The secret to radiant skin

Sometimes when I am out and about people ask me, “Nick, how do you get your skin to be so radiant?” By sometimes I mean at no times and by people asking me, I mean they want to ask me and don’t, but if they did ask me, this is what I would tell them.

Mystical secret of the Life and Sexiness #38

“When showering, cup your hands around your nose and vent your sinuses as thoroughly as possible into your palms. This procedure is known colloquially as “the snot rocket”. If you did it correctly you should have anywhere between a stringy booger and over a tablespoon of hearty mucus within your grasp. There may are may not be some odd colored shapes in it, but that is fine. No need to be concerned or throw it away. It can even be used to interpret prophecy concerning any romantic interests of yours, if you are in tune with nature enough. Whether or not you read the signs, spread that mucus over your face and body, massaging it in thoroughly. That’s all there is to it. In a matter of days your will have skin so radiant, you’ll need to cover it with a dark cloth before going to sleep at night. A small sacrifice for the attention of all the lovely maidens and being the object of their wildest desires.”

Being an object in this sense is not being objectified, but as the objective. It’s important to notice these things because the words apply often during any academic pursuits. Subjective and objective. The difference is that subjective, with the prefix sub- means that your are judging something beyond yourself by using what is within yourself to know something about it, the object of judgment being above, and the subjective judgment being below. That happens simply by judging something, so do not let your egos be fruffled. You make an incomplete conclusion about something apart from yourself based on your own personal existence as the qualities of how you understand it. That is why the prefix ob- is used, to indicate away from, and the relative spatial concept sub- as determining something below what that truly is. What is unknowable is above, and knowable is below.

An object in this sense is a judgement you are making about something as it is apart from yourself and entirely refraining from applying any personal perspective that applies to you and only you. You are determining what is knowable while remaining yourself unknowable. These things have different purposes. Subjective judgments inform objects, and objective judgments inform subjects. So if you ever hear someone say, “we need to consider this ‘objectively’”, that is what that means. They are making an effort to think about something without personal bias or information that is only relevant to themselves. They are applying known facts that are true regardless of personal belief, experience, or opinion, and making a conclusion with the connection of those facts through the context of the situation.

If you are low on mucus, feel free to send me an inquiry and I may have some extra I can spare.
