If you are like the amazingly cute and sexy maiden I saw at the grocery store with hair dyed red who thinks she is already dead as an excuse to evade my charm, then you should know that I am not offering you life with my love. I am offering you eternal life.

What is the difference… I’m a living legend. I have a crest. I am going to be remembered forever in human history and I am yet unmarried. I want to get married, but that is not necessary to any plans of mine or concerns of anyone else. That is my private business entirely to decide for myself, just as is expected of anyone who wants to get married.

Yeah… so about this crest, it’s something called “the Crest of Flames”, I guess. I’m not sure why people seem to be making a fuss about that, but ever since I started wielding the Sword of the Creator and defending the interests of the Holy Church of the Goddess, there was no longer any doubt about what my previously unknown crest was.

As for whether I serve the Empire, the Kingdom, or the Alliance— I care not for any of those. I am allied with the Church where I was faithfully been employed as a servant in my previous life. Why? Because the Church is the only one left with a doctrine of eternal tradition that they maintain and adhere to. All you other idiots just do whatever lawless crap you think suits the situation and have no respect for the eternal truth. Thus I cannot trust you. I can trust the Church, and whether you have a problem with the draconic secret of the Church or not, that is not my problem and I am not concerned about that. Why should dragons be a problem? Do you not see what you idiots become when you try to embody that power yourselves? You are monstrous abominations unfit for life, civilization, or existence at all, and must be destroyed because of the threat you pose to everyone!

Additionally, the Church has always been good to me, unlike all three of your groups, who are always evil and hostile to me, trying to make me a slave or sacrificial pawn in your evil schemes. Whether or not I know all of the plans of the Church is beside the point, because I agree with their motives and find their way of life agreeable, which I cannot say about the Empire, Kingdom, or Alliance, all of which are slovenly disgraces of lawless criminal scum without dignity or respect for moral integrity. Just because you don’t understand why an execution is necessary doesn’t mean that it cannot be understood as rightfully correct according to the truth of logic and reason that establishes civilization itself.

So… Crest of Flames, Sword of the Creator, loyal to the Church, and am currently unemployed after saving your future leaders from bandits when the teacher they were supposed to have abandoned them with betrayal and fled. So if you need a professor capable of teaching your kids the ways of war, then I’m available.

Also… if you’ve seen Bernadetta, please tell her to come by my apartment. Also to pack an overnight bag because she’ll be staying for a while.

Because I am often so absurdly misunderstood by people who have never considered the possibility of introducing themselves to me personally before judging me a criminal, monster, beast without human intelligence, or delusional fool without the ability to judge the course of my own life, I wish to clarify some things.

First of all, your unimaginative way of life that is unwilling to accept a greater purpose for yourself or others is your problem, not mine. You will regret trying to project those Procrustean limitations upon me as if they were even remotely applicable to my life while you attempt to deceive me into accepting your insults intended to “shorten” my limbs to fit your personally dull and uninformed version of reality. While you may think you are clever with the hatred of a small-minded personality covetous of other people’s blessings due to your unwillingness to do anything for yourself, you do not realize how out of your element you are due to the severity of the threat your insults have, and are not prepared for the rebuke you will receive. That is why I tell you that you will regret that mistake. You do not know what it will cost you, even if you think you do. I know what you think about yourself, that you want nobody else to believe about themselves, and just as in the myth of Theseus, you will be made to lay on your own bed, and I will shorten your limbs to fit the reality you thought to impose on me.

Second of all, between nobility and commoners, I can’t decide which class of humanity I hate more. They are both equally loathsome to me in different ways, which is why I am determined to marry an outsider, outcast, and reject from society for the personal happiness we can provide for each other. Nobility throughout history has deteroriated to such an extent that in the present age, the “noble” classes are entirely bereft of moral integrity, virtuous conduct, respect for any kind of dignity including their own, and although they retain the worldly privileges of nobility from the age of kings, they live, behave, and think like common criminals. I hate that among common people who are not expected to know better, and I find it intolerably vile among nobility who are. The nobility seem to think that royal dignity is a magical mystery of mystical inheritence, but that has never been true. The only difference between royal dignity and common dignity is that royal dignitaries hold themselves to a higher standard of behavior and responsibility to everyone other than themselves. What makes a person dignified as nobility of any kind, from humble knight to king of kings, is their uncommon selflessness. If they are selfish with their public life and responsibilities to others, they have no dignity.

While private matters are unsuitable for people not involved to judge, such as my personal relationships with my loathsome blood relations, public matters, such as presidential treason are entirely necessary to be judged by all who have witnessed that behavior in public, from commoner to king. That is why the apathy of media celebrities failing to notice and speak out about treason will be held against each one for judgment. Most likely claim they were “trying to survive” by keeping quiet about the crimes of the people paying them, but that is all the more reason for them to be cast into Hell. Why do they fear the criminal who threatens their livelihood, and not the Lord who threatens their eternal life with punishment for sin?

