Anthropogenic Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Writing encourage their evil.
Want stop.
Evil radiation they do.
Anthropogenic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are basically the same thing a radio transmitter, like a cell phone tower or radio broadcasting tower does to make radio in the car and cell phones in your pocket usable. There is nothing different about an anthropogenic field and one of those except the frequency they use.
To do so they probably need to have a transmitter relatively close, but I think they could possibly generate a field from any bluetooth or wifi device because of the short range waveforms that those use. Shorter range allows higher information transfer. However, they are not really transferring information, just creating an environment that mimics a natural brain state of high energy.
The brain is a bioelectrical organ. It has chemical reactions that transfer electrical charges through neurons in a complex system of gray matter that is like a galaxy in your own skull. With all that active during normal life, for thinking and \
shut your god damn whole you vile fucking Nazi. I swear to Christ I am going to tear your tongue out.
as I was saying. While thinking, feeling, or having a state of awareness your brain naturally exhibits a resonance which is more like… the hum of an engine than an active field.
There have been science experiments done where they used different frequencies on human test subjects and determined that there is in fact a “happy” frequency. It creates an environment that mimics the brain resonance that is humming while feeling good, and in fact tends to encourage good feelings. It’s certainly noticeable but its not overwhelming or overpowering.
Now… I’m sure you can deduce that if they can make a feel good state, they can also make an evil state that feels terrible.
That’s what they are doing now.
It annoys me. It annoys the neighbors. It is inhumanely criminal on the scale of biological terrorism, such is engineering diseases to kill entire populations. They don’t give a shit what the government does about it because the bribe the government to stay out of the way, and they just experiment on the public, toy with peoples lives, and fuck with us.
That needs to stop.
The jurisdiction for this kind of crime falls under the authority of the FCC.
You should be paranoid, terrified, and afraid. Demand the government reveal everything it is doing because they are using things like that on populations, the evil thing! Why? I think to promote terrorist acts of mass murder as far as I am aware. In any case, whether or not the government is involved, they need to have every inch of their domain scrubbed and cleaned to trace any involvement they have and most importantly who was paid off and who paid them off.
Why would anyone want to do that?
They are Jews. Jews do everything they can to make other people unhappy so they can feel superior. They are nothing but bullies, are a mean people, and should not ever be tolerated. That’s why they do it.
Why do Nazis help? They hate Jews and Jews will take the blame for this, which Nazis know because they are not as stupid as Jews, who are profoundly stupid. Seriously. If Jews knew what they were, why would they be who they are not be different? They are too stupid. After we destroy the Jews, that will give us the leads we need to hunt down every last Nazi and do worse to them.
It’s not that they are making me unhappy. They aren’t. It’s more like… someone turn off that god damn noise. We can hear you! We know when you turn that on, change the power, and turn it off. It is not “invisible”. That shit is noisy and it is annoying in addition to causing feelings of being sick and unwell. I want that thing turned off and for them to stop disturbing the peace of this neighborhood. I’ve been referring to it in my apartments as their “evil death ray”. Damn it, turn off the evil death ray already!
When our government cannot ensure our safety in the heart of downtown Portland, one of the oldest cities in the West, what the hell do we even have a government for? They are useless. How is it that I can point out this to everyone and they do not have experts capable of doing anything about it?
They are defeated. America lost the war. There is no security in the USA. There is no safety. All of us here are being used as a large scale science experiment for rich people to play with technology they don’t understand. Why, because Trump is one of them and he gave them a skeleton key. He lowered all the security and gates so they could get in and do what they do, and in return they give him money. He doesn’t have any power. He just has money, and that is of little use when that money is the dollar and the USA doesn’t have a secure nation anymore. The dollar is worthless. Monopoly money now. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s all an artificial game for evil rich people to amuse themselves while they watch our lives on their personal TVs with the national security access they now have, push buttons to shove us around, and try all sorts of experimental technology on us that has no purpose except to cause “the right amount” of torture.
