This is the Final Solution I will offer you without a choice when the time comes. You have a choice now, but when this becomes possible, you will not be given a choice. Your choice now is to surrender before the Final Solution is necessary.
I call this Operation Dark Out.
For no less than 5 years, all personal electronic devices will be outlawed with no exceptions. No cell phones, no computers, and nothing with access to the internet. Video game systems may be okay as long as there is no internet access for browsing the web privately. There’s not much to do otherwise in society, so it would be important to allow citizens a chance to enjoy entertainment that is carefully monitored for cyber abuse, never manipulated in-game with real time terrorism by the corporations experimenting on users.
There will be public access terminals throughout, but those will be in fixed locations you have to visit in public outside of your home to use, and you’d better believe they will be closely watched and the user accounted for with all they do. Rich people most certainly will not be exempt. This will include everyone, even myself. No personal electronic devices at all. The government military will maintain total control over cyber space activity and be transparent about what they do so you don’t suspect them of the evil they are doing now by failing to accomplish what I am saying will happen. They tried to do something like that in secret, but their system is poorly planned and not organized with enough trust in the leadership to ever be remotely successful.
Five years. Everyone will turn theirs in to be stored until the time is over and they can be collected again, and by then, the internet will by immaculately clean without corruption and infestations of malusers.
During those five years, if any trace of unauthorized, unregistered, and unexpected cyber activity occurs at all, that source will have the most severe punishment when we track down the source and cause of it. You simply log in to look at your Instagram from a burner phone you hid away, and we will find you and you will spend no less than five years in prison if you cannot prove you are innocent for some unlikely reasons such as being forced under threats of violence.
During those five years, that’s when the new system will be installed and the public fully briefed on the details of how it works. There will be no secrecy about infromation technology in the USA. None at all. That will be forbidden just as the use of private electronic devices will be forbidden, except the government will never be allowed information secrecy against the public. After the five years is done, when people return to the normal world with the internet, they will have to register for a personal identification that will track everything they do online. Everything. That will not be secret, because that is publicly identifiable information, but the government will maintain those records to find criminals when they are up to no good. That information will not be sold or used for any other purpose other than investigating crime.
I suppose if there is insistence on doing research, you may do so with consent of all people electing to participate and the full report of that research disclosed to all participants so they know what happened. They will also be compensated by the research group for the value of that information.
This is worst case scenario, and when it comes down to this, I will have martial law in place and be kicking in every single private business and residence that does not comply and seize their assents with force of violence. You will know when that happens, we won’t make any illusions about why, not spin propaganda about what is happening, but the facts will be stated. “Business X did not comply with policy within the required time, nor were they approved for an extension for extenuating circumstances. As a result, military forces are being deployed at corporate headquarters of business X and all employees will be arrested, detained, and sentenced for crimes of obstructing military operations. After the premises has been cleared of the miscreats, cyber team etc. will be deployed within to take control of their information assets and ensure they are compliant with policy number number dot number letter. That team consists of the following personnel. The routine progress reports of their findings and corrective action will be updated in real time. Afterwards, the government will hire new citizens to resume normal operations of business x without government involvement. If you wish to audit the records of any of these operations, please file a request to do so and you will be given on site access for the benefit of maintaining public trust. That is all. Until next time, go fuck yourselves you mutilated fucktards and kill yourselves if possible because we do not want your existence burdening decent human beings.”
If you do not want that horrible authoritarian situation to occur as the only means of ensuring the safe use of the internet, then you need to stop being evil fucktards with crime you call “ethical hacking” or whatever the else you do to manipulate information to cause people suffering.
Operation Dark Out.
That is what will be the 100 percent certain way to exterminate the bugs. The other option is all the governments and power players of the cyber industry cooperate openly in the public to establish the cleansing of cyberspace with no illusions or hidden details about what they do. No secrecy will be permitted because they absolutely cannot be trusted anymore, and any indication of secrecy is an indication of crime. Private data doesn’t need to be made public, but what the government and businesses are doing to access, use, and secure that data does, and it needs to be plainly clear in simple terms for the general public.
That’s what I decided I am going to do if I need to take singular control over the USA with military force that mutiny in support of my plan to restore Democracy with an improved doctrine of law to further safeguard our government from the treachery of fools like Trump, Epstein, and their criminal conspirators.