Those people, the media celebrities, business tyrants with lawless monopolies they are not legally permitted to have, and political pawns who are bribed by both to use military assets to protect their crimes, are the modern day “nobility” so to speak. That is what they think of themselves, and why they have erected a barrier between themselves and everyone else. The difference? Whatever they may claim, the facts indicate that their judgement of self-importance and airs of “dignity” is based entirely on economic income: how much money a person has personally available for their disposal. That goes to show how little they understand the power of nobility as a social class. Money is the least significant way the nobility exercise power. Most specifically nobility are expected to know better as well as have good judgment for deciding matters of moral ambiguity with precision they can clarify in common terms. They lack that entirely by the very fact that they think such a barrier between themselves and the public exists at all. They have to constantly maintain that, wasting human resources of power and economy for the most inconvenient and unproductive purpose that is entirely hostile to civilization itself. They are embarrassingly foolish to such an extent that nothing needs to be done to put them to justice. They will destroy themselves with their own shortsighted and selfish actions.

That’s why I hate “nobility” as people. All of them I have met are like that. Even my best friends, who would rather retain economic security by cooperating to maintain that wall rather than live a virtuous life in opposition of that injustice with someone like me. They have written off my cause as hopeless, powerless, and without chance of victory all because I don’t have money at my disposal. They are not true friends as I would call a friend, but they are the most agreeable people I know, even if I cannot trust them, rely on them, or like them anymore. What I find most disgusting about women of that rich people society is that they seem to think I need their money and social influence and am only interested in romantic relationships with those people for political purposes. If they knew how limited my access was to romantic services that pair people with potential lovers, maybe they would see that’s the reason I introduce myself to them at all.

They are standing in public light plainly visible for me to see when there are literally no other cute people of at least average standards whom I am even aware of existing! 90 percent of people most of whom are cute in my estimation as long as they are not male or obese, are held behind some veil of internet tyranny to prevent me from ever meeting them. That leaves a very unappealing 10 percent for me to choose from whom I have no motivation to meet or talk to. The people responsible of something so pathetically criminal and laughably foolish are making an excessively costly effort of futility to prevent true love of the most humble and ordinary sort like any common person would recognize. The fact that they wish to deny my common liberty of marriage with someone I love is alone enough to condemn those people to death, but there are of course numerous other crimes they will be judged for.

Those famous people only seem to consider the political relationship with me and have never once considered that I simply want a lover as a permanent companion in life with marriage! Political interests are the least of my concerns and they couldn’t be more incorrect about what they think of the kind of person I am. As a result of the fact that they think political context of a marriage significant at all makes them entirely repulsive to my taste, and their delusions of even thinking they would be acceptable to me is hideous vanity that mistakes ugliness for beauty. Consider this, you political tools: I don’t need your money, influence, or anything of yours. Why should political motivation concern me when I reshape society, culture, and civilization at will regardless of what anyone thinks about it?

I have less to say about why I hate commoners and find them disgusting and unsuitable for romantically loving with marriage. Commoners are apathetic. They have every resource to enlighten themselves, improve their lives, and contribute to civilization in a meaningful way and they reject that to accept the yoke of their employers. In the age of kings, that privilege was not something available to common people and was the only difference that separated them from the king and nobility. Those people in the past had a reason to respect their social leaders and excuse themselves from a higher purpose other than a life of simple, menial labor.

Not only is there less demand for menial labor than ever in all of history with the availability of modern technology, but there has never been more resources for people to reach their full individual potential. The commoners are thus lazy in the vicious way. They are guilty of sloth and will be judged for that sin if they have rejected the privileges of modern resources that are available to them. Things like access to modern technology, learning resources, and all else that could be used to enlighten oneself and accomplish something good and helpful for other people. I think they deceive themselves by claiming their cooperation with the injustice of tyrants is good for others by maintaining a “corporation”, but their delusions are no different than the vanity of celebrity hags. Those corporations are hostile to civilization with their criminal methods that lack ethical restraint and meaningful purpose in the world. They are doing the opposite of what they want to believe they are accomplishing and are not entitled with the dignity that a humble peasant was as equal with the king via faith. As a matter of fact, because they trust their CEO on faith the way a peasant is expected to trust the king under the agreement of wisdom, virtue, and good will of a benevolent patron, the corporate employee reaps the opposite from their relationship than the good peasants of a humble lord in the Dark Ages. In other words, modern day Americans are in greater poverty, unhappiness, and ignorance than peasants of the Dark Ages.

