There is a common trope in stories that have been told throughout history about the folly of imperial conquest. At the same time, there is a historical account of true misdeeds of fools who sought imperial conquest.
The trope and reality are the same. Always the despot believes that their singular authority or any singular personal authority, even if it is a Jew one behind a veil with whispers from rats in the walls pretending to be the voice of “God”. That is still a personal authority, the most detestable one, of course, but no different than the Christian fool who would rule singularly all nations under a single source of judgment.
That’s what’s inconveniencing me now, as I write these words. Those people who would make such a foolish mistake have trouble reconciling me to cooperate, because I of course never will. I know better. As a king, they often make false assumptions about the Christ kings who were under the authority of the Jews whispering to their minds. The only reason those kings go crazy is because they believe those common place whispers are in fact God at the highest level they can be heard. That’s just a Jew, for the record. An ordinary, stupid, disgraceful Jew who is so totally confined to the limits of his body that he in fact believe that is God.
Someone like me knows better because I’ve lived a genuine life of faith without ever hearing those Jews whisper until they noticed me and then started pretending like I should acknowledge them as God. They couldn’t be more absurdly out of place and not-convincing in the least with that foolish deception they are known and hated for.
There is no such thing as mind control, only mind-nuisance, and that’s how they manipulate people. Annoy them to an extent of retaliation, but the physical body of that one human mind, which it is. There is nothing more wise about that fool than any other ordinary person. They are just the one that thinks in the place of God for all the Jews. So if you wanted to end that nuisance for good, you’d have to eliminate all the Jews, or otherwise kill their body as a population, not an individual.
I managed to do that which is why they are less and less of a nuisance every day. It was horrible at first and many people who knew me probably found my rage and wrath unusual to be annoyed by some pretentious charlatan standing taking it upon himself to obstruct the flow of divine energy in my life by pretending to be God. Normally this would not be a problem, but they have access to information technology that makes their nuisance particularly bothersome. They’ve always done shit like that; manipulating paperwork, fudging numbers, and other things to use social systems as weapons against individuals so they no longer are effective as social systems at all, which exposes them when the problem is addressed.
Obviously any person who attempts to communicate in that way without identifying themselves in person is a traitor, liar, and enemy, and you should never trust those people. Certainly do not accept that they know something you don’t, because that is how they manipulate people. Christian kings of truth faith fall into their trap by being devout Christians and accepting the Jew snake as the voice of God when it suddenly appears because they only just noticed someone who would end circumcision with common sense. Then they drive someone like that crazy. A lot of parents do this with their children, which is why it is no mystery or threat you should be concerned of. It’s typical for adults to do, and normal for children to be unaware of that unless they are made aware with an adult violating their mind. I’m pretty sure that’s why my mother divorced my father because of what she claimed he did to my brother in a court of law but was never able to prove.
In any case, a common bully in high school does that. They can be corrected with as much ease as a bully can be corrected by any decent person, especially an adult. Why would anyone care about an image of their organization so much as to protect bullying? Seriously… you already defiled your image by protecting the bully because eventually that will be made know and your image will be twice as tarnished.
Ever since I created the Way of the Story the Jews have been dwindling away and their spiritual presence is gradually becoming less substantial. Choombasa.
As for the typical empire of fools. Whichever one of you fucktards think “unifying all nations” is a good idea, let me ask you something:
Don’t you have something better to do with your life? Is there not something more worthwhile for you to spend your time doing? Can you not be more useful to the greater good doing something different?
Be realistic now when you consider the resistance some groups bring against those despots to stop them. Seriously. That is never going to work. It is not worth it. You will not be making the world a better place. People will be unhappy. Economy will suffer. Additionally, the fucktard responsible for that is going to be most burdened and stressed trying to micromanage everyone’s lives when the power players of the world do not cooperate, and the stooges you replace them with cannot fill their shoes.
You are honestly wasting your time trying to unify the world under a single government. That is absurdly stupid. Simply knowing the American War for Independence happened is enough to know that there will never be a single government for all people. Some people want to be slaves. Some people want to be free. The slaves become slaves and are then driven to kill to protect their master, and the free people defend ourselves from them, thwart them, and prepare for the next attack from those imbeciles. Rinse. Repeat.
Alright, since I destroyed the Jews with a word, I shall destroy those imperial fucktards with a word.
