actual human communication to convey our thoughts, emotions, and anything else. We pick up a phone and call, write a letter, post on social media, etc. unless there is no other way, which is highly unlikely in this day and age. If you are ever getting any of that, it is most likely evil and you should ignore it, rebuke it, challenge it, and if you cannot cast them out yourself, ask for help. You have two options: consult a spiritual professional, or consult a mental health professional.

Both have resources and methods of resolving those problems that are very different and effective. You shouldn’t be accused of being crazy if you are suspecting people of doing something spiritually, and its important that you tell someone what you are sensing so that something can be done about it. Those are not “voices in your head” most times because it is not a voice as much as it is a thought that occurs from someone else. It’s normal for that to happen, it often happens without people thinking about it, and our minds often present our own thoughts as if they come from other people to best communicate the fullness of what our minds intend to convey to our consciousness.

You should always be skeptical of things like that, and under no circumstances believe such a thing to be “God”, “Jesus Christ”, or any divine being of authority. Do not ever do that. If those beings wish to communicate with you, they will use their established religion by sending a flesh and blood person representing the religion in public to do so. They will not keep it secret, hide about it, or be shady because they are ashamed of what they are doing. If such communication occurs, it likely concerns everybody, and I mean everybody, and will be important that the communication passes into the public domain and is made as available and accessible as possible.

That’s one reason why I am so offended that people actually believed Trump was “the Christ” or that any national government representative could be “God”. That is the dumbest shit ever! Holy fuck people! Are you serious right now!? Get a god damn grip and step into the 21st century after you pull your own head out of your ass!!!

Those divine beings have NEVER worked like that. That has never been the way they operate as spiritual power. The very scriptures have a commandment against that thing happening from the beginning and it is the very first commandment! DO NOT TAKE THE LORD’S NAME IN VAIN!!! That is what those people do by pretending to be “God” or “the Christ”. That is what that sin means primarily and most directly specific for and you should also have taken great offense at what they were claiming about themselves that is blasphemously untrue in the most disgusting and inappropriately offensive way possible.

That is why there was such a visceral reaction of hostility toward Trump. He did that, and people could not explain why they hated it so much because it’s not easy to explain. Here it is though. I’m finally getting the inspiration for it so make sure your pitchforks are sharp and torches oiled because we need a good old fashioned witch hunt to take him to the hanging tree and see if he really will come back to life after we stab him a few times with a spear just to make sure he’s dead.

The possibility of communicating directly with divine forces is real, but it is not an everyday, commonplace occurrence for people to be concerned about.

If that happens, there will be no doubt about the realness and truth of the divine presence because one of three things will apply if not all:

  1. You will be in a state of ecstatic self-embodiment of spirit such as one induced by powerful hallucinogens, fasting in prayer for days, hanging on a tree days on end, going on some life changing pilgrimage where you leave everything behind without intention to return, or some other extreme thing you did that brought it about.

  2. You will be in an environment that is suitable for sacred communication, such as a designated holy place that is maintained by at least one priest or priestess of the local spiritual power/religion/faith/beliefs. The spiritual revelation that happens will be relevant to the presiding faith of the holy place, and you should consult with the clerical authority who maintains it about what that revelation is because those things don’t happen without their awareness. They are familiar both with the environmental energy and the spirit as it manifests uniquely at that place because they spend so much time there as a spritual attendant.

    They will also likely be very interested in and open to what you have to tell them about it and there are few people you can trust to share those kinds of things with because of how difficult they are to express without sounding a little “off your rocker” as it is said. You also would want to talk with them because it would be highly unusual if you understood what exactly was being communicated aside from the main point, such as giving up meth, quitting your job and working in charity instead, or something like that pertinent to you. In other words, you won’t have all the details, you will just know what to do without being told how, and those details will be made clear in time.

  3. The recipient will have first undergone a formal initiation into sacred mysteries to prepare them for receiving divine revelation, such as Roman Catholic Confirmation which does not happen overnight. I went through the adult initiation as a teen because I didn’t get baptized until I was a teen and that was a 2 year process that involved a lot of different stuff, most of it understanding the doctine and spirit of the doctrine of Christianity, but there was practical requirements too, but if that interests you and you want to know more, go inquire at your local Catholic parish.