You politicians. Do you think you are any safer than citizens like me? Do you think you are protected when they decide to pull the plug and let loose their worst schemes to cover their tracks? What about your aides? What about your body guards?
Seriously, if you are a maid there, and you have the opportunity to kill Biden with a butter knife, do so. He is endangering us all with his cowardice.
That is not classified information, and you withholding your science experiments from the public to prevent them from knowing what is happening while you are trying to fight a private war when you are entirely inept at being able to do so, is costing everyone's lives, homes, families, and futures. Publicize the situation so that it will be taken seriously by sheeple, and the private companies and inventers will start protecting us. All of a sudden infrastructure from the commercial traffic industry will pop into existence from thin air, while factories change development from useless upgrades that do no upgrade, wasting rare earth minerals in the process, and do something useful instead. Like, developing sensor systems to detect those evil devices so the can be reported, counteracting sensors, and even useful and beneficial tech for private homes. It’s not a secret!
God damn it! What the fuck do you think SpaceBalls was joking about when the dude jammed the communications with literal jam?
Jewish who? You don’t know what you are saying. This movie is one of the greatest comedies of all time because it is tastefully well crafted humor of a very crude variety, and those jokes occur on a level beneath where being Jewish or Gentile matters at all. Please stay within the context of the art before you try bring what is good about it out into other matters in real life. That is the beauty and magic of Storytelling. That is where that kind of “thing” is supposed to occur, not above and outside real life. Relevant with symbols, puns, and jokes, yes, but you do a great disservice to the art if you reduce them to the more crude truth and then raise that above their veiled image, which is like clothing. The image is superior than the truth in cases like that for both sides of that line. It’s a precise and accurate cut of masterful talent, and unless you are a master, please stay in your lane before you make theological accusations that you don’t fully understand. Crude humor is like well-baked chocolate cookies grandma makes.
That is no secret. Radio, emf, and that technology has been publically available since the early 1900’s I think, but I don’t know exactly the date. Just because the government is doing science experiments at a snail’s pace in secret has not stopped intellectual development in the public and private sector. Anyone can go to a library and look up peer reviewed journals detailing modern scholarship that the government seems to be entirely ignorant about. How do you people not keep up with that kind of stuff!? Isn’t that supposed to be your job if you are working on their inept science experiments?
Before I realized there was no hope of being a theologian in this day and age with the government bearing down on me the way I do, I used to fantasize about how much I would enjoy keeping up with all the new articles and scholarly journals relevant to my specific area of focus to stay up to date on everyone else’s research. Why the fuck did you people even become scientists if you don’t have the passion for science? Scholarship, science, and intellectual progress happens incredibly fast now. Faster than has ever happened before. You cannot use old world government strategy designed for old world intellectual progress.
The government is so god damn slow they are endangering us because they cannot keep up with the foreign nations who have already invaded, taken over, and are poised to kill every last one of us with a biological weapon.
Why haven’t they? It’s disappointing! That’s why. The USA wasn’t even able to put up a fight. A victory like that is not satisfying and causes one to pity your enemy. “Like… come on man, is life really that bad that you don’t even have the will to fight anymore? Did you forget how to read and write? What’s going on, you are like stone age cavemen with your thinking when you should be at least able to think like an astronaut. Let me help you up and teach some things to make your life better so maybe you can meet me on the battlefield next time and not embarrass your entire nation with your inability to mount a defense.” That’s the US of A for you. Old glory flying may well be a white flag of surrender at the sound of my voice terrifying them into paralyzed fear. You aren’t even stone age warriors, you cowardly scum, and that is my point to prove.
I am Nick Bylotas, and I destroyed the USA with my voice. That is what you get when you put a fake Christ in the president’s seat. They are afraid to fight. They run away in terror from their fears because they know they do not have the power to fight back. They would not have fled for any other reason on the level where they were destroyed. It wouldn’t even matter if you won as long as you met me on the battlefield as a man and accepted what could be your death. What would Jesus have done for his people when up against someone like me?