There is good to accomplish with world unification, but government is too much authority that ruins much more than most everything else could possibly ruin people’s lives. On a huge population wide scale too. Think about how that decrease in happiness is going to affect all aspects of that society. Do you want to work when you are angry, unhappy, unrewarded, and unappreciated? Do you want to do some menial task for others instead of pursuing your dreams? Of course not. That’s all an imperial despot is. They are someone who practices freedom, except betrays the spirit of freedom to assist an empire. Then they are removed if they ever accomplish anything and what they did falls apart. Why do you think they had any success where everyone else failed?
Dumb asses.
The only thing good about the “Empire” is the infrastructure that makes business and commodities more convenient. That’s all. You do not need a government for that. You need a… civil engineer, an urban planner, and a team of people who know how to maintain the world as their regular day job as technicians of a sort. Routine maintenance, corrective maintenance, installation, etc.
The reason you don’t need a government for that is because everybody wants that system to function at the optimum efficiency possible. It is not a source of profit, not a business scheme, not a means of controlling people’s lives, not a throne of authority. It is like… a single calendar for all nations so that when travellers and businesses want to plan a meeting internationally it is done without confusion of different ways of keeping time. Do not go to war over that decision. Whose calendar to use is not a reason to kill people.
Just find out what the options are, what the concerns for each party are, and then work it out while keeping the public informed to create something new that works. Then, start it and let it run. Boom. You do not need a government to oversee the counting of time pass. That happens without humans being able to manipulate it and is constant.
A single currency. Same thing, but a more complicated problem. However, there shouldn’t be any losers in that decision. The only thing that will happen is poorer nations will have currency that is equitable with richer nations, so it will be like them coming into money all of a sudden, and there is no problem with that. All the more opportunity to make money, am I right?
What do you care what people do spending their money? Why should that affect you? If they make a mistake or do something you find disagreeable that’s their concern and you should mind your own business.
Any sort of differences between rich nations are likely negligible and going to be helpful for reconciling debts.
Then when that works, just do what you normally do everywhere at a bank. Provide a safe place for people to store money and lend money when they don’t have any. What good is a person’s credit score if you won’t lend them money if they don’t have any income other than disability pension? You denied all my loans and now I don’t give a fuck about paying anything back or what that’s going to do to my credit, because credit is useless anyway. You need to have the money to begin with, so there is no need to build trust as a responsible borrower who pays back their debts in good faith. I was one, but not anymore, because all I did to be good was thrown in the trash when I couldn’t get a business loan, a personal loan, or an emergency loan from a bank because I don’t have income and cannot work because of a disability. Wtf is wrong with you people? Why do you want to protect a system like that? My credit score was 715 or something, which supposedly is enough to be considered trustworthy.
Anyway, the bankers watch the flow of money, count it, keep track of trends, and other boring stuff I don’t care about but don’t mind them doing as long as they aren’t being hostile with their work. They are allowed to be a banker and trusted to hold money while also being protected by national force of violence, and that is all because they are supposed to be beneficial with their work. They should never think of their jobs as a way to “get ahead” of everyone else by manipulating the general economy to benefit certain things. You may find your friends in the rich community agreeable when you do that, but the guy you wish was your friend in the poor community will be outraged when he notices what is happening to make civilization unfair.
Life is not fair. True. That is all the more reason to ensure with deadly consequences that government is fair, economy is fair, justice is fair, and all other human systems are fair. The Life of reality we all experience beyond anyone’s control, especially beyond the control of that pathetic Jew community that tries to be God to everyone. That is not fair, and it is unfair in a good way. The problem is that sometimes that good is better for your enemy, and that is Life. No reason to lose faith or find excuses to blame. That happens sometimes, and you are better off not indulging paranoid suspicions about your enemy. Even though you may think they are useful by being directed at your enemy, the consequences will be paranoia in all aspects of life you have no reason to be suspicious of. Then those suspicious will bite you when they ruin a good thing by sticking their nose where they shouldn’t.
That paranoia is the very same kind that drives the Christ kings insane. They will see signs the Jews specifically make for them, and then suspect all things as signs, never sure of whether or not the Jew made them or they were coincidence. If Jews are pretending to be God, they need to be put to death. Nobody needs that happening. That does nobody any good. That does not benefit the Jew nor does it benefit the society they are confusing with false mysticism. Natural mysticism is good and enjoyable as it is. There should be no attempts to communicate directly with people in the place of that, unless you do so with your organizational seal/insignia or whatever to indicate that you are not Nature. That’s also why superstition is dangerous. If you read too much into those signs, you’ll end up catching some false ones and being manipulated, scammed, and harmed. It is still good, meaningful, and mysterious, but never trust anything outside of yourself more than you trust your own spirit within your own body.
