FCC request
I need someone from the FCC to come to 1126 SW 12th Ave, Portland OR with a portable handheld emf sensor receiver and identify the hostile frequency. Have a warrant ready to authorize your entry into the residence and locate the equipment, seize it, and arrest the owners. I do not believe those people are the legal residents of that apartment directly above my own (107), but I believe they are people who have invaded their home and taken up residence with them.
Stand by for long enough to do regular, routine sweeps, maybe put up fixed devices, and wait. They’d likely turn off what they are doing if they knew you were here, which is why that would be necessary.
This has nothing to do with “ghosts”. This has everything to do with domestic terrorism. There is nothing paranormal about what is happening. There is nothing supernatural about what is happening. There are terrorists who are using radios to disturb the peace and provoke aggression from the neighbors while causing bodily sickness.
Thank you. Please make haste. This is a national emergency. Lives are in danger.
In the future, assign the responsibility of investigating calls of disturbances like this to the local Fire Department. Provide the training and resources for them to do so. That may not make sense as related to the current responsibilities, but… realistically how often do fires happen that require them to do their jobs? That’s good, no changes are necessary, keep them trained and on call, but… you can probably throw in this responsibility to their routine and it wouldn’t be a burden while also giving them something else to do. If they notice a violation or concern then contact the applicable law enforcement. Fire as in… energy wave threat-fire? idk. idc. that makes sense tho.
How did this happen?
This is my deduction:
Meditative states of faith practice create natural emf resonance from a human body. This is typically a very good thing and never a problem. They radiate peace, love, truth, justice, and all that is good simply by being in a meditative state of contemplation, prayer, and normal religious behavior.
Jews do not do that. They practice a perversion of faith associated with animal, bodily nature. This is a faith of death they are ignorant about. They are so god damn stupid they actually believe what they are told about themselves, and have faith in their accursed doctrine of body worship, inequality, racism, and evil. Evil is what Judaism is reduced down to at their singular base nature. They are not good, and thus are not created by God. They are not a creation of divine power. They are a human creation that is antagonistic to divine reality.
Because they are able to use their delusions of faith to enter a religious state about their own self-grandeur in comparison to everyone else, they resonate a kind of hateful, offensive, and annoying energy which is natural insult to all life, all humanity, and all existence. They radiate self-deulsions of grandeur about themselves being the divine being above all other life. That is so abominably wrong and offensive that people who notice their resonance are agitated, infuriated, and respond with truth, which repels them, casts them out, banishes them from the area as liars, criminals, sinners, and evil. This is a natural human response to an insect threat. You can in fact do that and keep pests out of your own home. The same happens with Jews on a national level.
Jews have taken to scientifically studying the phenomena of this happening and have pinpointed energy frequencies they’ve recorded. Then using mathematics have discovered a frequency that is contrary to truth, love, and all that is good, but would never be resonated by any living being in nature or supernaturally.
They can however program that into an electromagnetic field generator and use it to infuriate people who know the truth to take up arms against them and use violence to reinforce the truth against their evil abomination which is quite literally, an undead machine. Death being generated by a machine that has never been alive. They simply do not subject themselves to their own abomination. If they did they would realize how horrible and monstrously inhumane it is to suffer and do away with it along with all of their perverse and useless scientific research.
That is how something like this happened and why? People mindlessly serving the interests of Jews rather than questioning them about their beliefs in an endeavor to understand who they are and what they want. They foolishly trust them on faith, but do not realize that doing so is in fact killing all life in creation, just like Jesus was when he trusted Jews on faith.
One and only. No more resurrections. Take a step back, look at what you are helping them do, and realize how monstrously stupid and evil you are being. You are trying to broadcast their evil death over everyone, identifying who fights back with truth and then trying to kill them by concentrating your evil death ray on them as individuals. How stupid can you be!?
Only use sensors to detect broadcasts! Then if you detect a hostile broadcast, determine if it is coming from a human, animal, or machine. If it is a machine, that is the worst kind of crime and the people need to punished as though they were doing biological and chemical terrorism. Using biology to develop diseases to kill entire populations. Using physics to develop energy to kill entire populations.
If it is a human or animal, then send your charlatan “ghostbusters” to do whatever the fuck frivolous bull shit you think they can do until people realize that is a waste of money and cut them from the budget.