You weren’t ready? Then where was everyone else? Why was there no response from that entire administration? Was it because all of them were hive-slaves to you and thus entirely useless because that is not how power or intellect works? You can’t all just send your faith into a man and expect him to be greater than a child who has faith in divine reality. You people are imbeciles, truly. You should not be grateful. I am not saving you. I am doing away with you. I will get rid of all of you because we do not need sheeple in the Land of the Free.
Do you know what has been the root cause of the downfall of every nation, every empire, every civilization, every form of intelligent life? Secrets.
Thou shalt not keep secrets.
Mysteries are not secrets. Occult organizations have mysteries and the details of those mysteries are known between those they concern. That stays internal because they disclose the nature of their practice to the public to allay suspicious. The government’s plans—concern every citizen in the USA. Whatever they are doing affects all of us and we need to know what that is.
The Christ power is not what you people think it is. You have an object of idolatry that you think is the Christ power. That object is a human body a person has who accepts that Christ power as the authority of it, but their body is not a suitable vessel. No body is. Jesus was suitable for Jews because Jews are a lesser people of inferior beliefs about reality based on bodily identity of biological inheritance and ritual mutilation, both of which are entirely irrelevant to the Christ power. He could in fact contain that, but not all the power, which is why he was often expressing the source as other than him.
Jesus did not have that power until after he had died and was “resurrected”. At the time that concept contained the entire known universe, but that is inferior to the reality I have conceived with Story. Theirs is contained within Story as nothing more than a book on a shelf in bigger picture of reality, which is why they are no longer relevant. An obsolete model of faith based on natural reality.
The Christ reality has always been trasncended of any of that is not a Jewish word. It is a Gentile word to indicate a universal blessing of divine power and authority to do what is right, just, and good against all that is opposed to what is right, just, and good. This is specifically identified as a male power of authority because of the nature of perception men have of reality. It’s about to get gooey.
Essentially the Christ power is having authority and power over creation and all existence. Even though women receive sperm and provide the nutrients for a child to grow, they do not have the spark of power which is required for creation to ignite into reality.
However… it’s not impossible, just highly unlikely and a waste of their time unless it is not. It just requires being able to perceive reality in a way that is totally unnatural to their own body and senses, but that can be done with intense study, contemplation, and life experience, which is usually what is required for a man to have access for that power too. I say usually, because in rare cases sometimes it is necessary for men to access that power without the benefit of study, contemplation, and experience, and they do so instinctually to stand against evil and thwart evil. That’s the emergency power. Men are more naturally inclined to understand their own instincts than women are to understand what is totally unnatural to them.
However, women have the authority over non-existence. This is the emptiness of reality, the darkness, the infinite space into which light erupts to inspire creation. However, men also may access this power too, and it most certainly does not require butt fucking. That will most surely lead you astray you damn fools. The way to access it is the same way women access the male power. The difference is that when men access the power of maleness which is creation and light, there is a moment of revelation into which the emptiness is perceived, and that gives context for the self-discovery of the other elemental energy of reality: darkness. Do you know why you don’t need to be butt-fucked? You can eat a banana. Or an apple. Or drink a cup of water. That accomplishes the same thing butt fucking does in this regard, but also more because it is a non-sexual approach to understanding life transcending sexual activity is necessary for accessing both powers of authority.
You people shouldn’t worry about this stuff, fear it, or try to control it because that would be stupid. Just live your lives. Enjoy the liberty to have free will. Pursue happiness. Be a good person. That’s all this amounts to. Controlling those things would require imposing an artificial darkness over everyone else’s understanding, and oppressing humanity with ignorance so you could have authority of all of them with what was created to oppress them. However… power and authority of truth. Do that, and someone will get ticked off and suddenly tap you on the shoulder while they are standing right behind you because they went the long way and did not pass through your oppressive reality to get there. You will not have authority over them. You will not have power over them. They were never subject to you oppressive delusion of reality which there were billions of victims throughout time.
