The Discoverer's Recognition

Do you feel like when a discovery is named after the person it is offensive, arrogant, or vain?

Do you see the glory of others as your own inferiority?

Are you circumcised?

In any case, that’s a personal problem, so go to hell.

As a means of spiting all of you “glory chumps” as I shall henceforth name you who think that individual talent is an illusion of systematic privilege and can be replicated by communism, I shall brand all of my discoveries with self-identifying monikers.

You’re welcome.

Now… I want you to take a moment and appreciate the power you are so proud to be able to abuse against me in order to cheat me of whatever you think I do not deserve to have earned for myself or be blessed to recieve by good fortune and divine providence.

Take a moment to admire not only the power that you are abusing to inhibit progress, happiness, and humanity from achieving our greatest potential, but also admire the source of that power that you are abusing. Take a moment to appreciate the source of all power that you have imposed yourself as a gatekeeper for with your abuse of positional power granted only by employment or appointment from a human being.

Is it not grand how incredible that power is? Is it not dangerously awesome what that power is capable of?

Can you imagine what the world would be like if you had that power yourself, instead of access to it as a trusted custodian?

What would you do? Cheat people? Hold people back? Make the world a worse place to live? Make things harder for others? Be jealous of what other people can do or have?

What would you do to someone like yourself who is abusing your power which you have trusted to be used for the benefit of others?

Now… as a final thought, take a moment to prepare your last words, because of what that power is going to do to those who betray the trust they were charitably blessed with as a divine mercy of infinite grace and providence. Hopefully you will have something decent to say that will match the kind of role you imagined yourself to have by deluding yourself into believing that you had the right to be lawless with lawful authority.

What would I say, if I were you?