When someone cheats, nobody wins
That’s the way I see the interference in game play mechanics to cause a player character to be defeated in battle and end the match so the “computer” wins. What kind of computer A.I. is even at all concerned about winning or losing, or who wins or loses for that matter? None, because those are human concepts that computer software does not understand, nor desire.
So what is the cause? I can only assume that such a thing happens because of two possible reasons and an unknown reason: one, there is a covetous person jealous of my video game skill playing as the computer when the game is not designed for them to have their filthy hands in it. Two, video game megacorps are using such cheating to make their sponsored players appear better than they are by adding obstacles to prevent other players’ success. The unknown reason is the benefit of the doubt and the reason why law enforcement has not stormed into the room they are doing such a thing from and shot every last one of them if they resist arrest.
That means that they have a chance to explain what their reasons are for behaving the way they do in a court of law and be judged for their actions to determine whether or not a crime occurred and what crime that is. I don’t think they have a good reason, but I am willing to hear what they have to say and be open minded about it. However, they refuse to do that. So, the only assumption we can make is that they are in fact being criminal, unlawful, and evil and need to be stopped. Does that seem unreasonable?
What could possibly be so important about how they meddle with mass media, which is one of the highest protected domains in the USA? No matter how you imagine the situation, they are doing wrong in every scenario because simply by meddling in mass media they are committing a crime. Realistically, there cannot be a good reason for such a thing. The probability is like 99.99999% chance they are doing criminal, lawless acts of destruction to the USA social community. Those interferences affect the experience of more people than the one they target, and those affected go on to affect others with what happened.
I did rage quit, except I was cold. There were two other players not contributing to that fight because they wanted to leave, and I wanted to finish 20 waves. That was not a problem until I was taken out of the game as you saw. They did not show up for the last fight, so they did not get to enjoy the rewards of the entire match. Show up at the end and get paid for a day’s labor, leave at the end, and get nothing. You lazy workers! It is at the end when all are most weary and everything needs to be prepared for the next day that is the most important part of the job! In any case, that event felt like cyberbullying to me as the victim. I want justice, I want defense, and I want the game to apologize in person. Except software is not a person, is it? So how about the person who is responsible for the game above all others. That will suffice if it is genuine.
Do you expect humans to have infinite patience and wisdom and not be outraged when what is good to them is unlawfully destroyed? It’s not like anyone gains anything from that destruction of the pursuit of happiness, so why does it happen? Do they not have supervisor to talk some sense into them or remove them from duty, whatever that accursed mistake they were wrongly assigned may be. That kind of stuff attacks the tiniest, smallest morsel of happiness I have in life. Maybe if you steal a thousand dollars from a billionaire they are barely affected, but if you steal a thousand dollars from a poor person, you are probably taking their entire savings.
Life, as in the human experience among humans in a community, does not bring me any happiness. In fact, it makes me unhappy, it ruins whatever animal joy I may experience with my bodily senses, and there is nothing of friendship, family, or romantic relationships, no religion, no national identity, nothing of the human concepts that I can enjoy because all of those things have a condition of violence to be inflicted upon my body first. If I allowed that, I would only be more unhappy.
I have distant friends, but those kind of friendships do not provide what is good about friendship. Those kind of friendships are good, like an ally, but they do not bring any joy into my life because I cannot share my life with any of them. They live all over the world, and my presence as a person unwilling to pay an entry fee in the community paid with my flesh, not that it would do anyone any good or be of any use, brings suffering and conflict into their lives. That is why most people avoid me, each other, and why the USA is eroding from within and cannot stand.
Do you remember having to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school? Hopefully that doesn’t happen anymore, because that is a tyrannical concept of unnecessary oppression, but pay close attention to the word in bold font. The word of our enemies, the tyrants trying to destroy the USA for “Christendom” more like Christian-dumb asses.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Do you know why the word “indivisible” was chosen? For things like that, the people who write them think long and hard about the exact meaning of the words they are using because of what they cause to be learned subconsciously in the people who internalize them.
Indivisible means that under no conditions are there ever to be requirements of circumcision in American life. None. Not into a romantic relationship with the whore women who want it without knowing or caring what they are asking of men. Not into the government. Not into the military. Not into school. Not into public places. It is never to be expected, required, or asked for from anyone. Not any people in the nation should be looking down on their neighbor for not being circumcised. They should not be trying to segregate uncircumcised people from everyone else, deny us equal rights, trial in a court of law, and all the Freedoms they covet for themselves but destroy entirely by denying them of others.
There is no allegiance to the USA because it has been divided by something as immorally foolish as circumcision, an issue that has been a conflict countless times through history, and always resolved by the same conclusion with or without resources of doctrine to support the claim. That truth is never going to change, nor is it even remotely relevant to be a question for the USA, so why is it?
Give that question to the populous and see what the will of the people have to say with their own voices. Not my words, not the words of any elected officials, the entire citizen body. The government needs to confront their fears and tell the people what they have decided by dividing us with the unjustified, artificial, and tyrannical inequality of circumcision as an “identity” trait people can be forced into with violence.
“This scar makes you one of us and unlike anyone else. You are chosen.” You people are out of your god damn minds! What they don’t say is what they were chosen for was to be the slaves of evil who are sacrificed as objects to protect the evil tyrants they are subordinate too and with no concern for their personal life or bodily life. “I am not a slave!” they say in protest. Then why do you not abide by the laws of justice? Why do you not fulfil the responsibilities required for the goodness of a government? Why do you do nothing good and only do evil and harm and cause unhappiness for other people if you are not such a slave? Do you have an answer? Can you even be said to be in control of your own life when you do not know why you do the things you do? Not in my book.
I look at you and I see a slave whether you like it or not. If you want to be perceived differently, than present yourself differently, even in the privacy of your secret places, and use things like reason, good judgement, and understanding to take control of your own life as an individual. I don’t particularly care about you as individuals unless I know you or meet you, but as a people I do care because you are making the USA look bad. You are an embarrassment to all of humanity throughout all of time who look back on these days to study the problem that was confronted and resolved.
That affects me indirectly, because citizenship in the USA used to be important to everyone, but now that it has been divided and thus destroyed, it is no longer good for anything. What have you replaced it with besides slavery, human trafficking, and systematic genocide with no end or “final solution”? We all know how that is going to end, so why are you trying to take us there as a government?