Bored to Death and Tears

God damn it. I getting so god damn bored with the video game industry these days now that they have released failure after failure after failure to entertain and have turned video games into government propaganda and human slavery of gamers like me.

I seriously cannot find a game to enjoy right now because every time I log into one, it is only a few hours before they inject their virus and ruin the experience, or the game’s writing reveals itself to be total shit that is so offensively bad it ruins the entire sensationalism of the virtual entertainment.

So… to entertain myself, I’ll attack Black people for sport.

Black people: because you are Black, I am better than you fundamentally as my natural race. What is my race, doesn’t matter. Never cared to identity it. You on the other hand, identify yours as other than me, which makes you inferior, not only because you are not what I am who am better than you in all ways measurable, even in cock size because of a little thing known as “perfect fit”, but I am also better than you fundamentally because you are so unintelligent as to identify as a race apart from human nature.

I’m not racist, but you are, and that makes my race better than yours—superior as you could say. Not because I am white, but because I am not Black.

Do you know what original sin is? Original sin is the sin of Jews rejecting the divine nature of humanity to be something different. That is a sin because of what they are turning away from, throwing away, and becoming hostile to, but also a total failure because of how worthless and incapable as people they are. They contribute nothing to society and are entirely a parasitic burden to everyone else. That is what original sin is because they embody that as a part of their existence in place of where the divine nature should be. Of course they could never equal or match the divine origin to have any power to affect divine nature, but they sin nonetheless by trying.

Jesus reconciles that with everyone else. He is their return to the Gentile community as the end of their original sin that rejects human nature. That is what he is said to forgive original sin for, and circumcision is not passing through him because that is who they are as an identity and they are inseperable from circumcision. They will not let that go, which is why nobody else can take it with them, no matter what they think about it.

Black people have made the same mistake, except on a lesser degree that is not as intelligent as spiritual faith allows. They are entire human and animal in mind with no spiritual claim to justification about their identity. They rejected the divine nature of humanity not thinking that they were the creators of divinity for themselves, but they rejected the divine nature of humanity to accept the beastlike nature of apes. It is not only a sin, but an embarrassing sin of such inferior-minded thinking that they are even less than what Jews made themselves to be.

However, their sin is just the kind of thing Jesus is also available to forgive. Because they sinned in the same way Jews did, albeit to a more ignorant degree of animal behavior without spiritual intelligence, they can accept forgiveness through him as a reconciliation back to everyone else. That is how Jesus applies to Gentiles and no other way.

If you are like me and you never sinned in such a stupid way, never thought yourself different from human nature, and never tried to cut yourself off from your humanity, then you do not have original sin to be forgiven for.

People like me live in paradise and are never going to leave paradise.

That paradise, the garden of eden, the kingdom of heaven, is an internal state of existence that the Jews and now Black people do not enjoy. They may pile up worldly good as seek to surround themselves in luxury, but that is all the more evidence of their unhappiness with their existence. They live a miserable, seething hatred of self-loathing and strife that I am not troubled with. Indeed, everything is amazing for me just like paradise. The garden is abundant with all I could ever want, the wild and dangerous beasts are not a threat to my safety, and I have no cares in the world other than what I naturally want to do as a man by caring for the garden so I don’t get bored. Hence, I write things like this and remove some weeds known as Black people to pass the time productively.

Are you going to reconcile, Black people? Or are you going to go the way of perpetual strife? I don’t particularly care, because imbeciles like you who do not appreciate the wonders of paradise are an inconvenience to have around and unwelcome. They are unpleasant people, non-conversational, and boring. So, by all means, go the way of strife and perdition if you are so insistent on rebuking the aid I have offered everyone. I’m not going to go after you, look for you, save you, or do anything to help you while you are out there suffering. That’s between you and the divine authority that is the creator of your soul, and I have no business interfering, nor do I want to trouble myself with such ignorant people whose sin is a foul stench to all life.

Do you not get a sense of revilement when you hear a Black person speak now? Vile people. That is because they have original sin on the basis of being Black without a faith, without justification, and because they are hostile to the people who liberated them from slavery. What is that horrid sound!? How do I mute the public voice chat!? Turn it off! Turn it off! … so much better. If you are Black, shut the hell up and go bury yourselves in a hole and never be seen or heard from again. Thanks. Just decompose down there like all garbage does in a landfill. We’ll be better off without you.

Paradise is quite amazing. See these brambles here? These thickets of thorns? How do they feel for you? I think they are quite lovely. See this labor of my work? Labor isn’t really what I would call it, even if that is what it is. I do this simply because I am bored of what Black people and Jews have done to ruin entertainment in America, but it passes as labor and work. What about you? What do you have to say about your labor and work? How much pleasure do you get from your jobs? What about the reward? Do you get to enjoy as much leisure as I do?

