True love is different from loving food. True love is different from loving an activity, an idea, or anything other than a person with a flesh and blood body in the present.
In fact the unique qualities of love which differentiate the experience between people are exactly what all other kinds of love do not have. You cannot feel the way you do about your wife the same way you do about your favorite food because food, objects, animals, ideas, and non-person things of any sort cannot receive love that requires personality to be accepted, and acceptance to be brought to its fullest potential.
If your love is never accepted, then it never had a chance to exist in the first place. That is how I feel about the now undesirable women who not only rejected my expression of true love for them, but pretended like they never even received it and that I didn’t exist at all. That’s not a good feeling, but is not true love because it never was accepted. Something like that can only be accepted with the reciprocating feelings which are sincere and earnest. So, you can’t even be “played” or manipulated to betray true love, because people who do that never accepted the true love in the first place, only provided an illusion of doing so to cause pain to someone else on purpose. Those people… well, suffice it to say that putting a mill stone around their neck and throwing them into the sea cannot begin to describe how fucked they are for their sin as far as I’m concerned.
Why would “fuck” be a common insult of profanity if that was commonly recognized as a good thing to be desired? Fucking is good within contexts of trusting play with friends, just as role playing rape can be fun for adults, but that is not the kind of thing you want happening without any control over.
In any case, true love is different specifically because it is a human expression that is divinely inspired above our animal nature, requires equal reciprocation of a total offering of self to receive that love, and then must be brought to fruition with faith and good works between the lovers.
Now… the only reason I want to explain this as a vital topic of interest is because of the reason I am disgusted with Fire Emblem The Three Houses video game.
Throughout that game there is a common motif about people not having a choice in who they marry. Nobility, heirs, and other imbeciles who think they need to marry socially into money and power for the good of their realm, family, or bank account.
Obviously that is the dumbest shit no person should ever feel like they “have” to do as an obligation, and I will never understand why the whorecunts like Mercedes who say they are “too weak” to risk the “life they’ve built for themselves” by denying an arranged marriage.
For the benefit of real people: you will go from loveable to most vile, repulsive, and hated instantly if you ever express something like that to me or anyone else who adheres to the freedom of true love. That does not require strength. That does not require effort, difficulty, or sacrifice. That requires common sense. If you engage in something life changing like a marriage without love, all of your life will be ruined and nothing will be enjoyable again. You will lose everything by trying to keep it, and why don’t you realize that? It’s not like you have to think very far ahead. It is two steps. At home you will be unhappy to have to look at, spend time with, and share the intimacy of some vile, loathsome human animal, and that will spoil everything you do outside of your home simply by being aware of that unpleasant reality you brought upon yourself at your new “home”. You will not be able to enjoy activities because the thought of returning home will be most unpleasant and that will affect your fun.
Is that not obvious? You do not have a future in a mutilator’s world, because Jews are the ones who value the world, status, money, and all that bull shit over their own soul. If you do not have a future because you trust and tolerate the Jews who think of all human beings as objects, demonstrated with the practice of circumcision, then why can you not sabotage your illusory already non-existent future before it is taken away and proven to have been a lie the entire time? That future life those whorecunts in the game like Ingrid and Mercedes believe they need to marry for other people’s benefit, was never real.
That was a delusion men forced upon them, then they accepted, and when they regularly suffer the disappointment of that delusion, they simply learn to lie to themselves over and over and over again. Such women are vile in my estimation, and I mean that in an objective way. They stink, are ugly, and have a foul presence that I don’t want around, so I avoid them, reject their advances, and insult them to ensure they never delude themselves about my love. I make sure they know how I feel about them because it is simply better that way. I want nothing to do with them, and they do not want to suffer my wrathful rebuke, insult, and rejection.
How could it be evil to betray your “family” when they expect such a thing from you like marrying into a “respectable” family of “status” for the sake of a non-existent and evil “duty”? Are they not evil for requiring that of you? They certainly don’t care about you or anyone else. They are simply bad fathers and bad mothers who do not deserve love, honor, and obedience. They are people so unbelievably selfish that think of their children as mere objects to collect money, resources, and objects from. I don’t understand how such people could tolerate their own selves, but I’m sure they understand why I don’t tolerate them, because they know to stay far away from me and do everything they can to prevent their children from ever seeing the world as I do.
Honestly, I don’t care at all what they do with their lives, unless that affects me inconveniently, in which case I will destroy them and all their “life’s work”. It that is their “life’s work”, I did them a favor by destroying it. So, they should be very careful that all their schemes never have a negative impact on me or I am going to hunt them down and destroy them.
In any case, I am telling this to people mainly for the benefit of women.