Additionally, that 5 years will begin when all personal electronic devices are reasonably secured.
Some cheap emergency device can be distributed to ensure people can call emergency services at any time, but that will be the only function it has. Parents, you will not be able to helicopter watch your children through their cell phone. If you have a problem with them going out to party with their friends because you are afraid of what they will do since you failed to raise them with any common sense, do not allow them to do so.
This is necessary because the fucktard terrorists ruining the world for everyone cannot live without the internet. They cannot do anything to be a problem and nuisance to people’s lives without the internet. If anyone accesses cyber systems they will most likely be working with that terrorist group and can be tracked, traced, and their nest of rats purged with some poison gas or machine gun fire to ensure they are never a threat again. No questions asked. This is not ever going to happen again, and we are going to make sure humanity respects their neighbor enough to be aware of the kind of terror they caused by requiring this kind of solution.
The government will leave without a trace after five years, and you can fully audit, check, and scan everything to ensure nothing was left behind. We aren’t going to rifle through your data or use your personal devices, they will simply be stored away. Additionally, because of the severity of this kind of intervention, the government will be exceedingly cooperative to reassure the public trust that there is no corruption, foul play, or illegal activity you likely expect the government to be doing now. That expectation, which you have come to believe is normal, is in fact unthinkable in civilization because of how intolerable and destructive systematic corruption of any kind is to the community concerned. That is the reality we are returning to with this extreme solution, not continuing into the oppression and totalitarian domination of control freak mutilators who are weak, cowardly, and afraid to speak to the public or take a stance at all for their position. They are ashamed and hide, not wanting anyone to know whether they support circumcision or freedom, because they will not say so. As long as they are allowed to be cowardly and treacherous like that, the outcome is going to be a poorly organized regime of an idiot despot who manages everything with criminal activity outside the confines of the law they hold the public accountable to. Obviously that is unacceptable. They need to be accountable to their own laws, but that’s exactly what they don’t want to do, and why their criminal conspiracy will lead to that outcome if they are not exposed before it’s too late.
Meanwhile, during this time, the government will also be exceedingly accommodating to reassure the public that this is not a dystopian trick of a tyrant despot. They will be kind, transparent, and generous with all else that is happening to ensure you that we are not taking such actions out of hostility. The threat is hiding inside your homes in your personal devices, and if we cannot expose them by normal means, we will have to do so with military intervention. I won’t command the military myself, but I will tell them the objective, they will carry it out, tell me (and the public) how they are doing so, and I will let them know if there are any problems or if I have any suggestions that may make it easier. That’s all I will be involved with if it comes to this, but I will not accept any title or military role. I will be a citizen 100 percent as a civilian, and they will demonstrate their good faith in all civilians by respecting what I tell them as a non-military member. Their lack of respect of the civilian population is part of the problem, and the reason they lack respect for the civilian population is because they keep so many secrets from the public and think that gives them power of authority over us. Not so. You have only made yourselves less powerful, less trustworthy as an authority, and dishonored your own organization.
If they are so high and mighty with their secrets, why should they demand our respect?
What you need your politicians to do, I will do better than they will. Have your news teams come to my door at any time and I will tell you everything, answer your questions, explain what needs to be done, and you won’t need the politicians for anything when I do that. What could they legally do to stop that from happening? Why should you be afraid of something like that happening? Is there any evil, corruption, crime, or wrongdoing in that happening? I am not going to charge you for my time either, not unless you want me to go to you, in which case you will have to pay me an exorbitant amount of money, because fuck you.
Are you seriously afraid of mind control? Bring your dumbass ghost busters with their machines and equipment then, because there is no such thing as mind control, only fools who have submitted to the terror of evil who want them to believe mind control is possible. Guess who is controlling their minds ever since they accepted the possibility of that superstitious delusion?
You think I give a damn if all the world sees my messy apartment or my unkempt hair without being groomed? I already have the criminal international governments suffocating me with their invasiveness, and I have no privacy any more to be concerned about. I have nobody I want to impress, nobody I think is worth my time to clean up for, and no reason to be embarrassed for normal human behaviors when I am doing divine work without any assistance from other people. I do not have time to housekeep my apartment when I am housekeeping my nation in heaven where it was corrupted by Jews and mutilator false-Christians with no respect for the Lord. They need to be purged and order restored, and I will ensure they regret what they did to dishonor their names.