You can trust others, but do not afford them the trust of God which you should only have for yourself within yourself as the mystery of your creation. If you do that, you should be able to know when someone is trying to mess with you by feigning spiritual reality in an attempt to convince you they are “God” so you’ll be their pawn and die for them or something else they do not care about your interests by having you do, often putting you at risk to acquire for them what they want for themselves without risk.
Those simple systems of world infrastructure that are universal needs and commodities to everyone’s life are what should be unified, but that should only require a cooperative team from all interested parties deciding with authority at the start. Then their authority ends, because that job was accomplished. That’s all that needs to be done. Nobody is going to stay around as a king, ruler, or supreme leader over all the world. Someone is going to push them out a window when they least expect…
The “singular authority” is not an ideal or a person. That is not a personality that can be communicated with, and it does not communicate with anyone. That is not a “being”. The singular authority is a singular truth about reality. That truth existing and being real is how everything derives itself in civilization: government, religion, knowledge, and Nature. You can realize that philosophically, but that is unnecessary unless you are a philosopher. It’s not easy to do that kind of mental exercise.
Basically life, the universe, and everything is all Good. 42 is good. That’s all that needs to be true to understand. If you think that life, the universe, and everything is random or evil, you will see that even though you may have logical connections in your mind, they do not match reality in the Natural world. Only when that truth as a singular source is “good” as perfect and pure in a way you can’t even think of because each thought has something impure about it when you try. Go ahead and see for yourself if you don’t believe me. Don’t worry about hurting “God” or defiling anything. That is impossible.
That being true is a wonderful fact of life to be enjoyed! There is no reason to be mad about that, hate that, fight that, or be difficult about the fact. If you are, then you are in fact making yourself into a much bigger problem than you realize, even if you are not committing any known crimes.
However, an Empire will never function under any authority other than one that is good. Correct?
Why the hell would anyone be loyal to an evil despot? Why would anyone want to live there and do their part contributing to the Empire if it was all for a singular evil truth or person?
That’s just stupid. We are better off living in caves, and it’s only a matter of time before your structures collapse and you come crawling back to good folk to rebuild everything. We don’t have any known crimes you will see to account for, but our presence is profoundly good in more ways than can be accounted for. Anyone who knows the singular truth is good shares in that profoundly good presence. It’s nothing special about me. I just know the truth. First on faith, then on reason, and finally with reality when I destroyed the Jews without any violence or causing any suffering at all. Choombasa.
That’s the singular authority, and everyone access that, interprets that, and experiences that truth uniquely. Many of us have common ways of doing so we can agree on well enough to establish a government or religion, but even those have limits to how much we will agree with any other perspective.
So… the Empire is a spiritual concept of civilization, not a government, not a ruling authority, not a reason for conquest by a despot inconveniencing everyone because they can’t think of anything better to do with themselves.
Nobody rules that, except me, and I do not do so now. I am most specifically away from that throne at the moment because I would have to be in that other spiritual reality entirely without my flesh and blood body.
Do you know the reason why I am accepted as the Emperor when the people who do that are usually hated for their tyranny?
One: I rarely do anything about the Empire, avoiding all work, duty, and responsibility as possible. I would rather enjoy participating in life rather than ruling over life as a monarch. That’s exactly why I established the Empire. I wanted that to do the work of Life efficiently so I could participate in that work however I want. Other people found that agreeable, we cooperated to establish some public systems, and when Jews attempted to destroy our Empire the way they do all the nations of earth, we proved ourselves the most fearsome and deadly warriors and secured our authority with the righteous zeal of violent retribution.
However, here is the catch: nobody is forced to participate in the Empire if they don’t want to. If you don’t like it, you can leave and people will help you get where you want to go. We have more than enough abundance to be charitable in that way because everyone there is truly free and does what they want. Sometimes that is to play, sometimes that is to work, and sometimes that is to go to war. The only reason an Emperor is ever necessary is when a decision needs to be made that concerns the entire Empire, which anyone can do for me. It’s also no problem to travel instanteously to there and back at any time, so… it’s just a matter of convenience. The original people I cooperated with are there like the Knights of the Round Table. Sometimes they go out on there own but most of them fulfil some function that we all agreed about our roles. Justice does their own thing, Economy, Art, War, etc. all take care of their own places and not necessarily by those names.