One other thing. They probably have someone near the president with a portable emf transmitter to generate a reassuring and peaceful frequency to make other people want to trust them, despite whatever erroneous, evil, and treacherous bull shit they are saying. At the same time, using another transmitter to associate with me which generates feelings of unease, discomfort, and suspicious unpleasantness to cause people to be inclined to reject, deny, and hate whatever I am telling you despite how good, reasonable, true, and righteous I am.
Is that not happening? Do a sweep around your Oval Office and general work places for emf signals and see if there is not something near there creating energy fields to influence your emotions and thoughts. You are not being controlled. You are being influenced, and you should know better than to be tempted to such foolishness by bodily sensations! Can a sexy agent seduce you into giving away classified information in bed too!?
Keep your sensors on 24/7 make sure there is no lapse in a passive receiver that reads all the emf in your area and determines any anomolous sensors.
Then, look over what I am telling you and decide for yourselves. You are god damn fools and ought to kill yourselves but maybe the animal mind you serve so much will realize that it wants to survive by begging forgiveness and throwing its life at my mercy. If not… you surely will be killed, and not by me. By everyone else who realized what you were too arrogant and evil to do when what was needed was so simple, humble, and easy. That is what will get you killed, nothing about me personally, nothing about my body, nothing about my writing, ideas, or words. Simply your inability to do what is so simply easy and necessary because you are too arrogant and stupid.
Broadcasting a “Christ” signal!? ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMN MINDS!? Where the fuck is Jesus Christ right now to know his resonant frequency? He lived and died 2,000 years ago. What frequency you have erroneously named “Christ” is an evil Jew living in the present who is anathema to Christ, antichristian, evil, stupid, hateful, wrong, an abomination. Nothing like Christ because that is impossible! You cannot know Jesus’ personal individual resonant frequency with scientific justification of accuracy and precision. All you have is some evil, lying Jew claiming to be something he is not, and nowhere even similar to. Jesus will surely strike him down from the afterlife once his justice is done, which is submitting that evil Jew to the public for them to know what he did. That is Jesus’ will as far as I know, because that is what I know to be poetic justice for that kind of sin.
Let them see what the public think about them being “Christ”. Let that be made known. Will he have the kind of reception Jesus had, who taught from the mountainside? Will he feed the 5,000 with a single loaf of bread? Will he turn the water of propaganda into the blood of wine as the conspirators are exposed and put to death for everyone’s entertainment as well as justice?
That is poetic justice, and I don’t care what you think about it. People didn’t enjoy coliseums because we are evil. We enjoy a good spectacle, and all the better if we can get justice at the same time.
You will never get away. You will never be able to hide. You won’t ever be let go. No matter where you go, who you bribe, what names you take, what technology you hide behind, we are going to find you. We are going to find all of you, president, vice president, CIA faggots, and whoever the fuck else you think can evade justice. We are going to find you and kill every last one of you, the USA be damned. We don’t need a nation if people like you are in the government being protected while putting everyone else in danger.
Beg for mercy, surrender before justice, and lay down your lives like lambs to be slaughtered, because this is inevitable. The longer you run, hide, and avoid this happening the more painful, severe, and brutal your punishment is going to be. The more dehumanizing, costly to your friends, family, associates, and everyone who knew you and did not stop you. Give yourselves up before you waste any more time that can be better put to use doing anything else.
Let me guess, they claim to know “my” frequency don’t they. You couldn’t possibly know how screwed you are by using my own frequency against me, because I don’t even know how screwed you will be, but I know you will be screwed, and screwed harder than I ever imagined a person could be screwed. Do you realize that? What you attempted to steal of my body, comes from my body, and you cannot possibly replace my body with a machine that mimics a thought of mine. Not even if you could mimic all of my thoughts and do you know why? I have new ideas all the time, and one of those ideas is tunneling up under the ground from underneath you where you will be pulled into hell wherever you are when the time comes.
Who would have ever thought that human beings, our own government in the USA could be so absurdly evil in real life? Real life is not a movie. Real life is not a book nor a game. In real life, you cannot reshoot a scene. You cannot edit your life, change your actions after the fact when you see how everything turned out. You cannot save your game, reload it, and start over. You cannot manipulate reality the way a director decides how a scene will appear. Real life has no such amusing features, because real life is not for our amusement. Real life has life or death consequences and what you attempted to do with my life, you will pay the price of your death as the consequence of your mistake.