I do not want this to happen.
I do not believe this kind of solution is necessary to catch all the bad people and put them in jail for their crimes. We can find them simply by not tolerating any unnecessary government secrecy. If there is no reason to be secret about what they are doing then they are not permitted be secret about it. Why should a call with a foreign leader be secret? There is no need for that with the president. He is a civilian more than a military member, and that is representative of the public. Every single one of those conversations should be available for the public to listen in on. Who gives a fuck what foreign leaders think about that? They are not entitled to secrecy within our borders in matters that concern the public. They get honors and respect when visiting, but they are not allowed to engage in secret plans with our political leaders. Rather… our political leaders are not allowed to engage in secret plans with foreign nations. That is treasonous as far as I am concerned because it is entirely hostile to the public body if they need to be secret about what they are doing. Do you think they are planning a surprise birthday party with that kind of evil?
Be realistic. The president is not a pleasure cruise for old people to retire and leech off the public while being pampered by a horde of mindless idiots who were convinced he was the reincarnation of Jesus for some ungodly reason they are afraid to admit because of how stupid it is when stated. If that were true, there should be no shame in stating that truth clearly, so why is anyone pretending like it is? They are not fooling anyone who has faith. Are 2,000 years of bloody Christian history not enough for you to respect people of faith as a threat to your evil lawlessness when you deny the goodness of reality to be evil?
How difficult is it to say: “sorry, you can’t be allowed to look inside that safe because it contains cryptological materials necessary for secure military communication. That’s all that’s in there, I can assure you of that much, but you don’t need to see it, nor do you want to. There is nothing magical or occult or mysterious about any of that and it most likely is going to be a disappointment if you realized the mundane reality that all the fuss is over.”
Nothing in the government should be so secret that you cannot say what the subject of the material within is that needs to be secret. There should be no secret research projects, no secret plans that are not military tactics for a strategic war effort or training purpose with allies, so what else should there be?
"As for everyone else, you will not be allowed in the room where the safe is because that contains all the equipment that is necessary to maintain secure military communications, information, and intelligence. That is no secret about what is in there. You cannot be allowed to look at the equipment understand how the encryption works or any of that, but there is nothing secret about knowing what is in there. That is why the official inspector was allowed inside with the captain’s approval to check everything, but that's not something everybody needs to be able to personally check.”
Did you know submarines on occasion give tours to civilians without clearances? I was often voluntold to be the tour guide for such visits, partly because I knew the limits of classification conceptually, and I think I also sort of enjoyed it because I think submarines are cool and like talking about them. “…and this here is the machinery room, where the air is made for us to be able to breath underwater for such long periods of time. It’s a fascinating process that is also highly dangerous because of the chemical byproducts, which is why there are safeguards over here. I can’t allow you to go into the reactor compartment, unfortunately, but… this is our back-up engine, a good old-fashioned diesel like in the U-boat days before subs were built with nuclear reactors. How does it work with the combustion? That has to vented out into the atmosphere with what we call the “snorkel mast” to prevent exhaust fumes from killing everyone with carbon monoxide poisoning, as you may have heard can happen if you leave your car running in a closed garage. As I’m sure you were thinking, that is not a desirable way to conceal a submarine’s presence, which is why it is the back-up in the event of an emergency. Being submarine silent is a major part of what we do on a mission, and you’d be surprised to learn all the sources of sound there are to be concerned about. Although I’m not wearing my boat shoes now, one of the perks of being underway on our missions is that we are allowed to wear soft-sole shoes to prevent the heavy sounds boots may make while we work. But don’t get too jealous, because there are drawbacks… let’s go visit the crew berthing area now so you can see where we sleep and often “hot-rack”, which I will admit takes a bit of getting used to before it becomes just a normal part of life. On the bright side, at least the bed is already warm when it’s time to sleep…”
Boat shoes are not a secret. That is only something that people in-the-know are usually familiar with, but I guess now that is a bit more public. I’m not worried about it anyway. Honestly, if you are a foreign nation concerned about those sounds instead a clean and smooth running diesel engine that is as quiet as possible… the soles of their shoes being worn are not the concern. And if you are concerned about those sounds, then you already do stuff like that already. That’s pretty close though… probably shouldn’t be talking about stuff like that, but that’s not giving anything dangerous away even though it seems kind of hot.