That is why I hate commoners. I show them the blessed goodness of a true king’s personal power and grace, and they hate it with covetous rage because they believe they cannot enjoy something like that for themselves due to some imagined process of genetic inheritance that never existed. The reason they cannot enjoy possessing such personal power and grace is due to their choice for slavery to an evil economic system of injustice instead of personal liberation through good works and enlightenment. It’s all economic too! Nothing social differentiates people in America, not even citizenship status, which is entirely functional for government accountability of tax accounting and nothing else! There is no social differentiation between nobility and commoner here! Whatever the celebrities think is keeping them from communicating casually with someone like me is entirely an illusion they want to believe to indulge their own arrogant vanity and delusional self-importance.

That is why I have made a demonstration of my own value according to their false standards of measurement, which I reject and do away with at every opportunity. Not because I adhere to such delusions myself, but because I intend to dispel theirs. Who are they compared to me, even before I defy that standard by rebuking the expectations and supposed “rewards”? How then do they compare to me in the way of their illusory inferior world after they see that I have destroyed their world myself as though it were intolerable rubbish of no value, and instead supplanted all of it entirely with a superior world that is my own vision and creation? What give me the right to replace the world for everyone so that their personal experience in life is changed by my own? I need no right, you ingrate who has rejected your divine soul with free will! Besides, the fact that my vision is greater is all the right I need because nobody needs to ask permission to make life better for everyone. They only need to be aware of the risk of being wrong, such as Jesus was and was punished for. So, if you have a vision of the world to replace mine with that is greater, do so if you dare, and I will be happy for the improvement, unlike those fools who are arrogant and unwilling to be corrected. Additionally, as long as you are willing to be corrected, you have no reason to fear wrath for such an honest mistake that likely has done no harm at all due to the fact that evil and sin has no power over good and virtue.

One thing about the world I have replaced the old one with hasn’t changed: the establishment of social barriers being criminal and punishable by law which protects equal dignity between all citizens. That culture of “open-borders” between all social realms in the USA is the very foundation of our culture and the cornerstone of our society. The only differences tyrants and their slaves recognize to erect barriers with have nothing to do with social altitude of grace and dignity, but are entirely built on economic altitude. Those slaves in the modern day who have less dignity than common peasants of the Dark Ages, reject social grace in favor of economic disgrace. Sickening really, but although theirs is the sin of sloth for not knowing better, their ugliness is less vile unto my awareness as that of the economically privileged whom they derive their disgraceful identity from.

They are not worth my hatred as much as their master is, specifically because they have chosen to be unidentifiable as conformed slaves to the singular will of their relative economic tyrant who does not think of such people as having the potential of equality. Thus, they have no personality of note or value to be hated for. 99 percent of people in the USA are thus horribly dull, uninteresting, boring, and a burden to share the time with because I have to provide all the entertainment, value to the moment, and energy for a meaningful relationship, and they have nothing to contribute or offer in exchange. That’s the most offensive kind of parasitic demand. They have literally nothing good about themselves, not even political or economic value. I acknowledge could be of use if I did not care more about the good heart of my lover and her beautiful personality made lovely by a living a life with kind thoughts and good judgment. That fact that the substance of an individual is more important to me than all the riches of the world and power of social idolatry is why I will not compromise on this matter. I would be less useful to everyone else, my works less good, and my charity less beneficial if I chose to marry someone for her money and status. I don’t know if that applies to you, but such a whore who cheapens herself to economic and secular value cannot make me happy, and if I am unhappy I am less productive and less inspired to do my best work. That simply will not do, and I will not tolerate becoming unhappy because of some illusory social responsibility of an old world that does not even belong in America let alone apply to me.

So… outcasts, outsiders, and reject maidens… if you truly cannot find a man worthy of love, I am most likely the one you are looking for, because I cannot find a maiden worthy to love and am an outcast, outsider, and reject myself regardless of how much the tyrants try to incorporate me in their evil plans. They will regret trying to do so not because of anything I will do, but because they are simply delusional about who they are compared to me to think they could ever impose their will and plans of my individual will and plans. If they were realistic at all about the situation by having cultural awareness with current events, they would know that their plans will be destroyed by simply being projected at me due to my greater individual power as a person. My public life and private interests both have more gravity than theirs, and thus their frivolous schemes all dissolve when near me simply because of my aura of living presence.

If my public life and private interests were not more significant than anyone else’s in the entire world, then why is there so much conspiracy and efforts being made with exorbitant resources expended all in regard to my individual person alone? Their efforts and resources are wasted in futility of course, and that should have been obviously predictable, and yet they continue to pour their lives out at my feet as if they have anything I want or need. All of their schemes in the vain hope of catching me in the trap they’ve laid for themselves.