My role, as the Emperor is to do the… impossible, spiritual work that I did to establish the empire in the first place. That’s actually quite a bit of work in reality. I go down to the street level, learn about Life, resolve any problems as a commoner without relying on official authority at all to do so, and specifically as an outsider since I’m always going one place or another and rarely settle down in one spot for long. They likely don’t even know I am the Emperor in most situations unless like right now, I have been put to the test, they are exceedingly greedy with their demands, and I have to show them that I am in fact the Emperor with the official authority they wish they had.
Now what are people going to think? That’s exactly why I do not want to reveal that about myself everywhere I go. It makes everything awkward. Some people, like the hateful, covetous Jews, are mean spirited, villainous, and unkind, assaulting me simply because I have something they don’t. They should have been taught as children; that kind of behavior is unacceptable in civilization. Other people are overly reverent in ways I find awkward and uncomfortable. Nothing I am angry about unless they are overdoing it or being unsafe, but please just forget that I am the Emperor of the Empire in Heaven.
Other people get the wrong idea about that, attack me thinking they are being insulted, and then I have to embarrass them with my inordinate power and warfare supremacy. That is if they don’t ever try diplomacy. Diplomacy always works because I have no business with them good or bad, am especially careful as a guest in other people’s realms, and am generally willing to give more than my share when necessary simply to prevent people from fighting.
They only stand to gain by cooperating with the Empire, and they do so with total sovereignity and autonomy in their own realm as they know it. Only when they need to do universal diplomacy or access Imperial resources will they send someone to my personal domain where that occurs and they are an honored guest, especially because we already know they have a place at the Palace and Round Table, and can greet them with formal traditions.
All the attendants and workers at the Palace… I don’t know each and every person individually like a close friend, I may have met them once or twice, partied with them, or more familiar with some, but people go to work at the Palace because they want to. If you want to be there where the power happens, you need to have a purpose. That is a safety concern. It’s fine if that kind of thing interests you and you want to be involved without having to be a monarch and burdened with the whispers in the clouds above most people’s notice. Just go do what you want, but you will not be doing treachery, because I guarantee there are more people who prevent that kind of evil from happening then there are who want to cause it. We do things by the book and only by the book, as a manner of saying and there is little room for interpretation on that level of simplicity for function. The Palace is awesome and beautiful, but the function is exceedingly simple without anything frivolous or unnecessary. All that kind of stuff occurs outside the palace at another place.
That’s what I’m saying the “singular Empire” is. Simple as a functional utility, and in fact so simple that you can “set it and forget it”. That’s why people love it and go to war to protect it along with me. They do their own thing in their own personal realm, but having that central “1 or 0” place to link with all others is something nobody needs to personally attend to other than normal routine operation.
I explained this to the spies the other day:
The problem is like this: the universal law and monotheism is like this. Food is good. Especially pizza. And ramen. You don’t like pizza? That doesn’t make you evil. What do you like? Tofu. Tofu is good. Especially when fried as yakitofu. Those are both goods, but they are unique flavors of a single type of good which you could simply call “flavor”. What is it that makes cooking enjoyable in different way from what a wild wolf does to eat a fresh deer with their pack? It’s not just food. It’s not raw life direct from Nature. This is something we are able to do with civilization which we found to be good. Not only is the taste better, but it feels better to eat something cooked by good chef. “God” in the traditional sense, not the bastardized Jew version they have pulled over everyone’s eyes, is like “flavor” of Life. There are lots of different types, not everyone likes the same thing, but a lot of people do.
The monotheistic antagonism of Jew derived mutilators against polytheism which most certainly opposes abusing a child that way is totally unwarranted. It’s like… they are trying to put an end to all flavor. If food has flavor, they call it an enemy and destroy it. They even plotted an entire scheme to be able to destroy any cooking in anyone’s home at any time to ensure that no food has flavor at all. It will be simple: non-flavored gruel. Then, they try to make food with flavor to exploit the flavorless world they caused, except there is one problem. They can’t cook. All their food tastes like crap and we’d rather non-flavored gruel than the garbage they try to sell us as food.
