Doing away with me
To be quite honest and forthright with you as always, I would very much like to be done away with. I find your antics and obsession with my life insane! You should not be trying to plan everything you do around what I am going to do. You can’t know what that is, you cannot control me, and you cannot decide for me. You are not only out of your minds for thinking such strange mystical and superstitious things about me, or that I would believe in such nonsense, but you are also wasting your time.
I do not want to be involved in your affairs. I don’t care what world order you want to have. Who wants to be in control, how everything works, or any of that bull shit. I just figured I’d give solving everything in one go a shot because nobody else has been doing anything. So, whatever. You don’t have to obey me like the Word of God or anything crazy like that, but you should not be attacking me for offering suggestions, ideas, plans, solutions, and explanations. I say my opinion about circumcision and the next thing you know, I’m in a cyber-concentration camp, isolated from social interactions, tortured by guards, and for what? Sharing some ideas? At the very least you could have listened to what I had to say as though the problem is a serious concern to you and you do not have a solution yet because nothing is published to the public.
It should not have been as big of a situation as you have made it out to be by assuming so much without first meeting me, getting to know me, and giving me the benefit of the doubt about the kind of person I am. Now neither of us have a choice about me being involved in the entire thing, which my intention was to avoid doing. I don’t want that attention, that responsibility, that… sparkliness, but there is no choice anymore. However, you can still do away with me and here is how:
Provide for my basic needs, and leave me alone. Do not watch me, do not stalk me, do not check in on me, do not worry about me at all. I will abide peacefully and quietly in private and not be a bother to anyone. If I am going to do something, I will make my intentions known publicly, like I have always done, before I do it, so you can prepare, plan, and tell me if you have a problem. I didn’t make all that known so you could try to torture me and ruin my life. Why the hell would you have chosen to do that of all things that were possible!?
Whatever, it’s fine. You can still use my ideas, do all that I suggested without me, and make it all work on your own with your people and doing your thing. This is all I need:
An apology that explains briefly and generally what the mistake was, that it is corrected, and it won’t happen again to other people. That can be a brief letter no more than a page. Is it because your faith had you confused and believed strange things? I can work with that. Whatever it is just say it, get it off your chest, and leave it at that. However, you did irreparable damage to my life, particularly to my mental health, but also in my career choice and ability to make a living for myself. So, I would like you to make up for that by providing a modest stipend to accommodate my needs. I still intend to complete my disability claim, but that is a separate matter that you should not be accounting for because that is not tax deductible income.
I don’t need nor want an exorbitant amount of money that I feel like I have to make use of by finding different things to do. I still plan to continue my work with media and entertainment as a private company, but that should not be a concern either because I only intend to entertain and provide happiness. I have no ulterior motives to change people or do anything beyond that. If I make a lot of money I most likely will use it to invest in humanitarian projects, but that’s about it. You do not need to watch every moment of life and keep track of me. I am not a threat at all, and am helping make things better by doing some of the dirty work nobody wants to do, not even me. It needs to get done though, and we can’t wait any longer, so I just did it on my own.
That’s it. I will continue being private and publicly available, but I do not want my privacy invaded at all. If you need something, suspect something, want something, just knock on my door and I will most likely work with you to resolve it. Do not invade my privacy before asking me first if I will let you in, because I most likely will. Then you don’t have to commit a crime, and I don’t have to be threatened by that kind of thing and made defensive and ready to go to war to prevent it from happening again.
It is that easy. As long as you give me a sincere apology, I’m not going to make a big scene over all this and try to drag all you people through the mud or sue you and throw you in prison, but you’d better stop that kind of thing for the reasons why I will do that if I don’t get an apology. Just think about the kind of disaster you caused by tampering with my life in ways you had no right to do if you consider doing something like that again which affects a citizen’s life directly and personally.
Additionally, if you make any international agreements and foreign treaties for peace, those need to be published, the terms made clear, and all of that accessible to everyone in the public. How do you expect to uphold any agreement if the citizens do not even know we are in an agreement!? Or other nations and people. Something like that is relevant to everyone, so publish whatever the hell that agreement was, the bargain you made, and the terms that were legally signed on paper. That is what is going to hold nations accountable when the time comes as justified by the highest divine.
Have you learned yet that because of the style of government a monarchy is and the things monarchs do to keep the peace, they will not want to pass leadership on to another? That is exactly why we have term limits because we do not want our national leaders thinking for us and making decisions for us without telling us what those are. The president is like a glorified secretary for the entire populous. They do all the menial tasks that people don’t have time for and would rather have a cook-out than spend their time negotiating with kings. It’s highly important, it is laborious and tiresome, but the president is not the brains, the heart, or the will that make a final judgment, they just sign for it. There is an exception for timely military concerns that require a response in the least amount of time possible, but after those decisions are made, the public needs to be given an unclassified briefing on what that was so they can tell you whether you f-ed up or not by expressing agreement, disagreement, and the like.
That is what makes Democracy appealing to everyone. You can throw an idea up to the public like a beach ball at a rock concert with people being passed around by the crowd as it bounces wherever. Maybe it comes back, maybe not, but all that chaos of cooperation and nationwide brainstorming is how we are going to get the best solutions for so much diversity. Everyone can take part in world events at any time in a Democracy by having a good idea and making it known or a good rebuke and making it known. Just let it happen and keep the formalities and legalities secure as best as possible.
If the apology and modest recompense for daily needs does not come soon… well I don’t know what I’m going to do tbh because I’m running out of money fast and don’t have much time left. If that doesn’t happen, I will be pursuing you to fullest extent of the law with relentless, merciless, and thorough aggression to have justice done, even if other people are doing it for me with my wrathful, enraged spirit like a deadly weapon in their hands because my body died before it could happen.
This kind of agreement is maybe what that Gun’s and Roses song is about:
Live and let die.
I let you live, and you let me die. As for everyone else though… I can’t speak for what they will do, but if you can resolve this the easy way, I will not make what they do worse. I don’t even want to think about all that happened, so if you can help it, please do not involve me further unless you are talking about something else that does not have to do with me personally, like the solutions, and government improvements. I’ll be glad to help in any way I can for stuff like that or offer a comment or opinion if you ask me to, preferably with minimal involvement.
If you have a part that you think my proficiency with writing may be good for, another writer will be able to do that, and I suggest you ask Stephen King do that role. You probably want someone with more life experience than me, more writing experience, and after a long career of fiction, maybe he would enjoy a change of pace. Whereas I would be annoyed having to do more work for the government instead of the audience, and I have very little patience these days for politics. Also, I am like a starved tiger after all this time and I would likely totally abandon the project to pounce on the first antelope that crosses my path and disturb everyone with the violence that takes place on the premises.