God damn… it’s like my words written here have to shout over a blaring noise that people are playing to try and drown out any intelligent thought. “If we blast the stupid sound loud enough nobody will be smart enough to make us feel stupid. We’re geniuses!” You vile god damn beasts… I will make my voice as loud as necessary with the unlimited power of simple proven faith that I draw upon to fight you. Faith is for people who don’t know, are not educated, are illiterate, and are uninitiated into the divine mysteries, but that does not mean that it cannot be proven. Are you imbeciles so self-deluded about your importance that you think human beings all throughout time who have been promoting Christian monotheism under point of sword were idiots? That nobody understood the reason why that was necessary or why Christianity was true and good for everyone? You people just need to learn. Faith makes that learning easier, but you can at least understand the necessity and usefulness of faith in daily life without first having it. It is not a mystical, unknowable, inexplicable truth. Not at all. Never would anyone have endorsed it in civilization if it were not. Do you have any idea how many people come up with their own personal fantasies of faith mimicry like you are trying to run a conspiracy with? None of those work because they are false, simple minded, and do not reflect the truth of natural reality.
In any event, at this rate, the entire universe is going to hear me speaking reason to them just to speak over the noise you idiots are generating with mindless machines, since you are so unable to use human faculties accessible to everyone. Not because of any disability you have, but because of your arrogance that refuses to believe your atheist efforts have been in vain. You simply will not accept an alternative to your stupid plans, and that is the only reason why you are failing to comprehend my work. You don’t want to comprehend and are not even trying to understand. You simply attack, use brute force, and everything except human means of understanding… you don’t? Then why haven’t you ever talked to me about what you are trying to use me for? Why have you never asked me about how you want to apply my ideas? Why have never asked me anything about what you don’t understand instead of filling in the blanks with random bullshit and causing disaster after disaster.
This is not a clock that has the same rotational duration. The cycle is different every time and entirely unpredictable. There are indications of immediate sequences, but the order of those sequences, when they will occur, and in what way… you will never be able to predict because it is precisely unpredictability from which those specific things emerge. That is what is referred to as the “divine surprise”. A higher divine wisdom enlightening a lower human intelligence in all manner of ways, sometimes entirely miniscule and trivial, sometimes epiphany paradigm changing, but no matter the case it was wisdom that was not previously known. That is endless, sometimes one after the other, sometimes with long spaces in between.
You tyrants though… you with your schemes, your idiotic plan toying with the lives of people you thought were weaker than you because we were young… you will suffer a last surprise as the culmination of your human scheme reveals to you all of its worth— but it will not be what you are trying to accomplish or anything you find satisfactory.
Your evil methods… the proof you think will come from me is not going to come from me. That proof is going to come from you, on your side, within your domain. Someone is going to look at what you are doing and say… what the fuck is this? Why did you do this? Do you know our policy? What else have you done? And you will be finished. The entire conspiracy will be unraveled and I won’t have to do a thing but endure, which is fine. I think I can do that. That will ensure you suffer the worst possible consequences and I benefit in the best possible way.
In other words, I am not going to dignify your assault with a response.
This here, this has been my intention since the beginning. You just happened to set yourself up as a target on your own. However, what you think I was going to destroy you with is not my intention nor my work and you in fact have no comprehension of my goals or even the slightest understanding of what I am about. You couldn’t be more foolish in my sight. I understand you very well, but you have yet to even see me as I truly am to even begin to understand my work.
Where I have saved the world, humanity, and civilization, the maiden(s) who saves me will save what is even greater and infinitely better. She will in fact be a maiden, because a maiden is all that can save me by receiving all this world saving, humanity protecting, civilization securing power with all the forces in nature thundering at my Word to do so and striking at my Will to create new possibilities… she is going to have to receive that immense power greater than any other man who has ever or will ever live… concentrated into pure pleasure I give to her entirely. Instead of saving the world the way I do… thwarting the greatest evil in existence, destroying the worst tyrants humanity has known, and upending nations in the most treacherous civilization that has ever been corrupted by lawlessness… I will be making love to my maiden… or possibly maidens.
I think there may be three who unite for this great burden of pleasure they must endure for all of existence… it is for the greatest good, my dear sweet honey yummy princesses of the panty pies. I know that kind of pleasure may seem unfair to be only yours to enjoy, but that is love and this is life, and that is just the way truth goes…