    If you have not been initiated into sacred mysteries, you will be guided in some way maybe closely, maybe not, by someone qualified to initiate others into those mysteries who can help facilitate an experience. That’s the kind of thing a person may experience if they take time on sabbatical to go stay at an ashram or spiritual retreat sometimes alone or sometimes with other people seeking spiritual growth/healing/etc. Although you may not interface much with the person of the highest spiritual authority there, there will be a qualified spiritual professional or expert with a justification to practice spiritual medicine made clear that you accept as valid (that’s like the local shaman or druid who is known in the community and respected for being a spiritual healer. They may or may not have a paper that says so because it is unnecessary and inconvenient to acquire one.).

    Essentially, there will be spritual teacher or master of some sort who presides over the place as an authority at places like that. That’s more of my kind of thing, and why I am starting a religion, because I don’t intend to start a private cult and be its leader, or offer spiritual services like that which are better suited for more experienced spiritual masters a little more gray in the beard than I am with my three white whiskers. I have hands-on nuts-and-bolts work to do in the world at the moment, not the kind which is specifically disconnected from the world for people who need to get away from it all for a change.

    My work is directly with the world and its functions because its systems and people responsible for them are sick with life threatening spiritual disease and I know how to cure those problems. I just know how to do it. It takes too long to explain how and why and that is available out there, but it hasn’t made the concerned people any less resistant to receiving healing. Besides, you don’t need to believe in my spiritual authority. Just look at my prescription and you will know it needs to be done because it does not require anything taken on faith.

    If you are looking for the other thing which is personal to you as an individual, go to a yogi, a priest, or something similar and see them, because even though I probably could help you, there are more qualified people available, and I have more important work at the moment that concerns all of us including you.

That should clear that up. If anyone has any additions or corrections they think should be included, feel free to add them and provide your insight.

Here is the thing about the fear of natural human mind control: nobody is being forced to do anything. They are choosing to do something of their own free will that is being suggested to them as an attempt to persuade them. Persuasion is not mind control, which is why I find the fear of such a ghost story so ridiculous! Are you afraid of blood sucking vampires that sneak into your room as a cloud of mist too? Holy crap people! There are people who are vampires, but they are not actually drinking your blood, those are stories that veil the truth to make it more interesting while conveying the severity of their power.

Those are supposed to scare children, not adults! However, because there are adults who are scared, all that stuff needs to be demystified because they are going to nuke the world trying to stop a ghost from haunting them for their guilt rather than confess their sins! There is no mind control. There are people who are choosing to believe something they know they shouldn’t believe or do, and are doing it because of that temptation by bad people doing evil with a pathetic plan of stupidity that always backfires on them. The plan still backfires on them, but if you are consenting to do what they want, it will backfire on you as well. That is the only difference.

Those are people doing evil and likely on purpose because they are betraying the spiritual power of human beings against human beings. It is a grave threat because of how much trust is abused by people doing that. We cannot let that go unpunished when it is found out or everyone will start suspecting everyone, when it is extremely rare even in the worst of times. Think of those projections as demons. Not all demons may mean you harm or be hateful and mean, but they are selfish, they want something, and they put their own interests before yours and will not hesitate to let you take the fall for them

A good spirit would never try to suggest something to you with willpower, and if they are in that way, they probably are ashamed, embarrassed, and there is a reason why that they will do their best to make abundantly clear. There are rare exceptions, but those apply to people who have the expertise to distinguish spiritual subtleties through extensive practice, something better left to a doctor to diagnose, or a certified nurse working for a doctor who can talk to them if they have a question.

Those are from people. That is all it is. There is no horned Satanic Devil with a tail prowling about and controlling people like puppets. I’m serious, it may have appeared that way, but they are just like a common Scooby Doo villain. Catch the ghost, take of its mask, and you will find a human being trying to steal money 90 percent of the time. The other 10 percent is for miscellaneous reasons but they are always a human being pretending to be a monster of the imagination with nowhere near the power of such beings.

Don’t be afraid of mind control, just don’t give in to their willpower by doing what they want when you already know better. I am pretty sure the government is trying to use technology to mind control people, and that is also very dumb and I don’t think that is going to ever be possible. It is a serious problem if they are trying and why the people doing it don’t realize the problem is even more alarming. So, hopefully that is not happening and it is just a conspiracy theory.