Just a word of advice to all readers: do not do evil on purpose. If you think evil is even remotely necessary in the smallest and seemingly insignificant ways, know this: you are stupid, wrong, and going to shoot your own eye out. If you had any intelligence at all, any wisdom, any experience in life to have matured as an adult you would know that evil at all times is intolerable, wrong, and a mistake. You would also know why that is true in any situation without a shadow of a doubt. You likely cannot understand that considering that most of you have chosen to ally yourselves with evil knowing you were allying yourself with evil, so accept that on faith by the mere ethos of my power in relation to all the powers of the world throwing themselves at my feet in powerless disgrace. Look at the facts of reality, and ask yourself who you can most likely trust to know what is best about anything.

If nobility could be inherited, then why are there so many garbage “royals” at present and throughout history? Why did 95 percent of the Ancient Hebrew kings disgrace themselves in the sight of God?

Do a study of people you think have “royal” power and you will see that what makes them different is personal commitment with extraordinary effort, unique experience to promote their maturity, and good works of humility throughout. That’s why the Protestants are disgraceful fools without even the Christian dignity. The entire foundation of their aberrant abomination of Christianity is based on the central concept that to achieve the dignity of salvation they do not need to do good works. That is the most important element. You can have good works without faith and be saved, but if you have faith without good works you will be condemned with a more severe rebuke than any faithless sinner.

I happened to see the trending search words in my internet browser and saw there was some fuss about Prince Harry and the royal family of Great Brittain. More than usual anyway. I don’t have to know any of the details about their private lives as a family of related individuals to know what that situation is likely about. For the benefit of everyone, because this is not unusual and is the same thing I experienced in a unique way that involved me those kind of conflicts happen for one reason: the offending party had a conditional requirement for something they had no right to claim authority over to make conditions about. That is the offense. The authority of any royal dignity which would require conditions is divine authority most high and that is beyond human nature entirely. If there were conditions, they would be traditionally recognized by the public, who are always concerned about the dignity of their leaders, in some sort of formal doctrine maintained throughout the generations. I’m sure you can think of an example of one such type of dignity based on a condition regardless of reason.

As a personal authority on my own royal dignity discovered unto myself without prior knowledge of the gravity and truth of what that meant for my life, I was forced to rise above my family’s dignity to the singular highest divine above the Christ. That’s because they specifically wanted to keep that knowledge, awareness, and sense of responsibility from me to prevent me from making the most of my youth with their blessing. Instead I made the most of my youth under the oppression of their hate, discouragement, and intent to deceive me at all times. That cost me the perfection of what a royal inheritance promises, but is not a total loss. What was ruined was what I put underfoot to attain what a greater understanding of perfection that resulted in all this individual and personal power. That is not so unique of an inexperience as far as individuals in similar situations have experienced. What is different is that I am making that revelation of higher dignity available universally to all people for their own potential attainment if they choose.

I am confirming as an undoubtable fact that true royal dignity is graced to kings and queens unconditionally and only unconditionally as that is the nature of the True God. To be sure, you can be a king and queen, a true one with the mysterious power of such an individual without needing any genetic relation, heritage, or ancestry. You attain it by sheer force of will and commitment to a higher purpose, and that’s about all you need. When you get there, you will be graced regardless of whatever your situation may be and made perfect for those very same imperfections that you overcame. You will be transformed into goodness where you thought you were bad, but do not get ahead of yourself thinking this is realistically attainable unless you first consider the cost. You will need to give up your life entirely unto death and that is the most difficult thing a person may do, whether your body dies or does not.

That “mysterious power” people consider a form of magic or other superstition that royalty is often feared and respected for wielding at their personal discretion is a personal power one cannot be given. That needs to be claimed for oneself and there are innumerable ways to do so, good and not so good, the latter often resulting in misuse of that power. If you have attained power like that as an individual it is not unusual that people who recognize it will tempt you to ruin it for yourself, knowing that is the only way it can be lost. To do so, they will offer you acknowledgment or something similar relative to divine grace and dignity based on a condition. Sometimes that condition may be extremely costly, like an offering of your own flesh and blood to prove you have given up your life unto death and accepted judgment of eternity. Other times, it may seem completely trivial, irrelevant, and seemingly harmless. What is important to recognize is that it is no such act that causes the ruination of one’s divine grace, it is the consent to commit such an act. It is not what you put in your mouth to eat to cause sin, it is what you say to cause sin. It is not what you do with your body to cause sin, it is what you intend to do of your own free will.

Something like that is likely what happened between Prince Harry and his relatives, and I have no notion of what that may be exactly, only recognizing that is the kind of rift that opened. That rift can be opened by either the individual or the group, and like any person’s real life in their private home, that is a complicated situation most people have no business prying into to know the details or be judging for themselves how it relates to the people involved. Instead, It is your business to be aware of what the public image of something like that is, and decide for yourself what that means to you in your context of a personal life, then you may judge how that meaning affects you as good or bad. That’s why some people will see the existence of such a rift and always side with the family group as a principle of maintaining central authority of power. This is a similar concept of Catholic Christianity, which regardless of individual differences, defiance, and deviations, everyone in the group is going to adhere to the central authority of the group as necessary to the doctrine which assures and protects the dignity of all members.

