Lock up Nxxghts


It all started when…

Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Phasellus sodales massa malesuada tellus fringilla, nec bibendum tellus blandit. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

last month I was locked up in jail for 30 days after a judge’s misbehavior in court was blamed on me by himself, who had totally lost his cool in court and been reduced to a futile, barking animal with sense of reason or humanity at all. There was an absence online of my presence that I regret I was not able to provide myself each day as I do…

but I kept notes anyway, as I normally might have done, given the context of the Story at the time.

to my surprise, and I hope also to yours, you will find these comments amusing to the sensibility of your dark and nefarious desires; as well as the direct quotations from literature I both loved and hated.

Log of Notable Comments

-recorded during an incarcerated adventure of … dear god, the writing scrawls of the page here as if the hand and by arm and shoulder his own body suddenly and powerfully seized the man by force from within.

it resumes:

- Addendum Prime: You are encouraged to cross reference these notations with the synchronous correlations and coincidental accounts of social phenomena within the popular cultural milieu for pleasure and research.



- Log 1 inspired by MTV Live music video: I already dug your grave — Alemeda

“I like this girl!”

- within 5 pages Dumas has demonstrated the void of mastery between laymen to the trade such as myself, and those of stature like Hugo, or himself. There’s was the time of literary divinity none shall equal.

- Honorable mention from one layliteran to another is awarded to Pedro Urvi for The Traitor’s Son and the passion of redemption he is duly awarded for his courage under fire.

-Fret not my beloved reader, I share these details and commonplace notes for all of us to enjoy what has been forbidden to be enjoyed on account of human mortal insignificance. while it may be fantastical to imagine that any average Joe like myself would have his present comments considered respectively, there is purpose in the singular account of one such as I, due to the needless taboo on jovial hubris most welcome in daily life. May it be a substantial consolation to know that I am truly a king by blood and dignity as the occasion for my privilege to be the one whose frivolity forbidden ends forever the tyranny of vainglorious brutes and tyrants who despise all personality unlike their own. Let it be done at last.

- considering the circumstances of my arrest and incarceration by contempt of a knave judge uninitiated, wielding a gavel like a crude bludgeon with no awareness of the Lord’s fury that mighty hammer invokes, perhaps I make a reminiscent image of the bonne fortuna of M. Treville; “admired, feared, and loved*… the zenith of human fortune” or am I more of d’Artagnon’s disposition for the lethal puncture of my wit piercing his pompous insult of self-importance and vanity with a common newsboy cap and Alighieri’s temper! “I know of these airs; I myself came to Paris with four crowns in my purse and would have fought anyone who dared tell me I was not in a condition to purchase the Louvre.”

- “I’m not Jesus’ enemy. I’m like the adopted enemy who didn’t even know where my blood came from until I grew up in Jesus and left to discover my inheritance as his people’s enemy. I left with his blessing and with only love they who raised me and I have no-intention of re-igniting that ancient blood feud, and in fact have the solution precisely because I inherited a crown from an adopted heir. I have a solution.


- I who love none, who love all; a mere flotsam of debris in a tempest of the deep sea that is the world in the thrall of lovely maidens. Is it hubris or hope that I find my image of Duke Buckingham, whose affections for Anne of Austria are the cause of intrigue itself in all courts with all schemes derived therewith. “Thousands of men, it is true, will pay for my happiness with their lives; but what is that to me; provided I see you again!” Thousands more will die still, in this peasant’s love I feel as a king, with no moon nor stars alight the way, and only flashes of stormlight roaring divines to torment me as my ardor burns, passions unabated with no fair hand to escort, no mistress for my affections to serve. How then do I feel such anguish from jealous heaven, if it were not the sake of a peasant’s fate for a king’s ransom.

- are these not the wounds of a divine art? The parry, riposte, thrust, pirouette of a master’s pen?

- I am undone by the truth that never changes, the unchanging truth being what was never done.

- Madame Chevreuse was not a queen nor are there any yet alive today to be loved by a heart as mine and Buckingham.

America was established in 1776 without a government, specifically because citizens do not *need* a government to survive or prosper. Nor do we need one now. A government was established because it is a good and helpful thing by design. It makes life easier but is in no way a necessity.

Remove them and your life will be improved because something so designed is never a problem of fools to squabble politically over, lest they put all the nation in danger by the irresponsible unprofessional fools who make government problematic with their pretentious delusions of self-importance in a role of government oafishness. “officials.” Do away with them. We will not be troubled in the least by the loss of a gov’t. They, the worms, slithering slimes, and conniving creatures who covet roles in gov’t as “senators” “presidents”, or “justice” will all automatically put it back together in a way that will be correct so as not to be done away with when they have slithered into a suit’s office again after purging the corruption out.

-Do not give those fools the respect with time of day. Fire them all with no regret or concern.


to be continued…