Why is it so god damned hard to look up video game secrets on the internet?

What the fuck do you care?

You are going through extraordinary effort to hide stuff like that. Worth it? Definitely not. You people are wasting your time, and lots of money is being wasted on paying you.

Also, I don’t want to play World War Z because I don’t want to visit Jerusalem. Not even in a video game killing zombies. I want nothing to do with those vile, mutilating fucktards. No, and fuck you for even suggesting Jerusalem would be a place I’d want to go in a video game. Nothing of value there to me, and every reason to not go because I fully understand those people what they are like, and how they live. That is extremely dangerous as a toxic and hateful environment of evil. Like putrid, diseased swamp of decaying filth and corruption. Do not go there at all. Never and avoid it at all costs. I will not go to Jerusalem to save you because if you are there, you are already lost.

There are loads of videos, but that is an absurd waste of time. Just let me look at the written words and I’ll have all the information I need in five seconds or less (probably). I do not want to watch someone go through the process unless I am having extraordinary difficulty figuring something out and need to see for just a second what I am missing.

Also, the last thing I want to do is listen to those mutilator fucktards who do not know a damn thing about reality. They live in an inferior world without knowledge of true life, current events, reality, or anything of use really, and that is just annoying the listen to. Like… shut the fuck you stupid kid. I don’t care a damned thing about you, you have nothing interesting to say, and you are actually offensively stupid by the sound of your voice and I’d rather not be bothered to hear such a thing. That’s the same way for most adults too. I rarely tolerate listening to one of those people talk because of how empty their minds are, how confused their reality is, how bothersome their existence is as a waste of life. It’s just unpleasant and usually easily avoided, so I avoid them. Not my business they are so god damned stupid, ignorant, and worthless as people. However… maybe there will be a cute maiden and her voice might possibly still sound good, but… those are disappearing more and more each day.

That’s why people don’t mind listening to my dumb streams. My mind and perception of reality is infinitely higher than anyone else’s right now, and that makes me way more good to hear than whatever dumb shit other people are doing to try and attract attention to themselves, which is not at all what I am doing. I do the opposite. I give of myself, without drawing anything in.

When it comes to what I do take in, I’m like a crystal. This is why the Jew’s evil projections of their delusional existence have no effect on me. They project to me, and all their evil is too heavy to pass through the surface of my existence. It is corrupted, dense, and crude, and gets reflected back. Meanwhile all the true nature of light that is human projected energy from a soul without Jewness, is revealed as the full spectrum of reality by my crystalline perfect being. That’s amazing to see, like a rainbow in a prism, and if you look at the Jew, all of their evil will be stuck on them and they will be like a heap of maggot infested, steaming dung on a plate to be eaten instead of a lamb shank.

Yuck. Let’s look at that amazing reality of light being refracted into the pure spectrum of visibility through that glorious man’s presence of being again. But that was still kinda cool how disgusting it was so maybe we can glance back again and see all the maggots writhing through the turd Jew… ewwwwwww…. why would anyone put that on a dinner plate? Whoever did ought to be arrested or fined or something, because that just ain’t right.

Latest Conspiracy Reveal + new words

First, the Conspiracy:

Attention: I have recently discovered that Hitler is actually alive. He has been kept alive in secret ever since World War 2 and is currently being used by the US government for stupid ideas that hurt people for no reason. He might be on his death bed or recently deceased, but they have been keeping him and letting him run the USA for quite a while all for some ungodly and stupid idea that has no reason.

Such idiotic secrets should not be maintained simply to cover the asses of the politicians and top brass. It is in nobodies interest to maintain those secrets except that of those fools whose crimes are being hidden. In fact, it does harm to everyone else that they keep those secrets. Those selfish people need to stop being so selfish and maybe consider helping other people and the greater good for a change.

Next up, new words:

interjaculation — this word is self-explanatory.

suprajaculation — this word shall describe the female version of cumming.