That is not the case with all things, only an example of one thing. In my personal experience, and this should not be unusual or surprising, I think it is unheard of for family groups to do things unforgivable to individuals that cause them to reject that entire family as beneath their dignity for what was done. If that happens independent of an established dignitarie’s authority, such as the monarch of the realm, then the higher dignity is achieved for everyone, while the offenders descend below the standard of human conduct. For example, children who are abused by both parents, don’t realize it until they grow older and realize reality is not what they grew up to believe and have severe social problems. They are justified to attain a higher dignity than the group which caused the offense all in a personal context of their own reality, but one that is applicable to everyone else too. That abusive family in the example needs to be put to justice for their crimes.

Those are two extreme examples of both situations, but life is most often much more complicated and ambiguous, and unless you are personally involved or in-the-know about the situation, it is best you refrain from pretending like you know well enough to judge the truth. If something like that happens within a monarch’s domain, usually that results in some kind of recognition from the monarch who raises the social status of that individual above their previous station; a commoner becomes a knight, a knight becomes a lord, a lord becomes a duke, etc… The commoner who exposed a threat to the kingdom and corrected it without needing to be told to do so or how, should be rewarded and celebrated for their service to the kingdom and identified as an example of the universal dignity a king shares equally with their subjects— that is the social agreement of lawful order and government. Each station has different risks and benefits, and the king’s divine dignity is not greater than the peasant’s divine dignity. Their worldly rights and privileges may differ with honors and entitlements, but in the eyes of the divine, all men and women are equal, no matter their place and situation in the world.

People should be allowed to see any and all good examples to imitate and model themselves by as they may wish to do, and there should never be any resistance to providing those examples as applicable. If someone has a problem with the image being presented in public for others to see for themselves, that needs to be addressed in public where the image was established, and unless it is unlawful in some way, there is no reason to be hostile to such a thing. People will naturally reject what is evil in public without any need for intervention unless that evil is cloaked and veiled in a disguise, such as the USA government officials are. Then action needs to be taken to reveal their evil from under their secrecy so people can reject what they have been deceived to trust. This is vital to everyone’s health in all of civilization if a worldly government is guilty of such an intolerable crime as hiding evil within itself in secret. If that is ignored, it is only a matter of time before the problem grows and becomes catastrophic until international war erupts with an uncertain outcome and irreplaceable costs that should have been avoided.

So be aware of that—divine dignity is unconditional always, equal for all dignified people, and attained with good works, consistency, and selfless commitment of self interest. If that seems confusing to you if you wonder why a king is honored with a throne and crown and a peasant with a wreath of flowers and a mug of ale, the reason is because there are two simultanous orders of lawful dignity. The first is the worldly realm of human civilization (universal civilization eventually). That is defined by written doctrines and established traditions that go back generation after generation as the central model of social and economic life of a unique culture. Japan has a different way of worldly dignity than Brazil, and whatever your prefer is your preference. Just as I prefer the order of dignity established as the USA national identity in 1776, other people prefer the nation identity of China with a dignity established much further in the past without foreign colonization as the genesis. To that end, first know yourself, what you like, don’t like, want, believe, and prefer. That is the easy part. However, you should also know where you are and what that means to you, and that is more difficult, but is also why public education is a universal requirement of civilization.

Being a human is complicated. You won’t ever figure it out instinctually. You need to begin your life as a child with humility and obedience no matter who you are or where you are born whether prince, pauper, tribesman, slave, or anything between. With good faith in the wisdom of the appropriate adults such as parent/guardian, civil authorities like police officers and government representatives, as well as relevant religious clergy, all children are required to accept instruction as they are capable of doing, while also expecting adults to keep their trust with that instruction. That is a sacred social agreement vital to maintain the productive exchange of intergenerational wisdom and knowledge and requires the respect and honor for the elders to do so. However, if that trust has been breached by an adult misleading a child to fail or suffer some injury by witholding instruction, then the sacred agreement has been violated and elders will lose all respect. That is what has happened in the USA because of what the government has been doing with evil in secret at the expense of children more than anyone else. If that vital social agreement is going to be repaired, then the offense needs to be brought to light and reconciled in public because everyone has been affected by that breach of trust and without a public reconciliation, trust simply cannot be restored.

So, my meek and humble little lambkins, when you are ready to be sheared because your wool is mature and full, then stand up to be sheared. Be ready for a shock because the world is a lot colder when you are naked without all that fluffy wool, but you will also likely feel exhilarated to be liberated of all that hair. To do so, decide when you are good and ready as a human child to see for yourself why people like me are so serious when we are also a good joke. Seize with your own hands by your own permission a moment of self-indulgent pride about who you have grown up to be. Be sure of yourself before you do, and at least willing to be corrected, because if things go wrong, you may get slaughtered for a feast instead of sheared.

