Is V the villain in V for Vendetta?
He’s not. The villain is the evil government which abuses its power in an attempt to control the citizens like material objects they possess and no regard for individual freedom, identity, or humanity. It’s not like an individual bad guy like the Green Goblin, but more like a state of corrupt bureaucracy that spawned from public apathy which made no attempt to prevent it from seizing control of them.
Why they are so apathetic is likely to do with circumcision because by tolerating that, people have become apathetic to just about every other form of evil that goes on around them and make no efforts to be good. So, circumcision is another villain in the comic, but less directly involved through inference, whereas the result of circumcision on society is the obvious villain.
V is the hero and protagonist who stands against it and fights them. He inspires people to shake off their apathy and take a stand against the government. A government has as much power as people believe it has, so when people start losing faith in their government, the government starts to fail and loses its power. That’s why V’s strategy is effective. He educated himself and learned the nature of power which the government foolishly thinks is in the barrel of a gun or the edge of sword. Therefore, in order to defeat such a monstrously violent villain, V needs not a gun, nor a sword, but simply a person willing to learn and some honest education.
Have you ever heard that theory about the 100th monkey? Ideas are like that. As soon as they start catching on in numbers, they start spontaneously popping up all over the place and across vast distances.
The USA government is suffering their collapse at this moment. People are losing faith in them at a rapidly increasing rate and their center of power is shrinking. Eventually they will have nothing left but the handful of human wills operating the government for their personal, selfish, and perverse interests. They won’t be able to tell their minions to kill for them, because people won’t accept their authority anymore having shaken off their apathy.
They will then realize that those villainous individuals are actually unlawful according to what is written and respected and will throw them in prison with their own method of abusing people, only that it will be used righteously as intended, and not evilly. Then the procedural restructuring of government can commence and prevent it from ever getting out of control again by installing additional safeguards.
At that point, government itself is nothing and has no mind of its own. It’s basically just a pile of papers. The technique of applying one’s justification in a nonbodily entity as their source of authority for committing any crime they please, is the basic technique of the Jews using monotheism. It’s totally inappropriate to do with a government because a government has no sacred claim at all. That’s how that non-bodily entity seems to take on a life of its own, which it doesn’t have. It’s just a gang of hooligans shoving each other around with peer pressure and blaming it on the non-bodily entity they are controlling.