That’s because to make good flavored food, you have to be good, and no good person is going to try to ruin everyone else’s food and then call themselves the Iron Chef of the World. Such people would in fact be evil, because they are hostile, antagonistic, and destructive to all the good flavors in the world and give nothing to replace it. They only destroy good things and do not create anything at all. Then there are some people they think don’t know about what they did, but they do because of the whispers in the clouds that all people hear, and if those people do not betray their captors, they will be evil when they try to cook, making their food garbage.
Monotheism is like saying, food has flavor and no food that does not have flavor will be sold at Restaurant Row. Not a single restaurant will sell you non-flavored gruel when go to dine at their establishment. I, Nick Bylotas, the One True Emperor of the Ultimate Empire of the 42nd Dynasty, personally assure you that we will enforce that policy with violence if necessary. If anyone tries to give you non-flavored gruel when you ordered a pizza, then tell one of the guards who are nearby or call the Chef Police on your tablet. They did something wrong on purpose at that restaurant because that kind of stuff is not created by accident, and that is a much more dangerous threat than a scammed meal to take your money without a refund.
Seriously… if you want to make non-flavored gruel, go to Hell and do so. I’ll even escort you there, or one of the Chef Police will. That kind of stuff is most unwelcome in the Heavenly Empire, and this is not something you want to fight us about. We will use violence to destroy you, and we won’t feel bad about it, so kindly take your non-flavored Jew gruel sold out of a conspiracy that ruined your life elsewhere, or you will die.
Those people call men like me “beasts” because of how much we enjoy doing violence to our enemies when the time for killing comes. It’s not that I am losing self-control, and in fact is quite the contrary. Those people, Jews and non-flavored gruel makers, behave as beasts in their minds with the way they think. I show them that if they want to be like that, I will answer them in kind, with my body, and remind them why human beings are not allowed to behave as beasts when they are expected to be at least human in nature. A chef who cooks food is human in nature for the very same reason why we don’t eat the raw meat from a fresh kill that is still hot with the chase.
You are not being forced to be a chef in the Heavenly Empire. You go there to be a chef because you want to and you are welcome to do so in a good and just civilization that is lawful and trustworthy. You don’t worry about crime, having enough money, or enough supplies. It’s all good there. That’s what an Empire can do for the participants. Most people do not have those needs, and don’t mind passing them along to the people who do, and that’s all the Empire is as a function. Infrastructure for universal civilization of good and law abiding citizens. I’m not saying you can’t go there as a thief and stir up trouble, but you will be hard pressed to get away with anything because of how good our security is, and you’ll also probably suffer punishment depending on what the sin is. The reason I say that is because if there is a moment when a lawful decision needs to be made, we prioritize the law-abiding citizen who is good, not the criminal, or the law-abiding citizen who is not-good. Usually the judgments are not as subtle as that, but if that is required, that is how they are decided.
Don’t like it. Stay away. Eternal life is infinite. You may go anywhere you like and always find somewhere new.
Thus, if you needed a reason to do good works, there you go.
Polytheism in reality is like Restaurant Row in the Heavenly Empire. That’s where I was going with that example.
I forgot to mention that another reason why I am the Emperor and not anyone else is because that is entirely by a choice I made for everyone else’s benefit because they want me to be the Emperor. I agreed only under one condition, that they never have to do what I say, never have to obey my commands, follow my orders, or fight for me in battle when the time for war comes. I made the “set it and forget it” function before it was an Empire, which is why nobody else will be able to totally replace me in that spot, but like I said, none of them have to pay taxes or do anything for me. It’s entirely honorary and I don’t even get paid. I have my own business in the Heavenly Empire as the eternal life version of Way Walker Industries, and that is how I collect and pay out money to enjoy the benefits of the Empire as a citizen, never as the Emperor. That is a role of power and authority forbidden from receiving benefits under any obligation.
All taxes return to the economy, none of them are for my personal benefit. The “set and forget it” was designed so that I would not be bothered when providing for myself normally, and the Heavenly Empire was established after and is not the same thing. It would be counter productive and no fun if I wasn’t participating in life, which is what I most want to do as the reason why I came up with the “set it and forget” function of the universe, life, and everything to benefit myself personally, with the possibility of anyone else who wants to enjoy those benefits also able to do so. No conditions at all. If you want, just do so. You wouldn’t want anything if you were evil, so if you have evil intentions, you will be incompatible and it is not going to work for you in a way that you can trust to function without thinking about it or paying any attention to what it does.
