Punishment for butt fuckers

I have decided the torment in Hell for the evil butt fuckers. Not all people who do that vile, filthy act are evil. The ones that do so while equating the asshole with a vagina, who consider butt fucking an expression of love, who lick assholes for pleasure, and who have no shame for the disgusting act— those ones suffer eternally.

They are drowned in the most fetid, rotting sewage, over and over again. It is the worst kind of sewage imaginable, not only with lots of shit, but shit that has been rotting and festering for a long time, infested with maggots and other vile creatures, and it’s in a cavern so that the fumes and gases collect and make the air noxious.

They tread sewage for as long as possible until they die. Then they have a harrowing experience crawling their way through darkness without memory and only a will to survive, until they reach the abomination butt sphincter of the unholy assdemon. They plop out like the shit they have sex with and regain their memories before splatting back into the sewage with the others. Then they drown again, and repeat the cycle.

Such is the fate of butt fuckers. Do not be one. Curse the butt fuckers at every turn. Shun them, revile them, and do not go near. If you will be homosexual, do so without butt fucking.