Of all the most loathsome, vile, and unlikeable things you could do to cause me to lose interest in you as a potential lover, choosing you “job”, “career”, “family”, “status”, or other such bull shit of the world as though it is more important than true love, is the worst of all things you could do. You can go from “goddess status”, to “pox-ridden whore from Hell stinking of syphilis and cackling like an old hag” in the blink of an eye. All the time it takes to attain “goddess status” used up from one moment to the next by causing a deficit of evil accounted against your person in the opposite way of ugly repulsiveness. If you knew enough to attain “goddess status”, how do you not know what will cause you to lose it?
You have goals and ambitions? Why should there be any conflict between true love and attaining those unless you are attaining them in service of an evil world? To Hell with you then if you are refusing to acknowledge the evil of the world you participate in as evil and unworthy of your participation, and that is why you are most vile to me. I will never save those women, never seek them, never offer them my affections, and they will never be eligible to enjoy the ultimate and most amazing true love I have available to give a worthy maiden.
Seriously… let them have all the money, world, and crap of the Jew greed. If they take all that, all the easier will it be to rely entirely on true love for our pleasure, which will cultivate the fruition of the most amazing quality of true love’s potential.
You could never have true love if you think you have an obligation to anyone or anything other than the person you truly love. You cannot have true love if you think nation, religion, family, or anything else is more important than the person who expresses true love to you, or to whom you express true love.
If you express true love and they ignore you on purpose, you will know they did so because of how true love resonates and you should not bother ever giving them any more attention or affection unless it is convenient because of whatever the context of the situation at present is. That’s not an expression of true love though, so who cares what you tell those whorecunts who have chosen to reject true love entirely! Let them be like mice to a cat, and play with them before you kill them for fun, if you wish. They are beings of deceit, evil, and treachery and you should never be good to such people because they will pervert that goodness to cause you or other people harm and you will share in the guilt of their sin. If you are tricked once you won’t be guilty, but if you are tricked twice when you should have known better, then you are.
At the very least you should be given that true love back with a word of polite return. Nothing should have been taken, affected, or tampered with, and you would know immediately if it had because they’d likely have some sort of expectation for you to do something to “prove” yourself. You proved enough by expressing true love, and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.
Let all who would enjoy true love heed these words and never make the unforgivable mistake of a mutilator whorecunt.
Sometimes I feel like there is in fact, as a real person alive somewhere behind a computer screen on the other side of the internet, a faggot Jew who took it upon himself to be my “matchmaker”.
I intend to have that person put to death.
First of all… you know how I feel about Jews. We are so diametrically opposed in morality, life values, and faith that they could not possibly know my best interests and everything they did no matter their intentions would be most hostile to me. Second of all, they are Jewish and should know better to not be meddling in the affairs of non-Jews. They should be afraid of what will happen to them if they even try to do so. They should have learned why things like the Holocaust of WW2 happened, why their history is one Jew slaughter after another in every place unfortunate enough to have been visited by their evil migrating culture. They often try to “wave the bloody flag” about their history of “persecution”, which is all the more reason why they should be afraid to be Jewish to anyone other than a Jew, whom none of us care about what other Jews do to cause them harm and suffering.
If my guess is correct, Trump is the person who sold my personal identifiable information and provided classified access to violate my rights as a citizen to the Jew who wanted to purposely cause me suffering on the account of true love. Jews hate true love more than anything, and they never once wanted to do anything helpful or good for me in that regard. Not only did that Jew know that, but so did Trump, which is why he specifically chose to sell my citizen data to that particular associate of his and Epstein, effectively selling everyone’s citizenship away for a profit that will no longer have value now that the USA has nothing to back up their currency.
While I found Fire Emblem The Three Houses to be a good game the first time, when I chose to work with the “Black Eagle House” and found my way to the end where I executed that harlot whore, Edelgard on her own altar of sin and restored peace to Fodland before marrying Bernadetta, I find my most recent playthrough intolerable due to the poor taste of the writing. The difference is that I played a female protagonist and chose to work with the “Blue Lion House” this time, which is the “kingdom” faction as different than the “imperial” faction. I was enjoying the gameplay up until matters became more political involving the king and the betrayal of an evil would-be despot of ultimate whorishness and unfaithful impurity.
Not only are the characters in the “Blue Lion House” disappointing in how they understand “responsibility” of their nobility to be something as selfish as relevant to who they marry, but the protagonist’s sparse and extremely limited dialogue is embarassingly disappointing and disagreeable. I don’t expect every choice to offer something agreeable, but too many times does the professor behave like an ignorant fool with no wisdom or understanding of war when responding to the king’s increasingly erratic behavior. To many times have I found a critical decision point where I not only was there not an option to express something agreeable, but both options expressed what I find most disagreeable about a person.
