Would you dare beetle the juice?
Way Walker Industries, owned and operated by intergalactic man of mystery, Nick Bylotas aka xxDoubleDaisyxx, is currently opening its doors to provide access to the creative resources of truth and reality that underline the fabric of time and space woven into a tapestry pleasing to the sensibility of lovely maidens of all variety.
That is to say… if you would like to brainstorm creatively to write new lyrics with mysterious power to evoke the resonant truth in the hearts and souls of listeners, then I am afraid I will have to demand your friendship. I know this is a pathetic, tyrannical exchange, but because there is some sort of invisible barrier of evil between potential friends and myself that prevents all social interaction, I need to come up with new ways to force human interaction.
You do not have to be my friend, but maybe at least make an introduction and see if it is doable. There is no other way…
However… on the bright side, as we get to know each other we will discover new ways to express the universal goodness from which all creativity is sourced… it is mystical to explain… but you will likely see as I see if we meet. Meaning… see words in reality as objects of gravity around which lives weave endlessly, travelling throughout eternity. These words, many of which are… uncharted and without form of sound via language, are connected into still yet other words which are multifaceted in meaning as phrases, and then those into sentences, and those into paragraphs.
Perhaps that is helpful at conceptualizing how I work as a writer.
I believe musicians perceive reality differently, and a collaboration with musical talent would be infinitely interesting and enjoyable because of the kind of works that can be enjoyed from the labor of our craft. These mysterious ways… it is my absolute pleasure to contemplate, conceptualize, and express them to end that I wish to enjoy, but have none to enjoy that with because I am not familiar with any creative professionals who understand what I am explaining.
That is why I am often interested in meeting and befriending popular celebrities who are talented with creative arts. It has nothing to do with their popularity, fame, or anything else really. These things are not expected to be understood by people who do not… go all the way, because that journey is extremely difficult in my experience because of the existential agony of… kenosis… which is to say, pouring out all of one’s spirit in charity for the sake of true love.
That mysterious truth of ultimate goodness is why things like “propaganda”— I spit out the word like a vile, hated thought that should not exist in reality— are never possibly useful, beneficial, or worth the time and resources wasted on it. It is why evil cannot ever overcome good, why light cannot be overcome by darkness, and why the truth is so devastating to all the lies of the blasphemous deceiver.
In any case, those wretched fools in pretentious organizations like the “C.I.A.” who think they understand what that concept is because they have been able to grasp the most unworthy imitation of it used as idolatry by fools who are deceived by glitter that is not gold, are a plague onto our world. They need to be done away with, and it is with the power of music that their destruction will be delivered upon them.
They lord over the golden calf thinking they are the masters of the universe but have not yet taken one step on the path to the summit of the holy mountain, and it is a journey that takes an entire lifetime to complete. At the peak where you can gaze down from the heights upon the realms of the world and see the abundance of life teeming like an ocean of colorful lights before you, there is the first power. That power, good and true, is seen by them below as a curse because they cannot understand or even perceive what is happening at such heights lost as they are in the delusions of smoke and mirrors conjured frauds of the most wicked and covetous sort.
However, what they see as a curse, an unbearable burden that cannot possibly be carried in mortal life, we see as the ultimate gift of mercy, because with it comes the sight with which we realize that our ascent was only the beginning. That journey which took our entire life, was only to the top of the foothill at the base. A greater mountain that was invisible makes that impossibly difficult journey, so difficult that after all hope is lost, it is only by miracle that you found the resolve to keep going, is nothing more than a grain of sand in comparison. A grain of sand in the hourglass of eternal life that cannot begin to flow until our mortality is complete.
…. um… so if you want to brainstorm and work on lyrics and make songs or whatever, or just chill and have fun… I am requiring you to make an effort of introduction so that the social goo can be minimized. I have ideas, but those are merely suggestions and I only intend to offer them for consideration to get started, one of those ideas is a new band called: Death Overtake Me, in which case I am thinking of a Grateful Dead kind of thing but in a new style. One album is all I think will be necessary to annihilate the evil of propaganda forever, but if it is a good time and people are enjoying themselves, I don’t see a reason why there cannot be more.
In any case, I don’t know how you may feel about the social goo or whatever that is, but it makes me highly uncomfortable because of personal trauma I don’t expect most people to understand. What most people seem to find normal can be extremely intolerable to me, and when done intentionally to harm what is good, things like “small evil”, hate, bullying, cruelty, malevolence, mean spirited hostility, and all that bad behavior, is excruciating pain to my senses, and I do not tolerate such injustice.
I don’t care if they grew up thinking that kind of indecent, bad behavior was okay, because it is not in the real world or the great beyond, and even though the corrupt and criminal nations of the world shelter those fools with their secret organizations, I will see them destroyed with justice in this life and the next.
So… as a sword and shield for that type of thing, Way Walker Industries as a business proxy helps minimize that from the world if it appears as a threat. The Way of the Story, like a magic staff and cloak, helps minimize that from the underworld if it appears as a threat. I will not relinquish either of those ever to those evil, monstrous fools who are trying to take them away, for obvious reasons.
Do not worry about that. There is a whole host of spiritual beings from the past, present, and future, helping with that situation. So… if it pleases you, feel free to fill out a contact form with something and I should get an email. If I don’t respond, I maybe didn’t see it so just keep trying to reach me. I can be totally disconnected at times.