Why do people think Jesus is wise?
If you all are so enamored by Jesus the Christ, what about him has any wisdom or intelligence? Do you not realize that he is quite pointless, useless, and without any value?
As far as helpful spiritual teachers go, just about every other one is better than Jesus, including myself.
I never really thought about it until just now, but Jesus is a total charlatan! Seriously. That dude has nothing of benefit to teach anyone, and his only purpose is as a legal technicality for an overly complex and evil system of archaic religious law designed specifically to not be applicable to human beings.
He needs to be done away with in spirit as well as body so better teachers can provide wisdom to people who need it. Seriously. They need it. Look at the state of ignorance and destitution in the world because people are in a race to the bottom to find Jesus, each becoming stupider, more ignorant, and more corrupt in their daily lives than the last.