Rigodamdonkalicious Jiztastickø
Ft. Tripmaster Krunk
Broadcasting live stream gameplay and occasionally talking about worthwhile topics, but mostly just ranting nonsensical and obscene absurdities when there is no one to have a discussion with.
I do it whenever I feel like it, so there is no schedule. I also do various things that interest me which can be of interest to other forms of business as well.
For example, I offer comprehensive reviews of video games from a critical and intellectual standpoint and will put together short videos demonstrating examples my commentary. I haven’t had a client yet, so the first one who contacts me will receive this service for free. After than, I will be charging a modest and fair fee for my time.
I can guarantee quality and non-biased reviews and will never be influenced to favor a game unfairly. That said, unless the game is incredibly offensive, I won’t be cruel and insensitive with my review, and even if it is, if you are a client, I will restrain my criticism at a professional limit. On that note, I am very passionate about video games and will more than likely be willing to be enthusiastic about what I liked more than disliked. Feel free to read Jesus Plays Video Games in Refractions for my point of view on the subject.
I encourage you to contact me if you would like me to do this for your game and I will be happy to work with you. For indie developers with limited funding, I will provide this service without cost at any time, should you request it and meet my approval for collaborative engagement.
Aside from reviews, I can provide casual commentary and put together short videos of the story in order to show off your game as well. This, I will also do for free for the first client.
In any case, if I’m working with a client, the nonsensical and obscene absurdities will be kept to a minimum, so you don’t need to worry about that. (I find it amusing to say silly things at times with no reason or purpose at all behind it). I can even make an effort to omit all forms of profane language, and censor any that get through, if that is the kind of product you prefer.
I will accept advertisers and sponsors if they meet my approval. I am also open to collaboration with other performers and artists of any medium.
This is a one-man band right now, so be patient if I’m not doing everything that you might expect from a reputable company.
I could probably do movies as well as long as I can access them on the PS5. In those cases I will watch the entire movie, and then provide a review with commentary over various clips while refraining from major spoilers.
Last thing, if you are unsatisfied with any product for any reason at all, I won’t publish it and charge no fee.
I have a Twitch and Youtube channel, but mostly I broadcast on Twitch.
If you have any special requests or projects you think Way Walker Industries would be suitable for, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We will take all inquiries seriously (as long as they are intended to be), even if they are of the most unusual nature or seemingly impossible. We are especially well known for resolving impossible problems, so don’t hesitate to ask us if you have something like that and would like our help.