Paradise here, perdition there. Reject circumcision, reject racism, and reject evil. The simplest way to put the reason: Divinity is the creator of humanity, not the other way around. God created human beings, human beings did not create God. Do you see how Jews cling to the Bible while living a delusion that pretends to be the creator of all that the Bible expresses? They pretend to be God but do not realize that God preexisted them and was apart from them when they came into existence. They do not have anything of God in their identity. They do not have any divinity in their identity. They do not have any wisdom in their identity. Jews are anathema.

You didn’t realize all my writing here was highly valuable labor?

In a way it is kind of like what those people do who write countless inane and frivolous articles on the internet about all sorts of dumb and useless crap they are paid to write about. You know the thing. Type any subject into the search engine and you will see there is a entire horde of people pretending to know something with writing that is not worth the time reading because of how empty, hollow, and meaningless it is as written text. Totally opposite of something like this. Something like this compels you to read more. It is like cool, crisp, and clean water from an oasis in the desert when you are dying of thirst. It is pure goodness for your mind and soul and my voice is so potent in the words I write, you may as well be listening to me speak in person.

Instead of writing reviews about various consumer products, or writing subversive opinions for businesses intending to attract customers or push their products, I am writing reviews on real life concepts of human life, like Black people, Jews, the president of the USA, religion, and things like that. I am not paid by human money or rewards like your trash writers are, I am paid by God, the Almighty, the highest power of divinity in all creation pays me to write these words, and my boss is generous and kind. I am paid well. God doesn’t have an interest in evil, mundane consumer products, national delusions, or other trivial vanities of human life, but human life is not entirely trivial, and the eternal and omnipotent nature of humanity is what my writing concerns.

I am not pushing something for you to buy, I am demonstrating something you need, want, and can’t live without, but you have rejected, thrown away, and become hostile to anyway. Not only have you rejected it, but you are not nearly as powerful as I am with what I will not reject, throw away, or live without. If all the people in all existence were like you, rejecting human nature and our union with omnipotent power of divinity, and they all gave all of their power and energy in a single concerted effort to fight me, they would not even be able to pass into my aura, let alone stand in my presence.

You communist hive slaves who practice human idolatry and slave your minds to an imbecile who lords over you, think that the combined slavery of your minds increases the power of the one you are slaved to, but that is not true. You simple shut off your personal power and all become dependent on one single person who is so insanely stupid as to think they could do themselves what every person is needed to contribute individually of their own free will to do. You hive slaves have no hope of survival, no chance of victory, and are condemned most severly for the crimes you committed by attempting to destroy freedom.

My people, all of use are not only more intelligent, more capable, and with infinitely more power than your idiot leader you slave your wills to, but there are a lot of us who cooperate for the same purpose of our own free will. You people cannot cooperate which is why your slavery is required. You have to surrender your own free will to have a voice, an opinion, or the power to do anything, in order to serve a single person’s interest who is not serving yours. That will not gain you anything, no matter how much you may wish for your evil to bear fruit.

Good people cooperate for a single purpose without needing slavery, without needing subordination, without needing oppression, tyranny, or crime. We do not waste our time with the luxuries and riches you do, and do you know why? Those are exactly what will be your destruction, and our patience while you take them all is all the power we need to exercise until you realize you cannot swim with so much dead weight. Our power to enjoy serenity, peace, and whatever is available, no matter how little there may be, is all the strength we need to exert until your chains are so heavy, you have condemned yourselves to die with them.

At that point, we’ll take all the luxuries back because you will be no more and they will be of use to us, starting with me. Overnight my fortunes are going to change, and all the luxury, worldly power, and riches you tyrants gloat with thinking you are so great for having—will no longer be yours. Those will be mine, and I will not be using them like you did. I will make so much greater use of them, enjoy them so much more, and be infinitely better off than you imbeciles were while you had them, and my power to enjoy life will be all that I need to exert to deliver the final strike of your annihilation.

Those who have the greatest power demonstrate the greatest power by using the least amount of power to do what is greatest. Yet, when we play games and enjoy fun and romance of social play, we use the greatest amount of power to do the least of things.

The guilt of tyrants

Basically, when Jesus was crucified and Christianity made clear as a concept of universal happiness accessible to all people under no conditions, expectations, or requirements, with faith in Jesus only being applicable to Jews, the future was known.

That is to say, the resolution, the answer, the perfection of society all peoples cultures and nations can agree upon unanimously in a spirit of true and honest cooperation. That is the answer. There is a truth which all people can agree to work together and cooperate to bring about as leaders of society.

The only thing that made that difficult was because how that solution would work remained unknown. There was a great void of unknown between present reality as divided by Gentiles and Jews via a spiritual claim both recognized by Gentiles and Jews through Jesus the Christ when he was crucified by both Gentile Rome and Jewish Israel.