They certainly haven’t come anywhere close to being suggestive to me in the slightest with anything they’ve tried, aside from convincing me that they are fully committed to evil because of how they try endlessly to cause me pointless suffering for no reason and with no purposeful meaning. They start being problematic and expect me to read their minds to know what they want, but they don’t seem to understand how complex any situation is for that to be even remotely clear.

Most importantly:

If you think someone is controlling your mind and it is so much of a problem that you feel like you cannot control your behavior or self, go see a doctor immediately, because you have a serious disability that needs professional medical help. That is a psychiatric problem before it is a spiritual problem. Both mental health professionals and spiritual healers can help, but a problem like that requires mental health professionals of medicine first. I realize doctors have lost a lot of trust because of circumcision still being prevalent, but they are still capable and they are the best we have.

You should be in complete control of your own mind and choices at all times. Even if you foolishly give control to others and do whatever they suggest without thinking for yourself why or what it is, you can take control back at any moment because that is just an illusion of control. If that still is impossible, go get help immediately. Call 9-1-1, and ask for an ambulance because that is an emergency and you are a danger to everyone if you feel that way.

If there are people in the government that believe they are under mind control, have them arrested as a medical emergency and taken to the nearest mental health ward to be evaluated by a public official. Not a private cult pseudodoctor who authorizes them with pseudoscience as their cultist ringleader. A publicly certified doctor and make sure there are no other evil cultists like that operating within the government or interfering with people’s lives anywhere.

Evil, torture, and intentionally causing meaningless suffering to others is not a right or freedom. That is the kind of thing that used to get people crucified, if you catch my meaning. Burnt at the stake. Executed in the most excruciating ways possible. Not out of cruelty, but out of justice for the kind of crime that is and respect for all religious claims of sanctity because of how a failure of a response invalidates the relationship of authority between valid religions and the nation they practice within.

These days, we know they have a mental disability like a psychopathic and sociopathic serial killer of such a severely deranged mental state that they do criminal conduct with no moral restraint or intellectual awareness of consequences that will befall them according to the law or in any other way. Those people need to be restrained, confined, evaluated for the extent of their disability, and treated over time for a medical doctor to determine if it will ever be safe to allow them outside of confinement to interact with other people again.

People of faith will never, under any circumcstances, tolerate the threat of a purposefully evil faith in their midst. That is a law of human life and civilization and it will never change. Religions of any kind will use military force if necessary to instate their own faith based national government if a secular system of authority fails to comprehend the importance of good and evil in their society. That failure is evident without a reasonable doubt if evil conduct is knowingly being allowed unpunished under any circumstances, and extremely dangerous if the government is actually the culprit!

If you are in the government doing evil on purpose as your “mission” and think you are safe, you do not know the depth of shit you are swallowed over your head in, and you will never get out any other way than by total and true contrition. You ought to be running out of there begging for mercy and confessing like you can’t tell everything fast enough if you just realized now how grave a threat you are to yourself and everyone because you have been following the orders of an evil cultist and attempting to destroy your own nation from the inside.

Nobody is going to be happy about that. Not even our enemies worldwide. They will see that kind of spiritual danger as the most severe threat possible because it is the power of the human being which can create and kill gods for a good reason, turned against itself for no reason but to hurt, harm, and cause suffering, with the unavoidable singular conclusion of total extinction. I would be surprised if they even bothered to consider treatment for a disability as an option of rehabilitation and don’t just kill you on the spot like I would, were I legally authorized to order your death by a military. They will never be trusted even with rehabilitation and will require constant monitoring, but at least they may be able to go outside, visit a restaurant, and enjoy a modicum of freedom.

Jews are evil on purpose? Yeah, I just learned that too and I will never let them live in peace. Let them reveal that fact to the public and see what happens, because it is they who do not understand the ramifications of being evil, and the public who does because there are people like me in the public, and the pope, and all kinds of professionals of expertise who do and can explain it. That will prove this point beyond anything that should ever have been necessary for humanity in the 21st century, and the more you hide, the more Hell there will be to pay when it is made known because of how little power there will be left the USA national government when so much trust is lost.

You won’t have anything left. All foreign nations will turn against you and you will be the immediate target for destruction by whatever means is necessary because of how IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO DO EVIL!!! That is why any means may be necessary. Not a one of those means is because evil is necessary.