Thus… I lost faith in Byleth, the female protagonist, and I don’t think her story will go on with the Blue Lion House. I may try again, but the romance options for the female Byleth are too few and I don’t like the choices of women eligible for her to fall in love with. So, there is really nothing the game’s resolution can offer me anyway. Why not Ingrid? She seems like the perfect candidate for being happily married to another woman if anybody else is. Oh… she’s a mutilator whorecunt with no faith or moral integrity to truth. She perverts all of her zealous, imbecilic loyalty for the service of an evil world, and the very kind of world the king himself opposes and would not even want her to suffer a loveless arranged marriage in as her personal friend. Stupid. Someone like Byleth, male or female, causes all people to fall in love with them, only those falling in deeper levels of true love if she feels that for them first. It’s part of the Nature of a hero’s power to save the world, which is very much like gravity except is a force of true, divine power that is pure, incomprehensible, and incorruptible love.
As for myself, I would never go through the effort of saving the world as the protagonist if the resolution was not to be united with my true love, whom the evil world was being an obstruction to. If all the women were cold hearted whorecunts, I would simply lay down my sword and stop fighting, let all the realms be overrun, and allow the foolishness of those whorecunts to teach them a lesson by the consequences of their own choice to value the world as more important than humanity. There is no reason to kill another human being than for the sake of true love for oneself or others, and I will kill every last human being alive if necessary for the sake of true love. I will also never regret the death, loss, and destruction that causes, and in fact will greatly enjoy the violence, carnage, and glory of victory in battle.
To be clear, the problem is not Dimitri, whose immaturity as a prince becoming a king is erratic, destructive, and problematic. That is normal for all men to experience, with the only difference being on a different order of magnitude for someone as rightfully high and mighty as a true king. The resolution is the same, and a commoner can facilitate that just as well as another king who is mature, or anyone else. The difference is that a king’s misunderstood passion is much more destructive than an ordinary person’s who does not have the weight of a kingdom to swing around as easily as one does a sword.
I don’t care about any faction more than any other. Not the empire, kingdom, or merchant alliance. None of them are at all important to me and I only cooperate with their interests as long as it is convenient to do so, and never otherwise. If they make my cooperation more difficult than it needs to be, I will do nothing for them and likely oppose them as enemies for wasting my time, joining the other side if I am already involved in the conflict.
The only reason I chose the “Black Eagle House” the first time, is because Edelgard is a cute maiden. If all the choices are equally agreeable, and they are, then I’m going to side with the cute maiden each and every time. To be clear, that requires a decent personality of youthful non-whorcuntishness, otherwise she would not be cute at all, and would be a vile, ugly child I would want nothing to do with, no matter how celebrated her “beauty” is. If there are no cute maiden’s to choose from, then I honestly don’t care. I will use some random method to decide, or follow a random sign I interpret in the environment for whatever random, irrelevant reason.
Men simply do not interest me, and although there seem to be faggots insisting on interfering in my romantic life, if they think I am gay, it is only because they want to be gay with me, in which case they are not excepted from what is required of maidens. They must express their desires personally otherwise I will never give them any attention or pay them any mind. I will also reject all “spiritual communication” of signs and mystery as false and avoid all of that on purpose because it most specifically does not accomplish what expressing oneself personally does. If that personal expression does not happen, the relationship will be corrupted and I will never trust them enough to love them truly. If you think you could truly love someone, why would you not tell them? You don’t love them as a person and instead you only want to use them as an object. I do not love people who think of others in that way.
Honestly, circumcision does nothing to help you people. It is most destructive to women’s interests contrary to what they have been led to believe about it, and there is no benefit to overcoming all that difficulty. It is not like resistance that makes one stronger, because all that resistence only makes a person stronger in the ways of evil, all of which need to be denied anyway and never serve any good purpose other than denying, which you do not need circumcision for. Everyone already has to do that naturally, circumcision just makes it unnatural to do so for the purpose of preventing what is good and natural for humanity.
I’m not going to try to convince you or try to save you from such stupidity ever. I will teach the truth objectively, and you can either accept it like a human being or deny it like a Jewish whorecunt slave. That is your choice, and whether or not I can possibly love you is determined entirely by that choice. That’s not a personal or emotional concern of mine. My response to you is simply acknowledgment of your choice with respect for your freedom to live how you want. If you choose evil, Jewish whorecunt slavery, that is merely confirmation that you and I are fundamentally incompatible as lovers because of your antagonism toward truth, love, and all that is good. That’s what it means to choose circumcision, and you know it. I will never be convinced otherwise about why you do that, and you never even try to do so which makes me all the more certain that I am correct.