Realistically, and I sincerely mean that in a healthy society at any time this is a normal expectation: when children do that and become full adults on their own, they should find most everything about themselves in agreement with what they learned about life over the years. Mostly, with some inconsistencies that may be indications of major problems to come, and if they recognize that they will be inspired with an idea about how to improve. That is divine mystery of power, and you should not covet that or deny that of people when it happens, because that is a burden they have earned for themselves, and it is not a luxury by any means. In fact, it is a burden entirely for your benefit and you should help how you can and use your knowledge and experience to ensure they do not make a mistake when using such immense and ultimate power to evoke social change for the greater good. Do it all in public light and awareness to ensure there is no corruption. People like me will notice it like a princess will notice a pea making sleep impossible under a stack of 13 different mattresses, even if we didn’t even know we could sense such a thing before.

That moment is the reward for a child’s obedience and trust in their learning and maturity. They should try to not be entirely dependent on adults, elders, and social systems so they will not find it too difficult to be able to take their lives into their own hands without anyone supporting them. If they stumble or you are commanded to be of assistence for a time do so with care as necessary to get them back on their own two feet and then step back. Even Jesus stumbled, fell, and had some help carrying his cross, but Joseph of Arimathea does not enjoy the credit of what Jesus accomplished when he carried his cross to be crucified and fulfil his mission as Jew, saving the entire Jewish community by reconciling them with the rest of the world according to their own terms which they needed, not Gentiles. No man can do everything alone… and certainly none of us can be expected to carry a divine burden in the human world even if we manage to do so for as long as may be necessary. For Jesus and the Jews, his act as a human blessed with the divine grace and dignity of an official king for an internationally recognized nation, reconciled the mistake of their culture that required conditions for dignity.

You can make that work, yes, but that is making life harder than it needs to be without a productive benefit because of the higher power of grace and dignity afforded to all people by the divine unconditionally. That higher grace and dignity may do all that can be done with lower orders of power, as well as what those lower orders may not do that exceed their limitations. The fruit of Jesus’ selfless labor to reconcile the Ancient Hebrew people’s Story identity apart from all others is the most reasonable and realistic goal of an individual on the divine stage you cannot deny the good sense of him doing for everyone. He took into account the true reality of life and the world around him in an highly populated region with diverse cultures of different faiths, while acknowledging with gratitude and credit the dignity of the empires who united all kings as equals in justice and peace, first Alexander, then Augustus, to prevent the inconvenience and inefficient results of the inevitable warring between kings of hill over who is more proud than the other. That is not something civilized men should fight about, but as long as Jews call themselves men, they insult me with their disgrace as men, and I will correct them without anything better to do, even if that means putting them to death in public with a war against Jews.

I don’t care if everyone else thinks it is better to be a slave to Jews and worship them as their king, I will not do that. In fact, I find it much easier to single handendly destroy their entire nation, culture, and history than I do to respect them because of how ignorant, uncivilized, and ill-natured they are as people without decency. It’s that hard to respect them as people because it’s like watching people eat their dinner like pigs at their table who shun the use of utensils or even their hands to save themselves time. Maybe if they wised up a bit and learned some commons sense they wouldn’t feel the need to rush through everything and miss the entire point of why we make supper in the first place. The war is not going to be fought by the Jews, but by all the Jew allies who fight for them, and that will be inconvenient, but I’ve got not doubt about winning that conflict too. If those people are so stupid as to think they should go to war for Jews, then they will not be able to command a battlefield or organize a military without a mutiny.

Anyway, what Jesus accomplished by sacrificing the total Jewish dignity and identity on the cross to be destroyed, is that all who share in that culture and identity may keep their unique privileges as a dignified people if they also put that to death and take up the greater dignity without conditions. There is no condition except for Jews to give up their Jewishness, but everyone else is unaffected entirely. There is nothing to fight about over what Jesus did. Seriously. It is common sense, for everyone’s good, pertains to Jews, and specifically rebukes the Jews for being evil by showing what he thinks of himself as a Jew because he was not able to explain that with common language.

Whether or not they want to circumcise is their business as individuals, but after what Jesus did, they most certainly do not need to do so to be a graceful and dignified Jew of faith, wisdom, and power with the divine authority to judge good and evil for all things. That thus applies to Christians and Muslims too, but both Christians and Muslims continue to circumcise along with Jews as if Jews have told them something to convince them. If it was so great, then why are you so afraid of me looking for a wife? Why are you so threatened by a man’s natural way to find a woman to marry and enjoy the rest of life together with? Why did you even think of that as a threat!? You behaved like a beast, not a human. Additionally, if you interpret that as a human, you behaved that way because you were either insecure about the feelings seeing me evoked for you. In other words… you behaved in a manner that expressed your undying homosexual desire to be my spouse… that happened on a national level by the USA government in accordance with the Jews they adhered to.