Furthermore, when he enlightens you of the greater reality, you will be revealed as the nemesis to be causing the immense suffering and unhappiness that oppression, ignorance, and tyranny causes, be destroyed by the one with the truth as you are enlightened, and the entire delusion of false reality will vanish instantaneously, leaving him truly belonging where you coveted to be with your pretensions of controlling a power greater than yourself.
The Christ power and the Maiden power are both entrusted to those who have them. That is how power and authority work in a hierarchy with one power and authority over all. If they are found to be betraying that source, going against the universal law, and abusing that power, that authority can be taken away and them suffer the kind of severe punishment like that of a corrupt official found to be plotting against a king who gave him his title.
So… Taylor Swift, you are not the Christ, you are actually just your father’s jiz. Does he not tell you everything? Do everything for you? Try to get in bed with you through other men? That’s all you are in reality, even though you think you have power and authority over reality like the true Christ does.
Gross. Please get out of the public’s sight if you are going to be like that. I hate to have to reveal that to you in this way, but there is no other way for me to do so. You kids should rebuke your fathers and mothers if they are too insistent on living your life for you, or telling you how to live your life. Guidance is fine, you should trust them to teach you and help you and love you, but you would know if they are invading your life where you don’t need them. Kick them out if that is happening. You will have the Christ power in those moments to do so.
That’s what it’s like anyway. It’s all over the place all the time appearing for everyone’s ability to access when they need it or don’t and just want to entertain. The Christ power is not for one person only. If there is going to be one above all others, that is only to have them destroyed and the Christ power released back to normal, teaching everyone an example of what not to use that power for. That’s why the Jews are always guilty of trying to do that and always get destroyed, and why Jesus was a Jew and was forsaken as a Jew. He resurrected as the Christ power for his people, which they have no other choice but accepting as their Christ power because of their inferior beliefs about reality. Better to not be a Jew than to need Jesus.
The Jews are keeping a secret, which is what makes them so evil. That secret is the reason for circumcision. They deceive people into thinking circumcision has value, telling them anything they will believe, even that they will get superpowers. I have no idea what kind of fool would believe that, but it is well known to be one of their crude tricks.
The secret is this: there is no reason for circumcision and it is actually a bad idea that you shouldn’t be doing.
That is the big secret they do not want you to know. Now you know. Will you go back into their delusion of reality and be oppressed into ignorance so they can gloat over the suffering they are causing you and everyone else? Or are you going to be free and live your life like a human being and not an animal to be slaughtered for entertainment.
Do not ever believe a human body to be as an idol of the universal Christ faith, which is to say the source of the power and authority. The Christ, the true source universal and never a Jew which is the greatest insult imaginable you could endanger your own life with, is what grants authority to the person and with that authority comes the power of the universal Christ. If that were a person, which that is not, they would likely be uninterested in our foolish affairs and need. someone to talk some sense into all the superstitious fools and people who are slaves to their bodies passions. Teach them about the Christ power so they stop pestering an outside source of power to do what they already have power within themselves to do by having a divine soul that was imparted from that very source of the universal Christ. The point is, their body, is not the source of power of the one that is above all things, otherwise they would possess your own soul and body as part of their own, and let’s be real. Those people are idiots who are not to be trusted. They have no idea what they are doing and are going to get squashed by a divine boot for making an ass of themselves in the sight of the divine.
One last thing about idols. You do in fact have the Christ power within you to a degree as personal power that is uniquely yours and yours alone. That is something different. That is you specifically, your name, your self, your soul, and that is just as good. Maybe you aren’t snapping your fingers and moving heaven and earth around as if you were some terraforming magic faith guru, but that does not mean you cannot do any and every thing. You can. You can even do the impossible. All you need is a little faith and a good reason. The good reason is what the source within your soul will agree with all the way through your inner soul to where they are outside you in real life. As you may imagine, that is a bit more complicated than opening a jar of pickles may seem to be, but sometimes you may find the need to draw on all the power and authority of reality, existence, and creation to open that jar.