The reality was that both distinctions are present, but because of what Christianity insisted upon via faith and teaching using spiritual methods of mutual goodness, and forbidding circumcision to anyone other than Jews because it does no good, the answer was known as a reality. People could trust through faith in Jesus and leap the unknown void between the present world of evil broken by the division of a false spiritual claim that was acknowledged by truth and put to death. Then that same false spiritual claim likely fabricated a story to insist on its continued relevance, only on the condition that they would await until the time when the age of perfection that does away with deception of false claims about divinity, and can coexist with Gentiles as both being true. Jesus is only relevant to Jews, not at all important to Gentiles and we have no need for faith in Jesus, because that universal truth of harmony has always been the goal of human civilization.

The idiocy and evil of Jews cutting themselves off as a people of their own was the source of innumerable problems because they always found political scheming and deceptions of treachery to work around law and order to do evil, such as how they crucified Jesus. That was a benefit to them in that time with a cheap momentary satisfaction of the evil pleasure of expressing hatred toward good with violence, but at a much greater cost of consequences that doomed all future generations of Jews including their own future they would experience as Jerusalem was razed to the ground not long after. That is kind of what those stinking sacks of shit in the USA government are attempting to do now by trying to justify evil, but are unable to because humanity knows better than to allow it.

In any case, the resolution of a reuniting of sacred cultures toward the common goal and benefit of all people which was always the purpose and always will be the purpose, never excluding people aside from those who claim evil as their own. That is common sense and I won’t say more about it.

Over the years that resolution of a known future became common knowledge when it was at the time only a highly complex and difficult to understand spiritual truth. Still accessible, just more difficult for people for a variety of reasons, with lack of resources being a main one.

This is where the guilt of tyrants comes in. They, because of the certainty of that future with the fact that the way to it was unknown as how it would manifest spiritually as truly a divine revelation, became an excuse for faithless lawlessness in the guise of unknown methods. Over time and I think because of systematic extermination of Gentile religion they assumed along with most people that it was virtually impossible. That impossibility became as certain as the known solution was. Gentile spirituality is relevant because the original concept is Gentile and it needs to harmonize with Gentile culture, and thus cannot come from the Jews or circumcised peoples, but will harmonize with the Christ, Jesus, and only the Christ, Jesus.

So assuming it was impossible to know how that future would happen because they had lost all semblance of faith, that unknown became a known of impossibility. It was a false unknown variable because they thought they understood it as impossible, which would mean it was known as false or evil, and that is entirely wrong and blasphemous in the worst way, because it is in fact true and the highest good, and that is why it is unknown.

So those moronic fools became tyrants by concocting a foolish scheme based on the assumption of faithlessness in that there was no possibly way divine revelation could provide how the future of unanimous divinity would be accomplished while maintaining diversity of sacred claims was possible with truth and reason. Their faithlessness resulted in quite literally the most evil human effort of systematic human destruction in all of time, far worse than the Nazis, and the details of it will be made known when they are brought to light and investigated.

I discovered how that resolution would be made possible, individually as my own personal accomplishment. Not a boast, simply a fact, and I conveyed it to people knowing this is the hope and expectation of generations and generations of waiting under the oppression of tyrants abusing humanity with false spiritual claims.

Of course, the tyrants found that to be a threat and attempted to thwart me which I was prepared for because it has been widely known they are evil in their faithless ignorance for many centuries, but they were no match for me. If they were not, history would actually tell a good story, and the world we would have now would not be so hateful, suffering inequality, poluted, boring, and without joy or love. So, anticipating their attempt to stop me while knowing they anticipated me being a complete and utter imbecile as a person of faith, I thwarted them by turning their scheme upon themselves to realize what it was they were accomplishing by doing it to themselves. It took great effort, strength, and endurance to do, but it was relatively simple in methodology. Like when Aloy blew up that giant wall that the cowards were hiding behind. They didn’t think it was possible, Aloy did some awesome climbing and use of focus to find the point of stress, pried it open with her spear, and the entire “impenetrable" wall crumbled.

Imperfect metaphor, because it’s more like they asked me to put on a torture device that would murder me slowly and I asked them to show me how it works. They were so deluded by their own vanity and arrogance that they were chomping at the bit to demonstrate their “genius” evil technology, and went happily into their own torture device and doomed themselves. They think they were safe, but they don’t realize that I know that the torture device functioned on my belief in their claim and that I understood exactly what they did, which I do believe except with higher understanding than they do because they assumed that was impossible, but I never doubted as anything but certainly possible. They were the imbeciles without faith who thought they knew something about faith with complete certainty. Thus they will not actually be able to take it off because it has started functioning. The slow tortuous process to their final death will soon begin just as they designed it and on themselves, not on their intended victim. It’s rather horrific, but I find it a satisfactory punishment.

That is the guilt of tyrants: being faithlessly arrogant to the point of assuming that what they didn’t know how to do was in fact impossible.