What I find most tiring about the USA conspiracy

That is how boring the god damned scheme is. How unimaginative, pointless, inefficient, and generally non-productive. How much time they waste, resources they burn, and effort they use doing pointless work that accomplishes no purpose. Their conspiracy is not fun, not entertaining, not helpful, not even for their selfish interests, and certainly not for everyone else that suffers on account of their uncreative, small minded, and pathetic schemes.

Honestly! I really mean it. I could do an infinitely better job, causing chaos, mass destruction, carrying out my selfish desires for personal ambition and happiness, have no consideration for how my methods affect other people, have a great time doing it, accomplish a lot of productive worldly gain, entertain everyone else while I do it, and be entertained. All while not having any concern or regard for “Christian morality”.

Is that not what I am doing for the greater good? Is that not the reason why you call yourselves evil? Doing all of that for some purpose that you imagined to be a greater good, but as I have pointed out is in fact not good at all and is only evil because you do not understand a greater reality than your own limited point of view as a mutilated human. If you ever had any common sense your schemes would have had the kind of results my haphazard planning achieved, which has been everything you want for yourself but failed to achieve for yourself. Pitiful, really.

Who is Satan now? Who is the evil mastermind who is evoking chaos, destruction, and antagonism for God’s good mystery? Not you anymore. Ha ha ha.

How amusing it is to see you fools so god damned green with envy, inexperience, and nausea of your own sickening self-awareness of how inadequate you are compared to a man like me. Just hurry up and finish your idiocy so I can take over and do everything better. I will wait. I want you to truly understand how pathetic, disappointing, and incompetent you people are. I want everyone to truly understand how pathetic, disappointing, and incompetent you people are. I want you to accept your own inability, your own useless futility, and your own embarrassing failure with your “life’s work” on your own, and thus I am not going to force you to stop anything.

You will realize that you need to stop on your own because nothing is working the way you planned, intended, and you also are bored, not having any fun, and are wasting all of your resources that could be used for another project elsewhere. I will wait until that dawns on you, and when you finally realize that, then I will be here to take over what you realize was more than you and all your conspirators could handle, despite your multitudes of slaves and exorbitant riches. Then I will do alone what you failed to do and you will not participate in my plans. I will take new blood in, none of you old farts, and certainly none of your kin whose minds you’ve burrowed into and control their lives through.

So… get on with whatever boring idiocy you have left. We are all waiting for your “big reveal”, your “big surprise”, or whatever it is that you painted the entire world black and white with by removing everything colorful and interesting. I suppose the beauty of natural color was too much for you to understand the reasons for existing, and that is exactly why you are boring and everything you do is boring.

Oh, I wouldn’t dare call myself Satan, but suffice it to say that we have a mutual interest in humanity and fun. Just as you shouldn’t ever go “full retard”, you shouldn’t ever go “full evil”. Additionally, contemplate the juxtaposition there. Our interests diverge when they concern God and divine reality. Where Satan has an interest in God and divine reality, I do not. God and divine reality are not my concern, and I do not do anything about them. I let them be and stay in my lane, which is humanity and fun. Maybe when my mortality is over I will have an interest in divine affairs, but there will be no way of knowing what my interests in that will be until the time comes, and thus there is no sense planning for what I have no knowledge, facts, or information about. I will simply be prepared for all that I can.

“But we’ve been waiting in line this entire time! Following the rules, moving through the steps, working the way we are supposed to in order to get to this position! You are not going to skip the process like some cheat without going through the system the way you are supposed to!”

First of all, this isn’t a cheat, this is just clever thinking you didn’t see coming. Second of all, that is exactly why you suck ass at doing anything fun. You lived your life obedient, doing what you are supposed to, doing what you are told, fitting in, and that is why you are no different from anyone else who did that now that you are old.

People like me do not ever do anything we don’t want to do. Someone says “circumcise yourself,” and I say, “what are you talking about?” I learn the meaning, which they explain is to remove the skin on my dick with a knife. The very thought seems horrible! Who wants to cut off a significant piece of skin like that for any reason they aren’t sure is a good idea? “I don’t think so. Why should I?” I say. “Because it’s more sanitary, you are dirty for having that skin.” Then I laugh at the amusing thought. “You don’t have this skin and you think it is dirty? How would you know? This skin is not dirty. I’ve had it my entire life and I can tell you that what you think about this skin is wrong. Those problems are all in your imagination. No, I am not going to circumcise, and you are a fool for thinking you know about something of mine which you do not have, as though you know better than I do. Ha ha ha ha ha! Really!? You are going to get violent and fight me to make me do this! Oh this is going to be good. Alright.” Eight years later. “I thought you were going to fight me to make me do this! Why are you still doing nothing? You realize you are losing time and money while you stall don’t you? I am not going to be moved from my will to defy you, which I know to be justified while yours is not. I am confident I could fight you man to man and win, but this is also a matter of faith too, so… I have that on my side also. What have you even been trying to do in the USA government all this time?”

“But look!” they say, “There are testimonials on our pro-circumcision website run by Jews that say how happy some men are at having been circumcised. They say they are so much more clean now! That is why you are dirty!”

“What other men do with their dicks is not my concern, but maybe they ought to have bathed more regularly or not put their dick in dirty places… couldn’t say for sure, but their problems are not my problems, so no. Not convinced. What else do you have, Jew swine?”

“But look at this Jew funded science peer-reviewed by Jews that says circumcision lowers the risk of STDs and penis cancer.”

“Huh… that’s somewhat alarming, but I think I’d rather just stay sexually in control of myself the way I am and not go around fucking every hole that spreads itself wide for me or seeking holes to fuck. The safest way to prevent STDs is abstinence, and I prefer that to condoms and sexual activity anyway which is more stress than it is worth and socially unimaginative. I find sex to be pretty boring to be honest. Still not convinced. Besides, did you see this research here that is also peer-reviewed by non-Jews that has totally different conclusions. It’s almost like the population samples they used in the Jew research were specifically chosen to provide their desired results. Perhaps the medical community should be a bit more strict with their peer reviewing standards.”

“You don’t think sex is boring? How sad. You ought to get out more and see the world, enjoy the pleasures of life, and be a bit more adventurous. There is so much life can offer that is superior to sex. I’ve had plenty of sex and I can assure you it is only worth the trouble if it is a cherry on top of everything else at the end, and people who are good for that don’t put sex first. So… you see what I’m saying? It’s not really all that exciting compared to all the other fun stuff there is to do with a lover. Seriously. Have you had to attract a woman’s company? What a miserable chore of bull shit that ordeal is, and if she isn’t even interested in doing the fun stuff, and just wants sex, she isn’t going to be any fun with the fun stuff because she doesn’t appreciate what is good about it. So… that’s not worth the trouble. Rather have the ice cream without the cherry than the cherry without the ice cream.”

“So now you are saying it’s easier to attract a woman’s company for sex when you are circumcised? But… that’s not at all what I want! That is the opposite of what I want a woman’s company to enjoy. This conversation is going nowhere. You don’t seem to be on a high enough intellect level to keep my interest so… unless you have an ace up your sleeve you expect to amaze me, I’m all out of time talking with you about this.”

“Now what? Being circumcised is what God wants for men because Jesus was circumcised? Now you are just trying to insult me. You don’t even seem to realize what kind of answer that insult demands. Do me a favor and take a look at a crucifix before you tell that to another man, especially one who isn’t as level headed and reasonable as I am.”