Secrecy like that is not about preventing people from knowing what is happening. In fact, it is most important that people know what is happening so they can feel warm and fuzzy about the trust they are being required to maintain by not knowing exactly what is happening, which most certainly cannot be known. People do want to know what our emergency procedures are, what our options are in the event we cannot surface, and things like that, which is fine. People, even total strangers, care about the lives of veterans and are concerned for all of us when we are on active duty and want to know we are doing the best we can to be safe while they are at home enjoying the freedom that is being safeguarded, hopefully without need for violent conflict.
Is it secret that there is a safe? Not really. Nothing else needs to be said about the fact that there is a safe in that larger safe that is actually a room. Obviously you do not want everything out and accessible at all times when you are doing normal routine stuff! It is not unusual or tactical to know that there are layers of security for the most private matters.
It’s okay, lean in and look if you want. Get a feel for this tension because this is the line that cannot be crossed. If you can do that, you will have a sense for whether something needs to be secret or not for military matters. It’s the same line applied in different ways for all other matters. It’s not a regular thing to be able to tour military assets for your personal pleasure and interest, but it is not uncommon for those to happen on occasion. Interested? Just go to your local military base and ask them if there is any time you can come see soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines in their place of work. Don’t expect to have them drop everything they are doing to accomodate you, but when there is time, that is likely something that can be arranged. What kids don’t want to see that kind of stuff in real life when they are familiar with the ideas in stories like video games and movies?
There is nothing in the government that should be happening without you knowing what that is, and can you guess the reason why that is true and justified as true? Because you vote for our political leaders and are the authority of our government. They are not allowed to be doing anything you do not know they are doing. You shouldn’t need to know everything about their daily work and operations at every level, but you should know all of their plans, goals, and how those plans are being carried out. They should not be trying to hide anything from the public. Why something as trivial as tax records would be a problem for a public official is criminal in my opinion, and that should have never been tolerated and been grounds for impeachment.
I’m serious about that “go visit yourself” part. Real life is not like the movies, but in a lot of ways it is. If you’ve never seen a military environment in real life, you should go take a look to get an idea of what is happening on the war front. It’s a totally different world inside those gates where there is strict order, hierarchy of rank, and uniform consistency. That’s a good thing, but that’s not the kind of thing you want outside those gates in your daily lives at home and in your neighborhood patrolling in addition to police. If the people of this nation can’t pull themselves together and regain some semblance of order, law, and justice… then the military is going to have to get involved like that. Corporations are not “all-powerful” and if they don’t reign themselves back in, guess whose boot is going to open their doors without knocking and take over their company for the public safety and national security. I think a lot of you forget how real that future is without seeing military activity on a daily basis to be reminded of why you have such liberty and freedom to do what you want. That liberty and freedom is not protected so you can do evil… not in the least bit.
What are the corporations going to do when a senior military official does not accept their bribe and tells them they are not going to send their men and women into battle to die? What power are they going to have with all their billions and trillions when they cannot pay people enough money to make them want to start another world war for a guns and war industry?
What is going to keep you people safe, when the public realizes what has been happening and someone like me becomes the president and hunts down every last one of you, instead of the Taliban?
Do you think my opinions are unusual or unrealistic? There are countless men and women who think like I do, and that day is not so distant in the future. Every moment you have spent trying to keep your foothold in the government to foment war and criminal schemes is going to be counted against you when you are apprehended and judged anyway. How much longer do you think your bribes are going to protect you when those spineless politicians are all thrown out of their jobs at once for accepting those bribes?
I suggest you start cooperating immediately, and in good faith too, because you will not stop the reckoning that is coming to the rich people of the world. A reckoning that is going to judge every last one of them without exception and the most strict policies against corruption and bribery. They may be good, but I doubt that will be the case considering how they have lived and what they have done with so much money. Every trace of corruption, every thread, every stain of vile sin they left sticking their hands and fingers on matters that were none of their business, is going to be followed to the source, and I won’t be surprised if they get a full cavity search of their body in addition to a thorough search of all records, information, and activities throughout their life.