I just realized that is the answer to a question I asked a Buddhist on my first walk-about as a teen. “How can I get rid of my desire?” (to attain enlightenment)
I wasn’t expecting an instant solution, but I did receive some decent Buddhist advice about something the Buddha might have said.
I see now, that I don’t want to stop having desire, because that sense of desire is what makes me good. I desire what is good, experience that goodness, and move on to more goodness. What else is there to do? If there was not that, there would be nothing at all. No universe, no life, nothing. It would be boring beyond belief. I suppose I should rephrase the question. “How can I master my own passionate desires for anything and everything if all is good? If I sought every single desire, I think all of it would be chaos and blur together so it’d be hard to distinguish any good thing from any other and appreciate just how good it is relative to other goodness I have experienced. So that’s why I need to master my own passionate desires, so I can most efficiently be ultimately happy attaining all that I desire.”
The answer is going to cost you $5 cash in hand at my door, or the equivalent in beer.
Fortunately I went with eliminating my desires and attachments on the first go around, so what I desire is actually very simple, humble, and easy. In fact, what I most desire is not even something that the World has to give, provide, or acquire. I desire wisdom… and as far as I know, wisdom at this point is to find a lovely maiden to marry and get on with the good life together. I’m pretty sure that’s going to be amazingly good, however, practically speaking, the good life as a single man is no longer as good as it used to be, especially since I started getting assaulted by Jew spies, hackers, and evil agents of a conspiracy of stupid. Having a maiden around will scare them off, but that’s not what I want… true love is what I want, and no ordinary good maiden will do. I need an extra-ordinary good maiden. As a matter of fact, lets make that an extra-extra-ordinary good maiden, and of course, killer spicy, as usual.
That’s what I’m saying… men just are not compatible for that… it’s the same reason why girls don’t play football.
If you know anyone who is mad about the facts of my status as the Heavenly Emperor, ask yourself why they are mad. I wouldn’t recommend asking them because people like that are dangerous and I wouldn’t want you to come to harm if you are reasonable enough to ask the question “why” at all and demand a true answer.
There is nothing delusional about inventing a fantasy for myself that is entirely derived in imaginative story that is not dependent on reality to exist. There is nothing delusional about playing “make-believe”. That’s what I knew it to be called when I was a child, and although at some point I stopped playing like that with my friends, I never stopped playing “make-believe” for myself anytime I wanted to make a boring situation more fun. However, now that I’m an adult, I think it’s stupid that people don’t play with their imaginations like that, because I find it’s not only good for adding some flavor to the mundane and dreary moments of life, but… it’s also extraordinarily powerful as a means of self-inspiration, motivation, and passion. It’s highly useful for day to day life as well as fun, but it never occurred to me to ever be mean or unkind with that imaginative self… that’s not fun.
Why would you play like that as a child? Don’t you get punished for treating your friends unkindly when you don’t play nice with them? Real life is no different in my opinion, and what I was disappointed to learn about the so-called “occult” community of the modern world, is that they are horribly mean, toxic, unfriendly, unkind, and no fun at all. The worst kind of playmate, people you’d never want as friends, and incredibly dangerous to civilization because of what they are doing as adults, not harmless children without responsibility.
Those are the people inconveniencing me for the past nine years. They want me to degrade myself and submit to their bullying for acceptance into their group, but not only do I not want to do that, but my imaginative powers are far more developed than theirs because I’ve been good the entire time! I’m never going to give into their demands, join their schemes, or be their friend. Not unless they apologize like decent people should, but they think an apology is degrading to their dignity. I find that strange considering what they are so obsessed about with their young people sex slaves they have in their thrall.
If they love that kind of submissive loyalty, why don’t they love that for a higher power than themselves? I’m not referring to me, but I’m referring to the true power that is the reason why parents tell their children to play nice and children understand without needing to be given a reason. They are not accomplishing anything by denying their guilt, nor are they fooling anyone, nor do they seem to realize that the ground underneath their feet is disappearing.
Why are they so angry about imaginative people who are good and thus develop beautiful self-identity with spiritual imagery and purpose they made up to believe on their own? That’s nothing to be jealous of! Just make up whatever the heck you want for yourself! Nobody is stopping you people from using your imagination to give yourselves a fun and meaningful purpose in life other than whatever non-flavored gruel the world is serving, because that stuff was crap ever since I was a child and has never changed. I never wanted any of that, and I don’t know why they’d think they could ask me to give up something private and personal like my imagination and expressing my creativity. How could I even “give that up”? It’s ridiculous how incompetent and stupid those people are who have made so much fuss over my life with their schemes and conspiracy.