If you are that serious about true love and are a man… I will consider you as eligible because I do not have gender limitations for marriage partners in order to retain my dignity and grace blessed by divinity most high. Additionally, I made it clear that dignity cannot be inherited so I have no need to produce an heir for passing on my personal power. I may do so by writing documents like this. These words, are what inheritence kings would call their son, and if you are an inheritence king, you ought to respect these words as your own son. They are not my son, but they are as important to me as your son is to you. My children are certainly more important to me, if I had any, but you people do not respect your children, since you circumcise them, and since you disrespect my writing, you also do not respect the Word of a man either. That is a lot of strikes against you… Do you really want to go to war over this? Is that going to be worth all of your people who will die by my Word alone?

My point is if you are serious about true love with me, even if you are a man, were born a man, or are something else; whatever you may be, I will not acknowledge any of your feelings if you do not express them to me in public or in person. I’m not going to bother explaining why. That’s obvious to me, but if you don’t understand, you need to give me some sign or indication to let me know how you feel. I get too many spiritual affections from all kinds, most of which are deceptive by trying to pretend to be someone else, and I cannot be sure who is really who unless we have met in person honestly. If we do that, I can… authenticate your individuality with encryption so we can be private about our spiritual exchange, and if you are not okay with that, you are not suitable for any marriage because your are untrustworthy and likely dishonest about your intentions. So… if you can’t even do that, I’m not going to waste any time chatting with you, because that is the first step to even begin an intimate, private relationship and there is no reason nor excuse to skip that vital safety measure for both of our good.

A lot of them are vile with the Jew-minded conditions of circumcision for something as simple and common as marriage too! That affords no dignity to man which he does not already have, not even if a prince marries a commoner maiden. She may rise up in wordly dignity, but he does nothing the elevate her divine dignity and that is in fact most likely why he chose to marry her instead of the disgraceful and boorish noblewomen whores and harlots who only care about money and other worldly matters indirectly related to a marriage. So, if you think you can require any condition at all for something as fundamental to a person’s as marriage or true self-identity… then, I hate to break it to you, but that actually rules you out of the possibility of attaining any dignity or truth, and you will only attain ruin, devastation, and sin.

However, if you were mistaken about that and realize it now, that should be an easy matter to resolve by simply by accepting what you came to understand for yourself and not fight that without a good reason. You can still test that fact with all manner of inquiry and doubt, but do not let yourself change that vital truth unless you truly understand the reason as something you can accept about who you are. Why does this baffle you people into evil imbecility such that you would scheme with such awful criminal methods of destroying your own lives, families, and social relationships?

What I am trying to communicate here is nothing more than a humble offering from a friendly person who wants to help my enemies because they are inconveniencing me by making themselves my enemy without justification, reason, or power to back up their antagonism. In fact, if they don’t help themselves to not be so hostile and unjust to me, things are going to get bloody for them because of how inconvenient their animosity is. Neither of us want that to happen and for different reasons. You will be hurt very badly physically, possibly killed, as well as people around you. I will have to use my time and energy doing something with my body that can be resolved with my mind, and I’m a grown man now. I’m not as energetic and willing to exert myself as I was as a youth making my way in the world. I want to conserve my energy efficiently and not stress my body with unnecessary work if possible. If I need to get back up, return to war form, and destroy you bodily because you have shut off your mind’s ability to use reason and diplomacy, I will, but I have better things to do and a lot of people who will benefit from those things when I am no longer inconvenienced by Jews trying to prevent me from doing anything I want. So, can we just get back to enjoying our normal lives without needing to fight to the death in the street over who has a right to claim the earth underfoot as theirs? Are we not all made of stardust? Which one of us did not come from the earth underfoot, even if all you know is that you eat what does come from the earth as food?

I totally got sidetracked, and this is a prime example of Jews being an obstacle to everything in life. We need them removed. If the world and USA wasn’t all enslaved to the will of Jews they are intent on dying for, none of that digression would be necessary to move them out of the way of my goal where they should not be. What have to say about my dignity as a king!? Nothing at all, and they are lucky I am a merciful and benevolent king who will not have them killed for such an insult.

Anyway, what I was saying is that when children stand up to becaome adults and take the wheel to drive the changes in the world the make it better, adults should not be difficult or resist them. They should be most agreeable about listening and willing to help them on faith and trust, just like the children were expected to be agreeable to instruction by listening and being willing to learn new things.