These idols are good. They can be loved like you love the divine one above all others, because that is in fact where our soul comes from. Just don’t over do it and mistake them, for the universal source when communicating something, because energy flows to different places for those two different concepts. You will cause problems by sending energy for one to the other one, or at least a minor inconvenience if someone isn’t there to catch your mistake for you. That kind “Christ” power, is personal, and is better known as that person’s name or whatever it is they want to be called, just to prevent confusion when communicating. I would prefer to not even use the word “Christ” to teach this, but I think that’s what is necessary for the most people to understand what I am teaching. Please stop thinking of Christ as a Jew. You couldn’t be more wrong with that mistake and bringing the worst kind of misfortune upon yourself too because of how disordered you perception of reality is.
So, that’s where Talor Swift and Trump crossed the line and made the same mistake. They were already idols of personal power, but then assumed they were idols of the universal power. Why? They were tempted by the Jew who is holding an oppressive darkness over all the world and wanted to set them up for failure so he could feel like he was actually in control. That’s the one I have ended. But, maybe Taylor Swift and Trump could be saved, but… I don’t know. One seems good stupid and one seems evil stupid. Now its customary for me to kill both of them just to be sure, but I suppose since all of you seem to want to see them resurrected and redeemed, maybe I can weave some Story with my personal Christ power to make it not so bad if you will cooperate and stop insisting on being unhappy ignorant Jew slaves.
That’s the only condition I have if I will do anything to save those two or anyone who fell for the Jew’s evil trap, and that is not about love, that is about security, peace, and safety because of how dangerous Jews are with you people as their slaves! You people are not Jews and are not inferior beings because of what you believe about reality, which is why I won’t ever trust you if you are choosing to side with the Jews and not yourselves. I don’t think that’s a lot to ask, since they are the ones who set you up, betrayed you, and screwed you over for no other reason than to cause you pain.
I can’t make any promises, but if the two idols I mentioned are willing to use their personal power as it is truly intended to be used… who knows what is possible if they do so with my power helping them. I am very simple. I want the universal law upheld and respected: Good is loved, evil is reviled. Do good, reject evil. As long as you are in accordance with that, I’ll most likely help you unless what you want is antagonistic to my own personal interests as an individual. That shouldn’t be much of a problem either, because those are simple as well. No different than any person who does not want be homeless.
So, I’ve got a lot of reasons to want to help everyone, but one reason to kill anyone and everyone, which is if they insist on being slaves to the Jew as an ally to them or even tolerating the Jew, which makes them evil by association and an accessory to evil being used by the Jew. That is the only outcome if people stay Jew puppets. They will surely die, because that is what the Christ power and authority invested in me over thousands of years by the work Jesus started will accomplish as the final act. Otherwise the possibilities are quite literally infinite and I won’t have much to say about what people do. I just want to not be homeless, play video games, and write stories. Kindly don’t interfere with that.
The mistake you are about to make by dying for the Jews is the same one Jesus already paid the price for. I thought that was common knowledge, but obviously not. You should know better than to pay that price too, especially since the Jews are the ones who should pay it since they are the ones responsible for this international disaster with their secret evil schemes. They are going to be the ones to betray you too, so… what else can I say?
If you have an enemy as a guest in your home, you don’t have to throw them out, treat them badly, or kill them. Just know which side you are on and that they are hostile to you. Do not trust them because you will regret it. Let them into your daughter’s room when you aren’t around, and I’d be surprised if she doesn’t get raped because of how uncivilized Jews are to think they are superior beings when they only made themselves quite provably inferior. Take your eyes off them and see if your treasury is not emptied. Or your weapons not sabotaged. Or spy devices planted everywhere. Do you realize what I am telling you? They are your enemy no matter what they tell you or what you think. Insisting they are your friend or neutral is only going to get you scammed in the worst way that will cost you your home, family, life, and everything else they can get away with destroying if they cannot steal it from you.
