Media Perestroika

I had a bunch of stuff written. I thought it was good. Lots of words and solid concepts; relevant topics. Then the Jew hackers crashed my site and deleted all my work. I’m not going to do that again. Not right now anyway.

Look up the word Perestroika. Understand. Then connect the invisible dots. They are all still there in the aether of consciousness and reality, created by me, witnessed and recognized by others who are reading my screen with illegal methods, and they are now permanently installed in the history of true reality as a result of the actions that were taken to destroy them. Validated, dignified, and secured by someone defiling their soul to destroy them. They did destroy the written words, but all they lost in virtue was gained in the invisible nature of the words themselves as justification. They are there, in darkness, invisible, as sources of gravitic knowledge to access and they are good. An evil person gave up all of their goodness to be evil, and goodness is not wasted. Goodness is conserved and transferred to justify that which evil attempted to destroy.

Also… as long as I do not have a wife to love, my only goal, purpose, and focus in life is to kill, destroy, and exterminate every last Jew. That is all I have to live for and do with my time these days. Get the fuck out of the way of the maidens, you vile God damned Jew, or continue to motivate my work to exterminate you. Your choice. I’ll have fun either way and know that what I am doing is right, just, and good too. I will smile when the streets run red with Jew blood because you people truly are vermin and pests to me.

How can you love a man who hates Jews that much? To you I say, how can you be so ignorant of life, the world, and reality? Open a book you stupid cunt and learn how to read. That will help you in the long run. To answer your immediate question, google the definition of a Jew. Are you that? Yes or no? If yes, kill yourself. If no, what does that make them in comparison to you? Are they helping you? Are they friends? Are they wise? Are they good? Are they worth you dying to protect? Do they see you as an equal or even a human being at all? No? Then how should you see them? What is it that makes them believe what they do that is different from what niggers say about being Black (that is why they are not a greater problem… yet)? Is that something you can ever trust an enemy to have and not realize the inevitable outcome? How long has this been happening? What more can there be until the inevitable? Does that matter at this point? Isn’t it best to just exterminate them if they will not do what you just did by learning what they are? Because of why they believe they are what they are and what they have proven to be willing to do to force you to accept that, can you ever hope for them to change, see reason, or learn to respect and love humanity? If that is too much for you, let me do the killing, and you focus on the housekeeping. If not, come take up a weapon and let’s end some Jew lives, my dear.

If it makes you feel any better, the last Jew who had faith died on a cross as their king, Jesus. When we have a gun to their head, or are otherwise about to put them to death, they will abandon their Judaism and see the light. Why? Their tactics now are an indication of cowardice. They are both unwilling to confront themselves and me. They hide in shame and embarrassment knowing they are vile, evil, and deserve worse than death for what they have individually done throughout their lives and again as a group. They will not fight for their faith or die for it. We simply need to make them realize that we will kill them for being evil regardless of what they believe, what their race is, or anything else. That’s all they need to know. We won’t ever hesitate to kill evil when we have the opportunity to do so.

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