Last thing… I’ve got nothing more to say about other kings, princes, queens, princesses, and all else there is with a royal dignity of their own domain. At least not right now, but all I wrote here is simply information about dignity in general, specifically about how to gain it, maintain it, and recognize the most common threat to one’s individual or group identity. Think of that moment when a person stands up to see the truth of the world for themselves by completing their childhood and ending any sort of obligations to be obedient and humble before other people as if any other person could possibly know better than their own self about what is true, good, and necessary for their own life. From that moment on, nobody has any right to claim authority over a person, especially not their parents who have no such authority in civilization where individual rights are protected before group interests are considered relevant. Civilization requires that, and will not function otherwise. The consequences will be disastrous if you choose the interests of the group over the individual rights of a person, and if you have trouble understanding why criminals need to be punished for their own good, contemplate that on your own by considering be a criminal yourself as well as a victim and a judge of the law.

Probably a red hair thing though if I had to guess… They wanted him to dye it blonde for a family photo or something…

Anyway, and this has nothing to do with anyone in particular, but I’m about to descend belove the belt for a moment and it’s good manners to do so with a transition between to make it easier to know my meaning. One of the qualities of my personal dignity as divine grace and authority with power over my domain, is a mastery of mystical teaching about arts of alchemy, self-mastery, and occult knowledge. I intend to open a formal school for that at a later time when there is less obstructions in my way preventing all of my plans for no reason and suddenly out of thin air and lawlessness too.

One of the things I mentioned before about charlatans being known for misleading pupils with promises of divine teaching about wisdom is that they will require acts of humiliation of a sexual sort. As crude as it may sound, they will find pupils and attempt to teach them by doing perverse sexual acts to disintegrate the individual pupil with social concepts of group identity. Those group concepts of self are the limiters for such occult wisdom, and it can be useful to do somthing that jars your persepctive of what is acceptable for yourself and not to recognize what truly is.

Sexual intercourse is a way that can be helpful, but it is least likely to be necessary in a world where sexual liberation is already widely publicly encouraged. No master should need to do that for a pupil at any time, and it is least helpful now in such a sexualized and carnal world as the one existing now with the internet to promulgate access to sexual idolatry in private. That’s nothing new… people have always felt like they were being lied to about the importance of sexual virtue once they realized they could relieve their body in the privacy of their own home without other people knowing. The internet makes different… darker areas of the world’s cults of sexual idolatry easier to expose their culture to more people since they don’t have to be in public to do so, and in public everyone is usually ashamed of that kind of stuff naturally, which makes it difficult to share what is both good and bad about sexual idolatry. That is a thriving industry people earn their income with and now they have a more stable foothold in the market because of the internet. However… they’ve fucked up some matters concerning occult wisdom by associating the powers of darkness with sexuality, and that needs to be corrected.

That’s all I will say about that, aside from my recomended solution: clean up the adult industry and make it immaculate without crime, corruption, or lawlessness of any kind. Fully legal and safe for people to work in and enjoy as customers both protected by a national government’s law.

The last thing… there is the possibility of power transfer with physical contact in sexual intercourse, but that is something that is extremely sensitive to a person’s individual self identity, and should only be done under the limits of sacred obligation, such as marriage. When a husband gives his honey yummy a good ol’ fashioned mustache ride for nothing more than selflessly providing her pleasure out of love to make her happy and feel good, requiring no reciprocation, expectation, conditions, or anything, that is one of the benefits married people can enjoy the sacred benefits of because of the degree of intimacy they share with each other. With random people and even close friends, that may be fun and playful in a good spirit, but that is not the sacred exchange of power for creating pleasure simply for the good of it. Often those less intimate personal relationships are complicated with all manner of irrelevent worldly concerns that corrupt any sort of sacred purity that could be enjoyed. That doesn’t mean it is not any good, but it is not truly good with perfect purity like in a sacred relationship.

The reason I mention that is because the relationship between an occult master of divine wisdom and mystery and their student is a kind of sacred relationship where that exchange is possible. However, that should never be the goal of the relationship or the means of instruction, and that is only apropriate in the most intimate kinds of instruction that require a complete oath of being to participate in. Something like that happens outside the confines of a national government’s ability to control and regulate, nor will they ever be able to do so. Those relationships of master and disciple are dangerous, but not necessarily harmful or threatening, only need to be considered with great care and sincerity. There should be no ulterior motives at all that are not in the disciple’s best interest, and the limits and boundaries of those relationships should be defined in a general way that would be suitable for any private situation as it is expected to be in accordance with the laws of civilization without needing to disclose anything about what is happening ever.

That’s all that needs to be done as a precaution for situations like that, and I urge those concerned to heed that advice. After a recent international history of mistrust over mysticism and spirituality practiced beyond the limits of religious doctrine, it would be a good idea to have something legally admissible to demonstrate good faith and consent between the concerned parties if anything went wrong. In reality, a written agreement aka a contract, is a lot simpler than the bureaucratic world makes them appear to be for the general public. You can write something like that down by hand with a ballpoint pen and in relatively simple terms that are clear and definitive and have a legally valid contract that is admissible in a court of law as an official record of the details of an agreement.

That’s all I will write about that.