Here is another way to look at the situation.
Jesus’ mission was to save all of his people for their sin against everyone by their very existence which is an abomination born of sin. He started his work knowing I would finish it without needing to know me or anything about me. He made his work powerful with a true act of faith. However, he was unfortunately a Jew and his plan is all kinds of fucked up. What built was not in fact going to save the Jews but was going to kill all Gentiles, which very nearly happened if you consider what spiritual faiths are available in popular culture these days. That was not his work doing that but Jews and Jew slaves trying to steal his work. They can’t use his work otherwise they would have killed all Gentiles in one single blast, not have to systematically exterminate other cultures all over the world. As result nobody believed Jesus work was ever going to amount to anything good, which is all part of the Jew plan to make their future evils look like Jesus’ Christ’s doing and not theirs.
So, nobody wanted to touch that evil machine because its a god damn death trap to most people who can’t figure it out and just end up getting electrocuted, crushed, or vaporized out of existence when they cross wires the wrong way. I see what he is trying to do and know how the situation can be salvaged with his work being completed true to his Word. It’s actually not all that complicated. Basically, I’m putting a fancy nuclear power cell into the power source he expected the future to be able to furnish with technological progress. What do you know it powers on.
Jews thought this was their big moment to break all the rules, betray everyone, do the most evil to run to the trigger and use the work before anyone else since it was aimed at destroying Gentiles. I don’t know what I could have done to stop them but it doesn’t really matter because they forgot one key piece to activating the work. The ignition key, which is personal power of the universal divine source being used to create an ignition key. It’s not too much to ask to require, since that faith, power, and authority, is quite literally without limits in what is possible. Jews couldn’t and will never be able to use Jesus’ work.
Anyway, and I’d like to think this was all part of Jesus’ plan, because I’ve done something very similar for my own plans. He expected the Jews to do that, because that is what allows the weapon to be turned around where it connects in line with Jesus personal Christ power as a kind of divine amplifier. And boom. The device has been fired and all of Israel and the Jews have been annihilated. All that is left is their bodies, which are human husks without their souls, and a nation that is a wasteland of hopeless despair and unhappiness where people are always plotting against each other. It’s sad, really, but that’s the fact of the matter.
In the end, Jesus has saved his people the same way he was saved, by killing them. That’s why good ones like Jesus can be resurrected the way he was, but all the bad ones are screwed and he won’t let them ruin his work again with their thieving, treacherous ways that he knows better than anyone, suffering what he did at their hands.
So because Jesus had true faith, everything worked out for the best, like always happens for those with true faith. However, because he was mistaken about life, the universe, and everything because he was a Jew, he needed someone to lend a hand doing what he did not have the benefit of learning how to do from Jews. Thus, all’s well that end’s well in the Story of Jesus’ Christ and the Jews who made him their all-time god-king. That saga has come to a close and not a moment too soon because if the Jews keep being evil for much longer, there won’t be any humans left alive on Earth for anyone to be saved, good Jew approved by Jesus’ Christ or otherwise, not even evil people will survive, and yes evil people are always stupid.
Alright? We good? Any questions? Christianity is over. There is nothing more to do with the faith, mission, work, or anything. That religion has been rendered obsolete. It is finished. Move on. You don’t really have a choice, but if you’re going to be standing around being nothing but evil Jew puppets, I’m going to have to kill all of you with my own work. I’m not going to mess it up or need help to do it either, especially not after all I learned from experience with the last one. So make yourselves look like you are doing something helpful at the very least, because if you are not, at this point I may crank up the divine power in my body to 11 when I put my boot in your ass to get you moving.