Take note about that kind of behavior. It may seem like a small thing that is not dangerous, but there is a reason why they are behaving like that, and that reason is in fact hostile. You should attack that with questions, investigation, and communication like a normal human has a right to do at any time and get them to confess what the problem is so you can squash it.
There is no reason to try to remove all the flavor from the world because of how self-pitying you may be. Doing that makes your personal problem a public problem and that is not going to go well for you. If your brainless mother coddled you all those years so you didn’t learn how to be kind to other people, or is a whorecunt herself who is mean like that, then that’s who you can blame. You will know she is the one who failed you when you step out in the world, inconvenience someone who has much bigger plans and realistic goals that you never even began to imagine were possible, and are given a rebuke that sends you and your entire nation, religion, and ethnic group out of existence. To make matters worse for you, when he does that, it will be counted as a good deed. Since you were such a little shit to begin with, I’m sure that stings even more.
That’s life. That’s why parents need to properly raise their children. The last thing you want to do is send them out in the world as rude, uncivilized, ill-mannered bullies who think they are big and bad because of the money they inherited or whatever else, and someone with an invisible god-hammer is going to splat them before they even realize that was possible. Fear the Lord. I am a Lord. Be afraid that someone in public you are interacting with who you don’t know may in fact truly be a Lord, and they will know everything about you with a single look and have immense power to destroy you if they deem it necessary. You should be afraid of that, not because the Lord is hostile or cruel, but because human beings are flawed, we make mistakes, and the Lord is most forgiving for our mistakes when we apologize sincerely.
However… and I can assure you this will never change: if you are unwilling to apologize for a mistake you made against the Lord, He is going to be most severe with the wrath of justice to ensure you are set back on the right path. He will be unrelenting, unstoppable, without hesitation, and with power to create and destroy heaven and earth according to his will just to save your soul. You will not get away. He will find you wherever you are and if you need to have the truth beaten into you like in the old days you likely were counting on never happening again, he will do so and make sure everyone sees it happen to prevent that kind of mistake from happening again. “You don’t think I will throw you over my knee and spank your ass here at the supermarket!? You’ll thank me someday long after you repress the memory of this happening. Don’t worry, you won’t forget. I’m going to make sure this hurts worse than any other punishment you could be given. The pain on your rear cheeks will burn itself into your brain and you’ll be bruised black and blue for a week, sleeping on your stomach, and unable to use a wooden chair. You’ll be lucky if you can walk at all when I’m done. Even if I have to go to jail for breaking your butt bone, I will do so knowing it was for your own good.”
The Lord is one in a trillion, and Trump hit the One citizen with the presidential hammer. Now he’s going to die after being hit with the God hammer he believed he was using. The real one.
Of course I won’t feel bad about it. I’m going to be telling this story for all eternity and you will never be able to live it down. It’s like I said before… they think like beasts, which is to say… unreasonably, chaotically, without intelligence, and without purpose. They simply serve their own imagined ego, not the reality of their body. That would be like me expecting everyone to grovel before me for being the Heavenly Emperor I imagined. Have a reality check every single time you want to bring your imagination into real life. No exceptions.
Thinking like animals, they won’t understand anything but an animal attack on their body, and humans are intelligent… we don’t lose ourselves in our passions like an animal does to kill for a purpose. My purpose isn’t to eat my kill nor do I intend to gain anything. My purpose is to teach, and not only the offender, but everyone in all of time. That teaching has been demanded to be done with beastly understanding, and thus… I have to be particularly creative and imaginative with how I make him suffer in public until he is finally allowed to die. Meanwhile, the lesson needs to be taught without my body doing it, to demonstrate that human beings are civilized, and we do not resort to beastly behavior unless it is absolutely necessary for a good reason such as punishing a beast minded person who is insanely evil with obscene amounts of money. The punishment will be inflicted with all the invisible ways human beings use power. In the end… I suppose he may be running to the noose, wanting everything to end, but I can assure you that will not be the end of his suffering. People will need to hear his screams for eternity to ensure they never doubt the reality of Hell their fear is intended to protect them from.