In other words, choosing circumcision means choosing worldly evil before love. I won’t be personally hurt when you make that decision directly in front me to see, as if you are making an attempt to take away your own goodness from being possible for yourself to enjoy, and expecting me to be hurt as I would if we truly loved each other. Obviously we don’t love each other because you are destroying that possibility from even beginning, and thus I cannot be hurt by what you do to yourself. It’s stupid, and that is annoying to me because people who are stupid to be evil are nuisances I personally do not find amusing, but I’m not hurt or offended by that. I simply can write them off as nothing more than another useless and vile Jew whorecunt, ignore them like refuse I discarded in the trash, and go find a worthy maiden who is not so stupid and evil. Stupid and good is fine, but such a person would choose to be stupid by rejecting circumcision because they don’t understand it, not because they trust other people to think for them. That’s the main difference there.
Autism? What about me being burdened with autism spectrum disorder? Why should any of those eugenic impotents say anything about my autism when you consider their self=worth compared to mine? What do they know about human quality, power, and goodness of our genetic nature? Why are they total weaklings and cowards entirely subject to my power? Why are they so afraid and unwilling to have human communication with me if they are so “intelligent”? I’m sure you can conclude the same as I do on this: a person’s acceptance of the practice of eugenics is actually the identifiable problem of a genetic defect they suffer that needs to be removed because they are even capable of believing something so self-destructively evil and counterproductive to civilization, scientific inquiry (the limits of), and hateful in spirit as a faithless lie for selfish interests. No bodily disability, including those that affect the mind, are problematic at all when compared to the disability of a person’s evil beliefs that corrupt their mind without a bodily disability.
Nep Nep, my dear, sweet, irresistible Honey Yummy panty parfait: if you find it unsettling that there is another true protagonist other than you, and discover he is on the other side of the battlefield fighting as your ally without being your known ally, there is only one way you can become the only protagonist again… you are going to have to become one with that other protagonist and accept his power as your own when he truly loves you and you feel the same. That is what the economy marriage accomplishes for everyone as a selfless act that is also a self interest. Why this makes you maidens angry I don’t understand, nor do I understand why it is so cute to see happening on my account when I most certainly do not want you angry with me.
Also as far as Dorothea goes as an eligible yuri candidate in FE3H, she doesn’t want to be poor. That’s about the only reason she shows any romantic interest to anyone or does anything with her life. She has no meaningful passion or worthwhile personality for someone like me to like. The fact that she is so antagonistic to the possibility of being poor is all I need to know to write her off as garbage to be done away with and not ever consider her value as a person. People like Dorothea are the problem on the other side of the line when they aren’t a coddling mutilator mother who doesn’t prepare her shithead child for the real world by allowing them to harbor delusions about their mutilation.
Dorothea is no mother, but she is a whorecunt who hates the poor and entirely consents to the injustice of an evil world and thus makes life worse for poor people simply to be selfish. Being poor is the best way to be happy, and considering how she used to be poor and hates that so much is a sign of her total submission to the evils of a mutilator world which hates love. I curse someone like that to never find love, never be married, and never enjoy the company of a good lover. Let her have all the riches in the world, because she thought that is what would cure the unhappiness of her poverty. Wretched whorecunt.
I’ve got nothing better to do than get married, and I hate rich people, so… good riddance with Dorothea. Go ahead and take her into your porn industry and sell her as a sex slave like she wants. The last thing I am going to do is consent to the world economy, way of life, and social requirements of being rich. I am going to purposely ruin all of that at every opportunity, making sure they know they need me to cooperate, and then purposely refusing to do so in the most destructive ways I have an opportunity to do. Seriously. Rich people are evil, and that’s about all there is to it. When I was a child they sometimes seemed okay, but now that I am an adult… real life is a different story. I would rather be poor my entire life than have to associate with rich people. I would rather be happily self-sufficient as a single man than suffer the company of a greedy, money lusting whore like Dorothea.
As for girls in the real world “resistance” who would have been good candidates, they trusted mutilator fucktards in their company, and those fucktards were so rude to me, that I destroyed their entire resistance, even though I may have been their best ally. They saw me, assaulted me, accused me of being all the evil of the world, and I rebuked them, broke free from their captivity, and destroyed every last one of them simply because that’s how the situation worked out. Another reason why tolerating the ill-natured behavior of mutilator fucktards and humans behaving like animals is dangerous to any organization. They will ruin it for you by provoking the Lord who they have no respect for to destroy that organization simply because you harbor them as members. You’ve got to have better discretion when accepting allies to cooperate with. That’s a metaphor of course, but I think it describes what happened to their “resistance” on account me giving no fucks about their personal lives and disposing of every last one of them like the garbage they are after choosing the wrong side of the fight simply because I wouldn’t tolerate their disrespect. Fucking niggers. To Hell with them.
The government as it is certainly will not survive, but when that purification is complete, I will not waste any time hunting down every last one of you “anonymous” fucktards and putting you to the torch. You will not escape my wrath. Could have been different, but you made it clear you are my personal enemy regardless of whatever side I am on, and we don’t need criminals like the "anonymous” gang disturbing the peace with an abuse of information technology.